Had to refresh my computer and reinstall TB how do I get previous emails

Refresh resets the computer and deletes apps so I had to reinstall TB. Now I need to get the emails that I had on the previous version of TB. I have gotten as far as learning about the profiles. But it gets too complex for me to actually get the old profiles into the new TB. Please help. thx

You can create a new profile and copy the old one over it. That would assume you actually have a backup of your profile. See

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    Check out the following Knowledge Base Articles:
     Also, see if there is a solution in the user manual for your model iPod Nano:  iPod Manuals 

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    Contact Adobe support:
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC)
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/service1.html ( http://adobe.ly/1aYjbSC )

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    The 5 authorized COMPUTERS has NOTHING to do with ipods.
    Itunes will allow up to 5 computers to be authorized to play pre-itunes+ music. When you reach the limit of 5 COMPUTERS, then you can de-authorize them all, then authorize the active ones again.
    You can sync as many ipods as you like to a computer.
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    Hello stephaniern,
    Since you reformatted your computer and re-installed the OS, your iPod will not recognize the new library because it will still be associated with the older one. When you plug in your iPod nano, iTunes will tell you the iPod is synced with another library, and will ask you if you would like to "Erase and Sync." Otherwise, yes, everything on your iPod will be wiped off.
    If you did not have your iTunes library backed up, there are several ways you can pull the music off your iPod and onto iTunes. The first link after the Apple support document below provides step-by-step instructions for the direct method if you have a PC as well as a few third party applications (for both the Mac and PC) if you choose to go that route instead. You can also do a simple Google search for "copy music from iPod to computer" and you should receive a number of sites that can help you out.
    Just make sure that when you have your iPod plugged into your computer, that you don't hit "Erase and Sync" before completing the task of copying your music over.
    Also, if you have any purchased music, you will probably have to re-authorize your computer by heading to the Store drop down menu and choosing "Authorize computer."
    [5 Ways to Copy Music OFF your iPod and onto iTunes|http://www.metaphoriclabs.com/articles/5-ways-to-copy-music-off-your-ipo d-windows-mac-os-x>
    Here are a few more helpful sites.
    [Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide|http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/copying-music-from-ipo d-to-computer]
    [How to copy songs your iPod to your PC|http://lifehacker.com/software/ipod/how-to-copy-songs-from-your-ipod-to-your -pc-105256.php]
    Lastly, as stated you will need to re-authorize your computer to play any iTunes purchases. Since it's the same computer you originally authorized, I would check out this Apple support document to take care of this issue so you do not have two authorizations on the same machine. [One computer using multiple iTunes Store authorizations|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1206]
    Hope this helps.

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