Hard disc off line

I did not need Aperture, but it looked interesting. Bought it, used it, it was nice.
Having system issues, erased by HD and did a clean install, and back up from Time Machine.
Renames my HD same as it came out of the box, no change there.
Everything worked great - except Aperture
I have blank screens with nothing but dotted outlines where pictures should be.
I can do a select all, the under the file menu, select to reconnect
The next screen that shows up, lists my HD, but says it is Off-line with 1347 pictures.
And no way to verify or mount it.
I assure you my HD is On-line but no way to get Aperture to acknowlege that.
About ready to go back to iPhoto, that is still working great.

Two things:
1) in File>Locate referenced files… make sure you click the Show Reconnect Options button. This will give you a normal file browser with all drives listed.
2) Click Show Only Files Not Found .
Select the HD, locate one of the "missing" files and click Reconnect All. This should have you back up and running.

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    I have recorded a talk imported it into WB and have added tracks to make it easier to navigate. I have successfully written it to cd. Now what i really want is to be able to export my wav files to a folder and then import those wav files into my Rimage cd duplicator. It was so easy with audition but am trying to wean myself off the PC and so am trying out Logic/wave burner. Though not perfect i tried to read the files on the cd copy them into a folder..but the files have a cda extension a sort of shortcut file I think. But i cannot get the files (wav) to copy. As i say I would prefer anyway to export direct to the file rather than using the cd as it It leaves open the possibility of file copying problems due to transferring it first onto a cd. Any help would be greatly appreciated ! Thank you Paul

    Hi thanks so much for all your advice. I would have replied earlier but for some reason couldn't logon! Anyway i am in so back to WB...
    Yes my initial request was 2 fold really- though i could have been clearer!
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    p.s screen shots of typical infomation attached
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    Instead of using older OS X CD/DVD install to a new drive.
    Where is your backup and clone?
    Buy some drives! that is a must.
    Pick up a FW case, you will need it to put the old drive in, and later, so you have an external and off line drive for backups and maintenance.
    A copy of TechTool Pro 4/5 and Disk Warrior (DW first).
    SuperDuper to clone your drives.
    Demo of Prosoft Data Rescue 3 to scan the drive once you have a system and you put the 'dead' drive in FW case.
    Then do backups and preventative maintenance on a very regular basis and have at least two backup sets.
    If you have been doing that, and know and have read those instructions in the past....

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    Hi Brenda,
    Not much to go on so far, but let's start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.
    How do you connect to the Internet, and do Browsers quit working at the same time Mail does?

  • Media Off-line in PrE 12

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    [Title edited for clarification of the problem - Hunt]

    Have you moved or deleted or put in folders the source media after you saved closed these projects?
    Can you still see the project's source media on the computer hard drive in their save location?
    If so, what is that saved location...external hard drive or somewhere on the Local Disc C?
    As suggested in Peru Bob's question, if external hard drive is the storage place for all your source media, has the drive letter changed since you saved/closed your projects?
    By the way, what computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on?
    Looking forward to your follow up.

  • Hard Disc Not Exist

    To start at the beginning; Just under 3 years ago, my ex wife bought my daughter (then 12) an HP G56-105SA.
    A year ago my daughter moved back in with me, and brought it with her.
    Just the lap-top and power supply. No Recovery discs; no manuals; just the bits she used.
    Last week... she had teen-age hissy-fit, because it didn't work... this became MY problem.
    Of course, being ancient and obtuse  and a PAIR-RENT...I am probably missing the obviouse, like that it's almost Christmas, and what she really wants is a new i-pad.... but she ent getting one... not off me least ways, so I'm stuck trying to fix this thing, so she can do her home-work, and be doubly ungreatful!
    So to the facts.
    1/ I started by switching it on.... which resulted in black screen and 'No Bootable Device' message.
    2/ Turned PC over, undid HDD cover; removed HDD, and cable; re-seated & replaced; turned on again. No Change.
    3/ Removed HDD - Plugged into spare SATA slot on my desk-top.
    Curiousely, it threw up four drived;
    E: which appeared to be a ghost, with nothing on and capacity of the discs full 250Gb.
    F: Which was her C: Operating System partition; aprox 170Mb with all windows directories present and accessible.
    M: HP Restore
    N: HP Tools
    As suspected... her C-Drive (My F) was chocka-block with barely 3% free space.
    3.1/ I took my life in my own hands... and deleted six seasons of 'Glee'..... and transfered the less than a dongle sized directory called 'Home Work' to my desk-top. I emptied her recycle bins.
    3.2/ I ran disc tools on my (Win XP) desk top; and applied Disc Clean Up. Took a while, and I dont think freed much.
    3.3/ I ran disc tools....... and applied Scan Disc, full scan and fix... and 24 hours later it told me it had fixed things!
    3.4/ I ran De-Frag... and another 24 hours later.. it looked reletively healthy; with about 40% free space.
    4/ Returned Hard disk to Lap-Top.... pressed start.... same black screen! Pressed f2, used diagnostics; got 'Hard disc Not Exist'
    5/ Asked Daughter if she had the HP Factory Restore discs..... she looked at me as only a teenager looking at ancient, obtuse, and utterly STOOOPID pair-rent can.... you know, like she had discovered something unsavory on the sole of her shoe, she had never seen before...... with added contempt.
    Phone calls and text messages in her bedroom followed; the unhelpful conclusion of which was... "Mum says, you just run Recovery from the Hard Drive" ...  aparently she had argued that actually when teh computer was first switched on, it would have asked to 'make' recovery DVD's.... but aparently her big-brother had sorted that all out, and said you didn't need them, as it was... on the hard drive.... Can ANYONE tell me why I married the woman? I'm SURE there must have been a reason... but for the life of my I cant think what it could have been!
    6/ I returned HDD to my desk-top. I found the pdf user manual, and found the 'make restore disc' instructions & tried running the make program on my desk-top.... it refused telling me what I already knew... my desk-top isn't an HP G56!
    7/ HASSLED as home-work was now due, and she couldn't print it off my Desk-Top, as I dont have the latest version of MS Office she uses at school..... I went back to basics; pulled Windows 7 install disc from the draw, went to HP support and down-loaded ALL the driver files for an HP G56-105SA... 
    8/ WIPED THE LAP-TOP HARD DRIVE - in XP on desk-top, removed all partitions, then re-formatted the disc, ready for 'fresh' install of Windows 7 and 7 alone, without all the HP factory pre-installs.... get it running, and then worry about installing whatever software she wants/needs after seperately; and with bit of luck, without partisions or extraniouse would-you-like-fries-with-that programs cluttering it up; might give a bit more space so takes a bit longer till its clogged with 'glee' again.
    9/ Inserted HDD in Lap-Top. Switched on... opened DVD draw; switched off. Inserted Windows 7 disc; switched on.
    ALL looked very promicing, and Got windows back-ground, USB mouse, and win 7 install prompts... up to "Select partition to install operating system'.
    HDD showed in the drop-down box as 'Disc 0' with full 250Gb available and healthy
    BUT message below "Windows 7 cannot install on this divice - Not bootable" clicking for details... said check bios to ensure HDD management enabled.
    10/ Switched off, went into bios... NO options for doing anything with HDD as far as I could see; while 'system diagnostics' chucked out error message "Hard disc Not Exist"
    11/ Repeated Windows install... and at prompt tried putting in DVD of down-loaded HP Drivers to load a disc controller... told me there were no drivers on the DVD ( they were all executables I presume intended to be run after Windows install)
    12/ My 'data' Hard-Drive was sat on teh desk where I had removed it to plug in her lap-top disc. JUST for reference... I removed her Lap-top HDD and plugged my Desk-Top HDD in to see if the lap-top would recognise ANY disk... answer no it didn't.
    SO... it would appear that the Lap-Top HDD is 'OK' we have fault on the Lap-Top, which recognises the HDD under windows install... but not under the Bios.
    I found this forum looking for hints where to go next, and did find this thread: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Lockups-Freezes-Hangs/my-laptop-says-my-hard-disk-does-not-exi...
    BUT, whils seemingly the same problem... that was fixed by my first intuative check, taking the HDD out and replacing it.... but ent solved this one.
    So what next? I'm starting to run out of inspiration... and no chance is she having a new lap-top this christmas!

    teflon-mike wrote:
    Follow the instructions on this tutorial page to make a DBAN on a usb flash drive that is at least 1GB.
    OK, followed instructions; down-loaded and ran executable. Selected DBAN v2.2 from drop down as instructed (only option with DBAN in title); 2nd dialogue asked for ISO file, entered DBAN in download dir; it asked to create, clicked 'y', then selected 4GB USB flash as destination, and 'run'. Went into a command screen, and 'did-stuff' with two error messages; first saying something couldn't be found; second that DBAN 2.2 'not supported'.
    Popped dongle into the Lap-top anyway; files were written to it; entered Bios and set Boot order to USB-Floppy first... returned "BootMNGR is Missing" & prompted re-start.... A USB thumbdrive (or flash disk) is not a dongle. That is a different technology for licensing firmware contained in a usb device.
    So, tried & failed, BUT.. the lap-top hard drive is 'blanked' It's been scanned, formatted, un-partitioned & reformatted, and shows as a factory fresh HDD would out the packet. So do I really need to use DBAN to 'nuke' it? Yes. it is a good plan to nuke the hard disk. It sounds like you need a different tutorial than the one I provided. 
    then do a Windows 7 install.  This time use the Microsoft store's  Windows 7 DVD\USB download utility to make a usb installer.
    Thanks; but I dont really want to buy another licence for an operating system (I actually dont much like!) I already have licences for, already have DVD's for, but not bought through Microsofts Down-Load platform so I dont have anything in my purchase history and so would have to buy as if new JUST to get a version that loads through a USB port.. when its loading hapily enough from DVD... just not happy to install to the HDD, its actually recognising, and I'm just as likely, I presume, to get the same problem, of it refusing to install to HDD from a new USB drive version as my existing DVD version, for the expense and trouble.... unless I'm missing a leap in the logic here?
    The Microsoft DVD\USB download utility name is actually  a misnomer. I don't know why Microsoft called it that. It is actually a usb installer and DVD installer creation utility. It does not require you to purchase anything.  Use the license that you already have when using the USB installer during a Windows 7 installation. There is no need to buy another. Licenses are always diistinctly seperate from the installation disk(s) or ISOs.  It is the same thing as a DVD installation disk except much faster.
    You don't necessarily need to use an ISO image as suggested in the following video. You can also use your Windows 7 installation DVD as a source for the Windows 7 DVD\USB download tool.
    Any other suggestions, any-one?
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • External Hard Disc won't show

    My iMac hard disc is getting full so I bought an external hard disk. I changed my iTunes folder over to the external hard disc without any trouble and removed the old iTunes music folder as per directions. After that iTunes played fine, the next day when I turned on my iMac the iTunes music folder had reverted back to my iMac's hard disk, and the external hard disk no longer shows. I opened Disk Utility and the external disk shows there but when I try verify disk or repair disk i get "FIRST AID FAILED, Disk Utility stopped repairing “disk1s1” because the following error was encountered: The underlying task reported failure on exit."
    Can anyone help, i have moved other data to the external drive also and its no lonfer in my iMac hard disk meaning if I have to send the external disk away for looking at I'll likely lose everything on it.

    I think what you need to do is get a second external hard disk to attempt to recover data off that drive before you do anything else by using Subrosasoft Filesalvage to do the recovery.
    External drives are best used as backup. If your itnernal hard drive is becoming too full, you need to know how to better manage your data, or get a larger internal hard drive. My FAQs* here should help you:
    Good luck!
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.
    Message was edited by: a brody

  • Can't acces to internal laptop hard disc - input/output error

    Sometimes when I use my i can't acces to any file on my hdd and i get input/output error when i type commands in console(i even can't halt or reboot). This is used to happen suddenly after few hour of work in one session (not always, it happend three times during last week)
    When i get this error the hdd control led  is on (I have ibm x60s with ssd hard disc, and normaly this diod only blink sometimes, bbut when i get this error , diod is  the whole time floodlite. I didn't any similar problem in google so i posted it here.

    Welcome to the forums.
    Not exactly alot of info to go on here. Try reading up on the "How to post" article on the wiki.
    As for the trouble at hand. With the limited info given, I'd say start off with running some health checks on your disk (smartctl, fsck,...).
    Last edited by Gcool (2012-03-29 05:23:32)

  • External hard disc not recognized

    I have been using a WD external hard disc with Time Machine. Today I had it plugged into a USB powered hub when the house electrical power briefly went off then on, twice. A message appeared stating that device was removed incorrectly (or words to that effect). Now the HD does not appear on the desktop. It is recognized in "about this computer" as a USB device. It is not recognized in disc utility and thus can not be mounted.
    All suggestions appreciated.

    Answered my own question. Working now. Connected directly to computer USB and ignored it for a couple of hours and now it is visible on the desktop and appears to be working.

  • Hard disc does not exist? g series

    hi my notebook (hp pavilion g series 750g, 6 memory) has been rebooting its self then a black screen saying hard disc does not exist, then it won't let me on pc, any idea's please?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Please try these steps might help you to fix the issue.
    1) Once unit is powered on keep tapping the F10 key go to Diagnostics and check if the Hard drive is detect if Yes please run the test and if is working fine. Incase Hard drive is not getting detect please reseat the Hard drive from the back panel off the Notebook. Incase you have the same issue. Please check the warranty status and get the drive replace please call HP Technical support for the same.
    Let us know how it goes!
    "I work for HP."
    ****Click the (purple thumbs up icon in the lower right corner of a post) to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****

  • Time Capsule and external Hard Disc

    I have a problem with my Time Capsule (1 TB) and External Hard Disc (1 TB). The external HD is connected via USB. The idea is to have use the device as a shared HD in my network. First it worked perfect. After upgrading to Snow Leopard i have following problem.
    Once the external HD is turned on my Time Capsule is not longer recognized. I can't connect to Time Capsule and make any backups. It is also no longer appearing in the Airport settings.
    Can anybody help?
    Thank you.

    Emma1609 wrote:
    hi emma, and welcome to discussions
    Once the external HD is turned on my Time Capsule is not longer recognized. I can't connect to Time Capsule and make any backups. It is also no longer appearing in the Airport settings.
    you could try a power cycle on your devices. turn off modem, TC, and HD for, say, 10 minutes. turn the modem back on for 2 minutes, followed by the HD, followed by the TC.
    then go airport utility > manual setup > disks. see if your HD is showing beneath the TC

  • Merged Clips Appear Off Line Yet Are Successfully Linked In CS 5.5

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    Anyway, the whole thing is nearly up and running again - but there is a problem with some of the merged clips. We were shooting on DSLRs, with a Zoom H4N dual audio system. Dual Eyes was then used to synch the clips. Which were then merged with the relevant video files in the various relevant bins.
    Here lies the problem, obviously I had to go and relink all the media files. Grand job. Thought I was all done but then I noticed, that when I was linking "merged clips" they weren't coming up properly in the sequences. Like, they were there in the bins. They would appear if double clicked in the source monitor. You could even do an old "in and out" and drag your selection into the sequence, and all the extra Dual Eyes audio synchs would be there and ready for use. But, the ones that were already in the time line were not picking up anything, they were just off line.
    I find this stuff hard to explain so attached is a screen grab and some explanation below.
    A - Shows the panels with the media successfully linked.
    B - Shows it double clicked and opened in the source monitor.
    C - Shows where it should be in the time line. But its not linking.

    Just tried moving the source files and relinking - no luck what so ever.
    Any other ideas?

  • What's happened to new hard disc?

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    Then I did an erase, as advised in an earlier post. After 4 hours, it finished but is telling me I have 250gb free.... what can I do to get the other 750gb back?! There are no files on the disc....

    Open Disk Utility. Click on the drive in the list on the left. Don't confuse the drive with the volume name(s) it contains that are indented below it on the list. In the lower part of the Disk Utility window, you will see seven lines of info in two columns. The two most important items are Total Capacity & Partition Map Scheme. The Total Capacity should be a little less than 1 TB (1000 GB) & the Partition Map Scheme should be GUID Partition Table.
    If not, you will need to reformat the drive as you did before, but this time click on the "Options…" button & choose the GUID Partition Table partition scheme before you click the "Apply" button.
    Now, click on the "Partition" tab at the top of the Disk Utility window. You should see a graphic representation of the hard drive's space & the partition in it. Does the partition extend all the way to the bottom of the drive's space? If not, grab the little resize handle at the bottom right corner of the partition (looks sort of like three slash marks) & drag it to the bottom of the drive space.
    The "Zero Out Data" security option will do nothing to solve your problem or increase the available free space; nor will a simple, non-secure erase. At best, on a brand new drive it might slightly decrease the available free space but it certainly won't increase it & it probably will do nothing but waste your time & subject the drive to a tiny extra bit of wear. (See the Disk Utility help category "Erasing disks" for more about the security erase options & what they are for.)

  • TechTool Deluxe appearantly deactivated my hard disc

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    What can I do now? I need to activate the interndal drive again so my computer can start up again!

    I hold down Option-Comand-P-R then start the iMac. It bongs once, then it bongs again, then the grey start up screen appears, then it simply turns itself off again without making a thirg bong. It doesn't even show a blue OS X start screen. What's wrong?

  • Start up shows arrow pointing to Hard Disc icon then freezes

    Pressing the power button at the back results in a screen with arrow pointing at a HD icon then freezing. Turning off and then on with "D" held down produces a normal computer, but the problem returns as soon as it is shut down an restarted.
    "D" on start up should produce the hardware test chooser, but it does not, it results in what seems to be normal working. All externals have been unplugged.
    Hard Disc contents appear to be as before.
    iMac recovers from Sleep in normal condition.
    Hope you can help!

    Sounds like a similar issue I had with an iMac G5 several years ago. It turned out to be a faulty motherboard also with 2 blown capacitors. They replaced the machine.
    Good luck, hope you figure it out.

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