HARDWARE identification for previous app store purchases?

Very frustrated with this problem. I had a hardware test done to rule out the logic board (nividia geforce GT330) - sofware instability from the beginning to each new OSX. Now the app store is not working - require a HARDWARE identification for imovie/iphoto/garage band apps? SURE hope this is a temporary problem? The Hyper X SSD I put in did not appear to pose any problems. The lawsuit that apple won against Nividia; Should be replacing my logic board regardless?? They lied at the apple store about a clear test?? Anyone else having this or similar issues with Macbook Pro, i7, 15", mid 2010 production?? Please share an opionion; it is a bad problem to have for such an expensive machine! Thanks!

Read this whole message before doing anything.
Back up all data.
Quit the App Store application if it’s running.
Step 1
Hold down the option key and select
Go ▹ Library
from the Finder menu bar. Delete the following items from the Library folder (some may not exist):
Cookies/com.apple.appstore.plist - corrupt
Leave the Library folder open. Try the App Store again. If it works now, stop here. Close the Library folder.
Step 2
If you still have problems, quit again. Go back to the Finder and move the following items from the open Library folder to the Desktop:
Again, some may not exist. Test. If the App Store now works, delete the files you moved to the Desktop. Otherwise, quit again. Put back the files you moved, overwriting the newer ones that may have been created in their place, and continue.
Step 3
Log out, log in, and try again.

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  • Touch ID for only App Store purchases??

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    No, TouchID can't be enabled for just the App Store. Personally, I find TouchID to be faster and easier than swiping to unlock the screen. Also, I know that if my phone is lost or stolen, there is much less likelihood that my personal data will be accessed by anyone else.

  • HT201272 Cannot see previous App Store purchases

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    I want to do a clean install of my machine so I need to download all my app purchases again (Logic Pro).
    I cannot see my OSX App Store purchases yet I used this machine and this iTunes account to make the purchase.
    Any idea why?
    Thx in advance.

    Read this whole message before doing anything.
    Back up all data.
    Quit the App Store application if it’s running.
    Step 1
    Hold down the option key and select
    Go ▹ Library
    from the Finder menu bar. Delete the following items from the Library folder (some may not exist):
    Cookies/com.apple.appstore.plist - corrupt
    Leave the Library folder open. Try the App Store again. If it works now, stop here. Close the Library folder.
    Step 2
    If you still have problems, quit again. Go back to the Finder and move the following items from the open Library folder to the Desktop:
    Again, some may not exist. Test. If the App Store now works, delete the files you moved to the Desktop. Otherwise, quit again. Put back the files you moved, overwriting the newer ones that may have been created in their place, and continue.
    Step 3
    Log out, log in, and try again.

  • Best way to get refund for ios app store purchases

    Hi, I purchased a $19 app from the app store and then discovered it had faults, and others have confirmed this. I have sent many emails to the developers but they have not replied and people on forums have said they no longer care.
    Well they don't seem to mind continuing to take people's money. If your app has faults and your not going to fix it then you should remove it from the app store. It is that simple!
    In my previous post I was told Appple would not refund my money due to their terms of use that each app store sale was final!
    Well first of all they have refunded money for others who have made much smaller purchases, and secondly I strongly believe that Apple should refund money for apps which are faultly and no longer being maintained. Otherwise they should remove it if the developers aren't going to!
    I have reported a fault with this app using iTunes, but I still have not heard anything from Apple.
    I've heard from other people that the best way to get a refund is to keep fighting and contacting Apple, otherwise Apple will just ignore you :-(

    tawest64 wrote:
    I'm missing more texts after the ED05 update than I was with ED04.  The problem is not fixed so I'd say the pdf file listing the benefits of doing this update is WRONG.  Is anyone from Verizon going to address this or is there going to be another 2 month wait for another failed upgrade? 
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    i got a CLNR fascinate this week.its updated to ED05 but still not the 2.3 firmware.i am currently sitting in my bedroom.second floor of the house and only have 2 bars as far as signal goes.i've only had the replacement for 2 days so i'm not sure if i am missing calls or not.but it still eats thru the battery nice and quick.also since i went to the store I WILL NEVER  go back to the store i usually do again.the girl there
    A. talked down to me when i got upset about her not doing much to help.
    B. laughed at me when i questioned her on why my phone wasnt working right and why i kept getting a run around.
    C. after laughing at me walked away from me.
    if this phone i received isnt working right  i will get a swap for my phone seeing how verizon doesnt even offer the fascinate anymore.if i dont get a swap i plan on moving on to some other provider eventhough i've had verizon for over 10 years now.

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    Perhaps go into your Apple ID and make sure that the main email address registered is still a valid account.
    Manage your Apple ID here;

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    My most recent purchase for an App was $50, and since there is disagreement as to why it doesn't work (TomTom GPS app or Apple iOS), I would like to get my money back.
    Yes. I've search the forums and tried the suggestions of giving the TT app solitary use of the Location Services, resetting my iTouch 4G and my New iPad Retina each, and still no GPS connection, whether I try using an AT&T MiFi or tethering to my wife's iPad mini with Verizon cellular showing LTE as a HotSpot.
    Or do I just intact my VISA card issuer to deny the purchase?
    Thank you in advance for replying!

    Log into your on-line MyVerizon account and click Documents & Receipts on the left-hand side of the page.

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    How can I print a receipt for apps purchased on my phone?

    You should receive an email stating a purchase was made and what the amount was. If you did not, then you can contact iTunes support at http://www.apple.com/emea/support/itunes/contact.html

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    Yes, app store is available - but not with systems updates on MacOS 10.7.4
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    And it's only one installation - the installation of MacOS 10.7.4 Combo Update and it killed
    For some, it seems to help to reset manually the certificate settings... for others, it seems to work with the ocspd preferences... next seems to solve it by doing both in combination and for others nothing helps.
    So I think, we need a fix - because I think, it's a problem in the latest OS update.

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    Need help Changing the previous owners settings for the app store. I can't buy any apps. Because it asks for previous owners information.

    I had this same problem, and it was erased.
    For some really odd reason iPads sometimes retain the last user iTunes account on first visit to the iTunes store.
    I am thinking it is actually the iTunes store recognising the iPad, and so 'helping' by showing the last log in settings.
    So I would also recommend Erase All Content and Settings to start.
    If that was done then what you need to do is log in, or create your own itunes account.
    This is in Settings, Store.
    create your own iTunes account (or log in with an old one).
    Purchase something.
    Then (as long as you don't have any app from the last owner on) it should never ask for the old account again.

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    The recommended solution for most families is to share the same Apple ID for iTunes and App Store purchases, so you can share your purchases, but us different IDs for iMessage, FaceTime and iCloud.  With this arrangement, each person can automatically download purchases made on the shared ID (by turning this feature on in Settings>iTunes & App Stores), while keeping their FaceTime calls, text messages and iCloud data (including photo stream) separated.  There is no requirement that the ID you use for purchasing be the same as the ID you use for these other services.
    This article: http://www.macstories.net/stories/ios-5-icloud-tips-sharing-an-apple-id-with-you r-family/.

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    I can't update my apps even when I do App Store>purchased> select all...... It don't work for me

    When you tap on All at the top. That shows all of you purchased apps. You still have to manually go through each letter (on the left side) and look through every page of apps in order to find the apps that need an update. It is a pain and its time consuming, but that's how you have to do it.
    Is that what you are doing and it's not working for you?

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    many thanks.

    Click Contact Us at the bottom of this page and contact iTunes support and ask.
    In general, all sales are final.

  • HT201371 Touch ID *only* for app-store purchases and iTunes

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    I go to settings > touch id & passcode. I click the switch for app store and iTunes. Then it automatically turns on my passcode so I have to use my passcode to unlock my phone. I don't want this passcode to automatically be turned on.

    that still should be up to my discretion. If i dont store anything I consider valuable in the first place, i shouldn't have to have a passcode.
    I want touch id only for my iTunes purchases. Its inconvenient to have to enter it every time i buy something...but I dont want a passcode on my phone.
    Lots of people use my phone at home (for various reasons) and i hate having to tell people the password every time someone new wants too look through it (for example, a dinner party i was at the other day, and everyone wanted to check out my new iPhone 6).
    oh well. Its as first world as a problem gets, but within the scope of the apple universe/ecosystem, it irks me when i dont have the option to remove an annoyance.....i love just swiping the screen and immediately clicking on whatever app i need rather than waste 2 seconds positioning my thumb and wait for it to unlock. like i said, first world problem, but 2 seconds is a pain in the *** in my high speed tech world...and i hate myself just having to re-read what i just wrote

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