Have to partition HD for Parallels?

Do I need to partition my hard drive to use Parallels?
Simple question, sorry if it was asked before

No, you don't need to partition your drive. Just run the Parallels installer and you will create a virtual hard drive the Windows will run in.

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  • I need to use my iMac to run some Windows software and was thinking of using Parallels Desktop 9 to help with this. Do you still have to partition your drive with Parallels and does this leave you open to viruses?

    I need to use my iMac to run some Windows software not available for Mac and was thinking of obtaining Parrallels Desktop 9 to help with this. If I use Parrallels do you still have to partitian your drive and does this leave you open to viruses?

    You do not have to partition your drive - Parallels creates a disk image which contains your Windows installation. You do have to exercise anti-virus measures in the Windows partition, although such malware cannot affect the Mac filesystem.

  • HT4621 how to partition the memory for parallels

    How do you do it?

    Mu300Pilot wrote:
    How do you do it?
    You don't partition 'memory' you partition the hard drive! and you DO NOT partition anything for Parallels.
    I strongly suggest that you read the Parallels documentation before you try to do anything, you are very confused.

  • I have to run Windows for work, which is best Parallels, Fusion, or Boot Camp? I won't need to share anything with the Mac Side.

    I have to run Windows for work, yuk! Which is best Parallels, Fusion, or Boot Camp? I will not need to share anything with my Mac side as I will just be running one program to chat on the web and send Emails.

    Parallels, Fusion and VirtualBox are all virtualization applications, they 'virtualize' (create) a Windows environment on your Macs OSX operating system.
    Boot Camp makes a compatible partition on your hard drive so you may install windows on it directly.

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    Moderator Action:
    You already asked this question, two days earlier.
    Stay with your original post.   Deliberate multiple posting is the same as spamming the forums.
    This new post is locked.

  • Partitioning Mac for Bootcamp Without Reformatting HDD

    Hello, I hope this is the correct area to start this discussion.
    I'm trying to figure out how I can install windows via boot camp, without reformatting my HDD (or use of installation CD).
    I'm currently on tour around the U.S., and my installation disks are at my home address.
    As a roady photographer, access to my computer and Photoshop is essential to me, and its very important that i can continue to use my mac pro through out the remainder of this year, it is how I make most of my living wile out on tour, so I hope this explains how important it is that i do this right the first time.
    Its kind of overwhelming, and I don't know where to start.
    I am Tech savvy, but not qualified, my experience has been the above average consumer working around tech problems since AOL launched, so I will try my best to explain what I can, and understand what anyone here try's to offer.
    First off, here are my specs:
    Processor  2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory  8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB
    Software  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b)
    Reason for Boot camp:
    I work with Final Cut, Photoshop, Adobe Aftereffects, and a few other heavy duty programs, I'm an Artist and love working with Music and Media.
    Some may say that my specs can handle all this, but if it where up to me I would rather have a Tower, but traveling on the road limits me to using the Pro.
    On my free time im an avid gamer, At first I was ok with apps, later on I wanted to play some old games like LOTR Battle for Middle Earth, I know my laptop was good enough to play, but I had to get windows so it would be compatible.
    I have Parallels 7 from my work, and a copy of Windows 7, and i was able to create a virtual machine to play some PC games.
    All was fine until I got into bigger games like ARMA2,
    It felt like my laptop was going to die from parallels, so i decided to install Windows on bootcamp because i use it very often. (best of both worlds) 
    Because of the  programs i use on OS, i don't want my computer to Run a virtual machine anymore, i feel like its very unhealthy.
    I want my OS to run full power flawlessly without the stress of virtual machine, and i want Windows to run full power flawlessly without stressing out OS,
    so I am going to use Boot Camp.
    How i will go about:
    I Have Decided i will attempt to Clone my mac to my External Hard drive.
    I have an External 2T Lacie Drive that has lots of space.
    Can someone explain to me in light detail how cloning works when you try to reformat your mac off an external Hard drive?
    From what i understand you can do it this way.
    Also, If i can manage to Clone my mac to my ExHD, will i be able to partition my hard drive for windows, and Re clone my mac back onto one of the partitions?
    If this process will work, what steps should i take first?
    Clone, then Boot camp?
    can i partition my hard drive, add my Mac back onto a partition, then add Windows CD at a Later time? (i dont have the CD on me atm)
    i apologize for the length of this post. Its very important that I can continue to access everything on my laptop, i wont be able to have my installation CDs until this October.
    Thank you.     

    you are fine.
    Upgrades from 10.6 to Lion with existing XP or Vista present was/is/can be an issue.
    Lion 10.7.0 and Boot Camp 4.0.0 were not working (why? oh, "never use dot zero?)
    Lion adds Recovery Partition.
    CCC now can clone that partition as well as your HFS volumes.
    Lack of contiguous free (unfragmented) storage, with no "locked" files or that fragment the free space.
    Shrinking the HFS volume and then stretch it back out to consolidate to get around the free space issue.
    Not realizing just how large to make Windows volume (double best estimate rule) or aim for 60GB.
    XP only needed 10-16GB or 32GB at top usually. Microsoft and Apple have this "16GB for 32-bit Windows 7" is the OS size, not the size of the partition needed to function (20GB for the base OS for 64-bit).
    Add in page, hibernation, temp, cache, and that 10GB just for 'shuffle" files around during updates.
    SSDs need space to allow for good background garbage collection and TRIM (a month's worth of writes is a good rule there).
    Not documented: you need to get the audio driver on your own along with current graphic driver after you install the OS and Apple drivers.
    "Boot Camp" is overused, misused, treated as if people are running BC instead of just running Winidows natively, with all that entails.
    Apple Software Update for Windows will update everything except Boot Camp drivers, whereas it could update itself like it has in the past, and could have been the avenue for getting all the drivers into Windows itself.

  • Which version of windows for parallels desktop

    I have resisted for many years, but it looks like I am going to have to partition a mac mini to run parallels desktop so that my medical office can run Medicare Remit Easy Print (Windows only) software in my all Mac office.
    What is the cheapest version of Windows that will work for this?

    Check with the provider/developer of Medicare Remit Easy to see what version of Windows is required.
    Also, you said you had to partition a "mac" to run Parallels. You do not partition to run Parallels. You install Parallels the install Windows in Parallels.

  • The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship

    When I try to log on to my DC it says "The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship". It won't let me log on. I installed another server server 2012r2  (its virtual )
    and I can get to ADSI edit. 
    I think what happened was I had a pc that could not connect without unplugging the network cable. So I found this fix 
    FIX: “The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship”2032011
    I’ve seen a lot of solutions, or suggestions rather, with regard to the error in the title of this post.  In my experience, the problem can almost always be resolved without extra domain add/removes and reboots, which is the most prevalent solution I have
    seen around.  Usually, this issue is due to a mismatch between attributes of the computer account in Active Directory and those values on the system itself.  Here are the steps I take to fix this issue when it crops up:
    Open up Active Directory Users & Computers pointed to the domain the computer account resides in
    From the “View” pull-down menu, make sure that “Advanced Features” is checked
    Navigate to the part of your organizational unit (OU) structure where the computer account for this server resides
    Open the Properties for the computer object
    Choose the “Attribute Editor” tab on the Properties dialog box
    Check the Attributes dNSHostName & servicePrincipalName – anywhere that a fully qualified hostname is specified (e.g. myserver.mydomainname.com), make sure that the entry matches the hostname
    you have configured when you go here on your server: Start -> Computer -> Right-Click, Properties -> Change Settings (under “Computer name, domain… settings”) -> Full Computer Name
    As an example, for a fictitious W2K8 R2 server whose Full Computer Name is “srv1.mydomainname.com”, these attribute/value pairs should be in Active Directory:
    Not reading it carefully I add a computer with the same name as the pc having the issue and followed the above. The problem is that I did not notice that the spn did not want the name of my server (serv1) but the name of the trouble
    dcdiag output
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> dcdiag.exe
    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       Trying to find home server...
       ***Error: DC3 is not a Directory Server.  Must specify /s:<Directory Server> or  /n:<Naming Context> or nothing to
       use the local machine.
       ERROR: Could not find home server.
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> dcdiag.exe /s:DC2
    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       * Identified AD Forest.
       Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
       Testing server: Default-First-Site\DC2
          Starting test: Connectivity
             The host 9e0dca7a-d017-445a-b354-adee5ff53d48._msdcs.TOM could not be resolved to an IP address. Check the DN
             server, DHCP, server name, etc.
             Neither the the server name (DC2.TOM) nor the Guid DNS name (9e0dca7a-d017-445a-b354-adee5ff53d48._msdcs.TOM)
             could be resolved by DNS.  Check that the server is up and is registered correctly with the DNS server.
             Got error while checking LDAP and RPC connectivity. Please check your firewall settings.
             ......................... DC2 failed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
       Testing server: Default-First-Site\DC2
          Skipping all tests, because server DC2 is not responding to directory service requests.
       Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : Schema
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : Configuration
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : TOM
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... TOM passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... TOM passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running enterprise tests on : TOM
          Starting test: LocatorCheck
             ......................... TOM passed test LocatorCheck
          Starting test: Intersite
             ......................... TOM passed test Intersite
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> netdig /fix
    netdig : The term 'netdig' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
    Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + netdig /fix
    + ~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (netdig:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> Setup /PrepareSchema
    Setup : The term 'Setup' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check
    the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Setup /PrepareSchema
    + ~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Setup:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> netdiag /test
    netdiag : The term 'netdiag' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
    Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + netdiag /test
    + ~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (netdiag:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> nslooup
    nslooup : The term 'nslooup' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
    Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + nslooup
    + ~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (nslooup:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM>

    Ok fixed. 
    At a elevated cmd prompt run ;
    C:\Users\administrator.TOM>setspn -x
    As you can see the DC serv1 had duplicate SPNs.
    Checking domain DC=TOM
    Processing entry 1
    HOST/serv1.TOM is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    {14E52635-0A95-4a5c-BDB1-E0D0C703B6C8}/TOWN-HBWJ29ZOQC is registered on these ac
    {14E52635-0A95-4a5c-BDB1-E0D0C703B6C8}/town-hbwj29zoqc.TOM is registered on thes
    e accounts:
    RestrictedKrbHost/serv1 is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    RestrictedKrbHost/serv1.TOM is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    found 5 groups of duplicate SPNs.
    Went to the computers OU and changed computer c00049 to the correct SPN. Now I have a new issues, I'll start a new thread.

  • Is there ANY way to install windows (for parallels) WITHOUT a superdrive?

    I have Parallels (build 5600) and Win XP running fine on my iMac.
    I want to run it on my MBA, too.
    I have successfully installed Parallels (on a new trial license for now), and when I went to install Windows, learned that it can't be done via Remote Disk.
    I'd really rather not spend $100 on an external drive JUST for this purpose.
    Can I make a disk image of the windows disk?
    Or connect to the imac in target disk mode (or something?!) to use THAT drive?
    Or... can I somehow just copy my "virtual machine" from the imac to the MBA? Not sure if that will cause windows serial number police to freak, though...
    Glancing through a quick search here, it seems it's possible to migrate the virtual machine. But what files, exactly, do I need to migrate? Just the .hdd file?
    I'd prefer to do a nice clean install from the CD, but I don't know if that's possible.
    Any help is appreciated!

    Ok, I may have answered my own question.
    I am copying my Virtual Machine from my imac, but it will take a long time to copy, and takes 10gb of space, so trying that is a last resort.
    in the meantime I found this on the parallels site. Looks like you CAN use a disk image. I'm going to try it now- fingers crossed!
    I'm using Macbook Air and cannot install Windows to Parallels Virtual Machine by means of CD/DVD drive “borrowing” feature. What should I do?
    Unfortunately Macbook Air CD/DVD drive “borrowing” feature doesn’t support direct media streaming and thus cannot be used to install Windows (or any other Guest OS ) to Parallels Virtual Machine. To install a Windows VM on Macbook Air you can either create an .iso image of Windows installation disk on some other computer with CD/DVD drive and copy it to Mac or use an external CD/DVD drive that Apple offers for Macbook Air.
    Please refer to this article for the instructions on how to create an .iso image for Parallels VM on Mac - http://kb.parallels.com/entry/32/458/

  • New iMac running lion 10.7.2...partitioned drive for  windows xp pro ...successfully installed...up and running(duel boot) but no internet connection on windows side...need drivers?.....please help

    new imac running lion 10.7.2     partitioned HD for duel boot and successfully installed windows xp pro (sp2)....have internet through eithernet cable on the mac side but no internet connection on the windows side....need drivers????   please help

    I too am running xp spiii on my mac with lion. However I installed xp while running snow leopard then upgraded to lion and both are running fine. If you have the support disc that came with the imac all the relevant drivers are on there. The only other thing i would suggest is that you get spiii and upgrade to that.
    Hope that helps

  • I used a partitioned HDD for time machine, using a partition already containing other data files. I am now no longer able to view that partition in Finder. Disk Utility shows it in grey and "not mounted". Any suggestions of how to access the files?

    I used a partitioned HDD for time machine, using a partition already containing other data files. I am now no longer able to view that partition in Finder. Disk Utility shows it in grey and "not mounted". Any suggestions of how to access the files? Does using time machine mean that that partition is no longer able to be used as it used to be?
    HDD is a Toshiba 1TB, partitioned into two 500GB partitions.
    OS X version 10.9.2

    Yes, sharing a TM disk is a bad idea, and disks are cheap enough so that you don't need to.
    Have you tried to repair the disk yet

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    I have just upgraded from Lightroom 5 standalone to Lightroom 6 standalone. I appear to have been automatically enrolled for a 30 day free trial of Lightroom Mobile and Creative Cloud. Reading the FAQ, it appears that after the expiry of the free trial, if I do not sign up and pay, I will only be able to view my pictures on the desktop but not edit them - surely this cannot be true. How do I un-enroll for the 30 day free trial of Lightroom Mobile and CC?

    When I was signed into Adobe (which was a requirement for installing the upgrade), Lightroom 6 told my at the top right corner that I had 30 days left of my free trial of Lightroom Mobile and Creative Cloud. In parallel with this forum posting, I am chatting with Adobe support. he is away to find out how to prevent any synching with Creative Cloud during the 30 day free trial. I do not think that Creative Cloud is an application that gets installed on your PC. I think Lightroom 6 has it built in, and can use it if if you are signed up to the Creative Cloud and Lightroom Mobile (which I am for 30 days)

  • Task 0085 for parallel SID assignment terminated with errors

    While activating the ODS object we are getting the following error
    Task 0085 for parallel SID assignment terminated with errors
    Can anyone help me on this issue.
    Sheela Datla

    Hi Sheela,
    Does the problem happen with activating the ODS object (definition) itself or with activating the data in the
    ODS? I think that there must be other errors apart from Task 0085. At the time of the error you should check in
    sm21 and st22 for additional error messages and dumps. If the problem is with the activation of data in the ODS
    you should also check sm37 for the job that is created for the ODS activation , you may find more detailed
    information in the job log. You should also check the activation step in the 'Details' TAB in the monitor for
    the load there may also be more detailed information here.
    In transaction rscusta2 (ODS customizing) you should try the following setting for the activation:
    No. of Par. Proc.    3          
    Min. No. Data Recs.  10000     
    Wait Time in Sec.      600
    Before changing the values you have in RSCUSTA2 please take note of the values you have already in
    case you want to change them back.
    Best Regards,

  • How to have two partitions in windows 7 using bootcamp?

    Hello everybody,
    I've just recently bought a new MacBook Pro, I'm not very familirar with Macintosh. I installed windows 7 using bootcamp but the problem is that I just can see one partition in which I've installed windows.
    actually, I want to partition my 500GB disk to three different partitions as following:
    1) 70GB for Mac
    2) 80GB for Windows
    3) 350GB for Data
    so that I can have third partition both in Mac and Win.
    I searched internet and I found a few documents about it and I followed the instructions but I had no luck of success. one of the instructions I tried is: http://davidseah.com/index-ee.php/wikilab/Creating-2-Windows-Partitions-with-Boo t-Camp/
    Any suggestion would be appreciated.

    1: Those instructions at the link are severely outdated. Don't use them.
    2: Apple expects users to have one Bootcamp partition, one OS X Lion partition and that's it and that's all they are going to hold your hand on.
    (note: there is also a hidden EFI and a Lion Recovery Partition also on the drive.)
    Anything beyond that is getting into major geek terror-tory.
    Of course it's possible, I had my 15" with 7 partitions and booting 4 other operating systems from Lion, Snow, Windows, Linux (with a Linux Swap and a exFAT data). But I had to wipe the entire drive, set up the partitions install a alternate EFI boot program (a program that resides in firrmware) and then install each OS in each partition.
    Since your new to Mac, you should really hold onto Apple's hand and use either a external drive formatted either FAT32(MSDOS) for under 4 GB files sizes (preferred) or exFAT for over 4GB files (not preferred but necessary) in Apple's Disk Utility.
    Windows is as you know, formatted NTFS and OS X is formatted HFS+ Journaled as their partition data formats.
    There is software for Windows called MacDrive which will read and write HFS format, and there is software from Tuxera that will allow OS X to read NTFS format.
    There is a security issue allowing Windows to read HFS, but that should do transferring the small amount of files your going to be using in both operating systems.
    OS X, like Windows, is going to expect files to be in each respective User folders of Music, Pictures and so forth when you open save dialog boxes, open finder windows, open certain programs and so forth. So ideally it's not best to share a partition or really have the user data on another partition at all.
    I know it's a practice on Windows machines to partition data away from boot/programs to reduce defragmentation, on OS X it's not as necessary (except in special cases) as all 2GB sized files and below are written to one space on the drive (if there is room of course)
    Windows 7 still needs to be defragged, however it can be schedualed and you can watch the progress. If you install WIndows, perform all the updates, then install programs, then finally any files you do keep there, it should stay optimized for a quite awhile. Ditton on the OS X side.
    If your going to sharing a grreat quantity of files between the two OS's, use a external drive.
    Apple installs a hybrid MBR in the Bootcamp partition for Windows to use to interact with the GUID partition table (GPT) it uses.

  • I have a hard drive for CD storage that needs to connect to the Ethernet router. sInce my router is not in this room, and in another room, I want to use my Mac as a router for the drive, and share the wifi. Ho do I do this

    I have a hard drive for CD storage that needs to connect to the Ethernet router. sInce my router is not in this room, and in another room, I want to use my Mac as a router for the drive, and share the wifi. Ho do I do this? I gace tried the System Preferences -> Sharing, shared internet to Ethernet, but can't se ethe device on Finder

    Djembe wrote:
    UEFI (unified extensible firmware interface) boot requires Global unique identifier Partition Table (GPT) as opposed to the older Master Boot Record (MBR). If your existing drive is formatted in MBR, you will need to adjust BIOS settings to enable legacy boot in order for it to work properly.
    Is there a performance difference between GPT and MBR? If GPT is better, I do not mind formatting the drive with it.
    5. No special drivers are needed.
    Thanks. What about the thunderbolt port?
    7. I think Lenovo estimates 6 hours.
    Lenovo says 6 hours with the 6-cell battery on its website.
    BrendaEM wrote:
    There was a serious BIOS/UEFI problem with that SSD . Perhaps this thread will save you some headaches. Someone is recomending shutting off Rapid Boot in the setup, which would probable mean little with a SSD, anyway.
    I read through this, and it looks like the problem was fixed in a BIOS update, which I plan to do. However, it also seems like Intel Rapid Start is not even worth it in the first place, as sleep consumes almost no power at all.
    W540: i7-4700mq, K2100m, 8 GB DDR3L, 512 GB SSD
    T510: i7-620m, NVS 3100m, 8 GB DDR3, 512 GB SSD

Maybe you are looking for

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