GX630 Stability Issues

Hey everyone,
I just got my MSI GX630 a week ago and so far I'm loving it. However, there is one issue. The laptop will occasionally lock up or BSOD (memory dump). This issue seems to only occur while I'm playing WoW (only game I have installed).
At first, I thought it was a heat problem. So, I installed Speedfan to monitor the temps and they've been at 70c for GPU and CPU at the max (normally around 68c for both under stress). I don't think 70c is too bad but it still crashed.
Then I began to think it was a memory issue. So, I started to play WoW with nothing running in the background. Still got the same lock up and crashes.
I updated the drivers but I did not update the bios. I think I have v1.05 which is the most current version.
I swapped out the original HD with a 320 WD Scorpio and installed Windows Ultimate 32bit.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Most likely a driver issue, I did this and it solved my problem.
Before you do anything remove your current video card display drivers.
Next go to the following site and download the "driver" and "modded INF".
http://laptopvideo2go.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22522     ---  They should be right on top.
Once you have them both downloaded extract them, the driver should be a folder and the modded INF is a file. Put the modded INF into the driver folder (It will prompt to ask you what to do because an INF file already exists, click on the option that will replace the old one).
Run the drivers as you would on any other machine, it should go through like installing regular nVidia drivers.
Reboot and test WoW, if the problem is still there come post about it here.
When you take out the old Video Card drivers make sure you restart your computer, same thing for when you install the new drivers make sure you restart your computer.

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    Hi, Dan.
    You wrote: "Repair my disk using the install cd: but that failed."That's a big problem. You won't get very far until the problems noted by Repair Disk, the function I presume you ran based on your description, are sorted out. It's possible the hard drive has failed.
    If the Apple Hardware Test failed, that's another significant problem. If it produces messages you can read that describe the failure, write them down. The machine may need to be serviced by an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    As to your next steps, first run the procedure specified in my "Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption" FAQ. Perform the steps therein in the order specified to see what's up with your disk and if anything can be done to correct that.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program rts32 because of the following errors:
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    > rts32
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    > rtsora32
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    0509-136 Symbol ssl_GetPeerCertData (number 225) is not exported from
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    0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the
    'dump -Tv' command.
    Somebody help us to solve this issue
    Is this because of any stability issues of for AIX
    Ajay is a patchset, not a full release. Patchset are available on metalink , not on OTN.
    You can have many databases related to a specific ORACLE_HOME, as long as your system has enough resources to handle these databases. When you create a new database there's no need to stop running database instances.
    Installation guide and release notes for 10.2 + certify section of metalink have all informations concerning OS requirements.

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    Here are two HS_ERR_PID
    # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
    # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002af3cbe47a27, pid=29834, tid=1170757984
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b23 mixed mode linux-amd64)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V [libjvm.so+0x5d8a27]
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x00002aad7cd06800): JavaThread "Checkpointer" daemon [_thread_in_vm, id=30798, stack(0x0000000045b85000,0x0000000045c86000)]
    siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr=0x0000000000000010
    RAX=0x00002aad7c942d80, RBX=0x00002aad7cd06800, RCX=0x00002aad7c943168, RDX=0x00002aad7c942d90
    RSP=0x0000000045c84720, RBP=0x0000000045c84730, RSI=0x00002aabf193e230, RDI=0x0000000000000000
    R8 =0x00002aad7dcf4380, R9 =0x000000000000784e, R10=0x00002af3cbb8e840, R11=0x0000000045c84810
    R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x0000000045c84780, R14=0x0000000045c84838, R15=0x00002aad7cd06800
    RIP=0x00002af3cbe47a27, EFL=0x0000000000010206, CSGSFS=0x0000000000000033, ERR=0x0000000000000004
    Top of Stack: (sp=0x0000000045c84720)
    0x0000000045c84720: 00002aad7cd06800 0000000000000000
    0x0000000045c84730: 0000000045c84740 00002af3cbce3a9d
    0x0000000045c84740: 0000000045c847b0 00002af3cbb8e896
    0x0000000045c84750: 00002aad7dcf4380 00002aad7c942d80
    0x0000000045c84760: 00002aad7c942d90 00002aad7c943168
    0x0000000045c84770: 00002aad7cd06800 00002aad7cd06800
    0x0000000045c84780: 00002aad7cd06800 0000000000000000
    0x0000000045c84790: 000000002f7e8112 00002aabf193e1f9
    0x0000000045c847a0: 0000000000000000 00002aad5fede569
    0x0000000045c847b0: 0000000045c84810 00002aaaab25a0c7
    0x0000000045c847c0: 00002aaaab253070 00002aaaab25a08b
    0x0000000045c847d0: 0000000045c847d0 00002aad5fede569
    0x0000000045c847e0: 0000000045c84838 00002aad5fedef50
    0x0000000045c847f0: 00002aad601fedc0 00002aad5fede5b0
    0x0000000045c84800: 0000000000000000 0000000045c84840
    0x0000000045c84810: 0000000000010001 00002aaaab854744
    0x0000000045c84820: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    0x0000000045c84830: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    0x0000000045c84840: 00002aad7cd06800 00002aaacd77a138
    0x0000000045c84850: 00002aaaf27a8c90 00002aac00000001
    0x0000000045c84860: 00002aaa00000000 00002af3cbd73369
    0x0000000045c84870: 0000000145c848b0 000000002f7e8112
    0x0000000045c84880: 00002aad7cd06800 00002aaaf39de2f0
    0x0000000045c84890: 00002aabbee886d0 00002aab35552900
    0x0000000045c848a0: 00002aaacd77a3c8 00002aaaf573a448
    0x0000000045c848b0: 00002aaaee5aaab8 00002aaacd77a160
    0x0000000045c848c0: 00002aab355887f0 00002aaaee643748
    0x0000000045c848d0: 00002aaacd77a160 00002aac6a858558
    0x0000000045c848e0: 0000000000000000 00002aaacd77a380
    0x0000000045c848f0: 00002aad0000005b 0000000000000001
    0x0000000045c84900: 0000000000000001 00002aaacd779328
    0x0000000045c84910: 00002aabad0b62d8 00002aaaab7589c0
    Instructions: (pc=0x00002af3cbe47a27)
    0x00002af3cbe47a17: 89 f0 eb ea 90 66 66 66 90 55 48 89 e5 41 54 53
    0x00002af3cbe47a27: 0f b7 57 10 48 89 fb 44 8d 62 01 49 63 fc e8 06
    Stack: [0x0000000045b85000,0x0000000045c86000], sp=0x0000000045c84720, free space=1021k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V [libjvm.so+0x5d8a27]
    V [libjvm.so+0x474a9d]
    V [libjvm.so+0x31f896]
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    J com.sleepycat.je.recovery.Checkpointer.flushIN(Lcom/sleepycat/je/dbi/EnvironmentImpl;Lcom/sleepycat/je/dbi/DatabaseImpl;
    J com.sleepycat.je.recovery.Checkpointer.flushDirtyNodes(Lcom/sleepycat/je/dbi/EnvironmentImpl;Lcom/sleepycat/je/recovery/DirtyINMap;
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::StubRoutines (1)
    # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
    # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002b00816f2a27, pid=32743, tid=1162336608
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b23 mixed mode linux-amd64)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V [libjvm.so+0x5d8a27]
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x00002aad7fa1c000): JavaThread "Checkpointer" daemon [_thread_in_vm, id=32646, stack(0x000000004537d000,0x000000004547e000)]
    siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr=0x0000000000000010
    RAX=0x00002aad8082f9b0, RBX=0x00002aad7fa1c000, RCX=0x00002aad8082fd98, RDX=0x00002aad8082f9c0
    RSP=0x000000004547c5e0, RBP=0x000000004547c5f0, RSI=0x00002aab73edc788, RDI=0x0000000000000000
    R8 =0x00002aad7fa08d30, R9 =0x0000000000007f86, R10=0x00002b0081439840, R11=0x000000004547c6d0
    R12=0x00002aaca950fcc8, R13=0x000000004547c640, R14=0x000000004547c6f8, R15=0x00002aad7fa1c000
    RIP=0x00002b00816f2a27, EFL=0x0000000000010202, CSGSFS=0x0000000000000033, ERR=0x0000000000000004
    Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000004547c5e0)
    0x000000004547c5e0: 00002aad7fa1c000 00002aaca950fcc8
    0x000000004547c5f0: 000000004547c600 00002b008158ea9d
    0x000000004547c600: 000000004547c670 00002b0081439896
    0x000000004547c610: 00002aad7fa08d30 00002aad8082f9b0
    0x000000004547c620: 00002aad8082f9c0 00002aad8082fd98
    0x000000004547c630: 00002aad7fa1c000 00002aad7fa1c000
    0x000000004547c640: 00002aad7fa1c000 00002aaca950fcc8
    0x000000004547c650: 000000004547c540 00002aab73edc751
    0x000000004547c660: 00002aaca950fcc8 00002aad5fef5d49
    0x000000004547c670: 000000004547c6d0 00002aaaab25a0c7
    0x000000004547c680: 00002aaaab253070 00002aaaab25a08b
    0x000000004547c690: 000000004547c690 00002aad5fef5d49
    0x000000004547c6a0: 000000004547c6f8 00002aad5fef6730
    0x000000004547c6b0: 00002aad600eed48 00002aad5fef5d90
    0x000000004547c6c0: 0000000000000000 000000004547c700
    0x000000004547c6d0: 0000000000010001 00002aaaaba46ac0
    0x000000004547c6e0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    0x000000004547c6f0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    0x000000004547c700: 0001000100010005 00002aaa00000001
    0x000000004547c710: 0010244e00432762 00002aab2ef43ff0
    0x000000004547c720: 00002aaaf0635a00 00002aac5694a460
    0x000000004547c730: 0000000100000000 00002aad7fa1c000
    0x000000004547c740: 00002aabe0162870 00002aaaf0761bf0
    0x000000004547c750: 00002aaaf07f20d0 00002aaadd628058
    0x000000004547c760: 00002aaadd628ee0 00002aaa00000001
    0x000000004547c770: 00002aaaeec996b8 0000000000000000
    0x000000004547c780: 00002aab2ecc9890 00002aad00000000
    0x000000004547c790: 00002aaadd627af0 00002aac5bc259c8
    0x000000004547c7a0: 0000000000000000 00002aaadd628010
    0x000000004547c7b0: 0000000000000001 00002aaaee4f8870
    0x000000004547c7c0: 00000030f1218c01 00002aaae5222d38
    0x000000004547c7d0: 0000000000010001 00002aaaab6cc928
    Instructions: (pc=0x00002b00816f2a27)
    0x00002b00816f2a17: 89 f0 eb ea 90 66 66 66 90 55 48 89 e5 41 54 53
    0x00002b00816f2a27: 0f b7 57 10 48 89 fb 44 8d 62 01 49 63 fc e8 06
    Stack: [0x000000004537d000,0x000000004547e000], sp=0x000000004547c5e0, free space=1021k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V [libjvm.so+0x5d8a27]
    V [libjvm.so+0x474a9d]
    V [libjvm.so+0x31f896]
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    J com.sleepycat.je.recovery.Checkpointer.flushIN(Lcom/sleepycat/je/dbi/EnvironmentImpl;
    J com.sleepycat.je.recovery.Checkpointer.flushDirtyNodes(Lcom/sleepycat/je/dbi/EnvironmentImpl;Lcom/sleepycat/je/recovery/DirtyINMap;Ljava/util/Map;ZJZLcom/sleepycat/je/recovery/Checkpointer$FlushStats;)V
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::Interpreter
    v ~BufferBlob::StubRoutines (1)

    I know your request is a bit old but I have exactly the same error on a jboss server but no HS_ERR_PID was create...
    Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b23 mixed mode linux-amd64)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V [libjvm.so+0x5d8a27]
    Do you remember how you solve your problem?

  • Does the Imovie 6.0.3 update fix the stability issues?

    Been using Imovie 6.0.2 a fair bit lately, and have had quite a few crashes. I see from this forum that I'm not the only one.
    I haven't yet been able to update to the latest version (6.0.3) released last week, and would like some user experience opinions about whether the update has fixed the stability issues. Anybody noticed any improvements or otherwise?
    My crashes seem to happen pretty randomly, it could be when you're putting a transition in, or just when you click Play or move the playhead. Any time really. I get the little spinning circle and Imovie is hung. Tried leaving it for ages just in case it was eventually going to return, but it doesn't.
    Has the patch fixed it?

    Software Update says I have nothing that needs updated. Since I know this isnt true, I went to Downloads and attempted to install both updates--it stopped and said I had to go back to the previous download. After a couple journeys back to nowhere, I gave up.

  • Communications Suite 6u1 stability issue

    I have a stability issue with Comm Suite 6 Update 1.
    imsimta version
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7.0-3.01 64bit (built Dec  9 2008)
    libimta.so 7.0-3.01 64bit (built 09:57:35, Dec  9 2008)
    Using /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/config/imta.cnf
    SunOS apollo2 5.10 Generic_138888-01 sun4v sparc SUNW,-T5220The server was installed as Communications Suite 6 and I upgraded it to U1 2 weeks ago.
    Last weekend I put the whole system into production but unfortunately the SMTP demon hangs from time to time.
    Here is some messages from different log files:
    From default log:
    [08/Jan/2009:16:36:08 +0200] apollo2 stored[11346]: General Warning: imapd process 10622 exited abnormally
    [08/Jan/2009:16:36:08 +0200] apollo2 stored[11346]: Store Warning: stored: Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server STORE 7.0-3.01 64bit (built Dec  9 2008) starting up
    [08/Jan/2009:16:36:11 +0200] apollo2 impurge[11347]: General Notice: impurge started
    [08/Jan/2009:16:36:13 +0200] apollo2 imsched[11350]: General Notice: starting up
    [08/Jan/2009:17:45:01 +0200] apollo2 msprobe[11881]: General Error: cannot connect to port 25: Connection refused
    [08/Jan/2009:17:45:01 +0200] apollo2 msprobe[11881]: General Critical: SMTP server is not responding
    [08/Jan/2009:17:45:01 +0200] apollo2 msprobe[11881]: General Warning: dispatcher process is not running, but does not appear to have crashed. No restart requested.
    [08/Jan/2009:17:45:01 +0200] apollo2 msprobe[11881]: General Error: cannot connect to port 587: Connection refused
    [08/Jan/2009:17:45:01 +0200] apollo2 msprobe[11881]: General Critical: SMTP_SUBMIT server is not responding
    [08/Jan/2009:17:51:56 +0200] apollo2 imsched[11350]: General Notice: shutting down
    [08/Jan/2009:17:51:56 +0200] apollo2 impurge[11347]: General Notice: impurge finished
    [08/Jan/2009:17:51:56 +0200] apollo2 stored[11346]: General Warning: imapd process 11348 exited abnormally
    [08/Jan/2009:17:51:56 +0200] apollo2 stored[11346]: Store Warning: stored: Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server STORE 7.0-3.01 64bit (built Dec  9 2008) shutting down
    [08/Jan/2009:17:56:35 +0200] apollo2 stored[1324]: Store Warning: stored: Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server STORE 7.0-3.01 64bit (built Dec  9 2008) starting up
    [08/Jan/2009:17:56:39 +0200] apollo2 impurge[1325]: General Notice: impurge started
    [08/Jan/2009:17:56:48 +0200] apollo2 imsched[1328]: General Notice: starting up
    From watcher log
    Watched 'dispatcher' process 11352 exited abnormally
    [08/Jan/2009:16:39:42 +0200] (Notice) Received request to restart: dispatcher
    [08/Jan/2009:16:39:42 +0200] (Notice) Connecting to watcher ...
    [08/Jan/2009:16:39:42 +0200] (Notice) dispatcher server is not running
    [08/Jan/2009:16:39:42 +0200] (Notice) Starting dispatcher server .... 11435
    Watched 'dispatcher' process 11435 exited abnormally
    [08/Jan/2009:17:40:43 +0200] (Notice) Received request to restart: dispatcher
    [08/Jan/2009:17:40:43 +0200] (Notice) Connecting to watcher ...
    [08/Jan/2009:17:40:43 +0200] (Notice) dispatcher server is not running
    [08/Jan/2009:17:40:43 +0200] (Notice) Starting dispatcher server .... 11860
    Watched 'dispatcher' process 11860 exited abnormally
    [08/Jan/2009:17:44:19 +0200] (Notice) Received request to restart: dispatcher
    [08/Jan/2009:17:44:19 +0200] (Notice) Connecting to watcher ...
    [08/Jan/2009:17:44:19 +0200] (Error) dispatcher failed twice in 600 seconds, will not perform restart
    watcher process 1322 started at Thu Jan  8 17:56:33 2009The dispatcher.log* and tcp_smtp_server.log* are always empty.
    The mail.log_current has this at the hanging moment:
    08-Jan-2009 17:44:19.84 tcp_local    +            O [unknown] SMTP
    08-Jan-2009 17:44:19.84 tcp_local    +            X [unknown] SMTP Error writing SMTP packetThe problem repeats from time to time and I have to restart the mail server manually.
    There are no core dumps in the system and system logs are OK.
    There are latest patches installed and the system is very stable itself except SMTP part of CommSuite.
    The auto restart is enabled out of the box.
    configutil -o local.autorestart
    yesThe server is almost idle. It serves 10 people and there are just few mails going via it.
    Obviously there is something wrong with my configuration or it's a bug.
    Could someone help me to understand the reason of such instability?

    Hello Shane,
    I appreciate you help.
    The dispatcher process crashes by itself, nobody kills it manually :)
    The coreadm has been enabled from the installation date and there is just one old core dump for some java process.
         global core file pattern: /var/core/core.%f
         global core file content: default
           init core file pattern: core
           init core file content: default
                global core dumps: enabled
           per-process core dumps: disabled
          global setid core dumps: disabled
          per-process setid core dumps: disabled
         global core dump logging: disabled
    ls -la /var/core
    total 126918
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         512 Jan  4 12:34 .
    drwxr-xr-x  47 root     sys         1024 Sep 14 19:28 ..
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     root           8 Sep 26 18:32 .nsr
    -rw-------   1 root     root     75235729 Jan  4 12:34 core.javaNow I changed coreadm to this:
         global core file pattern: /var/core/core.%f
         global core file content: default
           init core file pattern: core
           init core file content: default
                global core dumps: enabled
           per-process core dumps: disabled
          global setid core dumps: enabled
    per-process setid core dumps: disabled
         global core dump logging: enabledOK. Next time I will use "imsimta restart" but this does not solve the problem.
    I used /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/bin/stop-msg, /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/bin/start-msg commands to do this.
    The problem I have is SMTP service stops to work and I cannot receive any emails until I do a restart .
    Can I turn on some additional logging either for dispatcher or for SMTP process?
    Any ideas how to make it work stable?
    Best Regards,

  • K8NGM2-FID Stability Issues

    Major Stability Issues.  Have yet to install windows successfully.  Tried every bios setting imaginal.  Tried dual channel and single channel memory cofigurations in every memory slot.  When windows tries to install, the system will spontaneously restart, go dark and freeze, or the screen flickers and freezes, basically everything but install windows.  I have also tried Suse Linux 9.3  and have experienced the same results.  I currently have the Engineering pre production version Bios that other users have experienced having.  I have tried to flash/update the bios following the Non-FAT instructions that came with the downloaded V3.1 BIOS zip file and that also has failed.  I've read that other posters said they too could not flash the bios due to the fact that it did not recongnize the chip sets.  Is there a way to update the bios without using the winflash utility?  Is there anything else I should try? RMA?  Help, I'm drowning. Thanks.

    Anyways, I have had some limited sucess lately.  MSI sent me Bios 3.13 which CAN be flashed through DOS.  I did a memory test off my Suse 9.3 installation CD to get all my memory timings error free.  I did a Western Digital test to make sure the hard drive was properly working.  Here is where it got weird.  Everytime I went to intall windows, it ask if you agree blah, blah and as soon as I hit F8 to continue it would either lock up or restart itself.  I disabled everything in the Bios, went to one stick of Ram, and moved the harddrive to SATA 3.  And Finally, I was able to get through the install process and finally get windows to boot up.  Once windows is up and running it works great.  The problem I am now experiencing is it doesn't always boot up.  After the machine posts and is in the process of loading windows it will restart itself.  Maybe once out of every 15 startups will windows actual load.  Am I unlucky or is the 500 watt PSU I bought still not good enough? Thanks.

  • Illustrator CS6 Stability Issues- crashing every 5 minutes

    Hi All,
    I've been having serious stability issues with Illustrator ever since I upgraded from CS5.5 to CS6. It crashes like every 5 minutes, mostly when I use the "nevigator" tool to pan to another area of the artboard. The windows messsage was something like "the program has stopped working".
    I am really sick and tired of that and this is seriously affecting my productivity. Furthermore, does Illustrator has any auto recovery function?
    Does anybody know what might be wrong? I am using Windows 7.
    Grateful for your help.

    I keep having the same problem. It would be half as bad if there was at least an auto recovery function.
    Also on CS6 / Windows 7.

  • InDesign CS5 Stability Issues

    I got really fed up today.
    Trying to resize a magazine, all the articles are individual documents compiled in a book. So each "chapter" is at least 3 pages and at most 15.
    I adore the spanning columns feature, I've got sevral articles that this is very handy to setup. But I find the whole program is completely unstable when using this feature.
    I started removing the anchored text frames and applying the spanning columns for the headers, with a paragraph rule above for the background colour.
    But if I click around too quickly the whole program freezes and won't budge. I could be selecting an anchored frame to remove it. Or changing paragraph style, or simply opening another panel.
    I checked the Task Manager and watched for 15 minutes as InDesign consumed more and more memory - going from 150k to 650k in about 10 minutes.
    This happened a bunch of times. I restarted, reset my prefs, exported to idml, and all the other nick nack fixes.
    Indesign just keeps bombing out. At which point i have to end the process and then restart indesign and I lose a tiny bit of work.
    So frustrated today - over seemingly simple tasks, like selecting something, and the program crashes. This behaviour does not happen when I am not using Span Columns.
    Is anyone else having stability issues with CS5 and Spanned Columns?

    Thanks Bob
    I thought myself that there was a lot going on. And I appreciate that. But thinking about it, the only addition here is the spanning of columns and balanced columns.
    I was at one stage incorpartaing detect edges on an image and had to give up on it because there was a 3 minute delay on simple things like cutting the image (as a test).
    I just feel that perhaps more could be done in speeding up InDesign.
    I've had a hard enough time updating the software, upgrading the hardware is going to be tough.
    I don't think Indesign CS5 minimum specs included a supercomputer either?
    Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
    Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack  3 recommended); Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or  Enterprise with Service Pack 1; or Windows 7
    1GB of RAM (2GB recommended)
    1.6GB of available hard-disk space for installation;  additional free space required during installation (cannot install on  removable flash-based storage devices)
    1024x768 display (1280x800 recommended) with 16-bit  video card
    DVD-ROM drive
    Adobe® Flash® Player 10 software required to export SWF  files
    Broadband Internet connection required for online  services*
    Far too slow, far too unstable.

  • 27" iMac stability issues, also stuck on 10.6.3, won't upgrade to 10.6.4

    Hi, we have a 27" iMac that is running 10.6.3 and is having stability issues. It's the Core i7 model, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD - real nice machine. It was purchased this summer - but it's *not the absolute latest* model.
    The issues revolve mostly around iPhoto '11 giving the spinning wait circle when trying to perform random operations including photo import, merging Events...simple things like that. It causes iPhoto to freeze and then Finder freezes, and so on. Have to turn the machine off with the power button. Yes, we ran Software Update and the latest iPhoto '11 update is installed.
    In addition, I also tried to install the FaceTime Beta and it won't let me because it said it doesn't have Security Update 2010-005 installed. Downloaded that and it said it won't install because 10.6.4 isn't installed. Downloaded 10.6.4 and it refuses to install. Machine is stuck on 10.6.3. Software Update application says we all up to date and there are no "ignored" updates - the option to "Reset Ignored Updates" is even greyed out.
    Tried repairing Disk permissions, rebooting...nothing.
    I'm very disappointed because I recommended my Dad buy this machine to get him off PC's after touting how great, stable, and easy to use my Mac is and after dropping $2500 or whatever this thing cost, he is not impressed.
    Please help, thanks.

    First I would recommend doing SMC and PRAM resets. Here are the instructions:
    • Shut down the computer.
    • Unplug the computer's power cord and all peripherals.
    • Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.
    • Release the power button.
    • Attach the computers power cable.
    • Press the power button to turn on the computer.
    • Shut down the computer.
    • Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    • Turn on the computer.
    • Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    • Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    • Release the keys.
    Next you should upgrade to 10.6.4. Here is the link to the 10.6.4 combo update. Navigate there and update the computer immediately. To me it appears you have a corrupt file if Software Update isn't finding any updates while you're on 10.6.3. You should be in touch with AppleCare and they can help you fix that.
    After doing the upgrade re-do the SMC and PRAM resets using the same instructions from above.
    Finally repair disk permissions using Disk Utility (Applications-Utilities-Disk Utility)
    If all that doesn't take care of it contact AppleCare while the machine is still covered by warranty. You get 90 days for free phone support, if you haven't already I would recommend purchasing AppleCare which will extend the warranty to 3 full years and includes 3 years of phone support. AppleCare must be purchased while the machine is still covered by it's original warranty. You can purchase AppleCare at a discount from resellers like Amazon and LA Computer Company. Just ensure you buy AppleCare for iMac.
    If you don't want to get AppleCare then book an appointment at your local Apple Store and bring it in. I'm sure the problem is pretty minor.
    Also a final thought, some people are in the habit of turning their computer off when their done. Apple recommends you leave it on 24/7 and let it sleep when not being used. If you are going to be away for more than a few days then turn it off. This is stated in the owner's manual.

  • HT1338 After updating to Lion 10.7.5 I have had stability issues - Macbook continues to freeze and Spotlight is forever indexing. What's the fix?

    I am having real stability issues after installing Lion OS X 10.7.5 - my Macbook keeps freezing and Spotlight is forever repeatedly indexing - does anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm having the same problem with a Mac Pro desktop and it started after I upgraded to 10.7.5 . Exact same issue , Crashes for no reason ( very little running - mail,browser) then reboots. Sometimes it does multiple reboots.
    I hate to say it but it's tiumes like this that I envy the Microsoft's approach to updates, if it is bad (which is not unheard of) you can go into programs and remove the last update. It would be nice if Apple implemented this since their quality doesn't seem to be what it once was.

  • 865PE Neo Stability issues

    Having stability issues aswell as electrical ones.
    First off, System specs, Not OC'ed.
    865PE Neo-l (6742)(BIOS 1.1)
    512Mb 333DDR
    P4 2.40C
    Asus V9560 FX 5600 (AGP 8x)
    Q-Tec 400W Dual Fan Gold Low Noise (http://www.qtec.info/13352)
    Maxtor 120gb 6Y120L0, 32bit transfers on.
    WinXp Pro, 1 partition, SP1, Latest patches from windowsupdate.
    System is highly unstable while it is under high load, running demanding apps or games like Battlefield 1942 ( BF1942 patched to v1.4, DirectX 9.0b).
    Time between lockup's is 10-15 mins. Much earlier though if
    system has been running for awhile.
    Cpu temp rises to 68 degrees celcius under load, dont
    know if this is normal. Idle 59 degrees. System temp stays around 34 degrees.
    PC Alert 4 latest version warns 3.3v too low.
    Red letters indicate 2.93v. System has been tested with
    another PSU, same response.
    Disabled onboard AC97 sounddevice in BIOS. BF1942 still locks up.
    Tested both with ASUS (Win2KXP_4471A) and NVIDIA drivers (45.23_win2kxp_international).
    BIOS Defaults, System tested with both Optimal and Failsafe settings.
    Tested swap memorysticks, from 1xVM 512mb -> TwinMos PC2700 CL2.5 256MB x2, No positive results.
    PC Alert 4 report system fan runs 2340rpm. vcore=1.47. +5v=5.00, +12v=11.34.
    Added extra casefan to help pushning out heat, no avail.
    What may it be? RMA only option?
    TIA for any help.

    Ok, here are the voltage readings from BIOS
    VCore 1.456-72
    3.3V  2.944V
    +5V   5.113V
    +12V  11.437-98V
    -12V  11.825V
    -5V   4.926V
    Battery 3.088V
    +5SB  4.896V
    (The numbers after the hyphen '-', indicate a switching value)
    The multimeter reading at a molex (yellow cable) says approx +11.79V at Win XP desktop idle and 11.68V under the game. Red cable on molex shows 5.12V while idle, no drastic change under load.
    Just curious, how are the general opinions about electrical
    readings. should they never go below the voltage they must
    feed? Or is there room for some margin the voltage can go
    Havent yet tested changing videocard, will do that. Having no temperature sensors, cant check easily vga card temp.
    btw, 'Apic Acpi SCI IRQ' isnt enabled in bios, is this essential?

  • Voyager Stability Issue

    We are facing a stability issues around Voyager when we try to view the cube data specifically when we try to apply the filter on the dimensions. The error message says as below
    "The MDAS server encountered an error. (VYC00041)
    Failed to create QueryResults instance. Failed to query cube view [CubeView]. SOFA error occured"
    Environment details
    BOE XI 3.1 SP4
    Cubes in Oracle OLAP
    Simba MDX Provider as the driver between Oracle OLAP and BO Vayager
    Pls can you advise on the solution.

    Hi Sravanthi,
    Thanks very much for your reply. Have looked into both of the notes, however we believe they would not resolve our issue. The reason being the causes for the issue mentioned in the notes is not applicable for our case.
    1445008 - Cube refresh happen simultaneously while viewing the cube data in the workspace. However, in our scenario we are not refreshing the cubes when we see the data in voyager.
    1423830 - Deleting the members that are referenced in the workspace. However, in our scenario we get the error message even when creating the workspace for the first time. To be more specific, the error seems to occur when apply a filter or select the members from the dimension..
    Pls can you advise of the resolution pls
    Prakash S
    Edited by: Prakash Sivaraj on Jan 4, 2012 1:05 PM

  • HT1768 Updated to itunes 10.6.40 and notice stability issues in the mini player

    Updated to itunes 10.6.40 and notice stability issues in the mini player, anyone have same issues ? can anyone help ?

    Shipitbysea wrote:
    ... anyone have same issues ? can anyone help ?
    Why don't you describe the issues so we know what you are talking about.
    BTW: You posted in the iTunes for Mac forum.

  • ORPOS 13.0.1 Stability Issue

    Does anyone have a stability issue with version 13.0.1 ? Meaning non-lead registers keeps on going offline and during the closing transactions are always queued up and does not update the database?

    '''Try the Firefox Safe Mode''' to see how it works there. The Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.''
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open the Firefox 4.0+ Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or use the Help menu item and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in Safe Mode."''
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shift key) to open it again.''
    '''''If it is good in the Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one.
    Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''

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