Headphone jack messed

I have the Zen Micro that I bought sometime in October. I did not purchase the extended warranty and the headphone jack is messed up. I tried different headphones and the same thing. Since I am not under warranty what can I do?
Now I see why they only give you 3 months.

Yep!!!!! My mike jack messed up too, I got my Zen Micro in November 22 2006 and i used?it twice a week on my walks Im 50 yrs old with a heart problem so I walk slow compared to you young guys, so dont feel so back I have to pay for mine out of my old age pension which anit much man.My Zen made it's, 4 months and four days. If I plug my mike in, I hear good sound but if you move it. in and outs what you hear.:angry:Signed? Grumppy Old Canadian Man. I Think My Hreat Rate Just Went Sky High!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    You need to have the jack replaced.  Apple will only exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing
    A third-party place like this is less expensive.  Google for more places.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Do it yourself
    iPod Touch Repair - iFixit

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    Great! Welcome to the Apple Forums... this is a great place to get help on all things related to Apple products. After your question is answered you can mark it answered and it will become inactive.

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    Headphone is not repairable. Please visit
    and then send it for replacement if your iPod is under warranty period.
    Good Luck!!

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    If you have any autio enhancement programs from Toshbia you should uninstall them. I had the same issue with the volume being too low and flat and I uninstalled the 2 Audio programs that were for enhancing or EQ'ing the sound and it resolved the issue. Just make sure you do not uninstall your driver. The driver is the only thing you need.
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    Probably you can't do nothing by self if your warranty is vaild. This can be hardware problem.  But first you have to make sure that everything is ok with your headphones ... Have you tested it on other laptop?
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    the same thing happened to me but i didnt know it would cost about 100 bucks to repair. ive tried it with 3 diffrent pairs of headphones

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    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price
    A third-party place like the followingwill replace the jack for less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Replace the jack yourself
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit
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    Use OnyX to clean your system and User cache files. It's free to download. Just click on the "Automation" tab, check the boxes and run it.
    Dave M.
    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support' (designed exclusively for an iPhone/iPod touch)

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    Hi Mo,
    Since the issue exists in different operating systems, the chances of driver failure are minimal. It sounds like a mechanical issue with your audio jack. I would strongly recommend you to contact our technical support for assistance.
    Click here to open a link where you can select the country and get the exact contact support number. I’m sure they will be a great help.
    Best Regards,

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    Try switching back to your previous ram and see if there is any difference. It may be hardware as you say, and a quick trip to your Apple tech should verify that. I work with audio too ...I like to use the Griffin iMic for both sound in and out - it's a USB devise that'll give you a better signal and keep your line in/out ports free so you're not jarring them when you have the small 1/8th adapters/cables plugged in.

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    Excellent idea L... that one slipped my rusty old mind.
    Hey Vmark give elmac a big green ☆ for his reply, here also is a [USB 2.0 to Audio Adapter|http://www.startech.com/Product/ItemDownload.aspx?productid=ICUSBAUDIO& c=CA] that should work. I still advise at least calling your local Apple Service Provider, if your iMac is still under warranty it should be a quick and painless fix!

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    If it isn't too much of a problem I wont worry. There are worse things.. thank you!

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