Goods movement quantity

can nyone plss tell me where will i find goods movement quantity n wat is the field name?

You will find it in the Table MSEG
check and Take Menge or ERFMG field.

Similar Messages

  • Hide the quantity field at goods movements in cofirmation.

    My client is using CO11N for confirmation. and doing auto goods reciept and auto goods issue.
    Whn I am clicking on Goods movement in CO11N system is showing me which material is going in goods reciept and which is in Goods issue.
       Now my requirement is I want to hide the quantity field of the material in goods movement because some time user is changing the quantity of goods issue.
       Wat can I do for the same?
    Please sugest
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nilesh Ithape.

    Dear Nilesh,
    Try to achieve the same using the authorization control.
    You can take the help of the BASIS consultant and try to find the authorization object and the value
    which's allowing to change the quantity.
    Check whether this is the particular object C_AFKO_AWA is allowing the same(I'm not sure).
    After finding out the Authorization object remove the tick mark for the value which's for change or delete.
    You can find it using SU24 T code or using SUIM and other related T codes.
    If it cant be done even after authorization control ,revert back to the forum.

  • Default quantity of confirmation(co11) should allowed in goods movements mb

    thank you for giving valuable reply.
    i have another question
    after confirming 10 pcs. partially of the order quantity say 50 pcs.(through co11)
    i have to cary out the goods movement mb31 (101) for 10 pcs.
    now, i put qtys. more than 10 pcs. & up to the 50 pcs the system will allowed
    for the goods movements.
    but i want restriction that the 10 pcs. confirmed qtys. only allowed for goods movement.
    please tell me the solution for the same.i have not defined auto G.R. in control key & in production scheduling profile.please give alternative for these.

    Code for your copy pasting in the source code of ZXMBCU02.
    Remember to activate the program. In SMOD enter the enhancement, press F8 and then click on activate button.
    *&  Include           ZXMBCU02
    data it_afvv like afvv occurs 0 with header line.
    tables: afvv, afko, afpo.
    data tot_gr like mseg-menge.
    If i_mseg-bwart = '101' and i_mseg-aufnr is not initial.
      select single * from afko where aufnr = i_mseg-aufnr.
      select * from afvv into table it_afvv where aufpl = afko-aufnr.
      sort it_afvv by aplzl descending.
      read table it_afvv index 1.
      select single lmnga from afvv into afvv-lmnga where aufpl = afko-aufnr
    and aplzl = it_afvv-aplzl.
      select single * from afpo where aufnr = i_mseg-aufnr.
      tot_gr = afpo-wemng + i_mseg-menge.
      if tot_gr > afvv-lmnga.
        MESSAGE 'GR qty greater than Confqty of the last opern' TYPE 'E'.

  • Goods movement with serial numbers

    1. Is there any report or table where I can see goods movement of material with their serial numbers?
    2. Also in MMBE i can see 'On order stock'. I know this is PO open PO quantity.
    Now this open PO qty will not be there against any storage location. I got some stock on this status in some storage location.
    How I can move to 'unrestricted stock' status?
    Please advice.

    Check these tables,
    SER00 General Header Table for Serial Number Management
    SER01 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Delivery
    SER02 Document Header for Serial Nos for Maint.Contract (SD Order)
    SER03 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Goods Movements
    SER04 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Inspection Lot
    SER05 Document Header for Serial Numbers for PP Order
    SER06 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Handling Unit-Content
    SER07 Document Header for Serial Numbers in Physical Inventory
    And in order to move On Order stock to Unrestricted you need to close those POs by doing GR.
    Hope it helps

  • Goods movements of material with serial numbers

    1. Is there any report or table where I can see goods movement of material with their serial numbers?
    2. Also in MMBE i can see 'On order stock'. I know this is PO open PO quantity.
    Now this open PO qty will not be there against any storage location. I got some stock on this status in some storage location.
    How I can move to 'unrestricted stock' status?
    Please advice.

    Is Serial number is the one obtained thro stadard batch management or is it a Zfield.
    On Order stock cannot be converted to unrestircted stock unless a GR is made.
    With regards,

  • BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE: Transport Order Goods Movements

    I have a transport order  (move material from plant A to plant B) and a outbound delivery already created on SAP.
    From xMII using FMu2019s o BAPIu2019s I need to update the picking and also confirm the outbound delivery in order to register the goods movement, the good movement that I need to create itu2019s 641 type.
    We are using quite well the BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to move materials for Purchase Orders and Process Orders, but with movement type 641 I always get the following error message u201CGoods movement not possible with mvmt type 641u201D; so I began to search on the SAP SDN about this.
    Is there another BAPI for create a 641 movement?
    What are the BAPI or FM that I need to use?
    Any help?
    Best Regards and Thanks in advance

    Finally I've managed to create movement type 641...
    Let explain how:
    First its to update the outbound delivery using the BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE where you can assign a storage location for a position, the delivered quantity, net weight, gross weigth, volume and also conversion factor between units of measure.
    The we need to do the picking and the post good issue (PGI) by WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE where you define the picking qty, date and time for the post good issue, etc. This is the one that creates a movement 641.
    Here you can see an example of the two BAPI/FM request that you need:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <IF_NO_INIT> </IF_NO_INIT>
              <IF_NO_MES_UPD_PACK> </IF_NO_MES_UPD_PACK>
              <IF_NO_READ> </IF_NO_READ>
              <IF_WMPP> </IF_WMPP>

  • Goods Movement - BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE - input parameters

    I have to create a goods movement with movement type 343 and 344.
    While using the transaction MB1B (Tranfer Posting), I give the following parameters.
    1. Document Date              2. Posting Date
    1. Movement Type              2. Plant                  3. Storage Location
    4. Material                         5. Quantity
    But while using the BAPI for creating the goods movement, it creates material document. But I am neither able to view the document nor see any change in the good movement of the material. The quantity remains same in transaction MMBE.
    I feel that item details given as input to the BAPI needs changes. Can anyone suggest the fields to which each of the above item details needs to be given.
    Senthil G.

    Hello Senthil,
    Check this sample code
    REPORT ZRICH_0001 .
    * Structures for BAPI
                     BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE WITH HEADER LINE.
    * Setup BAPI header data.
    GM_CODE-GM_CODE      = '04'.                                " MB1A
    * Write 971 movement to table
    MOVE '412'                 TO GM_ITEM-MOVE_TYPE     .
    MOVE 'Q'                 TO GM_ITEM-SPEC_STOCK.
    MOVE '3800533484'  TO GM_ITEM-MATERIAL.
    MOVE '1060'  TO GM_ITEM-PLANT.
    *MOVE '0901'   TO GM_ITEM-MOVE_REAS.
    MOVE 'P203601001' TO GM_ITEM-WBS_ELEM.
    MOVE 'P203601001' TO GM_ITEM-VAL_WBS_ELEM.
    * Call goods movement BAPI
              GOODSMVT_CODE    = GM_CODE
              GOODSMVT_ITEM    = GM_ITEM
              RETURN           = GM_RETURN.
    " Also after iu call the BAPI use the FM BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT
    If useful reward.

  • Goods movement document based on stock determination

    I am trying to create goods movement document using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE based on production order for movement type '261'. Before to that we have to use the function module BF_STOCK_DETERMINATION to pick the stock from appropriate storage location( for example: if order quantity is 3; then quantity 2 will be picked from
    Un-restricted stock and 1 qty will be picked from consignment stock). What happens is when it gets into MB_CREATE_GOODS_ISSUE_ITEM inside the BAPI, at the routine "MM07MMFF0_FUSSZEILE_WA_PRUEFEN" there is a routine called "FORM WERK_PRUEFEN(sapfm07m) when it gets into this routine the values in the internal table"T158"
    losses its visiblity. so i get an error "document type" missing, when the function module"FI_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CHECK"
    is called as part of the routine.
    But if i call the BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE without calling BF_STOCK_DETERMINATION material document is get created.
    If any one worked on this please help me i tried for more than week but i couldn't solve it. I really highly appreciate you help.
    With regards,

    Called in two different program and it worked. In the first program i call "BF_STOCK_DETERMINATION" and export the values to memory and then i call the second porgram using "submit...and return"; import the values and called
    "BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE".  Material document is created.

  • Field disable or non editable -- goods movements

    Hi team
    your assistace will be highly appreciated.
    I´m working with tx CO11N and after completion of  the requiere data we click on goods movements button and the next  screen  is : "Enter production order confirmation: goods movements" and this shows some fields and what I need is to disable some of them or make them non editable : quantity, storage location and movement type.
    Is it posible through Spro? if yes could you please tell the where.
    I don´t want to create a variant.

    I guess Variant is the only option here, atleast thats what my PP consultant had done in my last project.
    There didnt seem to be any other alternative then.

  • Goods movement failures.

    Dear Freinds,
    All my movements are getting failed during the goods movement through CO11N transaction (movements w.r.t production order). These are appearing in transaction COGI. It is giving the error saying that "No stock posting possible for this material". But without any change ... I am able to save the movement. Error is giving the below detailed description
    *"No stock posting possible for this material
    Message no. M7097
    The material belongs to a material type whose stocks are not managed on a quantity basis.
    Enter a different material or terminate processing.
    If required, check the setting of the material type for the plant in the Customizing system of the material master data."*
    For your information, please note that we already maintained quantity updation check box in the material type configuration.

    Dear Friends,
    Thanks for your reply. Please note the below.
    1. I have maintained the material type settings initially itself.
    2. Today I observed that... this problem is coming only for the transaction CO11N. I am not getting this problem in CO15 transaction. But as per the clients requirement, I have to go for CO11N only.
    3. This is not the problem of batch management or batch management activation / stock availability...because without correcting any data... I am able to save the goods movement in COGI transaction.

  • Stock Transport Order u2013 Duplicate goods receipt quantity

    We implemented the scenario: the stock transport order process with SD. To post the goods issue , we have created a new goods movement  type (937) with reference to the movement type: 641, to differentiate these movements of other goods movements that are made in the company, because in this case, for issuing plant it is necessary to manually confirm these goods issues in WM (We need use storage bins in issuing plant). The outbound delivery, in issuing plant, is created through the transaction VL10B with reference to Stock transport Order, and goods issues is posted using transaction VL02N. In receiving plant, we use transaction MIGO to post goods receipt.
    Then, when we post the goods receipt for one replenishment delivery in Transaction MIGO, the system issues error message: M7022 telling us: u201Cthat the stock in transit has been exceeded by XXXu201D. The difference between the stock in transit and the Quantity in Unit of Entry is exactly equal to the quantity that was reported in the goods issue in Issuing Plant (outbound delivery). That is, Quantity in Unit of Entry is duplicated with respect to outbound delivery quantity. But if the goods receipt is posted with reference to the stock transport order, the Quantity in Unit of Entry is calculated correctly and corresponds with the quantity of outbound delivery of the issuing plant. This does not happen when using the standard goods movement type 641. As mentioned above, we have configured Warehouse Management for issuing plant.
    The only difference between the standard scenario and implemented one in the company is the goods movement type, which is a copy of movement type 641. So, my question is: Can not copy the goods Movement type 641 (Transfer to stock in transit)? Please, I appreciate your support to resolve this issues.
    Best regards,

    All goods movements are being posted in the same unit of measure (base unit of measure ), since the material has no alternative units of measure configured. And we think that has to do with the movement type, because when using the standard movement type (641), the whole process is flowing properly. However, when using the new movement type, the system behaves the way it was explained earlier.
    Through various tests, we identified that the quantity is duplicated  when the table T321 (Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement Type) and  the IMG view V_156S_WM (Reference Movement Types for Warehouse Management) are set, since it also was created a new movement type for WM. For this reason we think that the problem lies in the configuration of the new movement type.
    Anyway, thanks for your help.

  • Create a subsequent Goods Movement for a transfer posting

    Hi Team,
    I have a scenario where the users will create a Good Movement document for transfer posting. The Stock of Material "A" is transferred to stock of Material "B" using the movement types 561 etc. Now the quantity is reduced from unrestricted stock of "A" and posted to "Stock in Transfer/Transit" of "B". The requirement is to create another Goods Movement document immediately after the above transfer posting is completed and use movement type 101 to post the same quantity to unrestricted of "B".
    I tried searching for use exits and could not find a relevant one "After Save" for goods movement online transaction. I found the MB_GOODS_MOVEMENT_UPDATE Badi but don't know how to create another goods movement document while in the update task. I'm concerned that if I call a BAPI or BDC inside the update task, it might conflict with the current transaction (transfer posting). Looking for your guidance.

    Hi Deepali,
    You can use the userexit ' ZXMCBU02 '  to write your own code. This user exit gets triggered for almost all the goods movement transaction.
    There is also a very similar BADI which you can use which gets triggered for every goods movement transaction.
    I would like to know the BADI feel free to let me know. I think the above user exit should server your purpose.
    Hope this is useful for you.

  • Problem with reverse goods movement

    Good Morning.
    I faced a problem with "schedule line" for an item in a sales order.
    I've an order quantity of about 14.000 pieces.
    I've created a partial outbound delivery for 8.000 pieces, but then for a problem, I made a "reverse goods movement" with VL09 for all 8000 pieces.
    When I came back into item's schedule line, I see in "Delivery quantity" column that is not considered the reverse goods momevent.
    I see that delivery quantity is still 8000.
    Can You give me some suggestion??

    There is no trasfer order in Sales Document Flow.
    Sales Order 10600587 / 10               12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Completed          
    Delivery  8020600166 / 10                12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Being rocessed    
    Picking request 20071212                   12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Completed          
    GD goods issue:delvy 5500004772 / 1        12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      complete           
    RE goods deliv. rev. 5500004773 / 1        12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      complete           
    Delivery quantity is still 14000.

  • Enhancement in MIGO for Goods Movement

    Hi Gurus,
    I got a requirement to Create a 262 goods movement materials document with reference to a Sub-Contract GR for an account assigned Sub-Contract PO thru TCODE MIGO. The details are describe as follow:
    Once the 101/543 GR movement is carried out, a 262 movement type needs to be executed to reverse the consumption of the material against the service order and bring it back to the inventory (open stock). This movement needs to be triggered once MIGO ‘subcontractor goods receipt -101/543’ is committed (saved).
    When the 101/543 GR movement transaction MIGO is saved-
    1.     User exit needs to be invoked
    2.     Check if the GR is
    o     for an account assigned (EKPO- KNTTP Acct Assignment Cat =F) Sub-Contract PO (EKPO- PSTYP  Item Category L)
    o     AND the service order number (AUFNR) exists in ZXXXXXX (ZSUBCON_VALIDATION) table
    3.     Identify the line item material in the goods receipt document (First item /against movement type 101),
    4.     Identify the service order number (AUFNR) from ZSUBCON_VALIDATION table.
    5.     Call the goods issue (262) transaction via the BAPI using the material derived via step 3 and against the service order number derived via step 4. BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE  post goods movements

    Hi Matt,
    There are lots of Exits and BADI available in this transaction. See which suits you.
    MB_CF001                                Customer Function Exit in the Case of Updating a Mat. Doc.   
    MBCF0011                                Read from RESB and RKPF for print list in  MB26              
    MBCF0010                                Customer exit: Create reservation BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1   
    MBCF0009                                Filling the storage location field                           
    MBCF0007                                Customer function exit: Updating a reservation               
    MBCF0006                                Customer function for WBS element                            
    MBCF0005                                Material document item for goods receipt/issue slip          
    MBCF0002                                Customer function exit: Segment text in material doc. item                                                                               
    Business Add-in                                                                               
    MB_DOCUMENT_UPDATE                      BADI when updating material document: MSEG and MKPF          
    MB_DOC_BADI_INTERNAL                    BAdIs During Creation of a Material Document (SAP Internal)  
    MB_ME_CSGMT_BADI_SAP                    BAdI: Consignment Processing - Stock Transfer                
    MB_MIGO_BADI                            BAdI in MIGO for External Detail Subscreens                  
    MB_MIGO_ITEM_BADI                       BAdI in MIGO for Changing Item Data                          
    MB_PHYSINV_INTERNAL                     Connection: Core Inventory and Retail AddOn                  
    MB_QUAN_CHECK_BADI                      BAdI: Item Data at Time of Quantity Check                    
    MB_RESERVATION_BADI                     MB21/MB22: Check and Complete Dialog Data                    
    MB_RESERVATION_SCR                      Screen BAdI for Retrofit DFPS                                
    MB_RESERVATION_UPCHD                    BAdI for Creation and Changing of Manual Reservations        
    MB_RES_BAPI_CHANGE                      BAdI: Execution of Changes to Reservation Fields             
    MB_RES_BAPI_CREATE1                     BAdI: Adoption of Customer's Own Fields as Reserv. Fields    
    MB_RES_BAPI_DETAIL1                     BAdI: Display of Customer's Own Fields in Reservations       
    MB_STOR_LOC_BADI_GTS                    BADI to Check and Change Storage Location (GTS Fct. Only)    
    MB_DOCUMENT_BADI_SAP                    BADI for Creation and Changing of a Material Document        
    ARC_MM_EBAN_CHECK                       BAdI: Enhancement of Archivability Check (MM_EBAN)           
    ARC_MM_EBAN_PRECHECK                    BAdI: Enhancement of Archivability Check (MM_EBAN)           
    ARC_MM_EBAN_WRITE                       BAdI: Enhancement of Scope of Archiving (MM_EBAN)            
    ARC_MM_EINA_CHECK                       BAdI: Enhancement of Archivability Check (MM_EINA)           
    ARC_MM_EINA_WRITE                       BAdI: Enhancement of Scope of Archiving (MM_EINA)            
    ARC_MM_INVBEL_CHECK                     BAdI: Enhancement of Archivability Check (MM_INVBEL)         
    ARC_MM_INVBEL_WRITE                     BAdI: Enhancement of Scope of Archiving (MM_INVBEL)          
    ARC_MM_MATBEL_CHECK                     Prüfung ADD-ON-spezifischer Kriterien für MM_MATBEL          
    ARC_MM_MATBEL_WRITE                     Check Add-On-Specific Data for MM_MATBEL                     
    MB_CHECK_LINE_BADI                      BAdI: Check Line Before Copying to the Blocking Tables       
    MB_CIN_LMBMBU04                         posting of gr                                                
    MB_CIN_MM07MFB7                         BAdI for India Version exit in include MM07MFB7              
    MB_CIN_MM07MFB7_QTY                     Proposal of quantity from Excise invoice in GR               
    MB_DOCUMENT_BADI                        BAdIs During Creation of a Material Document                 

  • Error message (M3024) during parallel goods movement

    For publication distribution, collected unreferenced deliveries and goods issues are done in SAP system for a customer group by a program which is triggered by a web service every day. Standart SAP functionalities are used in this program. At goods issue part of program, an error message is occuring "Valuation data for material &  is locked by the user &" with error code :M3024. The user who processes the program is locking himself. Also we have checked the other goods movement types in standart transactions (MB1B-MB11..)and same problem was occured. We have checked the notes that we applied before for to avoid material lock in paralel goods movement. There is nothing changed both in customizing and deveploment after upgrade. So we couldnt find the way to fix this problem. FIRST ANSWER FROM SAP***************************************** Can you kindly review the attached note 70865 with regards to this issue. WE APPLIED.-- We reviewed 70865 and this solution not applicable for our current system. According to note; We set material late lock exclusive time 15 seconds in OMJI. This solution solved material lock error at all plant level. After this solution, We get same batch error during goods movement(m3862), Then We applied note 157423, this note solved material batch lock error during goods movement, At last we have now m3024(Material valuation error lock) error during all goods movement. THEN********************************* As explained in the note 70865 , to ensure data integrity, it is necessary to block the material against updates by other users during good movements. This is achieved by blocking the material plant (lock object MARC) and the material valuation area (lock object MBEW) exclusively against othertransactions which update the material master. What you can do, as advised in the note, is to activate the late block via transaction OMJI. As a result of this change, several users will be able to carry out good movements to the same material and plant simultaneously. The problem is that you will experience a disadvantage of performance loss after this change. Please, notice that with this change in OMJI, several users will be ableto carry out GOODS MOVEMENTS to the same material and plant simultaneously. This change will not allow the simultaneous input of a goods movement and an invoice for the same material (in this case, the material will be locked as soon as the purchase order item is adopted in the invoice and the error message M3024 will occur). When the error message M3024 occurs, you could check with transaction SM12, there you could find some tables like MBEW are locked by user. The table is locked to prevent valuation, quantity etc. to be updated. System does not check if it is standard price or MAP, as soon as you work with one material it will be locked (its valuation data has to be locked, because otherwise there is no guarantee of the consistency of the stock values. Without this lock mechanism the possibility of serious data inconsistencies could arise). your customizing under: SPRO > IMG > Material Management > Set up Material block for goods movements Here you could choose setting 2(at positing) to have only a short locking period at posting. Please review information in attached notes. 521945 FAQ: Material block 322989 Late block: Number of blocking attempts AT LAST ** PROBLEM STILL GOING ON WHAT SHOULD WE DO TO SOLVE THIS ERROR.

    HI Fatih,
    Refer to SAP Note 1744780 - Error message M3024 during Invoice Verification process .
    In the standard system it is not possible the simultaneous entry of a GOODS MOVEMENTS and an INVOICE for the same material and the same plant.
    When you enter the invoice for the purchase order item, the valuation data for the material is updated, therefore this valuation data (table MBEW) needs to be blocked so that it is not changed at the same time by any other transaction (which might cause inconsistencies).
    This system behavior can not be avoided by any customizing setting or any user exit.
    This is correct system behavior to protect the other transactions update the material master.
    As advised in the note 70865 :
    It is possible to activate the late block via transaction OMJI. As a result of this change, several users will be able to carry out good movements to the same material and plant simultaneously, however there is a risk to cause the data inconsistency and performance problems.

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