Hardware Test

I have a late 2008 Macbook Pro (silver keys..if that matters)..and I had my itunes on, then I closed the computer lid to make my computer go to sleep, and put my computer back in my case..I was gone for about less than an hour. When I returned I opened my computer and I realized it was off. I turned it back on and it took a little longer to start up than normal and as it started a Hardware Test started.
Does anyone know why this started?..and it was on for only 17 mins and 45 seconds but it didn't move and was frozen, I tried to stop the testing but that didn't work so I had to press the power button and then it started normal and I went to look on my help for the hardware. I went into another test in my hard drive and it was verifying it and then it completely froze and i could not force a quit nothing was working.. my friend didn't know how to help me so he flipped my computer over and took the battery out! it's working pretty fine now but i was just curious what had happened so if anyone can please explain what happened.
thank you

I believe that the AHT is actually installed on some models of the MBP, and you can access it by holding down "D" as you boot up. Now why it booted to the hardware test after being off I can't say.
Were you in Disk Utility trying to verify the drive when it froze? If so, you might want to boot from your install disc and navigate to Disk Utility on it and then see if you can repair your startup disk. Repair it until there is nothing left to repair. I'm wondering if you might have some directory issues that are contributing to this problem.
It sounds like your friend may have reset the SMC:
I don't know if this is the entire story, but it's my 2¢ worth. Maybe someone else would have some further insights.
Good luck!

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    But something about this all is very strange. Yesterday night I tried all these steps above and when I was close to fall asleep in front of my monitor it suddenly worked and I made it finally into the hardware test. If I remember correctly, I was holding down the C key, but as I said a was pretty dizzy and can be mistaken. I ran hardware test once enhanced and it stopped during ram, giving me an error code I wrote down. But since I made it into the test and was so tired, I thought "lets continue tomorrow" which was my epic fail for this year, I guess. Today I repeated every step, every way I tried but it just doesn't work; and I read sooo many forums and Q&A's.
    By the way here is my error code which appeared after 49 minutes (to proof I didn't dream this):
    "2MEM/1/4: DIMM3/J14"
    Why do I want to do this?
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    Since then my Power Mac was rarely in use, only two or three times in Firewire Target Mode to access some of the data. Yesterday I wanted to do this again; booting it in FT mode but I must have connected my keyboard too late during booting and my machine surprisingly booted just fine! I was so stoked about this! Then I wanted to find out why it didn't work for a while and started several steps. Ran maintanance scripts, repaired the system volume, checked for enough free space, checked my Ram and then I stumbled on the interwebs over the hardware test which is delivered on the original install disc 1 and I never heard about this before (strange enough). What followed is written above.
    What do I have?
    I have this:
    Power Mac G5
    PowerPC G5  (3.0)
    2 GHz
      Anzahl der CPUs:
      L2-Cache (pro CPU):
    512 KB
    4 GB
    1 GHz
      Seriennummer (System):
    Sorry for the German but I think you still get it. The PPC was delivered with 10.4 and I bought it used from a friend with his original Update disc to 10.5 and I updated to the max, 10.5.8. I have 2x 1TB drive (similar ones) together as a Raid0 and three partitions on it. (I know now that it doesnt make that much of a sense).
    Yeah so I really want to find out why my machine didn't work for three months but since it is so old and I'm a student, it doesn't make any sense to me to go to an Apple store or similar to have it expensively serviced since there is no guarantee that these guys really help you (heard some stories about the local stores here).
    Is there a way to re-access the hardware test and run it to the end?
    As you might have noticed, I'm pretty desperate. I would soooooooo appreciate it!!

    "2MEM/1/4: DIMM3/J14"
    Replace the memory in the DIMM 3 slot.
    If you are running Mac OS X 10.5 you can use this program to test your G5's memory:
    It will subject your RAM to a more thorough test than Apple Hardware Test.

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    I have noticed that if I run the extended hardware test while connected to the power supply I do not get the error 4HDD/11/40000000:SATA(0,0) but if I run the same test while on battery power I get that error.
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    My rule of thumb when faced with multiple problems is to address any you can get your hands around, and the symptoms may change and clarify the other problem.
    A RAM LED stuck on is a memory failure, and that is easy to fix -- remove or replace the failing module.
    It is also possible the sensor complaint is about that module -- they have temp sensors on them.
    If you are replacing modules in a 2009 or later, don't buy smaller than 8GB replacements, they are cheap enough now at about US$75 from
    http://www.datamemorysystems.com/apple-mac-pro-quad-core-intel-xeon-nehalem-2-66 ghz-mb871ll/a-early-2009-memory-upgrades/
    (Where 2* 4GB Costs $76 or $94 from the same vendor at this writing)

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    I ran the appel hardware test and it detected an error:
    Does anybody know what that means? HELP!

    WZZZ answered about where to get iStat. And do check the SMART status. If it is an overheating problem due to a fan or logic board problem, your hard drive is possibly cooking itself to death. If so it isn't a faulty hard drive even though the hard drive might fail. So assuming it's a temperature problem, even if you are able to repair things on the disk with software, that is working on symptoms, not causes. I could be wrong however.
    RE: AppleCare: Your iMac came with one year of AppleCare (Apple's warranty program), but within the first year you can buy 2 more years. You have to extend by the one year anniversary of purchase of the computer. Your 10,1 is too old to still be in the first year, and since you asked what it was, I'm sure you don't have it. Bottom line meaning is that whatever this problem turns out to be, you'll have to pay for it. Unless there is something like this. It is for 2011 iMacs with certain Seagate drives. You can put in your serial number for fun, but it looks like yours is too old. Lastly, some people have had Apple help them anyway if it is just out of warranty, but many have not. Your machine is one of these. Type in 10,1 in the search box. Is there an Apple Store near you? Just b/c it's out of warranty doesn't mean you shouldn't have it looked at by Apple. But no one here can say at all what Apple will or will not do.
    Hope you get it taken care of!

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    The disc plainly state:
    To  use the AHT, hold down the D key as the computer starts up.
    Works here. However, there was an issue with installing Lion that screwed this process up.
    Mount disc 2, run this command in the Terminal app, OPTION-click & hold Finder's Dock icon, and select RELAUNCH:
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1
    That unhides all hidden files/folders.
    Now, drill down to /"Applications Install\ Disc"/System/Library/CoreServices/ and drag the .diagnostics folder into your Lion boot volume's /System/Library/CoreServices/ folder. That might require you to authenticate to copy the folder into the CoreServices subfolder.
    Run this command to hide the normally hidden files/folders and RELAUNCH the Finder again.
    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 0
    This should allow the machine to boot into AHT when restarting and holding down the D key.
    If that doesn't do the trick, run this command in the Terminal app:
    sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics
    At the Password: prompt, carefully type in your admin password, since nothing shows up on the screen, and hit the return key. Then, try another restart, holding down the D key.

  • Need to run a hardware test on MBP4,1, 17" OS 10.5.8 w/out disc?

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    - 17inch macbook pro 4,1, 2. 5 GHz
    - non-unibody (released sometime in 2008)
    - OS 10.5.8
    My battery recently expanded and 'exploded', so i bought a new one (from macsales.com) and replaced it. battery works fine.
    I also upgraded my RAM: from 2GB to 6GB (1 x 2GB, 1 x 4GB).
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    1) I have a birdlike chirping sound that occurs randomly and not often. I had similar sounds prior to my battery expanding and going bust. However, now that I've bought a new battery, I have a concern that it might be something else in the hardware.
    2) I would like to upgrade my OS to mavericks; but first, I understand that i have to upgrade to Snow Leopard (10.6) before upgrading to anything.
    I would like to know the following:
    a) I would like to run a hardware test to diagnose it and find out what the sounds are from and also a general check up before i actually upgrade OS.
    However, I don't have my installation discs because I moved country and it was a long time ago.
    How can i run a hardware test and check my laptop without a disc?
    b) since i'm not in the US, how can i buy the Snow Leopard? is there an option for buying when outside of the US? I can't seem to find it.
    thanx for your help

    See if you can hunt down this...
      15-‐inch) MacBookPro4,1 AHT 3A136
      17-‐inch) MacBookPro4,1 AHT 3A135 022-3832-A.dmg, 3.1MB file.
    Other countries...
    It looks like they might still have it...

  • Can I run the hardware test when I have four different accounts on my mac 10.8.4, can I run the hardware test when I have four different accounts on my mac 10.8.4

    Hi  Noticed that the top of my mac is nearly too hot to touch.  Did a search online and found out about the hardware test.  Looked up online user manual for my mac (Processor  3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 10.8.4) and noted how to perform the test.  However, when I keep my finger on the D button through start up it just brings me right to the screen where I have to sign in to my desktop account (there are four accounts on the desktop as it is a family mac).  Am I doing something wrong.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    First, you should know that it's normal that your iMac is hot at the top. Here are the fans, so it's normal that it's hotter than other parts. Before going further, download Temperature Monitor and tell us which temperatures it indicates > http://www.bresink.com/osx/TemperatureMonitor.html
    If it gives dangerous temperatures, then you should run Apple Hardware Test. Looking at the processor the Mac has got, your Mac came with DVDs. Apple Hardware Test is in Mac OS X Install Disc, so insert it and hold the D key while your Mac is starting to start in Apple Hardware Test

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    hardware test using an external optical device (iMac) on macbook pro 9 years old via firewire. What to do? and how to do it?
    I thiunk the graphic card is defective and need to run hwt

    You don't.
    Need a internal optical drive and the Hardware Test on disks is old and outdated anyway.
    Your machine has lasted a long time, congratulations, they usually only last about 4-5 years.
    They get clogged up with dust and overheat, kills the video card, there is nothing you can do as it's hardware damage over time.

  • Separate Apple Hardware Test DVD for MacBook Pro original??

    Hey Folks, I'm trying to verify whether or not the MacBook Pro came with the Apple Hardware Test as a separate DVD disk. The "MacBook Pro" Install disk references it but I can't seem to find the software on that DVD. Any guesses out there would be appreciated. I'm about to perform an upgrade for Tiger to Leopard and wnat to give my laptop the "hairy eyeball" before I begin.
    Many Thanks,

    Insert the DVD and start up the computer with the D key held down. The Hardware Test is on a separate area of the DVD and isn't normally accessible.

  • I have a latest 2.7 EFI update but i still don't have the ATH(Apple Hardware Test) software! why is that so? do we have it on mountain lion?

    So as u know the question
    ill tell u the steps to try them out(no harm will be caused to u or ur com)
    During restart-up press the D button before the gray screen appears and hold it for about a minute until u see a 4 or 6 bit image of old mac icon appear and then it loads u go select any language and click hardware test full and then tell me if it DOES HAPPEN ON OS X 10.8(mountain lion).
    Thnx apple and u guys!

    To use Internet Apple Hardware Test, start up your Mac and hold down both the option and D keys on your keyboard.

  • Can anyone tell me what apple hardware test error code apple hardware 4MOT/4/40000002: Exhaust-1153 or 1209 means? I am running a MacBook Pro.

    Can anyone tell me what apple hardware test error code apple hardware 4MOT/4/40000002: Exhaust-1153 or 1209 means? I am running a MacBook Pro

    The motor on the exhaust fan has failed or is failing.

  • Can't boot off Apple Hardware Test disk

    Can anyone suggest why my laptop won't boot off of its Apple Hardware Test disk anymore? I have not tried it in years, but want to try now. I have the original, and a copy I made years ago, and neither will boot. I can select them at startup disks in that preference pane in OSX, but then it fails to find it, and boots into OSX. I can boot into OS9 on the hard drive. I was able to partially boot off of a different AHT disk from my 12" Albook G4, but it gave the message that I can't use that disk since it is not meant for the Tibook. One idea is that TechTool tells me that "macintosh startup file was absent", and the Help file states:
    "The Startup file is intended for use by systems that do not have built-in ROM support for booting from HFS Extended volumes. The first eight extents of the Startup File are stored in the Volume Header. This makes them easy to locate and read into memory. This file contains information used by the computer’s ROM to determine what program will boot the computer. In almost every case, this will be configured to point to the preferred System."
    But it does not tell me how to restore this Startup file.
    -how can i get my startup file back?
    -my computer boots fine off the hard drive, so is this file used only to boot off a CD?
    -any ideas why i can't boot off my AHT CD?

    Hi, t. (That alias of yours sure is a mouthful.) I think in your shoes I would pose the question to the tech support people at Micromat (TechTool's developer). It's their error message, after all, and they should be able to explain it to you in as much detail as you need. Perhaps they'll shed some light on the original problem in the process.

  • Error Message from hardware test

    I just recently bought a 1 gb PC2700 SODIMM 200 PIN DDR ram (EDGE TECH) and installed it in my 12"powerbook (1.5Ghz) to replace the original 256mb chip in there.
    However, I got several application crashes and decided to run a hardware test and I got an error message for the ram:
    Does any of you know what does it mean? So is the memory bad? WHat should I do? replace the ram with edge tech or it's the compability, edgetech just won't fit on powerbook? But in the description they said it can be used on powerbook though.
    Please help!
    Thank you!

    I'm experiencing the same problem, it's really horrible! can anybody give me a clue? Thanks in advance
    PB 12" G4 1,5Ghz 1,25 RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

  • Blue screen of death with HDD Hardware Test error on iMac HELP!!

    My iMac is not starting up.  It just get the blue screen of death during startup.  It is a 2.66 mghz duo with 2gb 800 ram.  I was able to get the Hardware test to run and got an error of 4M0T/2/40000004: HDD-1560.  I am assuming it is an error with the internal hard drive since I have nothing else hooked up to the mac other than the keyboard and mouse right now.  Does this code mean my hard drive is completely shot?  Any help would be appreciated.

    4M0T/2/40000004: HDD-1560.  
    Either failing or failed   
    You can have Apple replace the drive at a nearby Apple store or an Apple certified repair shop.
    Apple - Support - Check Your Service and Support Coverage

  • Macbook dies after 2008-005 security update: even hardware test not working

    My Macbook no longer boots after installing security update 2008-005. Behaves as if HD is dead, AND as if boots from SuperDrive are broken too.
    Sequence of events:
    1. 10.5.4, Software Update notifies me of update.
    2. I permit it. Immediately requires a reboot.
    3. Go away for several hours.
    4. Upon return, I notice the Leopard outer-space background.
    5. Spinning beachball when I move the mouse.
    6. Go away for several minutes.
    7. Return. No change. Power down computer.
    OK ... by now, you may be saying that it might still have been updating and I shouldn't have interrupted it.
    But since then, the machine behaves not only like the disk is dead, but I can't even get a hardware test to run from DVD.
    So, to continue.
    8. Start machine again. Apple boot sound. Nothing on screen.
    9. After a while, flashing "folder" icon with question mark.
    Since then I've attempted to boot in safe mode, verbose mode, FireWire target disk mode (against a 10.4.x box), boot from original install disk, boot into hardware test mode from original install disk. None of these things worked. I've reset the PRAM.
    The only diagnostic activity of all of these that has produced any different feedback is the PRAM reset (which sounded the Apple boot sound a second time). Everything else does not work. If the HD was dead, I could understand that none of the attempts to boot into FireWire target disk mode, or to boot from DVD and then expect to see the HD mount in some way, would work. But since it doesn't even boot the hardware test from the DVD, I'm really baffled. Any ideas? Thanks.

    Well, my solution was to buy DiskWarrior and copy what I could (which was a lot, thankfully) to a FireWire external disk, then reinstall. DiskWarrior reports S.M.A.R.T. status OK, so I've gone with a fresh partition in Disk Utility and successfully installed 10.4 from the original DVDs.
    Have also run Apple Hardware Test and had no problems, so I've decided to trust the drive in the short term.
    Unfortunately, now, 10.5 upgrade disks won't finish and guess what ... a partial install of 10.5 breaks the 10.4! So, the machine has a recognizable startup disk but justs sits in a loop rebooting itself, presumably as it hits some inter-10.4/10.5 state and gives up.
    Next up I tried to restore my 10.5 from a wired ethernet connection to my Time Capsule. Having never once been able to browse my backups in Time Machine under 10.5, I was somewhat surprised to find that the 10.5 Installer was happy to let me try a restore from the Time Capsule. It crunched away until it was happy that I had enough space on my new partition, and then did what seemed a pretty instantaneous restore. The Macbook reboots and ... can't see the startup disk.
    Maybe my disk really is on the way out.

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