Headphone socket chrome plating coming off

Has anyone else noticed the headphone socket isnt metal and that the chrome has worn off to reveal plastic and copper edging??
It looks awful. What are the chances off Apple replacing or repairing this?
Its surely defective material or workmanship?

i wouldnt consider it 'normal' wear and tear. ive used headphones like 15 times.
And even if i used headphones everyday the coating shouldnt be coming off like that.
And i thought it was metal, not some horrible chrome plated plastic.
Would still love to hear from Apple on this or anyone else with this issue.

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    Trip to Apple store and Genius Bar (Genius my a**e!), where I had a 2 hour wait, 20 minutes with the Genius (I use the term lightly) to be told what I already knew, plus he thinks the headphone output is connec ted to main logic board and that will cost almost £300 for parts. Dream-on!
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    You're welcome! If there is anything else we can assist with, let us know!
    *Remember to mark your questions solved and click the "Kudos" star to show your thanks!

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    Trip to Apple store and Genius Bar (Genius my a**e!), where I had a 2 hour wait, 20 minutes with the Genius (I use the term lightly) to be told what I already knew, plus he thinks the headphone output is connected to main logic board and that will cost almost £300 for parts. Dream-on!
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    Hi nikhalton,
    Take a look in your Maintenance and Service Guide.  If it can be replaced, you will find out how within those pages.
    Please let me know if this helps.
    Good luck!
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    And the Cirrus Logic reply (had to edit it for privacy purposes):
    Thank you for your note. Cirrus Logic as you know is an IC company, providing products for a wide variety of applications and customers. If you are experiencing any issue with a particular product, the path of recourse is to work directly with the manufacturer of the product.
    Best regards,
    The Cirrus Logic PR person
    To: Subject: New Apple MacBook Pro with Cirrus Logic CS4206(AB75) chips...
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    In this forum you'll find a lot of threads about connecting problems. Use search function. There are already some solutions or proposals how to solve.

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    Does anyone know anything else I can try before I give in and end up shelling out this ridiculous cost for something that is probably a 20 minute fix?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I have the exact same problem with my ear speaker after my IOS 6 upgrade. My speakers work, bluetooth works, the earphones work, but the ear speaker doesn’t work. I noticed this IMMEDIATELY after the upgrade was completed. I also have the following problems:
    -Very slow call connect time. 30 - 45 seconds just to connect is typical. Signal strength is 5 bars (ATT)
    -Problems attaching to known networks
    -Very slow internet browsing with many timeouts on both the ATT 3G service and known Wi-Fi networks.
    - My camera was missing after the IOS 6 upgrade. I restored that from Restrictions inside of the Settings App
    - Music was so screwed up it was easier to just restore it
    I went to the Apple store hoping to get some support. Between my wife, my son, and myself we have purchased 4 iPhones and an iPad over the last few years with plans to purchase another iPad in a month or so. So it’s not like I' not familiar with Apple Technology and their typical level of support.
    The individual who waited on me was rude and condescending. He insisted that all of the problems were hardware related or ATT’s fault, or my fault. He further asserted that IOS 6 had NOTHING to do with any of the problems. I pointed out that it would be quite a coincidence for my hardware to break, for ATT to have network problems, and for me to suddenly forget how to use an iPhone at the same exact moment that IOS 6 had been installed. He maintained his position and offered to sell me another phone.
    I don’t expect the folks in the store to reprogram the OS. Mistakes happen. I’m going to guess that Apple’s OS programmers are already working on a fix for many of the IOS 6 complaints that are easy to find on Google. Assigning blame to the customer and denying any responsibility is not a model for success or customer service. I’m sure Apple wouldn’t accept that kind of excuse from their component manufacturers and don’t think it is how they should deal with their customers. Further, Apple wants to own the device. They want to control the apps, the OS, battery, the delivery channel. I’m good with that so long as when there is a problem, they own that as well.
    And BTW… I’m not including the maps in my list of issues with IOS 6 because I kind of like the new maps and am willing to give Apple the benefit of the doubt. I believe that their map service will get a lot better in a hurry.

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