HD MP4 in Final Cut

Just got myself a HD camcorder and found that it creates MP4's
I understand that Final Cut doesn't really like MP4's for editing, so what's the best format to convert them into without any loss in quality?

Can I make a suggestion for the future ... +"Just got myself a HD camcorder and found that it creates MP4's"+ is missing what might be a vitally important but easily provided bit of info. Which camera exactly? It may seem inconsequential but that kind of info can and often does provide the most direct route to the answer as others may already be using that same camera and so can provide the direct answer you need rather than best guessing the solution ... Or not, but its always worth a try!

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    read only shouldn't make a difference.  If you think there's some issue with the drive, try copying them to another drive.  If you've got a short file and want to send it to me, I'll take a look.
    [email protected]

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    Why do you convert it first???
    Let FCPX import the AVCHD files directly!!
    Oh, and if you really are on FCP7, then you need to ask over in that forum!

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    I am also using a Sanyo Xacti HD 100 camcorder and although I am not sadistic, I really am excited to find finally someone who has also bought this marvellous thing and experiences the same problems as I have.
    Reading your topic makes me already a lot wiser noticing that the format of the Xacti is AVC/H.264 ( being different than the AVCHD-format ) probably is the reason why imcompatiblity occurs with Apple. As I can conclude we only can wait till Apple makes an update to solve this problem, and till then use the lower quality.
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    +My experience in using the Apple video software is that there are no problems as long as I don't try the full HD quality.+
    +First of all, just simply trying to view the HD files with Quick Time - after having copied them on the harddisk- does'nt work. The only thing I see is a green screen while I do hear the audio part, so I presume QuickTime & Full HD aren't compatible.+
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    +So I presume iMovieHD 6 & Full HD aren't compatible.+
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    +As full HD is represented as the standard for optimal quality, practical use seems upto now to be quite complicated and simply not working although a lot of features claim to do.+
    +Do you think Final Cut Pro will handle with FULL HD, or what else can be the reason the incompatibility of Full HD with Apple software.+

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    The trick may be to save it as an .mov,
    but make sure you set a good codec!
    Try uncompressed, or animation codec if you really want the best quality,
    or save it as an .mov with the pre-res codec.
    If you are inter-cutting with some other footage you could always convert it to that codec,
    but it would be better to go with uncompressed as it will inevitably need color grading as web based stuff, or MP4 colors can slide; and wild footage certainly needs some color guidance.
    Use compressor to convert it, or just open the MP4 in quicktime, and do a save as, and choose the codec under the video options.
    Or do use MPEG Streamclip (as suggested) to convert it to an .mov with a good codec as this program is really good for those difficult Mpegs.

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    Thank you guys for the answers. I am at work at the moment and i tried to install the MPEG Streamclip in my Windows 7 computer. And the message i post was the message i saw on the screen.
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    If you shoot in one of the following modes you should be able to Log & Transfer directly into FCE:
    HD:  1920x1080/60i (FX or FH mode)
    HD:  1440x1080/60i (HQ or LP mode)
    SD:  720x480/60i
    1080/60p (PS mode) seems to be the default mode in your camcorder.  FCE only supports progressive video in 720p50 or 720p60.   That's probably why you have had to import via iMovie.
    It would be better to upgrade to Final Cut Pro X, the version currently supported.  FCE was discontinued over 18 months ago and is not supported on Lion or Mountain Lion.

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    Are you working 0n 10.0.9? If not, update FCPX and see whether that solves the problem.

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    Take a look at this section; it's pretty clear.
    Compressor offers settings for each of the output formats you want. (For example, the m4v sttings for Apple Devices.)
    Good luck.

  • How using mp4 files on final cut pro x

    a can't impot any mp4 (I don't want converter to mov) file in to fcp x.
    how using mp4 files on final cut pro x?

    MPEG-4 is  delivery framework and should never be used in production. At the very leasgt you should optimize the media when you import it.

  • Final Cut Error when moving .mp4 clip into sequence

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    The .mp4 is in H-264 format and I have Final Cut Pro 7.0.3

    Editing h.264 without conversion is not supported in FCP. You need to convert your clip(s) to an FCP edit friendly codec. What codec is appropriate is a function of what the properties of the source h.264 clip are.
    You can find the properties for your clip by clicking on the clip in the FCP browser so that it is selected, then typing Command + 9. Either report what the item properties are for the clip, or take a screen shot and post the screen shot here if it is easier.
    The reason that the clip plays back in Quicktime is that quicktime is a player, not an editor.

  • Hi, since i put some mp4 video or DVD files on my external hard drives final cut prox won't recognize my hard drives, i move all the video files and the problem still exist. somebody have the solution

    Hi, since i put some mp4 video or DVD files on my external hard drives final cut prox won't recognize my hard drives, i move all the video files and the problem still exist. somebody have the solution

    Did the back and forth between PC and Mac file systems screw up my files somehow?
    Yes. Unfortunately the move has almost certainly caused the loss of the resource data that would have been (invisibly) attached to those files.
    By adding a specific .mov extension after the fact you will have helped the Mac correctly identify the file type / asscoiations but also significantly you will have physically changed the filename eg from "clip" to "clip.mov". This means that when you come to reconnect the media in FCP , then FCP will be looking for files that no longer exist at the given path eg when specifically looking for our example clip called "clip" of course it won't find it.
    Try this as a test... first remove the ".mov" extension from one or more of the clips, select those clips and press Cmd-Opt-I to open an Info window for the selection. You'll see an "Open with:" popup and in that popup you should choose QuickTime Player (if its a Unix Executable then it will initially list Terminal as the appropriate app, you have to choose Other... then in the open dialog choose Enable > All Applications and then navigate to and select the Quicktime Player app as the appropriate app). After you've done that restart FCP and see if you can now reconnect to those clips.


    I have some MP4 files I am unable to import into Final Cut Pro X from a Hard Drive.  1920x1080, Codecs: MPEG-4 Video, Linear PCM, Audio Channels: 2 Total Bit Rate: 35,253 ...
    Any suggestions as to what steps I need to take to be able to import them into Final Cut Pro X ???

    Okay, I fugured it out  ... the footage I was provided was from a Sony XDCAM source  ...  the link below gave the information needed  ...
    Final Cut Pro X: Importing Sony XDCAM media     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4724 
    Just follow the instructions ...  the sony documentation for the two downloads indicated that this would not work for FCP X ...  but it did work fine ... 

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