Google Calendar "Add Account" Problem

What is ! Bad authentication??
Have patience and read it all please...
Heres the deal... Initially I synced Gmail and PIM data to the Pre, but was having log in issues with Gmail... My friend suggested that I change my password in Google account to something stronger as my password was weak (5 letters all lowercase) - so I wiped all accounts off the Pre (email/chat/calendar/etc...) and then did a total Reset (erasing all data)
Then I went on PC and changed my Google account Password, Turned on the Pre and went through the Setup screens again... This may be where I messed up, BUT - I used the Palm Desktop transfer assistant again and chose to Sync contacts data to PALM account this time instead of Google (Just wanted to try it )
After the Syncing and reestablishing the accounts... NOW my Google email works great, but I cant add Google Calendar now
I enter my gmail addy in the "add an account" screen within Pre calendar (which says Palm is Default now - good/bad/dunno<?>) - but I get an error message
"! Bad authentication" - No more Google calendar for me... after I spent all weekend entering events!!#@$%
Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

I had the exact same problem & after a few days & many headaches found the solution. The problem is with Palm's automatic backup, it's a problem because you setup incorrectly the first time & now it is backing up incorrectly. In this process you will LOSE all of your data outside of your Gmail account, like Memo's and Tasks you jotted down. You will need to delete your backup info.
1. Make sure you write down any information you have entered into the Pre (Memo's and Tasks, etc). All Gmail data like Contacts, Calendar and Email should be OK since it is online.
2. Go to Backup Utility and TURN IT OFF, it will prompt you to "delete backup data", select Yes.
3. Go to "Device Info" and reset the device, you do not have to do the FULL reset. The device will reset and restart. At this point you're exactly where you started when you just got the Pre. Your Palm Profile DOES exist but is blank at this point since you cleared it.
4.Enter your Palm Profile Info & let it load. UPDATE to 1.0.3 software before continuing.
5. IMPORTANT!  Enter your EMAIL information first before Contacts/Calendar!. Let it sync. Once complete, when you go to Contacts and Calendar - your GMAIL account should be already there, simply press "Done" and it will sync. You can now enter any other Email/Contacts/Calendar accounts you like...
This problem occurs when you enter your GMAIL Info first into Contacts/Calendar, instead of Email. Because of Automatic Backup - this problem does NOT disappear when you reset the device (since it loads your bad settings back again). It is important to clear the automatic backup, then the device & essentially begin from scratch.
Since ALL my data was/is with Gmail - it was not too difficult. However - device settings, Memo & Task info, Application Downloads & settings were lost. Writing this info down before device wipe, took me all of 30 mins to put that data back in.
Good luck!
Message Edited by LJIvasiv82 on 06-23-2009 10:06 AM

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    color=%23AB8B00&amp;;color=%231B887A&amp;;color=%235F6B02&amp;;color=%232952A3&amp;;color=%2342104A&amp;;color=%23B1365F&amp;;color=%231B887A&amp;;color=%238D6F47&amp;ctz=America%2FNew_Yo rk" style=" border-width:0 " width="960" height="800" ></iframe>
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    Message was edited by: b2013

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    Recent BlackBerry 10 convert (from guess what)

    when you use the easy configuration, the Z10 will understand that one account stands for three (email + contacts + calendar) with the same credentials, but three different servers.
    when you use the Advanced configuration system, you have to specify explicitly the URL for each server.
    So if you want to add a specific calendar from a GMail account, you must fetch the exact URL of that calendar (in the options of the Google Calendar web interface) and input that on your Z10.
    This is very useful for example for people who have several calendars on their GMail account.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    Keith Murlless wrote:
    My issue is that when I follow directions and go to iCal/prefs/accounts, and click the "add" button.... I don't get (anything). No pop-up windows in which to enter my google account information.
    Have you tried rebooted your Mac? (Not needed often, so we Mac users often forget to try this. ) Are you logged on with an admin account or a standard account? (Or one with Parental Controls enabled.)
    Sometimes I'll find the dialog window "behind" my other windows. Try not to click or move your mouse after you click the plus button. Or try moving windows around or minimizing them so that any windows that are hidden behind other windows are then shown. (In fact try closing all apps and Finder windows to reduce the possibility of this issue in the first place.)
    (BTW, your question really is separate from the original question, since the OP already has their Google account added to iCal and you are having trouble adding the account. In the future you'll want to start your own thread so that you can also mark posts answered or helpful.)

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