Gmail Calendars stopped syncing on my iphone 4s

I sync multiple gmail calendars to my iphone 4s.  I have been doing this for months without any problem.  Yesterday they just disappeared off my iphone.  Does anybody know why or how to fix this without loosing any calendar entries from either iphone or gmail ?

Hello Crazymomof4,
I just got off the phone with the wonderful tech support at Apple. They helped me fix my phone. Try to copy the url in your web browser. Hopefully it will take you to the link.
Scroll down to where it says "Sync multiple calendars"
Hopefully this helps you like it has helped me.

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    I found  a solution that worked for me:
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    1. Uninstalled iTunes, but didnt need to remove other related software components
    2. Downloaded and installed iTunes from here (as you suggested): iTunes 12.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards)
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    After searching all day I found this in another response to setup your account you must create a new account as an Microsoft Exchange account. 
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