Handspring Visor Deluxe Infrared HotSync Help

I have a handspring visor deluxe, and I would like to know if I need additional software because my visor is rather old. Thanks!
Post relates to: Visor Deluxe

Hello ereader and welcome to the Palm fourms.
 Palm Desktop 4.1.4 for Windows or 4.2.1 Rev D should work fine with your Visor.  What other software do you think you need?  What are you trying to do?
Alan G
Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)

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    I downloaded the 401 update of the original program and installed on the computer and tried HotSync, but it failed sync.  I they tried the following updates: USBREGClean, HS_Updater & DSTUpdater and reinstalled the original program and the updated (401) but still no success in getting the desktop program to open ot a HotSync.
    Any suggestions before I throw the Visor in the trash.  I would like to keep using the Visor.....  I have been using the Visor for the last 2 months, but am very concerned because I can't add to the desktop.  I thought one of the Windows update was cuaing the problem and went back to a restore point in September when the last HotSync worked, but again no success.
    Thanks for your help.
    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe
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    Glad to hear it worked for you.
    Just as an FYI, you might want to export your data from palm desktop for disaster recovery. Follow the procedure below;
    The best way to preserve your data is to export the data in each category in Palm Desktop to a seperate folder on your PC.
    Create a new folder on your PC somewhere that is convenient. Name it something like Palm Desktop Data. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on that page for the export procedure.
    Make sure you select all for the range in the export window.
    With the data saved in the folder you created, make a copy of that folder and save to a flash drive, cd-rw or external hard drive.
    Anytime you make a change in Palm Desktop, export the data that was changed to that folder and save again to the external media.
    With this process you can always import the data back into Palm Desktop anytime you have a problem with the data in Palm Desktop or if your computer/hard drive/device crashes.

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    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe

    To disable a conduit, open hotsync manager, and from the hotsync menu select 'conduit settings'. Select the datebook conduit in the list that appears and click the 'conduit settings' button at the top of the window. You should be given four options, 'Synchronize the files', Macintosh overwrites handheld', 'handheld overwrites macintosh', and 'do nothing'. When you this window appears, the top option, 'synchronize files' should be selected. Click the button next to the bottom option, 'do nothing' and click ok. Then try a hotsync to see if it was the datebook that was causing issues.
    If a hotsync succeeds with the datebook conduit disabled, then try a sync with either 'handheld overwrites macintosh', or 'macintosh overwrites handheld', whichever one has the most up to date information on, as it is a far simpler operation than comparing two databases of dates and updating both of them without duplicates. 
    When you say you reinstalled iCal, I assume you used software restore and the original installation DVD that came with your computer? 
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    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe

    Hello and thank you for using the Palm Help Forums!
    You can try hard resetting the device just to check if it's software related or not but I think it's hardware. Palm no longer sells these devices nor repairs them. You will have to find a new battery or alternative option to get your device repaired. Check out www.usedpdaparts.com and www.pdaparts.com.

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    So I got a new cable. This one is a Sitecom one, left over from the days of system 9 it appears, and it has a sync button on the side. The manual talks about configuring the modem to a PL20303 but I hope it actually works as normal with modern connections. Yet the visor still will not call up the palm software or be recognised by Isync.  I have reinstalled Palm desktop 4.0 and worryingly it failed to complete its install, jamming at UPD205.prc and later at anotherUPD number.
    Any suggestions for working this one out?
    Many thanks
    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe

    Updating my own post as investigation has advanced.
    It seems to be a hardware problem as I managed to borrow another Visor de luxe and successfully hotsynced it using all of my cables.
    The faulty Visor works fine in every regard except launch the desktop when the sync button is pressed. Instead it puts up a connecting message and then times out. Putting the applications out on the desktop of the computer does not make any difference.
    Soft or hard resets do not make any difference so it looks like hardware - as I said everything else works fine.
    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe

  • Handspring Visor and Mac OS 10.4

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    Leopard presents hot-sync compatibility issues (from what I read), not Tiger. My Visor is also "old" but it syncs fine using Palm OS v4.2.1. I've never used it on a laptop though, only my G4.
    Based on everything I've read, the Visor is a paper weight. It seems electronic address books have small market appeal because folks have migrated to other forms of on-the-road access.
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    Anyone have any ideas what's going wrong?  I can live with only sending mail but it would be nice to receive too.
    As to getting the gprs link to take over instead of dial-up - well that's next but it refuses to do that yet!
    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe
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    Thanks - SSL must be the problem. Now successfully sending and receiving mail using a www.hotpop.com account. For anyone finding this thread through a websearch I have found Hezarts mMail is a good email sender for the Visor Deluxe.
    If you are wondering why on earth I bother with an old Visor it's because I have a Stowaway fold-up keyboard and need to send occasional very long emails on the move - trying to write those on a blackberry keyboard is miserable!
    Message Edited by HSoldtimer on 09-08-2009 04:43 AM
    Message Edited by HSoldtimer on 09-08-2009 04:51 AM

  • Windows Vista 64 and TX hotsync--HELP

    I am sory I bought another Palm!
    I have a new laptop Vista 64
    I have a one yr old Palm TX
    I synch with Palm Desktop
    I have the newest desktop version 6.2.2
    I bought the Bluetooth 2.0 adapter by IO GEAR
    Everything appears to work.  It connects, tells me it synched without errors, but none of the info synched.
    I run it as administrator.
    What am I doing wrong besides being loyal to Palm?????????????????????????????????
    Thanks for any help.  I spent hours getting it to work on Vista 32, now this.
    Post relates to: Palm VIIx
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    A TX can easily sync with Vista 64bit via Wifi if you have the computer as part of your Home Network.
    Enter the IP address of the computer into Hotsync on the TX and it should work.
    This subject has been discussed many times on this forum.  The Search function is your Friend! 
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
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  • Managed to Synch Handspring Visor to Windows 7 64 bit computer

    It is possible. If you need to know how, let me know in this link and I will walk you through it. Wasted a lot of hours trying to figure this out.
    Post relates to: Visor Pro

    You can sync through IR, and serial (I would assume) (I lost my HotSync cable for my visor years ago and have been syncing via IR since, but I think Serial may work).

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    BTW I'm 13 and I don't know what to do so please put it easier for me to do this. And my parents aren't home so I can't ask them. 
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)

    Hello and welcome to the Palm forums!
    You can click on "cancel" to stop the hot sync or remove the battery from your centro and stick it right back in. This should stop the hot sync.
    PS It is not a good idea to post personal information on a public forum. You can click on the top right of your post and edit it. I would suggest that you remove your age from the post and the fact that your parents are not home. It is not safe to inform the public about that! You can just write that you need help with this issue and you would like a response asap.
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  • Looking for OEM or Installation Software for my Handspring Visor

    I recieved this Visor from a friend recently , and I need to get the original Software , plus I don't know how to sync my Visor to my email....can someone help me
    Post relates to: Visor Pro

    You will need to do a Google search for a battery monitor program for Palm OS. I have seen a couple programs but they did not state they had an audible alarm.
    For reference purposes, click on the following link for the support page for your device on the kb.palm.com webpage.
    There are links on the page to the user guide, troubleshooting, how to's, downloads, etc.

  • Hotsync help

    I am trying to hotsync my centro to my laptop.  The phone keeps performing a hotsync with errors and I cannot get my calendar to hotsync.  I tried a soft reset.  I cannot do a hard reset as I will lose everything.  Any help
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)

    Achilles wrote:
    You posted your question in the wrong section of the forums. This section is for WebOS / Palm Pre discussions.
    I moved this message to Windows Hotsync.
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  • Issue w/ my Visor Deluxe and syncing:

    All of a sudden, when I turn Palm Desktop on, I get the message "Error- Failed to open Address Book database", and when I click "OK", it turns the Palm Desktop off.
    I've removed Palm Desktop from my computer abour a 1/2-dozen times and re-installed it as many times, but keep getting the same results.
    Anyone run up against this before?
    Post relates to: Visor Deluxe

    Hi, and welcome to the Palm Support Community.
    Your question is one which has been asked and answered here many times, such as in this thread (the Search function is your friend).  Hope you get it straightened out.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • Palm Desktop 6.2 Installati​on - NO contacts, address book, etc. after HotSync - help!

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    Note - All this information is on the handheld unit but does not seem to transfer and the desktop application doesn't even show options for the address book, etc.  I've tried to change the sync settings so that the handheld overrides the desktop on the sync, but this doesn't help..
    Post relates to: Palm TX

    reb1 is correct - downloadable versions of Palm Desktop do not have the Expense app in them.
    6.2.2 will work on XP, but why use it?  It is less-capable than the 4.x versions. 
    (If you need 6.2.2 to upgrade to a webOS phone, I can understand the need!)
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
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  • Have old Visor Handspring - Would like to get email on it

    I have an old Visor Handspring that I would like to breath new life into (if possible). 
    Not sure of the exact Model - but it was received in 2000 (This thing has literally been sitting in the draw for
    the past 8 years - had actually forgot about it for a while ....).
    Before I breakdown and upgrade to a Blackberry or something, I'd like to know if there is anyway to upgrade/fix/whatever that I could make to my Visor Handspring to receive and send email.
    Right now, I'm investigating a cellular modem cable.
    Any advice would be appreciated.
    The general consensus from my friends is "Buy a Blackberry", but I'm 'one of those people', if I have something lying around the house that may work, I'm willing to go down that avenue first, research and see if it's possible before I fork out (anymore) money to Verizon or whoever it may be this month ((LOL) - but not really).
    Again, I'd appreciate any feedback!
    Post relates to: Visor Edge

    Thanks for the information !
    I like option #5: Honestly, I think it's the only option that I may have in regard to trying to breath some life into my old Visor.
      Cellphone with data plan from a carrier and compatible cable to connect device and phone.
    But, I guess by the time I add the expense of the data plan to my existing cell phone bill, I'll probably end up spending as much as I would have on a Blackberry or sometype of other smartphone.
    Verizon's 10 megabyte data plan is 29.99 a month
    Verizon's unlimited data plan is 44.99 a month
    Not to mention, I don't think I'm going to have luck w/finding a compatible cable for my cellphone (I have an LG VX5200).
    I clicked on the link that you provided, I didn't see my Visor, so I did an image google on Visor Handsrpings.
    With that, I'm still not sure of the specific model that I have, but I was able to narrow it down to (3):
    Handspring Visor
    Handspring Visor Delux, and
    Handspring Visor Prism
    Out of the (3), I believe that it's probably #1 - Handspring Visor.
    Perhaps, I should take a look at Centro ....
    Post relates to: Visor Edge

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