GridBagLayout  adding extra buttons on the second row

Here is a classic example of GridBagLayout taken from javadoc. I wonder is there a way I can have "Button6b", "Button6c" and "Button7" added to the same row as "Button6" and "Button6a"?
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
public class ButtonsExample extends JPanel {
    protected void makebutton(String name, GridBagLayout gridbag, GridBagConstraints c) {
        Button button = new Button(name);
        gridbag.setConstraints(button, c);
    public void init() {
        GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
        GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
        setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 14));
        c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
        c.weightx = 1.0;
        makebutton("Button1", gridbag, c);
        makebutton("Button2", gridbag, c);
        makebutton("Button3", gridbag, c);
        c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; // end row
        makebutton("Button4", gridbag, c);
        c.weightx = 1.0;
        c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE; // next-to-last in row
        makebutton("Button6", gridbag, c);
        makebutton("Button6a", gridbag, c);
        makebutton("Button6b", gridbag, c); // I'd like this
        makebutton("Button6c", gridbag, c); // and this
        c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; // end row
        makebutton("Button7", gridbag, c); // and this button to appear on one row
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        JFrame f = new JFrame("GridBag Layout Example");
        ButtonsExample ex1 = new ButtonsExample();
        f.add("Center", ex1);

Welcome to our community, Kristi
As for why we aren't able to add buttons to Question Slides,
only the Captivate developers know the answer. Perhaps there is a
technical issue involved.
About the only thing I can think of would be to insert an
image of the buttons in a disabled state. At least that may provide
some consistency for you.
Cheers... Rick

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  • Adding a button to the toolbar

    I am having some trouble with a custom toolbar button. I add the button in a Reader plug-in with no problems:
    > //Create a AVIcon object
    > AVIcon myIcon = (AVCursor)LoadBitmap(gHINSTANCE, MAKEINTRESOURCE(Save_BMP));
    > //Create a new button
    > AVToolButton MyButton = AVToolButtonNew (ASAtomFromString("Test"), myIcon, FALSE, FALSE);
    AVToolButtonSetHelpText(MyButton, "Test tooltip");
    > //Retrieve the File toolbar
    > const char * toolbarName= "File";
    > AVToolBar ToolBar = AVAppGetToolBarByName(toolbarName);
    > //Attach the button
    > AVToolBarAddButton(ToolBar, MyButton, FALSE, NULL);
    However, if a user has customized the toolbar eg. with e-mail and search buttons, my custom button only shows up in the first instance of Reader. If the user opens a second PDF document, the button is not visible in the new Reader window.
    I have tried removing the button and adding it again, but this results in two buttons in the first instance and a single button in the second instance.
    Should I add the button in another way to solve this? Using a javascript file perhaps? I have experimented with a trusted function in a .js file, but I could not figure it out - nor find a fitting example.

    1. create GUI status with "Status" name and "Short text"
    2. Now a screen will appear with the following,
       a. Menu Bar
       b. Application tool bar
       c. Function keys
    3. Click the down arrow near the application toolbar
    4. Enter the function code like SAVE, EXIT, etc., You 
       can also give ur own meaningful naming convention .
       For example ( ZTEST)
    5. Now press enter, it will ask for "Static text" or "Dynamic Text". Choose Static text and press enter
    6. Now it will ask for function text and Icon name. Specify some function text ( what it does ) and Icon name u want to attach.
    7. Press enter. It will ask for function keys. Specify a function key and press enter.
    8. Now u can handle this function code (ZTEST) either in PBO/PAI like IF FUNCTION = ZTEST ...ENDIF
    Don't forget to set the GUI status u have created in PBO event.
    Example code to set PF status.
      MODULE liste_initialisieren.
      MODULE setstatus_0100.
       LOOP AT extract WITH CONTROL
       tctrl_ztufi_league CURSOR nextline.
        MODULE liste_show_liste.
    In the above MODULE setstatus_0100 do the following,
    SET PF-STATUS 'ZGUI'. ( The GUI status u have created).
    I hope this helps you.

  • Why is the second row in the recordset not updated?

    I have this problem.
    I have written a servlet named processPOItem.
    The following is the doPost Method in the processPOItem class:
    public class processPOItem extends HttpServlet {
    public String strPO;
    ConnectionPool connectionPool = null;
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, {
            int counter=0, remainder=0;
            String SearchPOItems;
            String strStatus, ISBN;
            String price;
            response.setContentType("text/html"); //html output
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            //get the parameter named PO
            strPO = request.getParameter("PO");
            Connection dbConn = null;
                out.println("<title>Purchase Order " + strPO + "</title>");
                out.println("<table width=600 border=0 align=center>");
                out.println("<td colspan=4 align=center>");
                out.println("<font face=Arial size=2>");
                out.println("<b>Purchase Order: " + strPO + "</b>");
                out.println("<form method=post action=processPOItem>");
                out.println("<input name=updatePO type=hidden value=1>");  
                out.println("<table width=800 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 align=center>");
                out.println("<tr bgcolor=\"#990000\">"); //Display the mb_PurchaseItem
                out.println("<td align=center><b><font size=1 face=Verdana color=\"#FFFFFF\">No</font></b></td>");
                out.println("<td align=center><b><font size=1 face=Verdana color=\"#FFFFFF\">ISBN</font></b></td>");
                out.println("<td align=center><b><font size=1 face=Verdana color=\"#FFFFFF\">Title</font></b></td>");
                out.println("<td align=center><b><font size=1 face=Verdana color=\"#FFFFFF\">Status</font></b></td>");
                out.println("<td align=center><b><font size=1 face=Verdana color=\"#FFFFFF\">Quantity</font></b></td>");
                out.println("<td align=center><b><font size=1 face=Verdana color=\"#FFFFFF\">Unit Price</font></b></td>");
                out.println("<td align=center><b><font size=1 face=Verdana color=\"#FFFFFF\">Delivered Date</font></b></td>");
                //get the SQL statement
                SearchPOItems = searchSQL(strPO);
                //get free connection from Pool
                dbConn = connectionPool.getConnection();
                //create a statement object
                Statement stmt = dbConn.createStatement();
                //create the recordset
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SearchPOItems);
                //display the recordset
                while (
                    remainder = counter % 2;
                    if (remainder == 0)
                       out.println("<tr bgcolor=\"#C1C1C1\">");
                       out.println("<tr bgcolor=\"#E1E1FF\">");
                    //Display the individual Purchase item under the customer
                    out.println("<td align=center><font size=1 face=Verdana>" + counter + "</font></td>");
                    ISBN = rs.getString("mb_ISBN");
                    out.println("<td align=center><font size=1 face=Verdana>" + ISBN + "</font></td>");
                    out.println("<td align=center><font size=1 face=Verdana>" + rs.getString("mb_Title") + "</font></td>");
                    strStatus = rs.getString("mb_Status");
                    out.println("<td align=center><font size=1 face=Verdana>");
                    out.println("<select name=\"mb_Status" + ISBN + "\">");
                    out.println("<option value=PENDING");
                    if (strStatus.equals("PENDING"))
                    out.println("<option value=PROCESSING");
                    if (strStatus.equals("PROCESSING"))
                    out.println("<option value=DELIVERED");
                    if (strStatus.equals("DELIVERED"))
                    out.println("<option value=CANCELLED");
                    if (strStatus.equals("CANCELLED"))
                    out.println("<td align=center><font size=1 face=Verdana>" + rs.getString("mb_Qty") + "</font></td>");
                    /*price = rs.getString("mb_Price");
                    NumberFormat moneyAmount = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
                    Double dPrice = Double.parseDouble(price);
                    out.println("<td align=center><font size=1 face=Verdana>" + rs.getString("mb_Price") + "</font></td>");
                    out.println("<td align=center colspan=2><font size=1 face=Verdana>");
                    if (strStatus.equals("DELIVERED"))
                        //status = "DELIVERED"
                        out.println("<input align=center name=\"deliveredDate" + ISBN + "\" type=text size=10 maxlength=10 value=" + rs.getString("mb_DeliveredDate") + ">");    
                        out.println("<input align=center name=\"deliveredDate" + ISBN + "\" type=text size=10 maxlength=10 value=Nil disabled>");
                out.println("<tr><td> </td></tr>");
                out.println("<TD colspan=3 align=center>");
                out.println("<INPUT TYPE=submit BORDER=1 value=update name=update>");
                out.println("<TD colspan=3 align=center>");
                out.println("<a href=\"javascript:window.close()\"><img src=\"Close.gif\" BORDER=0></a>");
            catch (Exception e)
                //sendErrorToClient(out, e); //send stack trace to client
                //return connection to Pool
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, {
               response.setContentType("text/html"); //html output
               PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
               Connection dbConn = null;
               //get the parameters posted back by processPOItem servlet
               String processingAll = request.getParameter("processingAll");
               String deliveredAll = request.getParameter("deliveredAll");
               String deliveredDate = request.getParameter("deliveredDate");
               String refInvoice = request.getParameter("refInvoice");
               String refNumber = request.getParameter("refNumber");
               //String status = request.getParameter("status");  
               //check if update button is pressed
               String updatePO = request.getParameter("updatePO");
               //sql statement variable
               String sqlUpdatePOStatus;
               String isbn, poItemStatus;
               //update button was pressed
               if (!updatePO.equals(""))
                    //get the SQL statement
                    String SearchPOItems = searchSQL(strPO);
                    //get free connection pool
                    dbConn = connectionPool.getConnection();
                    //create a statement object
                    Statement stmt = dbConn.createStatement();
                    //create the recordset
                    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SearchPOItems);
                    int index = 0;
                    //display the recordset
                    while (
                      isbn = rs.getString("mb_ISBN");
                      poItemStatus = request.getParameter("mb_Status" + isbn);
                      out.println(isbn + " " + poItemStatus);
                      //update the status of individual PO item
    if (!poItemStatus.equals(""))
    sqlUpdatePOStatus = updatePOItemSQL(strPO, isbn, poItemStatus);
                catch (Exception e)
                        //return connection to pool
    }When I perform a form submit in my doGet() method, the doPost Method() responsed. However, it encounter error in updating the second row in the recordset as highlighted in bold.
    After the first row is updated. The second row did not get updated at all.
    The error return was "Resultset is closed".
    What actually is wrong? How can I execute a sqlstatement inside a recordset? How to solve this problem?

    Did you turn on the "updatable" switch for the result
    public Statement createStatement(int resultSetType,
    int resultSetConcurrency) throws
    resultSetType - a result set type; see
    resultSetConcurrency - a concurrency type; see
    static int CONCUR_UPDATABLE
    JDBC 2.0 The concurrency mode for a ResultSet object
    that may be updated.Hi,
    do you refer to the following change of code:
    //create a statement object (original)
    Statement stmt = dbConn.createStatement();change to the following:
    //create a statement object (original)
    Statement stmt = dbConn.createStatement(resultSetType,
    resultSetConcurrency);when I use another statement object for executeupdate, what I got was the connection was used by another hstmt. Thus the second column was not updated at all.

  • I was making a movie on iMovie, and was trying to use the green screen to make a split screen. I pressed on the green screen button, but the second clip didn't play next to the first, and only the audio played.

    I was making a movie on iMovie, and was trying to use the green screen to make a split screen. I pressed on the green screen button, but the second clip didn't play next to the first, and only the audio played. I tried again with some different clips and some worked and some didn't. This hasn't happened before. What should I do? (I am using iMovie '09)

    No guarantess but try smc and pram resets,

  • Ddeleting the Second Row tag in XML output

    Hi All,
    When I run the following query:
    select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select wo.work_order_no,
    cursor(select regacc.work_order_no, regacc.work_order_task_no, regacc.regulatory_account_no
    from sa_work_orde_reg regacc
    where regacc.work_order_no = wo.work_order_no) Reg_Test
    from sa_work_order wo') xml
    from dual;
    I get the following output:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Now what I need is to delete the second row tag <REG_TEST_ROW>. Is there some function or some other ways to handle this. I will be using this query in DBMS_XMLGEN.newcontext API inside my procedure.
    Thanks for your help in advance.
    Edited by: user33333 on Jun 29, 2010 1:11 AM
    Edited by: user33333 on Jun 29, 2010 1:19 AM

    Here are some options...
    1) Using a scalar subquery instead of the CURSOR constructor (provided it's always meant to return a single row) :
    SELECT dbms_xmlgen.getxml(
    'SELECT wo.work_order_no,
            ( SELECT XMLForest( regacc.work_order_no,
                                regacc.regulatory_account_no )
              FROM sa_work_orde_reg regacc
              WHERE regacc.work_order_no = wo.work_order_no ) reg_test
    FROM sa_work_order wo'
    ) xml
    FROM dual;2) Embedding an XSL transformation (yes, again!) to copy all nodes except REG_TEST_ROW :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:template match="*[local-name()!='REG_TEST_ROW']">
    <xsl:copy select=".">
    <xsl:template match="*[local-name()='REG_TEST_ROW']">
    <xsl:copy-of select="./*"/>
    </xsl:stylesheet>3) Using a simple replace on the serialized output.

  • Insert a button on the last row of a report

    Hi all,
    my client wants an "add" button on the last row of any report that he has. I can do it easy on the first row (SELECT DECODE(rownum,1,'button','')), but I couldn't find a solution for this situation.
    Can anyone help me?
    Thanks in advance.
    Nelson Freitas

    Sorry, but I didn't quite understand the answer. Here's my example, a real one :)
    select     "SGP_DIS_ENT_ANO"."SCE_ID" as " ",
         "SGP_ANO_ESC"."SAE_ANO" as "Ano",
         "SGP_CUR"."SCU_DES" as "Curso",
         "SGP_DIS"."SDE_DES" as "Disciplina"
    from     "SGP_ANO_ESC" "SGP_ANO_ESC",
         "SGP_EST_ANO" "SGP_EST_ANO",
         "SGP_CUR" "SGP_CUR",
         "SGP_DIS" "SGP_DIS",
         "SGP_DIS_CUR" "SGP_DIS_CUR",
    and     "SGP_DIS_CUR"."SDE_ID"="SGP_DIS"."SDE_ID"
    and     "SGP_DIS_CUR"."SCU_ID"="SGP_CUR"."SCU_ID"
    and     "SGP_EST_ANO"."SAE_ID"="SGP_ANO_ESC"."SAE_ID"
    and "SGP_DIS_ENT_ANO"."SEN_ID" = :P19_SEN_ID
    Could you help me with it?

  • Adding a Button to the Sales Order screen

    Good Day
    I have added a button to the SalesOrder screen with help from a previous post here on the forum.  The button was lined up with the others that were already exisitng on the screen.  Recently, I have encountered a problem with it.  When the SalesOrder screen is run on a different machine,  the button is almost not visible.  It appears there is some kind of issue with the screen resolution just for this button. 
    Do I have to do something special with this button when it is shown on the screen to get it to remain in line with the existing buttons?

    Hi Ed
    Are you setting the button in relation to the surrounding existing objects?  Like for instance ...
            Dim oButton As SAPbouiCOM.Item = oForm.Items.Item("2").Specific 'Cancel button
            Dim oNewButton As SAPbouiCOM.Button
            Dim oNewItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item = oForm.Items.Item("Test") 'your new button or control
            With oNewItem
                .AffectsFormMode = True
                .Left = oButton .Left  + oButton.Width ' notice how button is positioned based on  existing one
                .Top = oButton .Top
                .Width = oButton.Width
                .Height = oButton.Height
                .FromPane = oButton.FromPane
                .ToPane = oButton.ToPane
                .TextStyle = intTextStyle
                oNewButton = .Specific
            End With
            With oNewButton
                .Caption = strCaption
            End With
    Message was edited by:
            Neftali Figueroa
    Message was edited by:
            Neftali Figueroa

  • Adding custom buttons to the Rich Text Editor in CQ

    I have added custom buttons to the rich text editor in order to allow our editors to add specific content, such as popovers, custom videos and other data necessary data.
    I have successfully modifed the Rich Text editor so, that it includes the custom buttons in the actions panel.
    I have also managed to make the buttons work and include the data where necessary, when user highlights the text and clicks on a certain button.
    The last bit I am struggling with, is the visual feedback we give to the users when this text has associated action with it.
    E.g. when we select this text and make it bold when we click on the word B the button B becomes highlighted in the actions panel, later when we continue typing our text and click again on "bold" the letter B becomes highlighted again.
    Is there any button related callback/method I could overwrite to add this functionality and make my button highlighted ?

    After lot's of thinking found a solution....
    Essentially the first step is to extend the CQ.form.rte.plugins.Plugin in your custom button.
    Then during the UI initialisation we create our "custom"
    var pressButton = new ui.TbElement("press-button", this, true,this.getTooltip("press-button")); // Essential extend of the button
    setInterval(function() {
                     if(window.jQuery) {
                         window.jQuery(document).ready(function () {
                             window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").css({width:45,"background-image":"none"}); // Ignore the background
                             window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").text("Press Button"); // Set the name
                                mouseenter: function(){
                                  window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").html("<b>Press Button</b>"); // Set the name bold                        
                                mouseleave: function(){                       
                               window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").html("Press Button"); // Set the name normal
                             }}, '.press-button');
                 }, 100);
    tbGenerator.addElement("press-button", plg.Plugin.SORT_LISTS, pressButton, 10); // element is inserted
    Every time the element is inserted I add the following html
    <span class="press-button">Test peter</span>
    Now, every time in the editor, the content editor mouse overs the custom button it is higlighted in the RTE))

  • The buttons on the top row of my computer is there a way to tun off and on?

    the buttons on the top row of my computer is there a way to tun off and on?

    Click on the 'systems preferences' icon that is located on your dock ( it looks like the three little gears) and then click on 'keyboard'. Select the 'Use all F1, F2, Ect,' checkbox.

  • Adding toolbar buttons in the beginning

    Hi Experts,
    Can somebody tell me how to add my own toolbar buttons in ALV in the beginning.
    When i am adding buttons using the event handler class it is adding the buttons only at the end. I want the buttons in the very beginning.

    Hi Aditya,
    I am adding toolbar buttons using the below method.
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_toolbar.
        DATA: ls_toolbar  TYPE stb_button.
    append a separator to normal toolbar
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 3 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    append an icon to create new skills
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 'CREATE'(000) TO ls_toolbar-function.
        MOVE icon_create TO ls_toolbar-icon.
        MOVE 'Create Detail'(001) TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    append an icon to change existing information
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 'CHANGE'(003) TO ls_toolbar-function.
        MOVE icon_change TO ls_toolbar-icon.
        MOVE 'Change Detail'(004) TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    append an icon to display information
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 'DISPLAY'(006) TO ls_toolbar-function.
        MOVE icon_display TO ls_toolbar-icon.
        MOVE 'Display Detail'(007) TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    append an icon to delete information
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 'DELETE'(009) TO ls_toolbar-function.
        MOVE icon_delete TO ls_toolbar-icon.
        MOVE 'Delete Detail'(010) TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_toolbar

  • Manually adding a Extra button in the application tool bar of the view cluster.

    hello Colleagues ,
    I have created a couple of maintenance view , and with this two maintenance view i have created a view cluster using the transaction SE54.
    Now, there is default Application toolbar gets generated when a view cluster is created. (screenshot attached.)
    Now i have a requirement where i can add another button (syntax Check button in the screenshot 2) in the same view cluster. (screenshot attached.)
    Want to know the feasibility of this requirement.
    Thanks in advance
    Shavneet Singh

    Not sure of your exact reqt
    But got some sample code to create a button on the toolbar which once clicked gives a new popup window with additional parameters
    **Create the Additional Selection screen to input filename
    **Create Application Toolbar Button on the Standard selection Screen
    SELECTION-SCREEN FUNCTION KEY 1. "Its fcode will be FC01
      SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_01 = 'Enter File'. "Assign the Text to the Button
      CASE SSCRFIELDS-UCOMM. "Check the Fcode
        WHEN 'FC01'.
      CALL FUNCTION 'F4_FILENAME' "Local file browser
    ***Your list processing.

  • Adding a button to the Open Items List

    Hiya everyone,  I am trying to add a button to the Open List Items form (formType - 152) which is located in Reports -> Sales & Purchasing -> Open Items List.  When I attempt to add a button to that particular form it does not appear.  The only form I seem to be be able to add a button to is on the main menu.  I have added my code below:
    Private Sub CreateMySimpleForm()
            Dim oItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item
            Dim oButton As SAPbouiCOM.Button
           oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm
            oItem = oForm.Items.Add("80", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_BUTTON)
            oItem.Left = 6
            oItem.Width = 65
            oItem.Top = 51
            oItem.Height = 19
            oButton = oItem.Specific
            oButton.Caption = "View Document"
        End Sub
    Has anyone got any ideas.....Thanks

    I have discovered that the button appears if the Open List Items window is open when I run my code so the button can actually appear on that form.  However, how do I change this line :
    oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm
    so that it specifies that the button will appear only on the Open List Items form.  When I change that line to:
    oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.GetForm("152",1 ) keeps on complaining that it cannot find that form. 
    I'm not sure what the Count is supposed to be in:
    GetForm(Type As String, <b>Count</b> As Integer) 
    If anyone could help me out I would be grateful.....Thanks

  • Adding a button before the TOC button in a WebHelp Pro navigation bar

    My client wnats to add a "Home " button to the left of the TOC button in the navigation bar. I can ad buttons to the right of the "standard buttons": TOC, Search, Print, and Glossary, but even if I go and edit the skn file and add the "Home" botton before the TOC one, it still displays to the right. Is there anything I am missing?
    Using RoboHelp 9 and Robohelp Server.

    I don't have RH Server, so this is a bit of a guess but I think one method will work.
    Modify the toolbar order in whstart.js.
    1. In whstart.js, go to line 184 (RH10), it has the text else if (nMsgId == WH_MSG_TOOLBARORDER).
    2. Below the opening bracket add the following code:
    oMsg.oParam = "CUSTOM|toc|glo|idx|fts|blackblock|searchform|banner";
    return false;
    3. Open whskin_tbars.htm and go to the bottom of the file to find a few calls starting with addButton.
    4. Copyt the id of the button (customxxxx) and replace the text CUSTOM in whstart.js.
    Modify whskin_tbars.htm
    1. Open whskin_tbars.htm
    2. Go to the bottom of the file and find a few calls starting with addButton.
    3. Set the lines in the order you want the buttons to appear. (Don't forget the 'blankblock' button to push certain content to the right of the toolbar.
    4. Remove the call to the function ReSortToolbarButtons() from the file whskin_tbars.js.
    If WebHelp does still resort the buttons, try adding return false; as the first code in the function ReSortToolbarButtons() in the file whtbar.js
    Hope this helps,

  • Adding a Button in the Application toolbar when using LDB for HR programs

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement to add a new button after execute button in the Application tool bar for the HR programs when using LDB PNP.
    Normally when we are using LDB in our program we will get a extra button provided by SAP after the execyte button.          When we are creating a new button for this  by using the table fields sscrfields  with the function key as 2 we are not able to see the new button.
    can any one help me in this issue.

    please post your relevant coding with respect to the button

  • Adding extra fields to the SOA composite from OIM

    Hi All
    I want to to add extra fields to the input XML file to custom SOA approval composite.
    Where I suppose to control the parameter going from the OIM request to the SOA composite ?
    Edited by: 599647 on Jan 27, 2012 9:28 AM

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