Group replica place -random parts place rotated 180

When I do a group replica place I get parts in random groups that are placed with 180 deg rotation from the corresponding part in the reference group.
Sometimes if I repeat the placement it corrects itself.
Seems similar behavior has always been there.
Also, in the replica place window my master group component list has '(Yes)' next to about 2/3 of the parts.  What does that mean?

The key to making group replicate work correctly is to make sure the part order in group 1 is the same as group 2 in Select Group for Replicate Place dialog.  In the attached screen capture, the corresponding part for R3 from group 1 is R6, so in group 2 R6 must be on the same row as R3.
If the components doesn't lineup correctly, you can edit the order under Edit>>Group Editor>>Part Group, use the up/down arrow on the right side to rearrange the component order.
Tien P.
National Instruments

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    GRP_1.jpg ‏23 KB
    GRP_2.jpg ‏22 KB
    GRP2_wtraces.JPG ‏24 KB

    Is it possible for you to post the file or a section of this file, I like to see if I can replicate it.
    Tien P.
    National Instruments

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    Sorry about the slide legends -  I wouldn't have suggested changing themes if I realized you had those.
    I'm not sure why that didn't work for you, it does for me, and yes there is a setting in iPhoto preferences to turn off automatic place look up (I'm not sure it would help here, I think that primarily happens when you import photos). And ivansky makes an excellent point - there's a lot of information about this in the "Help" menu - including how to "fine tune" a location to cover a larger or smaller area:
    To manage your places:
    You can edit and delete the locations you have personalized.
    Choose Window > Manage My Places.The Manage My Places dialog appears, showing all the personalized places that are assigned to your photos.
    Do one of the following:
    To change a place name, click it and type the name you want into the field.From now on, this changed location appears in the Information pane as an option when you’re adding locations to photos or Events.
    To fine-tune a location on the map, use the plus and minus buttons (in the bottom-left corner of the map) to zoom in or out of the map. You can drag the map to move it around and drag the pin to a more exact location.You can also drag the vicinity circle larger or smaller, depending on how specific you want the location to be.
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    When you’re finished, click the Done button.

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    I know that the find/ok/cancel button order is different between
    running in client/server and on the web.
    Are you testing your form both ways and seeing the different
    order or are you running into something different?
    Candace Stover
    Forms Product Management
    Oracle Corporation

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    Of course that's always the way
    As soon as I posted the question I found the possible answer.
    Speed changes not on the marks like 200% or 400% cause the problem. I have many at 80%. Exactly where I want it and if I change to 50% (looks crap) or 100% (kinda pointless) it will stuff up my timing completely.
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    int[] returnArray = new int[parts];
    //do random division calculations
    return returnArray;
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    OR e.g. 4,8,2,6
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    Be aware that given the wrong parameters this solution
    can take a long time to find a list. This seems misleading, as the termination condition is based
    on randomness. Although, it is possible to predict an average
    termination time.
    Basically your algorithm starts by generating initial random values
    in the range [0, maxValue]. You limit the size of the maximum
    generated value, although I'm not sure why. Obviously maxValue
    has to be greater than sum / length, otherwise it would be
    impossible to generate any combination values that add up to sum.
    Then your algorithm asks if the sum of those initial random values
    is equal to the target sum. If not, you cycle through the list replacing
    the the current position with a new random value and updating the
    current sum.
    As an example, let's suppose that maxValue is equal to sum, and
    that sum = 1000, and length (numParts) is 4.
    Assuming the minValue is 1, not 0, then the total number of
    permutations of 4 numbers that add up to 1000 is:
    However, the total number of permutations is:
    1000^4 = 1,000,000,000,000
    In terms of probability, the chance of finding a solution on each try is:
    165,668,499 / 1,000,000,000,000 = 0.000165668499
    Thus, you'll need approximately 6036 loops on average to find a solution for 1,000 split 4 ways.
    For 2,000 split 4 ways, number of perms is:
    2000^4 = 16,000,000,000,000
    The perms of 4 numbers that add up to 2000 is:
    Probability of finding a solution on each try is:
    Average number of tries is: 12036
    I'm impressed that the random approach is that fast.

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    Anyone know what's going on?
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    Here's how to solve this problem for ALL songs
    left click your first song [in your music library]
    now scroll down to your last song, hold shift, and left click the last song
    right click and click "get info"
    click OK after the warning message [for editing multiple files at a time]
    disable the "remember playback position" option
    connect your iPod, and this should do the trick!
    also, your iPod doesn't just remember that option from iTunes, it also remembers your EQ preset for certain songs and also volume adjustment for certain songs [-100% to +100% in case the song is too loud]

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    I have an animation with 5 different parts. I would like to trigger a random part when clicking on a button.
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    var RandomNb=Math.floor(Math.random()*5)
    It is just a simple test but it does not work : the animation play1 is always played no matter the value of RandomNb.
    I obviously make something wrong but I don't know what...
    Thanks in advance for your help !

    Hi, grouchou-
    There are a couple of issues with your code.  First off, Math.random() will give you a number between 0 and 1.  I'd suggest you multiply by 100, apply Math.floor(), then modulo 5 to get a random number between 0 and 4.  Secondly, you will need to use the comparison == instead of the assignment = in order to get your if statement to work.  So (if RandomNb == 1) {...}.  Right now, you're doing an assignment in the if statement, which always returns true after it finishes.
    Hope that helps,

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    You are not doing anything wrong. The January 2014 update of Photoshop CC added the option to embed OR link Smart Objects. Until this Photoshop CC update, Smart Objects were always embedded in the Photoshop document. Although it made the file size larger, it was like a built-in backup plan because any placed files were included in the document. Now you have the option of embedding or linking the Smart Object. Linking references the file rather than actually copying it to your current file. In terms of your small tutorial, choose Embed. 

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    script (whichever it is), and place my photos in the puzzle. In return,
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    help me at that time.
    So, I am looking for a person to help me create a situation whereby I
    will be able to include my photographs on the sides of the puzzle with
    the images divided on each side and rotatable.
    I am interested in learning how to write the code (or script) myself so
    I am able to include different photos.
    Please let me know if you might offer any assistance.
    Thank you,
    Jeff Klamer
    p.s. Please see my photo galleries to enjoy some of the images I am working with.

    [url]Another Crosspost.

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    do a search on random in help and you'll find its now part of
    the Math class. Alternatively, have a look in the ActionScript 2.0
    Migration section in the Appendix, and you'll find that random()
    has been removed in AS3 and Math.random() is now used instead.
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    Is there a way to get a container where all things will appear in this box? Can I anticipate where something might show up? 
    Go to Solution.

    RavensFan wroteThough finding the origin on the block diagram isn't that easy.)
    Sure it is...Reset Origin
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Place random image in Messages with Applescript - TextExpander

    I've been using Apple computers since '84 but I've never used Appplescript and was hoping for some help.
    I'd like to be able to place a random image in Messages with an Applescript through TextExpander. When I type my snippet into Messages  the Finder will open a random image from a folder using something like this:
    tell application "Finder"
    set randomImage to some file of folder "Mac HD:Users:me:photos:chat pics"
    get randomImage
    open randomImage
    end tell
    If I replace "Finder" with "Messages" it doesn't work. Do I need to combine 2 Applescripts to make this happen?

    I tried using the following code, but it�din�t work.
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    // File (or directory) to be moved
    File file = new File("banner2.bmp");
    // Destination directory
    File dir = new File("banner");
    // Move file to new directory
    boolean success = file.renameTo(new File(dir, file.getName()));
    if (!success) {
    System.out.println("File was not successfully moved");
      // File was not successfully moved
    System.out.println("File was successfully moved");

  • Suggestion for Multisim parts placement upon transfer to Ultiboard

    Next update for Multisim, please make the default non-polar capacitor option (film, ceramic, mica) one which matches the outlines in Ultiboard.  The default option seems to be a radial electrolytic -- not helpful if you are writing in a a bypass or timing cap.  Last time I used a radial electrolytic was in the 1990's.
    Here's why you have to fix this -- when you transfer to UB you've got a bunch of devices where the pads/holes are named with a "+" and "-" rather than "1" or "2".  You can't automatically "Replace Part" with a non-electrolytic as you immediately have a DRC error!  AND you get a design error with the "+" sign repeated on the device.  This makes for a time consuming mess with the netlist editor.
    By the way,how are you doing replacing the greek letter "mu" upon transfer to UB?

    I've replicated the swap behavior and I'll advise R&D of the potential issues and the feature suggestion to allow a SMT default (actually the default in v12 is no shape in the first use).
    Also if you select a certain SMT shape from the Master parts list for RLCs, any subsequent use of that RLC part type should default to the same SMT footprint shape.
    Pat Noonan

Maybe you are looking for