Google app size limit?

I've probably got the wrong end of the stick here, but how does the Google App 50MB size limit affect DPS?,2817,2401179,00.asp
We haven't published to the Google Play store yet, but is the APK file just the folio viewer and the folios are outside this and can therefore be up to 4GB? Or do the folios have to be under 50MB as well?

The app is all that matters. The size of the folios that are downloaded to the app do not have the size limit.

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    Firstly, Thanks for taking the time to reply :-) 
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    Hi Dirk,
    Sorry about the inconveniences. Due to the memory size limit of current iPads, PS mix decides to only support images smaller than 20 mega pixel.
    Let me know if you have further questions regarding image size. Thank you very much for supporting PS mix.

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    Fred@egr wrote:
    Thanks!!! This is working with IWC and I am pretty sure it will work with Outlook. I didn't think to look at config options for mshttpd since I don't have it installed and ics.conf doesn't list the http.service.maxmessagesize and service.http.maxpostsize by default.http.service.maxmessagesize is only relevant to mshttpd, not cshttpd. service.http.maxpostsize applies to both.
    UWC is still limiting me though; I'm sure I can reconfigure UWC if I just know which file to edit and if I need to redeploy anything. I'm using the same install paths as the SCS6 Single Host example and I'm not sure which the "uwc-deployed-path" is supposed to be. Again, thanks.If you have deployed UWC/CE to Application Server you would edit the following file and restart application-server:

  • [AS3 AIR] 2880x2880 Size Limit, Camera, Filter, CameraRoll Issues & Finger Friendly Components

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    Here are some questions that I have:
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    var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData($loader.width, $loader.height);
    bmp = new Bitmap(bmpData);
    bmp.width = Capabilities.screenResolutionX;
    bmp.height = Capabilities.screenResolutionY;
    if (CameraRoll.supportsAddBitmapData) {
        var cameraRoll:CameraRoll = new CameraRoll();              
        cameraRoll.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onCrError);
        cameraRoll.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCrComplete);
        var savedBmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData (bmp.width, bmp.height);
    } else {
        trace("~" + "Camera Roll not supported for this device.");
    When you capture an image using the mobile device's camera app, you have to use the Loader object.
    So, here, I am doing just that with these steps:
    First, I'm creating a BitmapData object and sizing it the same as the camera image.
    Pass the camera image into the BitmapData object.
    Create a Bitmap object and pass in the BitmapData.
    Resize it to fit on the stage.
    Check for Camera Roll and then create a savedBmpData BitmapData object at the size of the screen.
    Pass in the bmp.
    Save it to the Camera Roll.
    The problem is that when the image is displayed on the phone, it shows THE ENTIRE (uncropped) image.  However, the image that is saved to the phone is only the top 800x480 corner of the image.  What is wrong?  How do we save an image to the Camera Roll that is larger than the display area of the phone.  It seems like the only way to save the entire camera image is to resize it to fit the stage and then capture the stage into a bitmapData object.
    If you apply any filters to the bitmapData object, the filter effects will display on the phone, but if the image is saved to the Camera Roll, then all the filters are lost and it only saves the original (unfiltered) image.
    Do they exist?
    The max image size that can be saved is 2039x2039 pixels on the HTC Evo.  Anything bigger than this resulted in a CameraRoll Error #1 (which there is no documentation for what that means ANYWHERE on the web).

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    test that yet. However, I'm also under the impression that I should be able to
    allocate a heap larger than physical RAM ... except for that process size limit.
    So ... my information is basically that I'm stuck with a limit of about 1.6G for
    heap size, regardless of the RAM on my computer.
    Can anyone confirm whether that is still correct, preferably with a pointer to some
    official reference ?
    Or better yet, point me toward a workaround?

    Some bookmarks I have on this topic.
    The first link pulled together what I found in lots of bits and pieces elsewhere, nice to have a coherent summary :)
    The second link offered a bit of insight into the jvm that I hadn't seen yet .

  • Size limit to jstrings passed as parameters?

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    My code works great until it processes a big file, and then the entire inputXML string never seems to get into the nativemethod. I can print it out in its entirety on the java side just prior to calling the native method, but printing in out immediately inside the native method stops partway through the string and then my java app just keeps using almost all of my processor indefinitely. I am wondering if this is some kind of jstring size limit I am hitting, or if I have a memory allocation problem that is just slowing the machine down a bunch. Here is the relevant code:
    private native String getTransform(String input, String stylesheet);
    public void transform(Source xmlSource, Result outputTarget) throws TransformerException {
    System.err.println("Starting Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    String output = getTransform(NativeSource.getSourceAsString(xmlSource), stylesheet);
    System.err.println("Finished Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_endeca_edf_adapter_plugins_NativeTransformer_getTransform
    (JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject obj, jstring input, jstring xslt) {
    jclass cls = pEnv->GetObjectClass(obj);
    const char *theInputDocument = pEnv->GetStringUTFChars(input, 0);
    printf("%s", theInputDocument);
    any ideas? Thanks!

    I have changed my code to split large strings into arrays and then recreate the entire string inside the C++. This still works with small files, but large ones (with base-64 encoding) don't work, just churn away forever. I made sure to set the break size real small (1096 chars) so even the small file gets broken up. Here is the code:
    * Native method using xalan to transform xml
    private native String getTransform(String[] input, String stylesheet);
    public void transform(Source xmlSource, Result outputTarget) throws TransformerException {"Splitting Input at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    int size = 0;
    String input = NativeSource.getSourceAsString(xmlSource);
    //"Input XML:\n"+input);
    int numParts = (int)Math.ceil(input.length()/MAX_JNI_STRING_LENGTH);"Number of splits= "+numParts);
    String[] inputArray = new String[numParts];
    for(int i=0; i<numParts-1; i++) {
    inputArray[i] = input.substring(size, size+MAX_JNI_STRING_LENGTH);
    inputArray[numParts-1] = input.substring(size);"Starting Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    String output = getTransform(inputArray, stylesheet);"Finished Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    //"Transform is\n"+output);C++:
    JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_endeca_edf_adapter_plugins_NativeTransformer_getTransform
    (JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject obj, jobjectArray inputArray, jstring xslt) {
    //jclass cls = pEnv->GetObjectClass(obj);
    jboolean copy = JNI_FALSE;
    printf("%s", "\ninside\n");
    std::stringstream inputStr;
    for(int i=0; i<pEnv->GetArrayLength(inputArray); i++) {
         jstring inputPart = (jstring)pEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(inputArray, i);
         inputStr << pEnv->GetStringUTFChars(inputPart, &copy);
    char * theInputDocument = new char[strlen(inputStr.str().c_str())];
    strcpy(theInputDocument, inputStr.str().c_str());
    // Below wasn't working on big files, so I had to break up the string
    //const char *theInputDocument = pEnv->GetStringUTFChars(input, &copy);
    if (theInputDocument == NULL) {
         return NULL; // Could be out of memory
    printf("%s", inputStr.str().c_str());
    printf("%s", theInputDocument);Seems like I am either misunderstanding the size issue, or a jobjectArray also has size limits, or something else is going on. Help?

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    I have frequently worked with 8 to 10 gigabyte capture files in both OS9 and OS X so any limit does not seem to be in QT or in the Player. 2 GIg limits would perhaps be something left over from pre-OS 9 versions of your software, as there was a general 2 gig limit in those earlier versions of the operating system. I have also seen people refer to 2 gig limits in QT for Windows but never in OS 9 or later MacOS.

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    I believe the maximum image size in Lightroom is 64kpixels X 64kpixels.
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  • Messaging server size limit

    As I see, I have common problem among the Sun Messaging Server administrators. I have whole system distributed on several virtual solaris machines and some days ago emerged message size problem. I noticed it in relation with incoming mail. When I create new user, he or she can't get larger mail then 300K. Sender get will known message:
    This message is larger than the current system limit or the recipient's mailbox is full. Create a shorter message body or remove attachments and try sending it again.
    < #5.3.4 smtp;552 5.3.4 a message size of 302 kilobytes exceeds the size limit of 300 kilobytes computed for this transaction>
    Interesting thin is, that this problem arised with no correlation with other actions. I noticed this problem with new users before, but i could successful manage it with different service packs. Now this method with new users, this method doesn't work! Old users normally recieve messages bigger then 300k, as before.
    I tried to set default setting blocklimit 2000 in imta.cnf, but I didn't succeed.
    I know, that size limit can be set on different places, but is there a simple way, to set sending and recieving message size unlimited?
    Messaging server version is:
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7u2-7.02 64bit (built Apr 16 2009)* 7u2-7.02 64bit (built 03:03:02, Apr 16 2009)*
    Using /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/config/imta.cnf (compiled)*
    SunOS mailstore 5.10 Generic_138888-01 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120*

    For the sake of correctness, the attribute name in LDAP is mailMsgMaxBlocks.
    I also stumbled upon this - the values like 300 blocks or 7000 blocks are set in (sample) service packages but are not advertised in Delegated Admin web-interface. When packages are assigned, these values are copied into each user's LDAP entry as well, and can not be seen or changed in web-interface.
    And then mail users get "weird" errors like:
    550 5.2.3 user limit of 7000 kilobytes on message size exceeded: [email protected]
    550 5.2.3 user limit of 300 kilobytes on message size exceeded: [email protected]
    resulting in
    <[email protected]>... User unknown
    552 5.3.4 a message size of 7003 kilobytes exceeds the size limit of 7000 kilobytes computed for this transaction
    552 5.3.4 a message size of 302 kilobytes exceeds the size limit of 300 kilobytes computed for this transaction
    resulting in
    Service unavailable
    I guess there are other similar error messages, but these two are most common.
    I hope other people googling up the problem would get to this post too ;)
    One solution is to replace the predefined service packages with several of your own, i.e. ldapadd entries like these (fix the dc=domain,dc=com part to suit your deployment, and both cn parts if you rename them), and restart the DA webcontainer:
    dn: cn=Mail-Calendar - Unlimited,o=mailcalendaruser,o=cosTemplates,dc=domain,dc=com
    cn: Mail-Calendar - Unlimited
    daservicetype: calendar user
    daservicetype: mail user
    mailallowedserviceaccess: imaps:ALL$pops:ALL$+smtps:ALL$+https:ALL$+pop:ALL$+imap:ALL$+smtp:ALL$+http:ALL
    mailmsgmaxblocks: 20480
    mailmsgquota: -1
    mailquota: -1
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: LDAPsubentry
    objectclass: costemplate
    objectclass: extensibleobject
    dn: cn=Mail-Calendar - 100M,o=mailcalendaruser,o=cosTemplates,dc=domain,dc=com
    cn: Mail-Calendar - 100M
    daservicetype: calendar user
    daservicetype: mail user
    mailallowedserviceaccess: imaps:ALL$pops:ALL$+smtps:ALL$+https:ALL$+pop:ALL$+imap:ALL$+smtp:ALL$+http:ALL
    mailmsgmaxblocks: 20480
    mailmsgquota: 10000
    mailquota: 104857600
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: LDAPsubentry
    objectclass: costemplate
    objectclass: extensibleobject
    dn: cn=Mail-Calendar - 500M,o=mailcalendaruser,o=cosTemplates,dc=domain,dc=com
    cn: Mail-Calendar - 500M
    daservicetype: calendar user
    daservicetype: mail user
    mailallowedserviceaccess: imaps:ALL$pops:ALL$+smtps:ALL$+https:ALL$+pop:ALL$+imap:ALL$+smtp:ALL$+http:ALL
    mailmsgmaxblocks: 20480
    mailmsgquota: 10000
    mailquota: 524288000
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: LDAPsubentry
    objectclass: costemplate
    objectclass: extensibleobject
    See also limits in config files -
    * msg.conf (in bytes):
    service.http.maxmessagesize = 20480000
    service.http.maxpostsize = 20480000
    * imta.cnf (in 1k blocks): <channel block definition> ... maxblocks 20000 blocklimit 20000 sourceblocklimit 20000
    tcp_local smtp mx single_sys remotehost inner switchchannel identnonenumeric subdirs 20 maxjobs 2 pool SMTP_POOL maytlsserver maysaslserver saslswitchchannel tcp_auth missingrecipientpolicy 0 loopcheck slave_debug sourcespamfilter2optin virus destinationspamfilter2optin virus maxblocks 20000 blocklimit 20000 sourceblocklimit 20000 daemon
    tcp_intranet smtp mx single_sys subdirs 20 dequeue_removeroute maxjobs 7 pool SMTP_POOL maytlsserver allowswitchchannel saslswitchchannel tcp_auth missingrecipientpolicy 4 maxblocks 20000 blocklimit 20000 sourceblocklimit 20000
    tcp_submit submit smtp mx single_sys mustsaslserver maytlsserver missingrecipientpolicy 4 slave_debug maxblocks 20000 blocklimit 20000 sourceblocklimit 20000
    tcp_auth smtp mx single_sys mustsaslserver missingrecipientpolicy 4 maxblocks 20000 blocklimit 20000 sourceblocklimit 20000
    If your deployment uses other SMTP components, like milters to check for viruses and spam, in/out relays separate from Sun Messaging, other mailbox servers, etc. make sure to use a common size limit.
    For sendmail relays (m4) config source file it could mean lines like these:
    define(`SMTP_MAILER_MAX', `20480000')dnl
    define(`confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE', `20480000')dnl
    //Jim Klimov
    PS: Great thanks to Shane Hjorth who originally helped me to figure all of this out! ;)

  • Copy iweb page into google apps

    Is it possible to publish a web page created in iweb into my website which is within google apps.

    Determine the width and height in pixels of your iWeb page.
    Divide by 72 to get the width and height in inches,
    To get centimeters, multiply the number in inches by 2,54.
    Create a custom page size in Page setup in Pages (Or any application).
    Use the numbers in inches or in centimeters.
    Add a blank page in Pages.
    Choose the newly created pagesize.
    Set the zooming of Pages to 100%.
    You now have a identical page size.
    Then copy paste all objects from iWeb to Pages.
    I do the reverse. I create a webpage in Pages and then copy/paste everything to iWeb.

  • Address Book Distribution List Size Limit

    I can't seem to find any information on the limits, if any, of the size (in number of email addresses) of a Distribution List. I have a list that currently contains 148 entries. In attempting to send out to this DL the other day, it failed several times until I broke the list roughly in half and did two separate mailings.
    As this list will grow, it'd be great to know what sort of size limit there is on a DL, if there is one. Or could the problem I am experiencing be with limitations imposed by my service provider?
    Thanks in advance for any responses.

    As Euchre stated, the issue is probably ISP limits related.
    Call them a find out what your per email and daily limits are. Apple Mail really is not designed for "mass" mailing so I recommend using an app specifically designed for mass mailing.
    Once you know the limits, use a bulk mail app like MaxBulk Mailer ( - Mac World gives it 4.5 mice. It automates and schedules batches of emails with options that Apple Mail can not reproduce and is very intuitive.
    e.g. You want to send a mass mail to 200 recipients. If your ISP limits are 30 recipients per email, and 500 emails per day, they you set up your MaxBulk Mailer to send out 20 emails at a time, every hour, over 10 hours ( I chose 20 emails at a time so you could still send out single emails from Apple Mail)
    MaxBulk mailer is free to try - adds a tag at the end to advertise its use, but once you get a license the tag is not added.
    Hope this helps.

  • Belle email transmit 2MB size limit - what exactly...

    There are multiple threads here which claim there is a 2MB size limit on sent emails - unless when you set up the email account you DECLINE the terms and conditions.
    Maybe Nokia are providing an email service (like Yahoo or Hotmail, etc) in which case, yes.
    But any "normal" email user is going to configure a POP server for receiving, and an SMTP server for transmitting. Surely, if you transmit emails via your configured SMTP server, there cannot be any Nokia-imposed email size limit?
    The only way there might be a universal limit would be if Belle, quietly and transparently, ignored the SMTP server settings and actually sent the email to some Nokia-operated SMTP server, together with the login details of the SMTP server which you configured in the phone, and the Nokia server then passed the email on to your one.
    There is a separate issue with sending attachments from the Gallery (photos or movies) whereby the invocation of the email app (via the Send / Email menu) crashes the email if the attachment size is bigger than about 500k bytes. It happens only if the email app is thus invoked. It happens with both the Nokia Gallery app and with 3rd party picture album apps. It does not happen if one starts a fresh email and then attaches files to it (which just happen to be images) and I have successfully sent myself 40MB emails that way.
    However if the email app crashes, or fails to send the email due to persistent poor mobile data connectivity, any attachments will be left orphaned in the 1000484b folder and will eat up your c: space, so one needs to do this with caution.

    At least for fios email see

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