Going back from 3.06 - 3.04 ?

Installed fine, and downloaded UK maps via phone (uk voice with street names already installed from before).
Launched and set driving destination.
Worked for a few secs then froze & phone became unresponsive. Eventually rebooted itself.
What's the best way to remove 3.06 & reinstall 3.04 ?
PS I also posted this as bug on beta forum

Might have fixed it - but won't be certain until some serious navigation is undertaken !
Deleted Cities & .qf via PC.
Opened Ovi Maps & these were rebuilt.
Tried to redownload UK maps via OviSuite - but the latter refused to detect maps on the phone.
Tried to download UK maps via wi-fi - was told that 215MB required, but max. level on progress bar was 245MB ! Download failed.
Deleted Cities & .qf again (this time directly on phone with File Manager - worked OK this time).
Relaunched Maps & downloaded maps again - worked this time.
Also had to download UK voice (with streetnames).
So far has worked but will test properly later.
The first few times I had used 3.06, the UK voice was still on the phone from 3.04 & I didn't have to redownload. I wonder if using this previously installed voice was causing a problem & I had to clear this & redownload for 3.06 .... ?

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       Even though I cleared that table,still that data appeared.
      Please resolve this.

    Hi all,
       I cleared that table previously .
       Still that screen appears.
    This is my following code.
    PERFORM top_of_page.            " Subroutine for Top-of-page
    *Display Report
            I_INTERFACE_CHECK                 = ' '
            I_BYPASSING_BUFFER                = ' '
            I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                   = ' '
              i_callback_program                = lv_repid
            I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET          = ' '
            I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND           = ' '
              i_callback_top_of_page            = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
            I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE       = ' '
            I_CALLBACK_HTML_END_OF_LIST       = ' '
            I_STRUCTURE_NAME                  =
            I_BACKGROUND_ID                   = ' '
            I_GRID_TITLE                      =
            I_GRID_SETTINGS                   =
            IS_LAYOUT                         =
              it_fieldcat                       = lt_fieldcat[]
            IT_EXCLUDING                      =
            IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS                 =
            IT_SORT                           =
            IT_FILTER                         =
            IS_SEL_HIDE                       =
            I_DEFAULT                         = 'X'
            I_SAVE                            = ' '
            IS_VARIANT                        =
            IT_EVENTS                         = it_events
            IT_EVENT_EXIT                     =
            IS_PRINT                          =
            IS_REPREP_ID                      =
            I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN             = 0
            I_SCREEN_START_LINE               = 0
            I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN               = 0
            I_SCREEN_END_LINE                 = 0
            I_HTML_HEIGHT_TOP                 = 0
            I_HTML_HEIGHT_END                 = 0
            IT_ALV_GRAPHICS                   =
            IT_HYPERLINK                      =
            IT_ADD_FIELDCAT                   =
            IT_EXCEPT_QINFO                   =
            IR_SALV_FULLSCREEN_ADAPTER        =
            E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER           =
            ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER            =
              t_outtab                          = lt_meter
              program_error                     = 1
              OTHERS                            = 2
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    perform clear_data.
    FORM top_of_page .
    Declaration of local variables, structures and internal tables
      Data : lv_count      TYPE i,
             lv_count_c(9) TYPE c,
             lt_header     TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             wa_header     TYPE slis_listheader,
             lt_line       LIKE wa_header-info.
      clear lt_header[].
      wa_header-typ  = 'H'.
      wa_header-info = 'Meter Readings Report'.
      APPEND wa_header TO lt_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
    Total No. of Records Selected
      DESCRIBE TABLE lt_meter LINES lv_count.
      lv_count_c      = lv_count.
      CONCATENATE 'Total Number of meters readed for given cycle: ' lv_count_c
         INTO lt_line SEPARATED BY space.
      wa_header-typ    =    'A'.
      wa_header-info   =    lt_line.
      APPEND wa_header TO lt_header.
      CLEAR: wa_header, lt_line.
    *Display Top-of-page
          it_list_commentary = lt_header.
    ENDFORM.                    " TOP_OF_PAGE
    *&      Form  CLEAR_DATA
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form CLEAR_DATA .
    data : lt_header     TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    clear lt_header[].

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    Here is filled bug report in ubuntu bugtracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/479842

    There is a confirmed bug in ubuntu jaunty/karmic running on lenovo x200 series notebooks. Shortly, it sometimes hangs/freezes when goes back from sleep mode.
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    Here is filled bug report in ubuntu bugtracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/479842

  • Going back from scene 2 to particular moment in scene 1

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    I have encountered a problem, and I need help from more experienced flash users.
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    please help me before I will go crazy

    When you use scenes, which I am recommending you don't mainly because they can be unpredictably problematic when it comes to mixing in navigation, when you compile the file, everything gets clumped into one long timeline anyways, so your reason for using them isn't holding.
    If you plan to have galleries, then going with a design that loads them dynamically rather than storing the content in the file is the best way to go.   If you take a movieclip approach you can create your whole design in just one frame of the main timeline, loading your galleries when called for, and controlling other content via changing visibility or other properties.
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    Thanks Shay,
    works for me too...
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    I don't think I can paste all this info here so that it can be nice displayed, but I will try anyway.
    Call stack:
    Nº    Cl.          Programa                            Include                             Lín.
        6 METHOD       CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CP    CL_WDR_CLIENT_SSR=============CM00T   142
        5 METHOD       CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CP    CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CM00I    78
        4 METHOD       CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CP    CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CM00J    69
        3 METHOD       CL_HTTP_SERVER================CP    CL_HTTP_SERVER================CM01B   366
        2 FUNCTION     SAPLHTTP_RUNTIME                    LHTTP_RUNTIMEU02                      946
        1 MODULE (PBO) SAPMHTTP                            SAPMHTTP                               13
    Source code extract:
      112         i_update_data      = m_data_update_tmp
      113         i_event_queue      = event_queue.
      114   enddo.
      117   param_str = wdr_task=>request->get_form_field( mc_request_field_name ).
      118   check param_str is not initial.
      120   split param_str at ';' into table param_entries.
      122   loop at param_entries into param_entry.
      123     " skip client removed events
      124     check param_entry is not initial.
      126     clear event_param_1.
      127     clear event_param_2.
      128     clear event_param_3.
      129     clear event_param_4.
      130     clear event_param_5.
      131     split param_entry at ','
      132           into handler_id event_name event_param_1 event_param_2 event_param_3 event_param_4
      133     replace all occurrences of '_' in handler_id with ''.
      134     replace all occurrences of '_' in event_name with ''.
      135     replace all occurrences of '_' in event_param_1 with ''.
      136     replace all occurrences of '_' in event_param_2 with ''.
      137     replace all occurrences of '_' in event_param_3 with ''.
      138     replace all occurrences of '_' in event_param_4 with ''.
      139     replace all occurrences of '_' in event_param_5 with ''.
      141     event_handler = get_event_handler( handler_id ).
    >>>>>     call method event_handler->handle_event
      143       EXPORTING
      144         i_event_handler_id = handler_id
      145         i_event_name       = event_name
      146         i_event_param_1    = event_param_1
      147         i_event_param_2    = event_param_2
      148         i_event_param_3    = event_param_3
      149         i_event_param_4    = event_param_4
      150         i_event_param_5    = event_param_5
      151         i_update_data      = m_data_update_tmp
      152         i_event_queue      = event_queue.
      153   endloop.
      155   m_data_update_tmp->send_to( client_application ).
      156   m_data_update_tmp->clear( ).
    Edited by: Joan Ayala on May 14, 2009 10:31 AM

  • Having problem installing Snowleapord, going back from lion.

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    Ok JaEvo, i finally resloved the issue, i couldnt installed snow leapord then i left the idea of installing that, what i did i restored my lion back frm my time machine backup, everything was there where i left that, so accessed my lion dvd and noticed that my dvd had only one file and i.e. Dmg file, i read the article again of making lion dvd so i realised that i made that dvd by just copying dmg file on my dvdand pressed burn button on my finder, so finally i erased that dvd and used disk utility to burn that image on dvd so after burning process i got 3-4 files &amp; folders in the disk, then i restarted my system and holded c till i saw he apple logo and little gear, after almost 10 minutes i again came to lion restore page the i erased me main HDD and gone back to option where i selected install new copy of lion, lion gave me 30 minutes in begening and saying it will download some component and in 5 minutes my system restarted and installation began, took almost 15-20 minutes, then every thing started freshly i made account &amp; etc, but for those who are having problems with lion i must say do clean installation if lion and see how Lion will roar on your machine, soon we will see 10.7.2 and i believe we will have so many small bugs fixed.
    Thanks for everyones support, this will help others.

  • Going back from 7

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    better yet use musicmatch or something. i am about to give up on itunes.
    i wanna revert back to 6 as well. at least it playes music. is that too much to ask for? who did the testing for this product?
    PC and Mac   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • I send an email from my Iphone to a friend.  My friend receives it on her Iphone, but as text message.  She replies and it goes back to my daughter's phone, a completely different email and phone number.  Why?

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    My friend does use her iphone number as an email address as well.
    For instance:  her phone number might look like this:  (493) 305-3958
    and her email address would look like this:  [email protected]
    If I Iphone/email my friend, she receives it as a text message.  Then if she replies to that text message, it goes to my daughter's phone and not mine.  It's completely crazy!  We searched her phone contacts and did not find my daughter's phone number anywhere or attached anywhere to mine.  Since when does Iphone emailing wind up in the text messaging area?

  • When I try to buy any app or song from iTunes app or app store on iPhone 5 it seems to start the stops and goes back to baseline in a second or two

    When I try to buy any app or song from iTunes app or app store on iPhone 5 it seems to start the stops and goes back to baseline in a second or two.
    It did it with my old iPhone 4 in last month or so, and it I hoped it would go once I updated to new iPhone 5. The problem has transferred to new phone too.
    I can't sign in to iTunes account on iPhone. It takes the password then resets to baseline. No error message comes up. On the base computer (pc) it will allow me to sign up and buy songs, apps etc. I can then sync the phone and put them on it. It just won't let me buy direct from the .
    As there are no error messages I am at a loss what to do. I have updated the payment details on my account, and my husband has an iPhone 4 and has no such problems. We share the same wifi. I have tried with 3G as well as wifi, with no luck.
    I am pretty much out of ideas, and have tried searching forums but there is so much overlap between queries that I can't find a similar problem from someone else, but I am sure it exists!
    Can anyone please help me?
    Thanks in advance

    I figured it out!
    I read a solution for something that sounded similar.
    Anyone in similar position:
    Open iTunes app on iPhone, and pick an option from bottom, such as music. Then scroll down to bottom of page and where your iTunes ID is, press on it, and pick sign out.
    Then return to home screen, and double press home button and press and hold on first icon showing, until a minus symbol appears in the top left of icons present. Press on each minus symbol on each app in turn, until all app icons have disappeared. Then Restart the phone by pressing and hold the home button and the on/off/standby button at top of phone, until the apple symbol appears in centre of blank screen.
    Swipe to turn phone fully on and open settings and scroll down to iTunes and apps option and tap that. Pick sign in and put in your apple ID, it will accept it and then return to home screen and open iTunes a you'll find it works fine
    Simple really, but some like me won't think f this themselves!
    Hope that helps

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    Drag the files, or press Option when pasting them; this accesses the Move To function.

  • Save a Switcher from Going Back to a PC Tonight!

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    But the truth is, I'm hoping someone on this forum can save me from going back to a PC. I've posted individually on some of these issues below, but haven't read any solutions. If you've got a solution to any of the following, please let me know!
    - HOT HOT HOT: This is my biggest problem. Completely idle w/ no programs open = 48C. Running a few apps = 60-65C. Peak = 78C. These seem in line with intelmactemp.com, but even the top/wristwrest at 65C is too uncomfortable to type on for longer than 1/2 hour. I've been waiting and hoping for thermal paste break-in, but no signs yet. Even then, I've read to expect only a 2-5C drop, which doesn't sound like much. I think I need 10C.
    - EXCHANGE INTEGRATION: I use Goodlink on my Treo 700p, and sync Notes and Tasks with Exchange so that I never have to sync my Treo with my computer. Entourage is horrible, but would be acceptable if it synced Notes and Tasks. From my Google searches, it sounds like there is no way to edit and sync Notes and Tasks with Exchange in OS X. Anyone have a solution?
    - GARAGEBAND HISS: When I record a podcast, I hear a hiss in the background every time I speak. Again, Google search and posts on forums yield nothing. This makes GarageBand unusable to me for podcasts.
    - ICHAT QUALITY: The very first time I tested ichat with my brother, we got a huge screen with great quality. Clearly H.264 at work. In the 10 times since with him and friends, I haven't been able to get that screen, even while monitoring Network Doctor and plugging in directly to high-speed broadband connections. The quality now is worse than Skype video on Windows. Any clue what's going on?
    So that's it. The rest I can live with: poor battery life, heavy laptop for features, lack of dual-layer, no PCMCIA like the VAIO SZ which has both PCMCIA and ExpressCard, etc. But the above is just killing me, both on the hardware and software front.
    Please save me from switching!

    Well I switched 2 years ago, some specific suggestions:
    - HOT HOT HOT: This is my biggest problem. Completely idle w/ no programs open = 48C. Running a few apps = 60-65C. Peak = 78C.
    --- Mine runs at 43 deg idle 50 deg running apps, so this has never been an issue for me. Sorry....
    - EXCHANGE INTEGRATION: I use Goodlink on my Treo 700p, and sync Notes and Tasks with Exchange so that I never have to sync my Treo with my computer. Entourage is horrible, but would be acceptable if it synced Notes and Tasks. From my Google searches, it sounds like there is no way to edit and sync Notes and Tasks with Exchange in OS X. Anyone have a solution?
    --- Exchange doesn't sync notes and tasks. I use the palm entourage conduit to sync calendar and addressbook, but gave up using notes and tasks to sync - they just live on my palm now.
    - GARAGEBAND HISS: When I record a podcast, I hear a hiss in the background every time I speak. Again, Google search and posts on forums yield nothing. This makes GarageBand unusable to me for podcasts.
    ---- don't use Garageband
    --- I chat usually gets blocked by firewalls when I'm travelling so I use Skype for mac instead
    So that's it. The rest I can live with: poor battery life, heavy laptop for features, lack of dual-layer, no PCMCIA like the VAIO SZ which has both PCMCIA and ExpressCard, etc. But the above is just killing me, both on the hardware and software front.
    Please save me from switching!
    The only thing I'd suggest is to get out of the PC 'habit'.
    The OSX interface is much nicer with its 'floating' windows, widgets and expose features.
    The adjustment pallets in office are great.
    Most of all I like the look and feel of the true fonts rather than windowsvery bitmapped 'jaggy' ones.
    IPhoto, iWeb and Aperture are great for photography
    Mail is nicer to use than outlook
    Spotlight is superb for finding things really fast
    I simply couldn't work without iDisk for syncing my work and swapping files
    Need I go on...?
    Switching is about workarounds, giving some things up and finding new delights. You can't expect your mac to behave just like your PC as well as being a mac....
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Turn Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom to ON.

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    Did you make sure that your security software is not blocking the contact to Apple servers? iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues

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