Harddrive failure!? Can I retrieve my data?

So a little less than a 3 weeks ago, I purchased a 500gb harddrive to expand my macbook for college.
I have a whole bunch of ebooks, notes, documents, links etc. saved to it.
I'm also a musician so alot of my music is saved onto the hardrive as well.
Well yesterday I didn't even use my macbook, I went to school then work and when I arrived back home I was greeted to my macbook asleep but as I pressed the spacebar, trackpad etc. it wouldn't wake up.
So I turned it off and put it back on and was greeted to the infamous Folder with ?
I knew of this little pesky logo when I first installed my 500gb hardrive and it kept popping up but i did disk utility and reformatted my 500gb hardrive but now im confused why it popped up again. so I booted my system first with the osx disk and then with my old 250gb harddrive encased as an external so i can do a disk utility on my 500gb hardrive. MY MACBOOK WON'T RECOGNIZE MY 500GB HARDDRIvE!! No matter what I do it doesnt appear. I went as far as putting my 250gb harddrive back into my macbook and using the 500GB as an external and my computer still won't see it.
I don't know what to do... all my stuff is on that 500gb harddrive, is there a way to retrieve that data if the harddrive is truly dead? I can put my 250gb back in but i just need that data. or is there still hope? any suggestions! Please and Thank You!

welcome to Apple Discussions!
Alas once you reformat a hard drive its data is gone forever.
As for not reading the nonreformatted hard drive, there may be data recovery companies that can see if it is dead, or just your drive connection in the computer is failing. If your data is worth thousands, send it to http://www.drivesavers.com
otherwise go to my backup FAQ to try some cheaper recovery options*
Good luck! And in the future backup like your life depended on it.
- * links to my pages may give me compensation

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    rei-nxx wrote:
    so if i put my iphone back in the rice, would it work again???
    There's no guarantee, especially as you turned it on while it was still wet. Put it in the rice for a week and hope. If you can get silica gel that's better than rice.

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    I hope that now you will understand that computers aren't perfect tools and that if you don't take care to save your work from time to time, the chance to loose it is not null.
    If you are unable to press cmd + s by yourself every ten minutes, you may
    go to my iDisk :
    Download :
    Expand it and install the resulting application.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) 12 mai 2011 15:03:24

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    What is the database? (Oracle, SQL Server, xml, etc.)
    What type of connectivity? (ODBC, Native, OLE DB, etc)
    Are application and Crystal Reports are running from the same machine?
    What is the error message? Any error numbers?

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