Hai every body, can any one tell what is Adobe Forms, why it is used,?

hi ,
   can anyone tell what is adobe forms?when and why it is used ?
Can i have step by step  screen cams  for adobe forms, please help me.

Welcome to SDN.
If you click on the eLeaning tab at the top of this page then choose 'SAP Interactive forms by Adobe' on the left hand column you will find loads of training material on this topic.

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    Thanks in advance and steer me to the right place if this is the wrong place to ask this question.

    I don't know, Drdeboal, but I got one, too ~ I blah blah blah adobe.com ~ I did a quick lookup and couldn't find much except that one or two other co's who had used them for surveys used those co domains, so I deleted.

  • Can any one tell what is the problem in this code?

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class AppletTest2 extends JApplet implements ActionListener,MouseMotionListener,WindowListener{
    JFrame fr = new JFrame("Visual Tool -- Work Flow Editor");
         JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
         JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
         JButton sButton = new JButton("Source");
         JButton rButton = new JButton("Redirection");
         JButton dButton = new JButton("Destination");
         JButton connect = new JButton("Connect");
         BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(2.0f);
         int flag = 1 ;
         Vector lines = new Vector();
         JButton sBut,rBut,dBut;
    int x1 = 0 ;
         int y1 = 0 ;
         int x2 = 0 ;
         int y2 = 0;
         int x3 = 0;
         int y3 = 0;
         int i=0;
         int j=0;
         int k=0;
         int l = 100;
    int b = 50;
    public void init(){
              /*********Frame ******************/
    fr.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              /*****************PANEL 1*********************/
    panel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(0,0,400,400));
              panel1.setBackground(new Color(105,105,205));
    /************************PANEL 2 *************/
              panel2.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              panel2.setBackground(new Color(105,205,159));
              connect.setToolTipText("Use this button after selecting From and To position to connect");
         } // init clse
    /************************** START METHOD **********************************************/
              public void start(){                                 
                   System.out.println("inside start");
    /*******************************APPLET METHODS **************************************************/
              public void stop(){}
              public void destroy(){}
    /******************************MOUSE MOTION LISTENERS METHOD*************************************/
              public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){System.out.println("moved");}
              public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){System.out.println("dragged");}
    /***************************************ACTION EVENT IMPLEMENTAION *******************************/
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              if (e.getSource().equals(sButton)){          
              sourceObject("Source Object");          
              else if (e.getSource().equals(rButton)){          
              i = i+1;
              else if (e.getSource().equals(dButton)){
                   j= j+1;
              else if (e.getSource().equals(connect)){
                   System.out.println("am inside connect");                
    else if(e.getSource().equals(sBut)){
                   System.out.println("am s button");                
                   x1 = sBut.getX() + l;
                   y1 = sBut.getY() + (b/2);
              else if(e.getSource().equals(rBut)){
                   System.out.println("am r button");               
                   x2 = rBut.getX() ;
                   y2 = rBut.getY()+ b/2;
                   System.out.println("x2 : " + x2 + "y2 :" +y2 );
              else if(e.getSource().equals(dBut)){
                   System.out.println("am d button");                
                   x3 = dBut.getX();
    y3 = dBut.getY()+ b/2;
    } // action close
    /**********************Main **********************************/     
         public static void main(String args[]){
         JApplet at = new AppletTest2();
    /********************my methods starts here *******************/
         public void sourceObject(String name){     
    sBut = new JButton(name);
         sBut.setBounds(new Rectangle(20,208,l,b));     
    System.out.println("am inside the source object") ;
         public void redirectionObject(String name){     
         rBut = new JButton(name);
         rBut.setBounds(new Rectangle(290,208,l,b));     
    System.out.println("am inside the redirection :" + j) ;
    public void destinationObject(String name){     
         dBut = new JButton(name);
    System.out.println("am inside the destination object") ;
    if (j == 0)
                   dBut.setBounds(new Rectangle(566,60,l,b));                    
                   System.out.println("am inside the destination:" + j) ;
                   } else if (j == 2)
                        dBut.setBounds(new Rectangle(566,208,l,b));     
                        System.out.println("am inside the destination :" + j) ;
                   } else if (j == 1)
    dBut.setBounds(new Rectangle(566,350,l,b));     
                        System.out.println("am inside the destination :" + j) ;
    /* public void connectObject(Object obj1,Object obj2){
    /************************************* PAINT **************************/
    public void paint(Graphics g){
         System.out.println("inside paint");
         Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    if(flag == 1){
    System.out.println("inside flag");
    int np = lines.size();
                             for (int I=0; I < np; I++) {                       
         Rectangle p = (Rectangle)lines.elementAt(I);
                             System.out.println("width" + p.width);
                             System.out.println(p.x +"" +""+ p.y + ""+ ""+ p.width+ "" + ""+ p.height);
    flag = -1;
    }else if(flag == -1){
         if(x1 != 0 && y1 != 0 && x2 != 0 && y2 != 0 ){
    // Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
         // g2.setStroke(stroke);
         lines.addElement(new Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2));     
         x1 = 0 ;y1 = 0 ;
         x2 = 0 ;y2 = 0 ;
    //     g2.drawLine(100,100,200,200);
    else if (x2 != 0 && y2 != 0 && x3 != 0 && y3 != 0 )
              // Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                   // g2.setStroke(stroke);
                        lines.addElement(new Rectangle(x2,y2,x3,y3));
                        x2 = 0; y2 = 0 ;
                        x3 = 0 ; y3 = 0 ;                    
    else if (x1 != 0 && y1 != 0 && x3 != 0 && y3 != 0)
                   //     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                   // g2.setStroke(stroke);
                        lines.addElement(new Rectangle(x1,y1,x3,y3));                              
                        x1 = 0; y1 = 0 ;
                        x3 = 0 ; y3 = 0 ;                    
    // repaint();
    /********************************WINDOW LISTENER IMPLEMENTATION *****************************/
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent we) { 
              flag = 1;
    System.out.println("windowActivated -- event 1");
         public void windowClosed(WindowEvent we) {
                                                                System.out.println("windowClosed -- 2");
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){
                                                                System.out.println("windowClosing -- 3");
    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent we) {
                                                                     System.out.println("windowDeactivated -- 4");
    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent we) {
                                                                     flag = 1;
                                                                     System.out.println("windowDeiconified -- 5");          
    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent we) {           
                                                           System.out.println("windowIconified -- 6");
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent we) {             
                                                      //     flag = 1;
                                                      //     paint(panel1.getGraphics());
                                                           System.out.println("windowopened -- 7");     
    The problem am facing here is that when i minimize the frame and maximize , my old lines are getting disappared.
    For avoiding that i am storing the old coordinates and
    try to redraw , when maximize.
    but the lines are coming for flash of second and disappearing once again ?
    can any one help?
    thanks all

    Very interestingly the same code is repainting in
    Linux SUSE,jdk1.3.
    but not in WINNT , jdk 1.3
    Any reason ?
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    Welcome to the forum.
    Have a read of this from Sap help pages.
    Might be worthwhile putting the topic of your question in the subject rather that a general help Me comment. People who have the answer to in this instances attributes will review your question and those looking for answers will get some value from reading the post.

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    I too am getting this message. I have been using my iPad for two years with no problems but a couple of days ago I starting having this problem intermittently. I have restarted the iPad when that did not work I deleted the account and reloaded it. Nothing seems to work. I was having the same problem on my iPhone but that seems to be OK today. Any other ideas?

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    hello every one, am having issue with my itunes, for some reason or another my icon in the itunes doesnt change, its stuck on Songs, and will not let me get playlist or anything else. can any one tell me if that can be fixed

    Error 1 or -1
    This may indicate a hardware issue with your device. Follow Troubleshooting security software issues, and restore your device on a different known-good computer. If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

  • Can any one tell whether the concept which i understood is correct or not

    hai everyone
    iam studying jdbc and this is what i understood about the basic concept .can any one tell whether the concept which i understood is correct or not
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class") is executed driver class is loaded and registered with drivermanager.Internally drivr class contains a static bloc which contains the following code
    Driver drv=new name of driver class();
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class") is executed,static bloc is executed first and driver class is registerd.
    concept as i understood about DriverManager:
    suppose there may be situations where an application developed in java has to deal with one or several databases and this is accomplished with one or different driver classes.so all these driver classes are to be managed and this is done by DriverManager class and in order to make the driver class itself known to the driver manager we have to register the driver classes with the help of registerDriver() method of DriverManager class because DriverManager is the class which will attempt to load the driver classes into memory..
    If we look at the last statement: DriverManager is the class which will attempt to load the driver classes into memory.Here i have some doubt if DriverManager class loads the driver class after registering the driver class then what does the statement class.forName("driver class") will do which is also used to loaad the driver class.
    what i understood is since the responsibility of loading the class is done by class.forName("driver class") only registering of the driver class is done as the class is alredy loaded.
    help me to clear my confusion
    thanks in advance

    hai everyone
    iam studying jdbc and this is what i understood about
    the basic concept .can any one tell whether the
    concept which i understood is correct or not
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class")
    is executed driver class is loaded and registered
    with drivermanager.Internally drivr class contains a
    static bloc which contains the following code
    Driver drv=new name of driver class();
    }That's supposed to be the case, but there's no way to guarantee that every driver actually has that static init. I don't think I've ever run across one that doesn't, though, so, yes, you're basically correct.
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class")
    is executed,static bloc is executed first and driver
    class is registerd.When you do Class.forName(), the class is loaded and initialized. Whenever you initialize a class, its static init blocks are executed, yes.
    concept as i understood about
    suppose there may be situations where an application
    developed in java has to deal with one or several
    databases and this is accomplished with one or
    different driver classes.so all these driver classes
    are to be managed and this is done by DriverManager
    class and in order to make the driver class itself
    known to the driver manager we have to register the
    driver classes with the help of registerDriver()
    method of DriverManager class because
    DriverManager is the class which will attempt
    to load the driver classes into memory..Except for that last part, yes.
    DM keeps track of loaded drivers, and gives them a chance to parse the connection URL when you call getConnection. DM does NOT load the driver classes into memory, however. That's done when you call Class.forName.
    what i understood is since the responsibility of
    loading the class is done by class.forName("driver
    class") only registering of the driver class is done
    as the class is alredy loaded.Right.

  • Can any one tell me how can I move to a different folder pictures, that I've cloned, without them staying aggregated? They all come together to the other folder and I don't want that- thanks

    Can any one tell me how can I move to a different folder pictures, that I've cloned, without them staying aggregated? They all come together to the other folder and I don't want that… thanks

    There's more to it than that.
    Folders in Aperture do not hold Images.  They hold Projects and Albums.  You cannot put an Image in a Folder without putting it in a Project or an Album inside that Folder.
    The relationship between Projects and Images is special:  every Image must in a Project, and can be in only one Project.
    Images can be in as many Albums you want.  Putting an Image in an Album does not move it from the Project that holds it.
    You can make as many Versions from a Master as you want.
    What you want to do may appear simple to you, but it still much adhere to how Aperture works.  I still can't tell exactly what you are trying to do (specifically: Images don't live in Folders; moving an Image from a Folder is non-sensical).
    It can be very confusing (and frustrating) to get going with Aperture -- but it does work, and can be enormously helpful.  If you haven't, take a look at the video tutorials on Apple's Aperture support site.
    I feel as though I haven't helped you much -- but we need to be using the same names for interface items in order to get anything done -- and my sense is that you still haven't learned the names of the parts.

  • Can any one tell me how to stream the images in flash.

    Hello Friends,
    i have created a dynamic page flip book with xml, i want to
    zoom the images in swf loaded, with streaming, so that user can
    preview the image while a good quality image is loading. I wanna
    know that how to load a part of large image or swf.
    Image effect like :-
    Can any one tell me how to stream the images in flash.

    On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:53:27 +0000 (UTC), "FlashDavil"
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    >I wanna know that how to load a
    >part of large image or swf.
    You show a preview and use loadMovie() to load a big file.
    You can
    create a preloader (progress bar) showing how much part is
    while user sees the small image. When you achieve 100% tou
    show that
    big image. What's more?
    > Can any one tell me how to stream the images in flash.
    What are you talking about is not a "streaming", but
    download". Images "streaming" is impossible.

  • Can any one tell me how to remove the 3 buttons at the top of a dialog?

    Hi all
    Can any one tell me how to remove the 3 buttons at the top of a dialog?
    The Close, Minimize and the other I don�t know what you call that one.
    Thanks for you time All
    Have a great day

    Try http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/frame.html#setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated

  • Can any one tell me how to pull out a sealed management pack key token

    Hi All,
    Can any one tell me how to pull out a sealed management pack key token. I want to add dependencies to a management pointing towards a sealed management pack for which a "management pack key token" is required which i need to add in the XML File
    of the management pack. Can any one please tell me how to fetch that information.

    Hi Gautam,
    If you need to reference one management pack in another management pack, then you will need to know what the public key token is. When referencing a Microsoft management pack, it is easy as Microsoft always have the same key which is 31bf3856ad364e35 but
    if you need publickey token for other then MS management pack then you can simply run a SQL querry in your OperationManagerDB.
    select * from dbo.ManagementPack where MPName = 'Type your ManagementPackID'
    ManagementPackID will be present of the properties of the Management Pack.
    In that case the management pack should be imported in your SCOM environment.
    And you will get Public key token only for sealed Management packs not for unsealed.

  • Can any one tell me PO attchment table???

    I have attached a pdf while creating a PO thru ME23N. now i want to know where this attchment is stored. can any one tell me in which table it stores all this attchment.

    SAP_Ankit wrote:
    > I am creating a PO using ME23n , in that PO i am attching a PDF File and save PO.
    How do you attach the file? What buttons are you pushing exactly? As I've mentioned, there are several ways to create an attachment. Unless you specify which one you use, we won't be able to help.

  • Can any one tell me the difference between VK11 and MR21

    Hi Folks,
    I have changed price of a material using VK12.
    When I go to the transaction MR21, it is still showing the old price.
    Can any one help what is the difference between VK11 and MR21.
    And i which scenarios these two were used?
    Thanks in Advance
    Gopi Krishna

    VK11: This is price master record to determine the sale price or discounts or freight or taxes which we going to charge to the final customer.  Through this transaction we will determine the price automatically either in sales or billing document.  These transaction is only applicable for sales & distribution module for determining the pricing for customers.
    The price determined through this we use in revenue realisation.
    MR21: Through this trnsaction Finance or Cost users upload the cost of the material.  The cost is
    Standard Cost or Moving average cost.
    Cost= Raw Material CostProcessing Cost(product process cost )Overheads(employee salaries)
    This cost is maintained at each material master in accounting view either standard cost or moving average cost.
    These cost is determined for every material movement within the company.
    Example: Production, transfer posting, goods issue- system post the quantity and at the same time system create an inventory entry i.e accounting entry for the transaction.  In this accounting entries, system consider the values from material master for generating accounting entry.
    If you upload production for 10 MT of material A and in material master if kept the cost of the material as 1000 then the accounting entry in production time as
                  Finish Goods Dr          10000
                            To Cost of Production Cr        10000
    These cost also determined sales transaction through VPRS condition type.
    Rewards if it helps

  • Can Any one tell me. System considering the Sales District also in Delivery Split which is not in standard. How to resolve this. Please help me

    Can Any one tell me. System considering the Sales District also in Delivery Split which is not in standard. How to resolve this. Please help me

    Dear Srikanth,
    I am not sure, if my answer will satisfy you, but anyway I will try:
    Field Sales District is technically called BZIRK. In delivery structure is this field located in header (table LIKP), what cause split, if origin document (Sales Order) has different Sales District in some positions. This is standard program behavior. Basically it shouldn't happen, as value is taken from customer master (Sold-to Party) and copied to header and items of sales document. But user can manually changer for particular items.
    Well, to solve situation you have few ways:
    1. Do not allow users to change value on items - can be managed by organizational decision or by authorization concept.
    2. If there is a reason to have different Sales District in items, then it can be managed in in routines for copy control between sales and delivery documents (delete value of BZIRK for all items for instance). But then will be this information lost for further usage. It seems to me to invoice is value copied directly from sales order (field VBRP-BZIRK_AUFT) then it mustn't be a critical for analyses.
    3. Your situation also can happen if you wants to collect more sales documents to one delivery. In this case can be that Sales District is different for same customer in different sales order (even seems to be little bit strange). Then solution from point 2 can help as well, I believe.
    Best Regards

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    I'm having difficulty publishing via ftp to Machighway, I suspect this has to do with the fact I seperated my webpages into 3 sites in iWeb. Can any one tell me how to undo this in iWeb?

    You'll have to describe in detail the workflow you're using to upload to Machighway and any messages/warnings that you get along the way.  Also what version of iWeb are you using and are you publishing just one of your sites?

Maybe you are looking for

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