Google images

when in android mode and using google images when selecting 1 of the images it does not go to the selected image? this needs fixing as it forces me to use chrome.
tab2 10.1 latest stock droid rooted.

hmm but chrome works fine, dont they get the same code?
also its bad i annot turn off recent sites clear history, new tab home page is recent pages not bookmarks or google etc..

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    Hi, thank you for your reply, but this is one on the first things I tried. With further investigation, I am now experiencing the same problem with Opera mobile. However, I don't get the problem with the built in web browser or chrome. I am up to date with Android for my tablet, and I have the latest version of Firefox. This means that I am on the verge of dispensing with Firefox as it's virtually unusable for Google images.

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    You can try disabling the "AVG Safe Search" extension (if you have it.)
    1. Go to 'Tools'<br>
    2. Click 'Addons'<br>
    3. Go to the 'Extensions' tab<br>
    4. Find 'AVG Safe Search' and disable.<br>
    5. Restart FF and test Google image search.<br>

  • Google Images not working in Safari on Iphone

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    But this is where it all goes wrong, when touching one of the images I get an enlarged view of an image next to it. The "back to the results" and "full image" buttons dim out (without being touchable) and swiping does not work. I don't know what has caused this to stop working properly, I know its not the new iOS version though.
    HERE is a youtube video I prepared that explains the problem.
    First, is there anyone else out there with this problem?
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    - Resetting the iPhone totally, factory settings. No effect.
    - Using someone elses iPhone. I've tried on an iPhone 4 and iPhone 3S, same problems (with iOS 5.01).
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    Anyone know what causes this problem and how It might be resolved?
    Best Regard
    Stefan, Sweden

    Hi Stefan,
    First; this must be the most thorough error discription I have ever seen. Impressive.
    Second; yep for a couple of weeks now I've been having exactly the same problems as you describe. One other thing that I've noticed, is that for me, the 'word suggestion drop down list' or whatever it's name is, no longer works. More specificly:
    I open Safari in my iPhone, surf to Google image search and type for example "dog" in the search field. Below the field, I now get a list of suggested words or phrases that I think is based on the most popular searches. For me, the first suggestion in this list is "dogo argentino" (a specific and popular breed of dogs). When I tap on the words "dogo argentino", the search field normally would switch input from "dog" to "dogo argentino" AND starts the image search automatically. However, since the problem showed up, when I tap on "dogo argentino" the input field is not affected (still reads "dog") and I would have to type "dogo argentino" manually and hit "search".
    I use a Swedish iPhone 4S (5.0.1 (9A406)) in the Telenor network. I also have tested the same possible solutions that you describe in your post, but with no luck.
    All the best,

  • Low resolution of Google Image Search results in Firefox Android

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    All images are attachments; the only difference is whether or not the image is rendered in the body of the email. If your recipients are using Outlook, that program converts Rich Text emails to HTML, embedding the image in it, which can't be separated. If you sent Plain Text emails in Mail, the recipient can download the file to save it if they like, though it may not be rendered in the body of the message using Outlook or other email clients.
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    Ben Pleysier wrote:
    Be patient!
    For about 7 years!!!!!!!!!!!
    Once something is on the Internet, it remains so.  That is why people (mainly children) are always advised not to post anything that they may come to regret in a few years time when you are looking for jobs and your potential employer does a background search on you.

  • I can only see 3 rows of images at any time on google images. The next three lines are grey boxes and the rest of the images after those are completely blank...HELP!

    <blockquote>Locking duplicate thread.<br>
    Please continue here: [[/questions/890848]]</blockquote>
    When in Google images. I ca only see the first three lines. The next three rows are grey boxes. After that the rest of the images do not display at all....Help!

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    * Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    See also:

  • IWeb images not showing on google image search

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    Does anyone know how long it takes Google image search to list your images. It already has listed my website on web / text search for sometime.

    Mia12 wrote:
    ...the site appears on web search.
    Do sub-pages of your site appear? I'm wondering whether your images aren't being found because the sub-pages in which they reside are not being found...
    One of the biggest problems with iWeb is the way it creates your navigation bars. Instead of using standard HTML which search engines can use to correctly find all files on your website, it uses Javascript which makes it extremely hard for search engines to scan and index your website properly.
    ...Quoted from this article:
    _How to get your iWeb Websites into Google & Other Major Search Engines_
    See also:

  • When looking for images on Google Images why does Firefox only load the first page?

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    Does it help if you disable "Google Instant" in the Google Search settings?
    You can click the Gear icon (top right) to open the Google Settings page

  • Google Image Search Does Not Load, Among Other Websites

    I think this problem started a little bit after I upgraded to Leopard. I thought it was a problem with the wireless network I was using, but that wasn't it. I connected directly to my modem via ethernet cable, but to no avail. The problem also persists when I connect to my own home network through the Airport Extreme.
    My Google Image Search usually yields such results:
    Another webpage that I cannot load is deviantART. Sometimes I can get through with NoScript on, but even so the website layout doesn't load correctly.
    Pages that don't even load and result in a timeout are and
    I can access these sites through a tunnel. I am using Firefox, but Safari is not able to load these pages either. I know that other computers, both Mac and PC are able to load the pages I cannot.
    Any help?

    Here's some tweaks that should speed up Firefox for you:
    Type about:config into firefox's address bar, hit return you will see all the current settings
    Scroll down to "network.http.pipelining" then ctrl-click on it and select "Toggle" to make it True
    Scroll down to "network.http.proxy.pipelining" then ctrl-click on it and select "Toggle" to make it True
    Scroll down to “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” then ctrl-click on it and select Modify and enter 30
    Then you need to add in a variable to the list, ctrl-click and select "New Integer". A menu will popup asking for you to enter the name of this integer. Enter "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0".
    Close the config window and try loading the problem URL again.

  • How can I copy pictures from google images into MS word for iMac

    how can I copy pictures from google images into MS word for iMac.
    How can I copy pictures from iphoto to MS word for iMac.

    As MS Word is not an Apple product, you may do better posting in the MS forums:
    Office for Mac forums
    Most people find them very helpful

  • CSW: Filtered Google Images still appearing with HTTPS Inspect configured

    I'm currently testing https Inspect to close a hole in the Google Images search.
    I was under the impression that https inspect would not display any images that are in the a blocked category.
    I have a CSW created certificate installed on the PC I'm testing on which I see as being accepted.  If I delete the cert from the PC, then I can't get to google (via https) as the cert is not accepted.
    However, with the cert running on the PC, images are not being filtered within a Google search.  It's not practical for us to change to a "safesearch on" policy and was under the impression that https inspect would indeed filter the images, but it's not.  I've tested on some images that they are blocked as if I click the "visit site" or "view image" links, then I get the blocked page.
    Any help is very appreciated.

    Thanks for the answer, but that's crazy, it didn't used to be like that before Google forced https on everyone.
    I can't see how safe search can be enforced?  I know it can be done on at DNS, but that doesn't help our field users who connect to their own/public wifi.  Even when they are VPN'd, we use split tunnelling so that won't work either.
    Seems a real limitation of CWS that you cannot simply manipulate URLs or make custom suffix's?  Or can you?
    Our contract is up later this year and with all the issues we've had lately combined with it not being a very powerful solution, I suspect we'll be looking elsewhere.

  • Google images not displaying properly

    I have recently downloaded some add-ons, for the first time, and since then google image searches on display about eight images.
    Deleting the add-ons, except for Flagfox, has not helped.

    If images are missing then check that you do not block images from some domains.
    Check the permissions for the domain in the currently selected tab in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
    Check "Tools > Page Info > Media" for blocked images
    *Select the first image link and use the cursor Down key to scroll through the list.
    *If an image in the list is grayed and "<i>Block Images from...</i>" has a checkmark then remove this checkmark to unblock images from this domain.
    Make sure that you do not block (third-party) images, the <b>permissions.default.image</b> pref on the <b>about:config</b> page should be 1.
    There are extensions like Adblock Plus (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) and security software (firewall, anti-virus) that can block images and other content.
    See also:

  • Google images not loading properly!!

    Hey guys,
    Im not sure if this is a networking problem or but here we go...
    Here's my prob - Whenever i google image search something, it never loads all of the thumbnails!
    Or the other prob is, when i change the search option to "larger than x" then the page just keeps loading and never loads any thumbnails at all...
    Ive tried in safari and in firefox and it just wont load all thumbnails properly!
    Also i just remembered that yahoo image search does the same thing!
    Im on an adsl1 connection so its not like i have no speed...
    Any ideas?

    Hello William, thank you so much for your advice! It was indeed the firewall in the modem. We turned it off & viola solved a problem that had been plaguing us for months!! Your discussion thread info was most helpful & informative. I will just add that the other confirming clue was when I went to use smile box for the first time on the new Imac & the clever little application also diagnosed the problem & popped up a message in English! asking if we had a personal firewall as smile box was not able to access the internet & then some technical stuff. So thanks for your prompt attention. Very much appreciated.
    Cheers Rob & Catherine

  • Google images poor quality

    Hi there,
    I have noticed that when i serach for images in safari it comes up with a list similar to the desptop page with a grid of images, then when you select anygooles mobile interface opens for previewing. (The black interface) the pictures in there are really low resolution, grainy.
    Its really annoying and is there a way to change this?
    When i used the google app to search for images I get clear images in this preview mode. in safari it appears that the hi-resolution image is not loading for some reason?
    has any one expirence this or know a fix to this problem?
    The attached image is a screenshot of a poor resolution image in google images search preview, same image in google app is super sharp and clear.

    Google detects the browser and determines what quality image to send. Talk to Google about it.
    There is not a lot of love flowing between Google and Apple these days.

Maybe you are looking for