GroupAggregator and DistinctValues woes

Hi --
I have crafted a contrived TestCase and I just can't get the thing to output the results I expect.
Posting the classes (TestCase/Person), followed by the output I get, followed by the output I would have thought I should get.
Running on Mac OS 10.5.5, single node, stock configuration (not specified a custom XML config file) and the TestCase class is run with local storage set to false. Using the 3.4 download I picked up yesterday from the Oracle site; we also use 3.4 at work.
Any help appreciated!
// - the main class
import com.tangosol.util.NullFilter;
import com.tangosol.util.aggregator.DistinctValues;
import com.tangosol.util.aggregator.GroupAggregator;
public class TestCase {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          // get a stock cache - no custom config
          NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("theCache");
          // add some people to the cache
          cache.put(1, new Person(1, "Albert"));
          cache.put(2, new Person(2, "Albert"));
          cache.put(3, new Person(3, "Albert"));
          cache.put(4, new Person(4, "Cindy"));
          // i want to find the id's of employees who share the same name, so i group by name
          GroupAggregator ga = GroupAggregator.createInstance("getName", new DistinctValues("getId"));
          // do the aggregation
          Object result = cache.aggregate(new NullFilter(), ga);
          // dump the result
public class Person implements Serializable {
     private int id;
     private String name;
     public Person(int id, String name) {
 = id;
 = name;
     public int getId() {
          return id;
     public String getName() {
          return name;
     public int hashCode() {
          final int prime = 31;
          int result = 1;
          result = prime * result + id;
          return result;
     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
          if (this == obj)
               return true;
          if (obj == null)
               return false;
          if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
               return false;
          Person other = (Person) obj;
          if (id !=
               return false;
          return true;
ACTUAL OUTPUT: {Cindy=[3, 1, 2], Albert=[3, 1, 2]}
EXPECTED OUTPUT: {Cindy=[4], Albert=[3, 1, 2]}

Hi good stuff,
If will work as expected if you change your TestCase to
// i want to find the id's of employees who share the same name, so i group by name
        GroupAggregator ga = GroupAggregator.createInstance("getName", new MyDistinctValues("getId"));where MyDistinctValues is
import com.tangosol.util.ValueExtractor;
import com.tangosol.util.aggregator.DistinctValues;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Collection;
* dimitri Oct 6, 2008 12:50:08 AM
public class MyDistinctValues extends DistinctValues
    public MyDistinctValues()
    public MyDistinctValues(ValueExtractor extractor)
    public MyDistinctValues(String sMethod)
    public Object aggregate(Set setEntries)
        Set setResults = (Set) super.aggregate(setEntries);
        return new HashSet(setResults);
    public Object aggregateResults(Collection collResults)
        Set setResults = (Set) super.aggregateResults(collResults);
        return new HashSet(setResults);

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    I have this same board with the same BIOS and am also using an Athlon XP 3200+ (with Corsair TWINX1024-3200C2 RAM) and had the same excruciating stability problems.  I had tried/tested everything in sight and no stability.  Then I found a posting in this forum made a few months back by WebFan (with an XP 3200+ and basically the same RAM), who said he had the same kind of problem.  He had only achieved stability when he reduced the FSB setting to 192 MHz (obviously not a coincidence).  (Thank you ever so much WebFan.)  I reached the heaven of stability by making the same change.  Then I started experimenting; I moved the bus speed to 193, still okay.  I set the RAM settings to the 3-3-6 2.5 that Corsair says are stable, still okay.  
    Then, and this I believe is the key step, I installed the lastest set of chipset drivers from nVidia (not the older version provided by MSI).  This change subjectively seemed to improve performance noticeably, so I decided to take the big plunge and return the FSB to the rated 200 MHz setting.  It's only been three days, but STILL OKAY!  Before setting the FSB to 192, I was having all kinds of blue-screen crashes numerous times a day.  I haven't had a single one in ten days, three days running at the full 200 MHz.
    It seems to me that the board/chipset were not tuned to handle the 3200+.  If you look at the description of the board on the MSI global site, it says it's compatible with Athlon XP 3000+ and up.  My guess is that only the lastest edition of the drivers, version 4.24/4.27, is up to the job.  (I'm not interested in overclocking and so haven't been interested in seeing if I can do better than the rated 200 MHz setting [400 MHz DDR clock speed].  Leave well enough alone, if you ask me.)
    Try them; you have nothing to lose but your instability.

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    It's rather interesting that you have similar issues with ichatAV, this would tend me to believe your problems lie within your router. I have heard that some routers are having problems with multicast DNS, don't know which they are though. Have you looked for any firmware updates for your router.

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    only mpp will provide any useful multipathing under linux with 6140 arrays; dm-multipath doesnt work
    (perhabs sometimes a special driver for dm-mp will exist?)
    -- randy

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    Peter T

    Is this really Adobe Reader you're using? Doesn't sound a familiar problem or something I could do with Adobe Reader.

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    Then I get the little rectangle cursor as if the terminal is waiting for a new command.
    The lines of text I would expect to follow after I enter my password no longer apear.
    I don't know if it makes any diference, but I did experience a kernal panic a few weeks ago.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    First, there's no need to ever do prebinding unless you are using OS X 10.1.x or earlier. Repairing permissions also won't make a slowing computer run faster. Your computer may be running slower because you need more RAM or maybe just need to do an occasional restart. It could also slow down due to large cache and log files that need clearing (use TinkerTool System.) If the problem is due to hard drive corruption then use Disk Utility to repair the hard drive. Unless you are having permissions related problems there's no need to repair permissions.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on maintenance and optimization. Following is my suggestions on maintenance:
    Kappy's Personal Suggestions for OS X Maintenance
    OS X performs certain maintenance functions that are scheduled to occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly period. The maintenance scripts run in the early AM only if the computer is turned on 24/7 (no sleep.) If this isn't the case, then an excellent solution is to download and install a shareware utility called Macaroni that will automate the maintenance activity regardless of whether the computer is turned off or asleep.
    OS X automatically defrags files less than 20 MBs in size, so unless you have a disk full of very large files there's little need for defragmenting the hard drive. As for virus protection there are few if any such animals affecting OS X. You can protect the computer easily using the freeware Open Source virus protection software ClamXAV. Personally I would avoid most commercial anti-virus software because of their potential for causing problems.
    I would also recommend downloading the shareware utility TinkerTool System that you can use for periodic maintenance such as removing old logfiles and archives, clearing caches, etc.
    When you install any new system software or updates be sure to repair the hard drive and permissions beforehand. I also recommend booting into safe mode before doing system software updates.
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is significant):
    1. Retrospect Desktop (Commercial - not yet universal binary)
    2. Synchronize! Pro X (Commercial)
    3. Deja Vu (Shareware)
    4. SuperDuper (Commercial)
    5. Carbon Copy Cloner (Freeware - not universal binary.)
    6. LaCie SilverKeeper (Freeware)
    7. MimMac (Shareware)
    8. RsynchX 2.1 and PsyncX 2.2.1 (Freeware)
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore.

  • Rescue and recovery woes...

    I tried to search for a solution but found none. I am running out of hard drive space on the pathetic 80 gig original drive.
    Rescue and recovery tries to run but cannot as it says there is not enough space left to do a back up. How do I change the saved location for R&R to an auxiliary drive?
    Also, how can I free up more space on the drive and move it off into the auxiliary drive(s)?

    I'm not sure, how exactly you want to perform this, but here are some scenarious, that might be of interrest for you:
    1) Copy the backup, that you have on your local HDD on a second HDD<External USB, or whatever else>
    For this purpose you can use the rrcmd utility of RnR:
    - simply start command line and navigate to the installation folder of RnR
    - start this command:
    rrcmd.exe copy location=x
    where "x" is the location where you want to copy your current backup to
    you can accomplish this by opening RnR GUI and press in the Options/Settings the btton "Copy Backup" and this will guide you through the process.
    2) Copy the backup, that you have on your local HDD on a second HDD<External USB, or whatever else> AND remove it from the local HDD to have some space:
    do the above steps + after you are sure, that the backup was moved completely to the second location, then run following command:
    rrcmd.exe delete location=x
    wehere "x" is the location where the origilan backup was stored in. For your situation, this is the local HDD
    NOTE: do this afte you detached the other HDD, where you stored the copy of your backup. Also if this is done, make sure, that the external device is configured as the only backup location. If it is not, then the next run of RnR Backup will create another backup on your local HDD.
    Although the above description is acomplishing, what you are about to do, if I were you I would do it following way:
    I would delete all the backups , that you have, so that I have a free space. Make sure, that you have aon your system, only what you neeed and want to have. Configure RnR to store a backup only on the external HDD, or network share, or whatever else and start a backup creation.
    This last description is because I always want to be 100% sure, that all is fine and will work also n the future on 100%. Becasue you know, copy does not equal to new backup creation. Don't take it that serious, it's just that I'm suspicious.

  • Dreamweaver Form and Form2Excel woes

    I'm a brand-new user on this forum. I'm trying to get a form
    together using Dreamweaver and I need help with two problems. The
    form is at
    1. When I test the form, and I purposefully ignore a required
    field, I get a popup asking me to fill in that field but then it
    automatically redirects to the "thanks" page, instead of taking me
    back to the form to fix the error. How do I fix this problem?
    2. I downloaded Form2Excel to collate form results into a csv
    file. I've installed it following their instructions carefully, but
    when I test the form and then go to where the csv file should be,
    the only csv files there contain only a couple of fields, neither
    of which is on my form and which only contain gibberish. How do I
    fix this problem? (I have e-mailed the Form2Excel tech support, but
    I'm trying to fix this more quickly if possible.)
    Any help would be appreciated - thanks.

    1. Most validation of this type is initially handling using
    attached to the form . I can not see this on the page which I
    assume means
    that you are doing it server side. In which case you need to
    look at the
    code there.
    2. It sounds like your csv is not working at all and what you
    are seeing is
    data in the original file that comes with the tool. There
    could be a number
    of reasons why there is nothing there but the PHP experts
    would probably
    need to see some code to work it out.
    Paul Whitham
    Certified Dreamweaver MX2004 Professional
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    Valleybiz Internet Design
    "zapzorak" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f0rgjb$gac$[email protected]..
    > I'm a brand-new user on this forum. I'm trying to get a
    form together
    > using
    > Dreamweaver and I need help with two problems. The form
    is at
    > 1. When I test the form, and I purposefully ignore a
    required field, I get
    > a
    > popup asking me to fill in that field but then it
    automatically redirects
    > to
    > the "thanks" page, instead of taking me back to the form
    to fix the error.
    > How
    > do I fix this problem?
    > 2. I downloaded Form2Excel to collate form results into
    a csv file. I've
    > installed it following their instructions carefully, but
    when I test the
    > form
    > and then go to where the csv file should be, the only
    csv files there
    > contain
    > only a couple of fields, neither of which is on my form
    and which only
    > contain
    > gibberish. How do I fix this problem? (I have e-mailed
    the Form2Excel tech
    > support, but I'm trying to fix this more quickly if
    > Any help would be appreciated - thanks.

  • T60 battery AND HD woes? or

    A few days ago I received a used T60 in what looks like very good condition. Plugged it into the 120 and proceeded to make some changes, replace the HD with a 320G, remove what I’ll call junk and updated Windows that took a couple hours without SP3. I heard that if it works = fix it. all worked surprisingly well with the battery health indicating 100%. I unplugged it to move to another room to test the wireless for less than ½ hour, plugged it back in with a charge of around 90% indicated and proceeded to DL some more wanted apps with the indicator going back to 100%. Shortly afterwards the built in battery indicator started flashing yellow with a message saying the battery is defective?? At 100%?? Nothing I did changed the indicator so stopped using it to get away from it. This AM powered up and got an error message ”cannot boot from any device”  ?? WTF. Put the original HD back in and got the same message. I then put a 8” dowel on the drives and heard a short motor wind up< 2 seconds, and what sounded like a short chattering then no sound at all.   Any ideas of what to do besides hoping the warranty is still in effect. Please help as the wife was going to take it on a trip for a week come Sunday.    TIA   Vic.                         
    Go to Solution.

    well the question would be where did you get your laptop from???
    also what do you mean when you say put a 8" dowel on the drive???
    The battery warranty is 12 months, so most likely you battery are no longer protected by the warranty option. So you will have to purchase a new one from either or some stores.
    Regarding your HDD, if it is still within warranty (check here) then it will be replaced by Lenovo provided that the damage wasn't caused by you. Usually Lenovo will ship out the hdd to you, and you can replace it yourself, and return the defective drive to Lenovo through the same courier, but may vary depending on the warranty services that came with your laptop.
    So basically, your wife's trip shouldn't be affected provided that you buy a new battery for her, you can get your hdd changed at any time within the warranty period.  
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • Drag and Drop woes driving me up a creek!

    I went the the following link and downloaded the many samples for DnD.
    My problem is that I do not know how to run any of the samples.
    Can someone please, please, please tell me how to run even one
    of the examples with step-by-step instructions? I have already
    tried putting the jar and the entire directory path in my
    classpath statement, and I am bombarded with import errors.

    Can someone please help? Attached is a piece of code I am trying to modify so that I can drag and drop objects. However, the compiler gives me an error for the container.add(obj) line. Any suggestions/solutions? Thanks so much!
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ObjTransfer extends TransferHandler
    implements Transferable {
    private static final DataFlavor flavors[] = {null};
    static {       
    try { flavors[0] = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType); }
    catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
    private Object obj;
    public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) { return TransferHandler.COPY;  }
    public boolean canImport(JComponent comp, DataFlavor flavor[]) {
    if (!(comp instanceof Object)) {
    return false;
    for (int i=0, n=flavor.length; i<n; i++) {
    if (flavor.equals(flavors[0])) {
    return true;
    return false;
    public Transferable createTransferable(JComponent comp) {
    obj = null;
    obj = (Object)comp;
    return this;
    public boolean importData(JComponent comp, Transferable t) {
    try {
    if (t.isDataFlavorSupported(flavors[0])) {
    obj = (Object)t.getTransferData(flavors[0]);
    if (comp instanceof Object) {
    Container container = (Container)comp;
    return true;
    } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ignored) { }
    catch (IOException ignored) {}
    return false;
    public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) {
    if (isDataFlavorSupported(flavor)) {  return obj;   }
    else return null;
    public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {  return flavors;  }
    public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor flavor) {
    return flavor.equals(flavors[0]);
    } // end of ObjTransfer class

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