Having difficulty using a dotnet assembly (won't load)

I am trying to use a dotnet dll and having problems loading it.  Used .net controller from tools menu to create a CVI wrapper all that worked out without any issue. However, when I try to use it will get an  error CDotNetCouldNotLoadAssemblyError.  I read some posts and they recommended to register path and that function works fine .  I even added my dotnet dll to the GAC it still gives same errors.  Dll itself work fines since I can use it within my visual studio project and control hardware.  Here is the piece of code
// Global variables
CDotNetAssemblyHandle ecMasterDotNet;
EcMasterDotNet_CEcMasterDotNet thisEcMaster;
//Master parameters
EcMasterDotNet_DN_EC_T_INITMASTERPARMS initMasterParams;
// Master Config
EcMasterDotNet_DN_EC_T_MASTER_CONFIG oMasterConfig;
EcMasterDotNet_ECError ecRetVal;
// Global functions
/// HIFN The main entry-point function.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int error = 0;
/* initialize and load resources */
nullChk (InitCVIRTE (0, argv, 0));
errChk (panelHandle = LoadPanel (0, "EthercatTest.uir", PANEL));
/* display the panel and run the user interface */
errChk (DisplayPanel (panelHandle));
errChk (RunUserInterface ());
MessagePopup("Application Exit","Exit");
/* clean up */
if (panelHandle > 0)
DiscardPanel (panelHandle);
return 0;
void InitializeMaster()
int retVal = -9999;
char valReturned[40];
retVal = CDotNetRegisterAssemblyPath("EcMasterDotNet, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=13b16034f262d5b2","C:\\temp\\EtherC​atDotNet\\EcMasterDotNet.dll");
//retVal = CDotNetRegisterAssemblyPath("EcMasterDotNet","C:\\​temp\\EcMasterDotNet.dll");
retVal = Initialize_mscorlib();
/****************** Error on the next line, it won't work  returns -6579   CDotNetCouldNotLoadAssemblyError  ************************/
retVal = CDotNetLoadAssembly ("EcMasterDotNet.dll", &ecMasterDotNet);
retVal = Initialize_EcMasterDotNet();
//Initialize ECMasterDotNet library
retVal = EcMasterDotNet_CEcMasterDotNet__Create(&thisEcMast​er, 0);
sprintf(valReturned,"Init returned: %d", retVal);
MessagePopup("Init EcDotnet", valReturned);
//Init Master Param
retVal = EcMasterDotNet_DN_EC_T_INITMASTERPARMS__Create (&initMasterParams, 0);
retVal = EcMasterDotNet_DN_EC_T_MASTER_CONFIG__Create (&oMasterConfig, 0);

(dll} Assemblly was created in  .net version 2.0, For CVI I have tried both 2010 and 2013.  Note dll comes from a third party however, I have been able to use it in my visual studio (2010) project without any issues.  the reason I need it for CVI is that there is an existing CVI based test equipment that needs upgrade / extention with some of the capabilitoes comming from this assembly

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    I hope this helps!

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    Accents Accents wrote:
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    You no longer need the 4 digit code in iTunes 11.
    iTunes (10.0.1 or later)
    Open iTunes on your Mac or PC.
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    Wow that was really quick, thank you so much.  Im not sure at all which version it was because i said it was around 4 years ago he bought it.  I know it isn't under his username, since he's a PC person (ugh) so i know its probably registered to one of our actual names.  isn't there some way to look it up since we did register it, because I'm not even sure where the disks are from when we bought it (we've moved a lot and also have two storage lockers, i know i would have kept it with other disks) but my cd rom drive is actually broken on my computer as well ( i think it got stepped on and is now squished and won't eject or run disks.)
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        Hello APVzW, we absolutely want the best path to resolution. My apologies for multiple attempts of replacing the device. We'd like to verify the order information and see if we can locate the tracking number. Please send a direct message with the order number so we can dive deeper. Here's steps to send a direct message: http://vz.to/1b8XnPy We look forward to hearing from you soon.
    VZW Support
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

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