Graphics Firmware Update 1.0 for 17inch Unibody

I was trying to update, just there is a problem. drive ultility shows me that my harddisk has a master boot record type. But this is quite impossible, cause i am booting everytime to osx and osx needs a guid type. Under systempreferences start volume i can't see neither the osx partition nor the xp partition, i just can see network partition, but am not on a network. i can even not start the boot camp. But i can also boot inside windows by pressing the alt button. What can i do to make this update? Thanks

I do reinstall everything and i am very disapointed with apple bootcamp. the problem is, as i said: i formated as guid with leopards dvd, then i did the graphical update. but when i do bootcamp, it mades itself a master boot, it converts it!!! so when apple has released this update, it was allready master boot type. and i couldn't install the update before. i also try to remove the partition but it will stay master boot. it seems apple does not give a good support to recover from master boot record partition table to the early guid partition table. ok but now i managed it, i just reinstall everything. just is a little beat anoying everytime reinstalling everything after a need firmware update. I hope apple does something with bootcamp to made it possible, to convert back to guid partition table without the need of formatting the disk and reinstalling everything, thanks!
Message was edited by: syrius777

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      Type:          GPU
      Bus:          PCIe
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    Hello miata1
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Exactly which model iMac do you have?
    Before 2007 >
    or after 2007 >
    If you have a newer 27" model, then neither Tiger, Leopard or earlier version of Snow will run on it?
    If it has an ATI Radeon 2600 graphic's chip, then it is most likely a 24" Late 2006 white Intel iMac.
    If you are told that the update is not needed, then either the update is not for that iMac or it has already been updated.
    As for the screen problem, it would help if you can describe in detail exactly what it looks like?
    Is it faded, does it have lines, is the color off, or what?
    I would first, go to Apple > System Preferences > Universal Access > Seeing and in the Display: section make sure that the Enhance contrast: is set to Normal.
    Then next, go to Apple > System Preference > Displays > Color and select a different Display Color Profile.

  • Graphics Firmware Update 1.0

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    has anyone in australia or in any other region received the 1308.001, or the latest ones for the 820 and 920 that are supposed to come in the same rollout ? they have all been anounced mid-march.
    an official statement about this would be great as well.

    What was announced was that the now shipping (from manufacturing) devices have the new firmware and an OTA update would start at a future date. Since there have been no further announcements it would be safe to assume the OTA update has not started yet.
    There is no need to 'check multiple times a day' you will get a notification on the phone when the update becomes available to you.
    Click on the blue Star Icon below if my advice has helped you or press the 'Accept As Solution' link if I solved your problem..

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    Don't shoot the messenger . From what I've seen on various forums you're not alone, so hopefully it will be addressed, hopefully sooner rather than later.
    When I got my iMac at the end of 2009 I was affected by the dreaded flickering screen issue - took two firmware updates before it was finally sorted for the majority.

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    I got a new L-style charger for my old (2006) MacBook Pro. Now it doesn't work, which I've come to learn is a known problem related to the firmware (the charger works fine in new MBPs, and my MBP charges fine with the old T-style chargers). In order to fix the problem, I need to install the SMC Firmware update 1.4, but I'm not finding one that works for 10.4.11 (only 10.5 and higher). Does one exist? If not, how does Apple expect me fix the problem? Sink more money into it? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    You many have to try calling Apple sales/support and ask to speak to a
    product specialist about the charger adapter you have this problem with.
    There may be a different version of the charger, or an older style new
    stock model required for your computer which matches its hardware.
    Or, check with a third party reseller of original Apple hardware parts to
    see if you can get the original AC adapter without the L variant.
    The 1-800-MY-APPLE number would get you the main Apple sales
    and sales support division; same as the main web page call center.
    Other than this suggestion, due to the difference in build model year,
    I have no other ideas at this time. Other than it's time for coffee...
    Good luck & happy computing!

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