Hate lion, and need to reinstall to fix issues

hi all
I also just noticed that they are releasing another new OS in summer, will this OS fix the many many issues that Lion seems to have?
also, I am running lion, and after a failed partition to create for bootcamp, i am missing over 100gig of my drive, I finally have an external that I can time machine everything to, but my question now lies in this.
once I do the time machine backup, then use the install disk to reinstall my lion copy, when I backup from time machine, is everything going to be exaclty the same as I left it, minus the missing 100gigs, or more importantly including the missing 100gigs?
any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

thanks for your help allan
I have done the reinstall with time machine and everything seems to be the same,
the last question(s) I have are this.
if i setup a new install of lion and wiped the drive clean, then went and restored from time machine, would it restore just the files and apps and programs that I had? or would it put the machine back to its previous state, where I was missing hard drive space? ie: can my current hard drive space be a true representation of how much space I have left?
if that is not the case, how can I find missing hard drive space. I stopped a partition mid way through a bootcamp install because the software I had I found out wouldn't work on my copy of windows, but OSX thought that the space was still being used for something else for windows, and therefor it was no longer available

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    dmason wrote:
    I had this problem as well. I was under the gun on time and just purchased it anyway. After installation I contacted support and they refunded me the amount.
    You should have a backup of your servers regardless of circumstances. You would then be able to restore the server software.
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    Just how do you do an internet recovery on a system that has a blank HDD with no operating system that the unit cannot boot from????
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    Winston Churchill wrote:
    It's really not all that funny, I have already mentioned this point to you to. The point that Csound1 is making is a very good point, and unless you add the information he is suggesting to you, to your posts, you are simply misleading people.
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