is there any difference between those two querries ?
SELECT columnA, columnB, COUNT(*)
FROM table1
GROUP BY CUBE(columnA, columnB)
SELECT columnA, columnB, COUNT(*)
FROM table1
GROUP BY CUBE(columnB, columnA)
I know it matters when using ROLLUP, but does the order of the columns has any impact in the GROUP BY CUBE statement ?

Ikrischer wrote:
I never thought a query with a SET operator is sorted, I was surprised myself. First of all SET is a function, not an operator. Secondly, query with SET function is not sorted. SET function apples to nested table, not to a query. I can write something like where SET is used as select-list expression:
SQL> create or replace
  2    type SalList
  3      as table of number(7,2)
  4  /
Type created.
SQL> select  deptno,
  2          cast(collect(sal) as SalList) SalList
  3    from  emp
  4    group by deptno
  5  /
        10 SALLIST(2450, 5000, 1300)
        20 SALLIST(800, 3000, 800, 3000, 2975)
        30 SALLIST(1500, 1500, 1250, 1500, 1250, 1250)
SQL>  select  deptno,
  2          set(cast(collect(sal) as SalList)) SalList
  3    from  emp
  4    group by deptno
  5  /
        10 SALLIST(2450, 5000, 1300)
        20 SALLIST(800, 3000, 2975)
        30 SALLIST(1500, 1250)
SQL> SET eliminated duplicates, but do you see salary set sorted? Anyway, I think you are talking about:
  FROM  TABLE(SET(nested_table))
/And this again will eliminate dups but not necessarily by sorting:
SQL> select * from table(set(NumList(3,2,1,3,3,2,1,1,2)));
SQL>  I have no idea if exam 1Z0-047 states that or not. I assume you misinterpreted what it states.

Similar Messages

  • Difference between group by roll up and group by cube

    Please let me know with an example for the difference between group by roll up and group by cube.


    제품 : PL/SQL
    작성날짜 : 2000-06-29
    ROLLUP 과 CUBE Operator에 대해 설명하고자 한다.
    ROLLUP operator는 SELECT문의 GROUP BY절에 사용된다.
    SELECT절에 ROLLUP 을 사용함으로써 'regular rows'(보통의 select된 data)와
    'super-aggregate rows'(총계)을 구할 수 있다. 기존에는 select ... union select
    를 이용해 구사해야 했었던 것이다. 'super-aggregate rows'는 'sub-total'
    (중간 Total, 즉 소계)을 포함한다.
    CUBE operator는 Cross-tab에 대한 Summary를 추출하는데 사용된다. 모든 가능한
    dimension에 대한 total을 나타낸다. 즉 ROLLUP에 의해 나타내어지는 item total값과
    column total값을 나타낸다.
    NULL값은 모든 값에 대한 super-aggregate 을 나타낸다. GROUPING() function은
    모든 값에 대한 set을 나타내는 null값과 column의 null값과 구별하는데 쓰여진다.
    GROUPING() function은 GROUP BY절에서 반드시 표현되어야 한다. GROUPING()은 모든
    값의 set을 표현합에 있어서 null이면 1을 아니면 0을 return한다.
    아래와 같이 테스트에 쓰여질 table과 data을 만든다.
    create table test_roll
    (YEAR NUMBER(4),
    DEPT CHAR(2),
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'West' , 'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'West' , 'A2' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1996 ,'West' , 'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1996 ,'West' , 'A2' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'Central' ,'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'East' , 'A1' , 100);
    insert into test_roll values (1995 ,'East' , 'A2' , 100);
    SQL> select * from test_roll;
    1995 West A1 100
    1995 West A2 100
    1996 West A1 100
    1996 West A2 100
    1995 Central A1 100
    1995 East A1 100
    1995 East A2 100
    7 rows selected.
    예제 1: ROLLUP
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    from test_roll
    group by rollup(year, region);
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    700 7
    7 rows selected.
    위의 내용을 tabular로 나타내어 보면 쉽게 알 수 있다.
    Year Central(A1+A2) East(A1+A2) West(A1+A2)
    1995 (100+NULL) (100+100) (100+100) 500
    1996 (NULL+NULL) (NULL+NULL) (100+100) 200
    예제 2: ROLLUP and GROUPING()
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year) "Y", grouping(region) "R"
    from test_roll
    group by rollup (year, region);
    1995 Central 100 0 0
    1995 East 200 0 0
    1995 West 200 0 0
    1995 500 0 1
    1996 West 200 0 0
    1996 200 0 1
    700 1 1
    7 rows selected.
    참고) null값이 모든 값의 set에 대한 표현으로 나타내어지면 GROUPING function은
    super-aggregate row에 대해 1을 return한다.
    예제 3: CUBE
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    from test_roll
    group by cube(year, region);
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    Central 100 1
    East 200 2
    West 400 4
    700 7
    위의 내용을 tabular로 나타내어 보면 쉽게 알 수 있다.
    Year Central(A1+A2) East(A1+A2) West(A1+A2)
    1995 (100+NULL) (100+100) (100+100) 500
    1996 (NULL+NULL) (NULL+NULL) (100+100) 200
    100 200 400 700
    예제 4: CUBE and GROUPING()
    SQL> select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year) "Y", grouping(region) "R"
    from test_roll
    group by cube (year, region);
    1995 Central 100 0 0
    1995 East 200 0 0
    1995 West 200 0 0
    1995 500 0 1
    1996 West 200 0 0
    1996 200 0 1
    Central 100 1 0
    East 200 1 0
    West 400 1 0
    700 1 1
    10 rows selected.
    Release 8.1.5 PL/SQL에서는 CUBE, ROLLUP 이 지원되지 않는다. 8i에서는 DBMS_SQL
    package을 이용하여 dynamic SQL로 구현하는 방법이 workaround로 제시된다.
    Ordacle8i에서는 PL/SQL block에 SQL절을 직접적으로 위치시키는 Native Dynamic SQL
    (참고 bul#11721)을 지원한다.
    Native Dynamic SQL을 사용하기 위해서는 COMPATIBLE 이 8.1.0 또는 그 보다 높아야
    SVRMGR> show parameter compatible
    compatible string 8.1.0
    예제 1-1: ROLLUP -> 위의 예제 1과 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollup as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count
    from test_roll
    group by rollup(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show errors
    10/8 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    13/18 PLS-00201: identifier 'ROLLUP' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollup as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by rollup(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||
    nvl(my_region,' ') ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_rollup
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    700 7
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    예제 2-1: ROLLUP and GROUPING() -> 위의 예제 2와 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollupg as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year), grouping(region)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region
    from test_roll
    group by rollup(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    12/4 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    17/13 PLS-00201: identifier 'ROLLUP' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_rollupg as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*), ' ||
    'grouping(year), grouping(region) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by rollup(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||my_region ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count ||
    ' ' || my_g_year || ' ' || my_g_region);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_rollupg
    1995 Central 100 1 0 0
    1995 East 200 2 0 0
    1995 West 200 2 0 0
    1995 500 5 0 1
    1996 West 200 2 0 0
    1996 200 2 0 1
    700 7 1 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    예제 3-1: CUBE -> 위의 예제 3과 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cube as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    select year, region, sum(profit), count(*)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count
    from test_roll
    group by cube(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    10/4 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    13/13 PLS-00201: identifier 'CUBE' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cube as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by cube(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||
    nvl(my_region,' ') ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_cube
    1995 Central 100 1
    1995 East 200 2
    1995 West 200 2
    1995 500 5
    1996 West 200 2
    1996 200 2
    Central 100 1
    East 200 2
    West 400 4
    700 7
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    예제 4-1: CUBE and GROUPING() -> 위의 예제 4와 비교한다.
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cubeg as
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    select year, region, sum(profit),
    grouping(year), grouping(region)
    into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region
    from test_roll
    group by cube(year, region);
    Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error
    12/4 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    17/13 PLS-00201: identifier 'CUBE' must be declared
    SQL> create or replace procedure test_cubeg as
    type curTyp is ref cursor;
    sql_stmt varchar2(200);
    tab_cv curTyp;
    my_year test_roll.year%type;
    my_region test_roll.region%type;
    my_sum int;
    my_count int;
    my_g_region int;
    my_g_year int;
    sql_stmt := 'select year, region, sum(profit), count(*), ' ||
    'grouping(year), grouping(region) ' ||
    'from test_roll ' ||
    'group by cube(year, region)';
    open tab_cv for sql_stmt;
    fetch tab_cv into my_year, my_region, my_sum, my_count,
    my_g_year, my_g_region;
    exit when tab_cv%NOTFOUND;
    dbms_output.put_line (my_year || ' '||my_region ||
    ' ' || my_sum || ' ' || my_count ||
    ' ' || my_g_year || ' ' || my_g_region);
    end loop;
    close tab_cv;
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec test_cubeg
    1995 Central 100 1 0 0
    1995 East 200 2 0 0
    1995 West 200 2 0 0
    1995 500 5 0 1
    1996 West 200 2 0 0
    1996 200 2 0 1
    Central 100 1 1 0
    East 200 2 1 0
    West 400 4 1 0
    700 7 1 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Reference Ducumment

    As previously posted you should use export and import utilities.
    To execute exp or imp statements you have just to open a command line interface, for instance,
    a DOS box on Windows.
    So you don't have to use SQL*Plus or TOAD.
    About export/import you may care on the mode, to export a single or a list of Tables the Table mode
    is enough.
    Please, find here an example to begin:
    Hope this help.
    Best regards,

  • Summary Report with cube and rollup

    hi guys,
    i m working a oracle 9i, i need a summary report after query execution. im using rollup and cube but it is giving me unwanted rows as well. for ex below
    from IRH
    where IRH_INTYPE='R'
    and IRH_RLOCN='EDP'
    Order by IRH_TDATE asc
    i want only two columns to be computed at the end of query. i.e sum of BDAMT and count of rows. i dont want any groupings. any alternate for this.
    thanks n regards

    Please post a create table statement, a few insert statements and the expected output, so we can help you.

  • How to get sum distinct in the cube. Is it possible.

    Here is the scenario.
    One report has many countries on it but only one amount.
    For a particular day we have the following data in the fact.
    Total Amount
    There are 2 dimensions on the cube.
    Date, Country.
    I am not sure how to build a cube on this data.
    with t as (
    select 19900101 transaction_Day_no,     'US' country_no,     34 total_amount from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'IND',         35  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'IND',         36  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'AUS',         37  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'UNKNOWN',    38  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'UNKNOWN',    39  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'UNKNOWN',    40  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'UNKNOWN',    41  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'UNKNOWN',    42  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'UNKNOWN',    43  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'US',    43  from dual union all
    select 19900101,    'IND',    42  from dual
    select transaction_day_no, country_no, sum(distinct total_amount) from t
    group by cube(transaction_Day_no, country_no);
    I am using AWM. I have tried to build by selecting the following aggregate for the cube
    max for the country_no and
    sum for the tranaction_Day_no
    But i am getting incorrect results.
    If i select sum for both country_no and transaction_no then also i get incorrect results.
    Please help me solve this issue.

    Thanks for all your reply's.
    The problem is that i have duplicates because
    One report can have many customers.
    One customer can have many countries.
    One customer can have many reports.
    If i include the report number in the above data and do a sum on both day and report_number and max for everything else then everything is find and i am getting correct results.
    But if i take out the report dimension then i am stuffed.
    Also the problem is that i can't have one big dimension for the report as the number of reports are in access of 300M
    We have tried to solve this issue by having the fullowing.
    Dummy Cube.
    This has all the combination of all the dimension in the fact table with the report dimension as only one row(-1)
    Report Dimension for each Quarter(34M rows each)
    Quarter Cube is build.
    Then add the values from all the Quarter Cube with the Dummy Cube.
    Tried for 2 Quarter and its working fine results are correct as well.
    Only problem is that its taking a long time to build the cube because of the report dimension.
    I am trying to find a way to remove the report dimension but still use it. As we only use report dimension at level 'ALL'
    But if we do aggregation at 'ALL' level the answers are wrong again.
    Thanks for looking into this and taking time to reply.

  • Inventory Management Extractors via DSO to Cube 0IC_C03

    Dear experts,
    to fulfill the requirements of DataWarehouse spirit using Entry-, Harmonization- and Reporting-Layer I want to use for Inventory Management a Data Flow from extractors 2LIS_03_BX, 2LIS_03_BF and 2LIS_03_UM via DSO/DSOs and later on to Cube 0IC_C03.
    In this forum there are some opened threads about this issue, but none has been resolved! Many hints are about the "How to Inventory Management..." - some other say: "You can use DSO's!" - others say: "Don't use DSOs!". So: Where is the truth? Is there anybody who can provide a really praticable way to implement the above mentioned data flow?
    I'm so excited about your suggestions and answers.
    Thanks in advance and regards
    --> Data Flow has to be in BW 7.0

    Hi Patrick,
    Yes indeed there is.
    Using DSOs in inventory flow is absolutely possible. Here's what you need to know and do:
    1 - Firstly don't be apprehensive about it. Knowledge is power! We know that inventory uses ABR delta update methodology and that is supported by DSOs so no doubt abt it.
    2 - Secondly Inventory is special because of non-cumulative and several rule group at cube level for BX and BF.
    3 - Now as you want to use a DSO and I am presuming that this will be used for staging purpose, use a write optimized DSO as the first layer. While mapping from DS to this DSO, keep one to one mapping from field to Info-objects.
    4- Keep in mind that from Infosource to 0IC_C03 there would be multiple rule groups present in transformations.
    These rule groups will have different KPIs mapped with routines. The purpose is that from ECC only 1 field for quantity (BWMNG) and one field for value (BWGEO) is coming but from Infosource to 0IC_C03 the same fields in different rule groups are mapped to different KPIs (Stock in transit, vendor consignment, valuated stock etc) based on stock category, stock type and BW transaction keys.
    5- So create a write optimized DSO. map it one to one from datasource fields. create/copy transformations from this DSO to cube maintaining the same rule groups and same logic.
    6- you can also use standard DSO and create rule groups and logic at DSO level and then do one to one from DSO to Cube.
    Keep in mind that these rule groups and logic in them should be precisely the same as in standard flow.
    This should work.

  • SQLDeveloper can't generate an explain-plan when using "cube"

    If I want to create an explain-plan from the following statement, I get no explain-plan:
    SELECT 1
    FROM   dual
    GROUP BY CUBE( 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 )If I now want to create an explain-plan again, I get the following message (and still no explain-plan):
    I tried this a few times and of course with a fresh db-session where i didn't run any statements before.
    I get this with:
    SQLDeveloper Version 3.0.04 Build MAIN-04.34 (i.e. production)
    Oracle Instant Client
    In Toad this works btw.
    (Of course it makes no sense to run it on this statement, we encountered this problem with a really big SQL-statement where "cube" was used in an inline-view. SQLDeveloper then wasn't able to generate an explain-plan for the whole-statement)

    that is correct.  I wanted to keep the login page redirect inside my class method so that I could do the check every time someone came to pages that require authentication. I wanted it in the LoadState method so I can do a check there, redirect
    them to login page or just get a cookie and then pass that cookie to page to build the UI for the page
    I can do what you are suggesting and have actually tried it but then I have to track which page to take the user to after they log in...
    I have multiple clicks in the appbar  and pages from where the user can come to these authentication-bound pages..
    Also, what am I doing wrong in my class method that it doesn't navigate to the login page in the LoadState method?

  • JDBC Bug with grouping function

    I found a bug in the JDBC driver, concerning the new grouping functionality of Oracle 8.1.6. Look at the following code fragment:
    try {
    System.out.println("SELECT: " + cSelect);
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(cSelect);
    while ( {
    String cTest1 = rset.getString("DIM1");
    String cTest2 = rset.getString("DIM2");
    String cTest3 = rset.getString("DIM_DATE");
    String cChar1 = rset.getString("DIM1GROUP");
    String cChar2 = rset.getString("DIM2GROUP");
    String cChar3 = rset.getString("DIM_DATEGROUP");
    System.out.println(cTest1 + "\t" + cTest2 + "\t" + cTest3 + "\t" + cChar1 + "\t" + cChar2 + "\t" + cChar3);
    }When I compile this with the mentioned JDBC version and run it with java 1.2.2 (JDeveloper 3.1), i get the following output:
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200003 0 0 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200003 1 0 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200004 0 0 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200004 1 0 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG null 0 0 1
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG null 1 0 1
    null 200003 0 1 0
    null 200003 1 1 0
    null 200004 0 1 0
    null 200004 1 1 0
    null null 0 1 1
    null null 1 1 1As you can see, the grouping columns are mixed up. In this example, everywhere a normal row shows a "null" value, a corresponding grouping row should show a "1", but as you can see, for the last 6 rows, the ones are not in the first, but in the second grouping row.
    When I compile the example with the Oracle 8.1.5 JDBC driver, I get the following, correct, output:
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200003 0 0 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200004 0 0 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG null 0 0 1
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200003 0 1 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG 200004 0 1 0
    Ahrend GmbH & Co. KG null 0 1 1
    null 200003 1 0 0
    null 200004 1 0 0
    null null 1 0 1
    null 200003 1 1 0
    null 200004 1 1 0
    null null 1 1 1The special thing about this example is, that I use a constant row for grouping (row 2). If you use a normal database row, everything works fine with, but nevertheless, this should be a bug.
    Any comments on this are highly appreciated, since I need the JDK 1.2 for the application and I didn't find a working Oracle 1.2 JDBC version.

    Patches can be obtained from an Oracle Support Services technical analyst.

  • Where is my 3d-cube?

    I have just started to develope some apps for J2ME. Before I have explored Java3D so perhaps I tries to merge these two technics and there for run into this problem.
    My plan for my first bigger app would consist of 4 classes.
    CubeGame - the midlet
    CubeCanvas - the canvas to display and render 3D objects.
    Cube - a class that holds everything for a 3D cube-object.
    RefreshTask - a timer class that i hope will be replaced by letting CubeCanvas implemets Runnable instead.
    I also use a image for the texture for the cube, that one can be found at:
    The problem is that the cube never get's displayed when I start this app. I just see a black screen with my time counter. Perhasps it is there somewhere but is out of sight I do not know??
    So if any one could tell me whats wrong and how to get the cube in the display please tell me!
    Below is the source code.
    Best regards
    Fredrik Andersson
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
    public class CubeGame extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
         static CubeGame instance;
         CubeCanvas cubeCanvas = new CubeCanvas();
         public CubeGame()
              this.instance = this;
         public void startApp()
              Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0);
         public void pauseApp()
         public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
    public static void quitApp()
    instance = null;
         public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s)
              if (c.getCommandType() == Command.EXIT)
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class CubeCanvas extends Canvas
         private Graphics3D      graphics3D;
         private Camera      camera = new Camera();
         private Light      light = new Light();
         private Transform      transform = new Transform();
         private Background      background = new Background();
         private World                world = new World();
         private byte                time = 100;
         private     Group                group = new Group();
         private Timer                timer = new Timer();
         private TimerTask           timerTask = null;
         private Cube                cube = new Cube();
         public CubeCanvas()
         public void init()
              graphics3D = Graphics3D.getInstance();
              group.setOrientation(15.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
              camera.setParallel((1<<3)*1.5f, 1.0f, -(1<<3), (1<<3));
         camera.setPerspective( 60.0f, // field of view
              (float)getWidth()/ (float)getHeight(), // aspectRatio
              1.0f, // near clipping plane
              1000.0f ); // far clipping plane
         // create a light
         light.setColor(0xffffff); // white light
         light.setIntensity(1.25f); // overbright
         public void rotateCube(short cubeId, short dircetion)
         public void connectCubes(short cubeId, short dircetion)
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              if(this == null || world == null)
              if(timerTask != null)
              Transform transform = new Transform();
         transform.postTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f);
         graphics3D.setCamera(camera, transform);
         // set up a "headlight": a directional light shining
         // from the direction of the camera
         graphics3D.addLight(light, transform);
              g.drawString(time + " sec", 10, 30, Graphics.LEFT | Graphics.TOP);
              timerTask = new RefreshTask(this);
         timer.schedule(timerTask, 1000);
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
    public class Cube extends Group
         private short size;
         private Image[] images;
         private VertexBuffer vertexBuffer; // positions, normals, colors, texcoords
         private IndexBuffer indexBuffer; // indices to vertexBuffer, formingtriangle strips
         private Appearance appearance; // material, texture, compositing, ...
         private Material material = new Material();
         private Mesh          mesh;
         private Image iImage;
         short[] vert = {
              1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1,-1, 1, -1,-1, 1, // front
         -1, 1,-1, 1, 1,-1, -1,-1,-1, 1,-1,-1, // back
         -1, 1, 1, -1, 1,-1, -1,-1, 1, -1,-1,-1, // left
              1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1,-1, 1, // right
              1, 1,-1, -1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, // top
              1,-1, 1, -1,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1 }; // bottom
         byte[] norm = {
              0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127,
              0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127,
         -127, 0, 0, -127, 0, 0, -127, 0, 0, -127, 0, 0,
              127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0,
              0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0,
              0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0 };
         short[] tex = {
              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 };
         int[] stripLen = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
         //public Cube(short s, Image[] i)
         public Cube()
                   //size = s;
                   //images = i;
                   VertexArray vertArray = new VertexArray(vert.length / 3, 3, 2);
                   vertArray.set(0, vert.length/3, vert);
                   VertexArray normArray = new VertexArray(norm.length / 3, 3, 1);
                   normArray.set(0, norm.length/3, norm);
                   VertexArray texArray = new VertexArray(tex.length / 2, 2, 2);
                   texArray.set(0, tex.length/2, tex);
                   VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer();
                   vertexBuffer.setPositions(vertArray, 1.0f, null); // unit scale, zerobias
                   vertexBuffer.setTexCoords(0, texArray, 1.0f, null); // unit scale, zerobias
                   indexBuffer = new TriangleStripArray( 0, stripLen );
                   iImage = Image.createImage( "/images/texture.png" );
                   Image2D image2D = new Image2D( Image2D.RGB, iImage );
                   Texture2D texture = new Texture2D( image2D );
                   texture.setFiltering(Texture2D.FILTER_NEAREST, Texture2D.FILTER_NEAREST);
                   texture.setWrapping(Texture2D.WRAP_CLAMP, Texture2D.WRAP_CLAMP);
                   appearance = new Appearance();
                   appearance.setTexture(0, texture);
                   material.setColor(Material.DIFFUSE, 0xFFFFFFFF); // white
                   material.setColor(Material.SPECULAR, 0xFFFFFFFF); // white
                   mesh = new Mesh(vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, appearance);
              catch(Exception e)
         public short getSize()
              return size;
         public Image[] getImages()
              return images;
    import java.util.*;
    public class RefreshTask extends TimerTask
         CubeCanvas cubeCanvas;
         public RefreshTask(CubeCanvas cc)
              cubeCanvas = cc;
         public void run()

    Hello Mates!
    (Greetings from a cold Sweden -20 deg. cel. this morning very unusually so late in the winter)
    At last I solved it. Now I think I got hold of this.
    I use immediate mode. I do not know if this is a good thing if we talk performance.
    My intention was to be able to progamatically create different objects and add them to my world. I'm not so found of creating things in a 3D-program. I rather create them my self. Now I think I know how!
    Perhaps you can advise me not to do this if you see that this would leak memory or something else. Perhaps it is better to use m3g-files, I do not know. But I do not like it.
    Now my app contains these 4 classes:
    TestMIDlet - just the start class for everything
    TestCanvas3D - this is the interesting class that contains everything for the rendering and the world to attach objects into.
    Cube - All data for a 3D-cube
    Pyramid - All data for a Pyramid, I guess, I have copied you Mitch
    This app displays these two objects. My intention is now to create a 3D-world progamatically. So please comment this if you in any way think this is stupid.
    The code is below:
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class TestMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
    private Display display = null;
    private TestCanvas3D testCanvas3D = new TestCanvas3D();
    private Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.ITEM, 1);
    public TestMIDlet()
    display = Display.getDisplay(this);
    public void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException
    catch(Exception e)
    public void pauseApp()
    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) throws MIDletStateChangeException
    public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable)
    if (command == exitCommand)
    catch(Exception e)
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class TestCanvas3D extends Canvas
    private Graphics3D graphics3D = Graphics3D.getInstance();
    private Camera camera = new Camera();
    private World world = new World();
    private Background background = new Background();
    private Light light = new Light();
    private Pyramid pyramid1 = new Pyramid(0xFFFFFF00);
    private Cube cube = new Cube();
    private Transform cameraTransform = new Transform();
    private Transform worldTransform = new Transform();
    private Transform lightTransform = new Transform();
    public TestCanvas3D()
    Transform transform1 = new Transform();
    transform1.postTranslate(-0.5f, 0.0f, -8.0f);
    Transform transform2 = new Transform();
    transform2.postTranslate(0.5f, 0.0f, -8.0f);
    worldTransform.postTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    lightTransform.postTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f);
    graphics3D.addLight(light, lightTransform);
    float aspect = (float) getWidth() / (float) getHeight();
    camera.setPerspective(60.0f, aspect, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
    cameraTransform.postTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    graphics3D.setCamera(camera, cameraTransform);
    protected void paint(Graphics g)
    graphics3D.render(world, worldTransform);
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
    public class Cube extends Group
    private short size;
    private Image[] images;
    private VertexBuffer vertexBuffer; // positions, normals, colors, texcoords
    private IndexBuffer indexBuffer; // indices to vertexBuffer, formingtriangle strips
    private Appearance appearance; // material, texture, compositing, ...
    private Material material = new Material();
    private Mesh mesh;
    private Image iImage;
    short[] vert = {
    1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1,-1, 1, -1,-1, 1, // front
    -1, 1,-1, 1, 1,-1, -1,-1,-1, 1,-1,-1, // back
    -1, 1, 1, -1, 1,-1, -1,-1, 1, -1,-1,-1, // left
    1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1,-1, 1, // right
    1, 1,-1, -1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, // top
    1,-1, 1, -1,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1 }; // bottom
    byte[] norm = {
    0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127,
    0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127,
    -127, 0, 0, -127, 0, 0, -127, 0, 0, -127, 0, 0,
    127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0,
    0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0, 0, 127, 0,
    0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0, 0,-127, 0 };
    short[] tex = {
    1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 };
    int[] stripLen = { 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
    //public Cube(short s, Image[] i)
    public Cube()
    //size = s;
    //images = i;
    VertexArray vertArray = new VertexArray(vert.length / 3, 3, 2);
    vertArray.set(0, vert.length/3, vert);
    VertexArray normArray = new VertexArray(norm.length / 3, 3, 1);
    normArray.set(0, norm.length/3, norm);
    VertexArray texArray = new VertexArray(tex.length / 2, 2, 2);
    texArray.set(0, tex.length/2, tex);
    VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer();
    vertexBuffer.setPositions(vertArray, 1.0f, null); // unit scale, zerobias
    vertexBuffer.setTexCoords(0, texArray, 1.0f, null); // unit scale, zerobias
    indexBuffer = new TriangleStripArray( 0, stripLen );
    iImage = Image.createImage( "/images/texture.png" );
    Image2D image2D = new Image2D( Image2D.RGB, iImage );
    Texture2D texture = new Texture2D( image2D );
    texture.setFiltering(Texture2D.FILTER_NEAREST, Texture2D.FILTER_NEAREST);
    texture.setWrapping(Texture2D.WRAP_CLAMP, Texture2D.WRAP_CLAMP);
    appearance = new Appearance();
    appearance.setTexture(0, texture);
    material.setColor(Material.DIFFUSE, 0xFFFFFFFF); // white
    material.setColor(Material.SPECULAR, 0xFFFFFFFF); // white
    mesh = new Mesh(vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, appearance);
    catch(Exception e)
    public short getSize()
    return size;
    public Image[] getImages()
    return images;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.m3g.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class Pyramid extends Group
    Appearance appearance = new Appearance();
    IndexBuffer triangles = null;
    VertexBuffer vertices = new VertexBuffer();
    Mesh mesh;
    public Pyramid(int color)
    // Appearance and materials;
    Material material = new Material();
    material.setColor(Material.DIFFUSE, color ); // yellow
    // coordinates - These are the vertex positions
    short[] coordinates = { -1, -2, -1,     1, -2, -1,     0, 2, -1 };
    VertexArray vaCoordinates = new VertexArray( (coordinates.length/3), 3, 2);
    vaCoordinates.set(0, (coordinates.length/3), coordinates);
    vertices.setPositions(vaCoordinates, 1, null);
    // Normals - first two point back at the light, the last normal points down just as an experiment
    byte[] normals = { 0, 0, 127,    0, 0, 127,    0, -128, 0 };
    VertexArray vaNormals = new VertexArray( (normals.length/3), 3, 1);
    vaNormals.set(0, (normals.length/3), normals);
    int[] coordIndex = {3};
    triangles = new TriangleStripArray(0, coordIndex);
    VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer();
    vertexBuffer.setPositions(vaCoordinates, 1.0f, null); // unit scale, zerobias
    mesh = new Mesh(vertexBuffer, triangles, appearance);
    Remeber that the cube uses the png mentioned above

  • Aggreate functions(cube,rollup)

    Is it possible to use aggrgate funtions (cube, rollup) with Oracle Express ?

    I don't find any documentation about aggregate functions like cube, rollup, grouping set in XE librairy. But it works !
    group by rollup MANAGER_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID);
    group by cube (MANAGER_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID);
    group by
    grouping sets (MANAGER_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID);
    It's great !

  • RollUp & Cube.

    <SQL> Connect Scott/Tiger
    <SQL> Select Deptno,
    2 Decode(Ename,Null,'T O T A L',Ename),
    3 SUM(Sal)
    4 From Emp
    5 Group By ROLLUP(Deptno,Ename);
    10 AWAIS 5000
    10 CLARK 2450
    10 MILLER 1300
    10 T O T A L 8750
    20 23132121 1000
    20 ADAMS 1100
    20 FORD 3000
    20 JONES 2975
    20 SCOTT 3000
    20 SMITH 800
    20 T O T A L 11875
    30 ALLEN 1600
    30 BLAKE 2850
    30 JAMES 950
    30 MARTIN 1250
    30 TURNER 1500
    30 WARD 1250
    30 T O T A L 9400
    T O T A L 30025
    19 rows selected.
    RollUp Functionality is Perfect.
    But what is this ?
    SQL> Select Deptno,
    2 Decode(Ename,Null,'T O T A L',Ename),
    3 SUM(Sal)
    4 From Emp
    5 Group By CUBE(Deptno,Ename);
    10 AWAIS 5000
    10 CLARK 2450
    10 MILLER 1300
    10 T O T A L 8750
    20 23132121 1000
    20 ADAMS 1100
    20 FORD 3000
    20 JONES 2975
    20 SCOTT 3000
    20 SMITH 800
    20 T O T A L 11875
    30 ALLEN 1600
    30 BLAKE 2850
    30 JAMES 950
    30 MARTIN 1250
    30 TURNER 1500
    30 WARD 1250
    30 T O T A L 9400
    23132121 1000
    ADAMS 1100
    ALLEN 1600
    AWAIS 5000
    BLAKE 2850
    CLARK 2450
    FORD 3000
    JAMES 950
    JONES 2975
    MARTIN 1250
    MILLER 1300
    SCOTT 3000
    SMITH 800
    TURNER 1500
    WARD 1250
    T O T A L 30025
    34 rows selected.
    Cube is Selecting 34 Rows, Why ?
    I am not understanding the functionalilty of Cube.
    Can any one define it ?
    Thanks in Advance...

    With cube, you create subtotals in different dimension. Your example does not make sense for cube, since ename is unique for all departments.
    Look at this. Also note the "GROUPING" function, which distinguish pure null values and null because of grouping (giving 1).
    Kind regards
    Laurent Schneider
    select decode(grouping(JOB), 1, 'T O T A L', job) JOB,
    decode(grouping(DNAME), 1, 'T O T A L', dname) DNAME,
    from emp natural full outer join dept
    group by cube(job,dname)
    order by 1 nulls first, 2 nulls first;
    JOB       DNAME          SUM(NVL(SAL,0))
              OPERATIONS                   0
              T O T A L                    0
    ANALYST   RESEARCH                  6000
    ANALYST   T O T A L                 6000
    CLERK     ACCOUNTING                1300
    CLERK     RESEARCH                  1900
    CLERK     SALES                      950
    CLERK     T O T A L                 4150
    MANAGER   ACCOUNTING                2450
    MANAGER   RESEARCH                  2975
    MANAGER   SALES                     2850
    MANAGER   T O T A L                 8275
    PRESIDENT ACCOUNTING                5000
    PRESIDENT T O T A L                 5000
    SALESMAN  SALES                     5600
    SALESMAN  T O T A L                 5600
    T O T A L ACCOUNTING                8750
    T O T A L OPERATIONS                   0
    T O T A L RESEARCH                 10875
    T O T A L SALES                     9400
    T O T A L T O T A L                29025

  • Convert InfoPackg Group

    In BW 3.5 ->RSA1 ->Administraction ->InfoPackages, I click on the InfoPackage Group Sales Cube, I have 5 InfoPackages.
    Sale Cube 2001
    Sale Cube 2002
    Sale Cube 2003
    Sale Cube 2004
    Sale Cube 2005
    What does it mean is if I run this InfoPackage Group, all the 5 InfoPackages will be triggered right?
    I would like to convert this InfoPackage Group into Process Chain, So I:
    1) Double-click on the InfoPackage Group Sales Cube
    2) The Scheduler (Maintain InfoPackageGroup) open up. I click on the Process Chain Maint button
    3) Enter the Process Chain Name as SaleCube.
    4) In the Process Chain screen, I see the Process Chain SaleCube created with the 5 InfoPackages.
    5) However, all this 5 InfoPackages not appear/link at the same level or right sequence. It is:
         Start Process
         Sale Cube 2001
         Sale Cube 2002
         Sale Cube 2003
         Sale Cube 2004
         Sale Cube 2005
    So Sale Cube 2002 is depend on Sale Cube 2001 etc, Why? I thought all the 5 InfoPackages should appear under the Start Process right?

      Have to include all the infopackages from your IP group individually in the process chain. Include the infopackages in the same order as in the IP group.
    set delay time (as in IP group) for some of the infopackage execution using "wait" time option in the process chain.
    set the option for " when to execute which infopackage" - whether on success of the earlier IP or failure or always execute in the process chain.
    Re: Process chains
    Re: Regarding Converting Inofpackage Groups to Process Chains
    Process Chain?
    Edited by: Tarak on Jan 12, 2009 7:08 AM
    Edited by: Tarak on Jan 12, 2009 7:18 AM

  • Cube Query performance

    Hi All,
    I am working on a data warehousing project. I have 7 dimensions and one fact table. I am planning to create a materialized view with aggregate values based on the dimension keys. In my Mview query I am trying to use parallel option and group by cube clause. I am using 9 keys in the cube clause. When I did explain plan the cost of the query is 8537. But the query takes for ever to run. I let it run for more than 3 hrs still I did not get the output.
    Can anyone please tell me if it is advisable to use these many keys in cube. I read in the documentation that cube is more expensive. So, this time I tried to use grouping sets clause with 2 key combinations. The cost was around 50k and I got the result in 5 mins. Then, I changed the grouping sets clause to have 4 keys the cost bumped up to 800k. The query ran for 25 min and failed throwing an error message "Unable to extend temp segment"
    DB settings are 128gb memory, 80gb of temp table space. Oracle version is 11g.
    Any help/inputs are greatly appreciated.

    What I recommend is computing only the combinations you need. For example with 9 entries in the group by clause Oracle has to compute 2^9 or 512 combinations. This obviously can take a significant amount of time. Once you figure out the combinations you need you may be able to achieve the required results with partial cubes, or combinations of grouping sets and rollup statements.
    See the following link for a lot of good examples: [SQL for Aggregation in Data Warehouses|]

  • Decode and group by Query

    The following query throws up 'Not a group by Expression' Error:
    select decode(visited_last_date,sysdate,'Present','null') ,forum_name
    from disc_forum f, disc_emp_pref p
    where f.forum_category='TSP'
    and f.forum_short_name=p.forum_short_name group by f.forum_short_name
    How can i get this working? I need to retain the group-by clause.

    Thanx Detlev,
    The query works with the group fn. But the actual query that i'm working on is:
    select DECODE(visited_last_date,sysdate,'<img src="/images/on.gif">','null') img, ''&#0124; &#0124;f.forum_name&#0124; &#0124;'' forum_name, count(message_id) Posts, to_char(max(m.posted_date),'DD-MON-YYYY') last_updated from disc_message m, disc_thread t,disc_forum f,disc_emp_pref p where f.forum_category=nvl(:category,f.forum_category) and f.forum_short_name=t.forum_short_name(+) and t.thread_id=m.thread_id(+) group by cube(f.forum_name,f.forum_short_name,f.forum_description,p.visited_last_date)
    I'm using this query to build a report in Oracle Portal. This query is working only that i'm getting duplicate rows. If i don't include the visited_last_date in the group_by clause then it flags a 'Not a group-by expr' error. How do i avoid that

  • GROUP BY ROLLUP with Grouped Category Subtotals

    I need the categories to have group totals like the example below. Notice that California has it's own category subtotals then a grand total.
    I could do this with unions, a row type column, and sorting, but that would mean reading the entire table for each total snd subtotal.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank You in Advance for Your Help,
    My Data
    California     Los Angeles     AA     1
    California     Los Angeles     BB      2
    California     Los Angeles     CC     3
    California     San Diego      AA      4
    California     San Diego BB     5
    California     San Diego     CC     6
    California     San Francisco     AA     7
    California     San Francisco     BB     8
    California     San Francisco     CC     9
    Desired Result
    California     Los Angeles     AA      1
    California     Los Angeles     BB     2
    California     Los Angeles     CC     3
    California     Los Angeles          6
    California     San Diego     AA     4
    California     San Diego     BB     5
    California     San Diego     CC     6
    California     San Diego          16
    California     San Francisco     AA     7
    California     San Francisco     BB     8
    California     San Francisco     CC     9
    California     San Francisco          24
    California          AA     12
    California          BB     15
    California          CC     18
    Grand Total               45

    My bad, that would be a cube then
    SQL> with t as (select 'California' state, 'Los Angeles' city, 'AA' categ, 1 nbr from dual
      2  union all select 'California' state, 'Los Angeles' city, 'BB' categ, 2 nbr from dual
      3  union all select 'California' state, 'Los Angeles' city, 'CC' categ, 3 nbr from dual
      4  union all select 'California' state, 'San Diego' city, 'AA' categ, 4 nbr from dual
      5  union all select 'California' state, 'San Diego' city, 'BB' categ, 5 nbr from dual
      6  union all select 'California' state, 'San Diego' city, 'CC' categ, 6 nbr from dual
      7  union all select 'California' state, 'San Francisco' city, 'AA' categ, 7 nbr from dual
      8  union all select 'California' state, 'San Francisco' city, 'BB' categ, 8 nbr from dual
      9  union all select 'California' state, 'San Francisco' city, 'CC' categ, 9 nbr from dual)
    10  select state,
    11         city,
    12         categ,
    13         sum(nbr) total
    14   from t
    15   group by cube(state, city, categ)
    16  having (grouping(city) = 1 and grouping(state) = 0)
    17  or (grouping(categ) = 0 and grouping(city) = 0 and grouping(state) = 0)
    18  order by state, city, categ
    19  /
    STATE      CITY          CA      TOTAL
    California Los Angeles   AA          1
    California Los Angeles   BB          2
    California Los Angeles   CC          3
    California San Diego     AA          4
    California San Diego     BB          5
    California San Diego     CC          6
    California San Francisco AA          7
    California San Francisco BB          8
    California San Francisco CC          9
    California               AA         12
    California               BB         15
    STATE      CITY          CA      TOTAL
    California               CC         18
    California                          45
    13 linhas selecionadas.
    SQL> You can play around with the having clause and groupings and select the rows as needed.
    Edited by: fsitja on Mar 24, 2009 6:11 PM
    Edited by: fsitja on Mar 24, 2009 6:14 PM

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