Got a new cpu (Windows 7) my playlists disappeared- where are they???

see above

Playlists are contained in the iTunesLibrary.itl file.
If the ENTIRE iTunes folder was copied from the old computer to the new computer, everything would be as it was old the old computer.
Seems as only the music folder was copied which would also have required importing the media into iTunes.

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    RealPlayer can cause conflicts with Flash Player because it tries to assign EVERY TYPE of video or audio file to itself by default. I haven't used RealPlayer in years for that reason. It's an unnecessary program anymore. There are apps loike VLC media player that cna do EVERYTHING it does without conflicting with other apps like Flash Player.
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    Opera (from Opera)
    Safari (from Apple)
    Chrome (from Google)
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    They will only be where you put them.  They do not magically appear in new places.
    Have you copied them from your old computer to your new one?

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    What actions, if any, did you take to transfer your iTunes Library from your old computer to your new one?  Unless you do so, the only songs that will automatically be available to you are your previous iTunes Store purchases - and even then this is dependent on both where you are (not all regional versions of the Store provide this facility) and whether the songs you've purchased are still available from the Store.
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    The progress for some games will transfer since some games synce progress to a cental server. For other games you will have to have the backup of the old iPod.
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    How to transfer game saves between iOS devices, without iTunes, and without jailbreaking | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
    If you have acces to the old iPod yu can make a backup by connecting the iPod to the computer and right click on the iPOd under Devices in iTunes and select Back Up. Then restore from that backup.

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    Hersco wrote:
    After importing my iPhoto Library no Events became Albums. Some of my Albums are still Albums, but many are missing from the Albums tab and Sidebar. One of the Albums listed has no photos when it should have 142. Another is missing nearly all of its photos. I found some missing Albums by name via the search window. Yet they remain missing from the Albums tab. Very strange indeed. This is one big mess right now! Thank goodness iPhoto still works.
    Yes, it's a mess for sure, and I've lost confidence in it for now.  First attempt, 5 photos came up missing.  Delete and start over, then after second attempt 18 photos go missing.  Even one single missing photo is a real confidence breaker for me.
    After conversion, and activation of the sidebar, all of my Events were migrated into a single "Photos" Album called "iPhoto Events".  Why would I want "legacy" Events segregated into one big Album?  What the heck am I supposed to do with that?  That's useless if new photos are going to be organized in some other way moving forward.  I cannot imagine new photos automatically putting themselves into a new Event inside of the "iPhoto Events" Album... because they won't.  I'll be stuck with my old iPhoto Events in this one Album, and the new stuff organized as per Photos.  Weird, just weird.
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    I'm going back to iPhoto for a while, hoping Apple eventually cleans up this mess into something usable.

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    It may be from an earlier version of iTunes, or else marked in some other way like "Old iTunes Library.itl". If you have the .xml file from the crashed disk, you can use that with the Import commaned in iTunes to import the playlists back into iTunes.
    12" PB, Mac Mini (x2), G3 iMac (x3), G4 iMac, G5 iMac, Centris 610, SE30, Mac+   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   3G iPod, iPod shuffle, iPod nano

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