Heads up fro RME HDSP users.

Hi folks,
Just wanted to give a bit of a heads up regarding RME and the Alpha release of their DigiCheck software for Mac (Intel only).
For a long time now, a number of us have been requesting DigiCheck for the Mac platform and finally, after a couple of years Matthias and his clever crew have come up with the goods. Note, it is still an Alpha version, but is extremely functional, even at this stage... So much so, that it has allowed me to retire my ol' PC which was used in conjunction with a spare HDSP Multiface, just to host Digicheck being fed from my Firefaced Mac.
Check it out at

By the way, if you want Audition to match the color scheme of the Totalmix skin I've presented here, open the default scheme in PREFERENCES, set the WAVEFORM FOREGROUND color to Gold (2nd box down from top, 2nd box over from left side in the Change Color window), and then pull the UI Brightness down to "4".
That's all there is to it.
If it were up to me, this would be a factory preset.
It's by far the best looking color scheme I've found in years of messing with Audition (as well as color options in other apps)
I wish Nuendo could look this nice. ;-)

Similar Messages

  • Shopping Cart header text ( Approval Note )with User id, Date , Time

    Hi Experts ,
    We are mapped SC header Text to Classic PO header text sucessfully. But in the SC Approval Note system is automatically  pouplating User Id, Date , Time and Time Zone ..along with manullay entered Text.....and same is pouplating in tyhe created Classic PO.
    We don't want these extra things in the SC and PO both .
    Can anyone please suggest how we can achive this ?

    Thanks Jay. Resolved .
    So without Badi this is not possible. Right ?

  • RME  hammerfall users please me!

    I am attempting to install: DIGI96_14 driver on my Slave G5
    (my card is the DIGI9636/52 Hammerfall Lite....it is connected via ADAT to a HDSP9652 on the main G5...........HDSP is set to master and Hammerfall lite is set to Autosync........however I get clicks and pops, hence I am attempting to install 1.4)
    MAC OSX is 10.4.7 (current)
    Here is my thorough de-install procedure:
    1) Delete Old "Settings Dialog" App (the hammer / chisel one)
    2) Delete both Digi96 drivers in system/library/extensions
    3) Delete digi96 p-list file in use/library/preferences
    4) Repair permissions with disk-utility
    5) Reboot computer
    6) Install DIGI96_14 pkg file
    Now I see the new "Settings Dialog" app (looks like a pci-card) BUT it will not launch...
    And G5 does NOT see the RME card!
    Now the DIGI96 1.2a driver DOES work and the Hammer / Chisel App DOES launch.....
    BUT 1.23a stuff plays back with clicks and spikes
    The read-me for 1.4 says that is EXACTLY what they fixed
    "Changes since version 1.4
    This driver includes a new Settings dialog. The program is now installed during driver installation into the folder Applications. The program is started automatically when a DIGI96 series card is detected in the system. The program stays in the dock when exited.
    So in case a DIGI96 series drivers has been installed already:
    Remove the former Settings dialog from the Login Items, and delete the file from your hard drive!
    - Apple changed the way CoreAudio works, causing stutter and click effects with the DIGI96 series cards. This driver includes additional erase routines to solve the problems.
    2. Installation
    Double-click onto digi96_14.gz to expand the archive file to digi_14.tar and the folder DIGI96_14, which includes the driver file DIGI96.mpkg. Installation works automatically by a double-click on this mpkg (meta-package) file.
    Reboot the computer when installation is done."

    Important information on compatibility with Apple G5 computers
    RME updates information on G5 compatibility
    All currently available RME PCI interface cards are not compatible to Apple's new G5 computers with PCIe (PCI Express) slots.
    All currently available RME interface cards are fully compatible to Apple's G5 computers with PCI and PCI-X slots. They operate at the reduced voltage of 3.3V, and therefore provide the second notch at the PCI contacts to fit in any PCI-X slot. This is especially true for all PCI cards of the HDSP series, HDSP PCI, HDSP 9652 and HDSP 9632.
    Older cards are in many cases not compatible:
    Hammerfall (DIGI9636 and DIGI9652) revision 1.5/1.6: These cards have been shipped since June 2000. Until the end of 2002, cards being compatible and incompatible to PCI-X slot computers have been shipped. Unfortunately it is not possible to define the time frame more accurately, nor to list the affected manufacturing dates.
    DIGI96 series: Cards which were compatible and incompatible to PCI-X slot computers have also been shipped in the DIGI96 series until the end of 2002. Unfortunately it is again not possible to define the time frame more accurately, nor to list the affected manufacturing dates.
    Using one of the above cards in an Apple G5 computer can cause serious damage to both DIGI96 and Hammerfall series of cards, as well as damage the G5. Therefore RME strongly advises to have all cards meeting the above criteria to be checked by RME before using them in a G5. Checking and - if neccessary - modification is done for free by RME's representatives.
    Hammerfall (DIGI9636 / DIGI9652) revision 1.1: These cards, manufactured from 1999 to April 2001, are not Mac compatible at all - and thus can't be used in a G5 anyway.

  • Header text change in End User Logon page

    Hello All,
    Could you please let me know where can i change the Header text of End User logon page which is SAP GRC Access Control, 10 to an different description.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Abhi,
    Go to SE80
    Go to Package GRAC_ACCESS_REQUEST -> Web Dynpro -> Web Dynpro Application -> GRAC_UIBB_END_USER_LOGIN
    Open the webdynpro in Admin mode and then right click on the page and you can Edit whatever text you want in End User Logon page as well as can enable and disable fields according to your requirement.

  • Heads up to POP email users

    Took me two chats and two visits to Genius Bar ... none of which helped in the slightest ... only to have my internet provider finally explain the problem to me.  Looks like iPhone no longer supports POPmail accounts.  That means, if you delete it on your phone, its gone from your email server too.  Not a huge issue unless you also had an email program on your computer that was downloading emails and NOT leaving a copy on the server (like mine was set up).  I kept wondering why my emails were "disappearing" from my iPhone after they were downloaded on my computer.  Because IMAP is the supported setup, it is a reflection (or sync) of what's on your server.  I would have assumed SOMEONE I came across at Apple would have known this.  Apparently not.  Thank you Cox Communications for explaining it to me.

    spower1973 wrote:
    Looks like iPhone no longer supports POPmail accounts.  That means, if you delete it on your phone, its gone from your email server too.
    While I don't dispute this is true for Cox Communications, it is certainly not true for all POP email accounts.
    In particular, Verizon POP email is one counterexample.  Verizon continues to offer Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Verizon > [your email] > Advanced > Delete From Server > [condition under which the email is deleted].

  • Heads up for Virus TI users

    Virus Control does not work with Logic 8. It passes validation, but instantiating it crashes the plugin, sometimes immediately, otherwise after a few seconds of use. Access have been notified (by myself and others) so here's hoping for a fix soon.

    Hi folks, may I ask my Question in here?
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    The TI is running here. But I don't know how to handle some things.
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    Now my Question: How do i do that? The only Channel for the TI i have in the Mixer is a single Multitimbral Instrument Channel. The Volume fader for this one would affect all Parts. How do i set Volumes for each Part?
    As fror Miles Fender's Problem.
    I guess it should work. Be sure you have Downloaded the latest Virus firmware. If you have, I'd try to contact access.

  • RE:Header and Footer change in CCP Based on User....

    After enable header and footer in Administration ,i can change the header and footer in login and signup page but i can not change those for particular user where they are adding in Organization unit...so i need steps to add header and footer for particular user which is based on css...pls send ur suggestions to [email protected]..

    Cisco Cloud Portal modules may be customized to provide different appearances for different users. The appearace (CSS stylesheet) shown to the user depends on what stylesheet is associated to that user's Home OU. One style may be designated as the Default. If a default is specified, it is used for any user whose home organization (OU) has not be assigned a style. If no default is specified, the default Cloud Portal stylesheets is used. If a hierarchical organization structure (like in Cisco IA for Cloud) is used, you may specify that a style is inherited by all child OUs of a parent.
    The high level steps to creating and applying custom stylesheets for individual organization units are:
    Create a new folder in RequestCenter.WAR/custom e.g. RequestCenter.WAR/custom/ABC-Company;
    Add the custom style sheets (copy and customize). Filenames must be custom.css and portal-custom-header.css.
    In CP, go to Administration>Settings>Custom Styles.  Add a new stylesheet by clicking Add and then navigate to the folder you created.
    Assign OUs to this stylesheet.  Note that a user may be a member of many OUs, but CSS stylesheets associated based on the user's Home OU.  For example, if Sarah belongs to the Finance Team, the Marketing Team, but her Home OU is Operations, she will get the Operations stylesheet appearance.
    CP 9.4 Configuration Guide – Chapter 4

  • How to hide remote IP address in header for roaming users

    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7.3-11.01 64bit (built Sep 1 2009)
    libimta.so 7.3-11.01 64bit (built 19:54:45, Sep 1 2009)
    Using /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/config/imta.cnf (compiled)
    Hello everyone,
    We have a new messaging server and have been struggling in our effort to figure out how to hide the remote IP address of users who send email from a remote location. When a roaming user sends out an email from a remote location using SMTP AUTH to authenticate, the messaging server includes the remote ISP's dynamic IP address in the header of the email, which in turn results in some recipient mail servers blocking the mail message as spam. What we want to do is have messaging server rewrite or remove the roaming user's dynamic email address so the header does not reflect a user working remotely. The net effect would be the header not reflecting any external address and the messaging appearing to have originated internally.
    Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    MarketData.com wrote:
    We have a new messaging server and have been struggling in our effort to figure out how to hide the remote IP address of users who send email from a remote location. When a roaming user sends out an email from a remote location using SMTP AUTH to authenticate, the messaging server includes the remote ISP's dynamic IP address in the header of the email, which in turn results in some recipient mail servers blocking the mail message as spam.How often is this occurring (messages being blocked as "spam" due to the content of an existing Received header)?
    What spam software is being used that blocks these messages?
    Very large organisations/ISP's use Sun Messaging Server and this is the first time I have heard of this occurring.
    What we want to do is have messaging server rewrite or remove the roaming user's dynamic email address so the header does not reflect a user working remotely. The net effect would be the header not reflecting any external address and the messaging appearing to have originated internally.Removing the IP address information is going to be extremely difficult. The standards are quite clear that the Received: header should include the IP address information.
    RFC 2821 (SMTP), Section 4.4 Trace Information:
       When an SMTP server receives a message for delivery or further
       processing, it MUST insert trace ("time stamp" or "Received")
       information at the beginning of the message content, as discussed in
       This line MUST be structured as follows:
       -  The FROM field, which MUST be supplied in an SMTP environment,
          SHOULD contain both (1) the name of the source host as presented
          in the EHLO command and (2) an address literal containing the IP
          address of the source, determined from the TCP connection.Regards,

  • OSB question : passing a user defined transport header to a proxy service

    Hi All,
    I have a proxy service that calls another proxy service. The protocol for the "called proxy service" is set to local. The calling proxy service has a "transport header" action to add a user defined header to the outbound request.
    I log the outbound request in the calling proxy service before publishing/calling the other proxy service. It does have header set as expected. But the called proxy service does not get this header.
    As a note in the "transport" tab "get all headers" is set to true.
    Please suggest
    Here is the outbound xml gets printed just before calling the proxy service
    <con:endpoint name="BusinessService$userProvisioning$businessService$HttpMessageSender" xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">
    <con:request xsi:type="http:HttpRequestMetaData" xmlns:http="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/http" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <tran:headers xsi:type="http:HttpRequestHeaders" xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">
    <tran:user-header name="JMS_BEA_RedeliveryLimit" value="1"/>
    <tran:user-header name="JMSDeliveryMode" value="2"/>
    <tran:user-header name="JMSExpiration" value="0"/>
    <tran:user-header name="JMSMessageID" value="ID:&lt;914937.1294164899050.0>"/>
    <tran:user-header name="JMSPriority" value="4"/>
    <tran:user-header name="JMSRedelivered" value="false"/>
    <tran:user-header name="JMSTimestamp" value="1294164899050"/>
    <tran:user-header name="JMSXDeliveryCount" value="1"/>
    *<tran:user-header name="reResolvedAddress" value="http://LPF004689:8080/axis2/services/provisioning/"/>*
    *<tran:user-header name="reResolvedRegion" value="MB"/>*
    <http:Content-Type>application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8</http:Content-Type>
    <tran:encoding xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">utf-8</tran:encoding>
    And here is the inbound xml getting printed inside the called proxy service
    inbound="<con:endpoint name="ProxyService$userProvisioning$proxyService$LocalSoapListener" xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">
    <con:request xsi:type="loc:LocalRequestMetaData" xmlns:loc="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/local" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <tran:headers xsi:type="loc:LocalRequestHeaders" xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports"/>
    <tran:encoding xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">utf-8</tran:encoding>
    <con:response xsi:type="loc:LocalResponseMetaData" xmlns:loc="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/local" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <tran:headers xsi:type="loc:LocalResponseHeaders" xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports"/>
    <tran:response-code xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">0</tran:response-code>

    We are using OSB 11g for sending message to external client.
    we are setting Headers "JMSType" in set Transport Header. but Client is not able to recieve the JMSType header at there side.
    we have read many forums for the same and turned on
    Pass all Headers through Pipeline
    Get All Headers
    then I put one publish action and keep my "Set Transport Header" inside that. still client is not able to find the same
    In out outbound request we can see the header as following.
    $outbound = <con:endpoint name="BusinessService$Notification$BusinessService$external$BUSINESSSERVICE:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">
    <con:request xsi:type="http:HttpRequestMetaData" xmlns:http="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/http" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <tran:headers xsi:type="http:HttpRequestHeaders" xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">
    <tran:user-header name="JMSType" value="XXXXXXX">
    <http:Content-Type>text/plain; charset=utf-8</http:Content-Type>
    <tran:encoding xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">utf-8</tran:encoding>
    <con:response xsi:type="http:HttpResponseMetaData" xmlns:http="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/http" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <tran:headers xsi:type="http:HttpResponseHeaders" xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">
    <tran:user-header name="content-description" value="SOAP"/>
    <tran:user-header name="content-disposition" value="attachment;filename=&quot;[email protected]&quot;"/>
    <tran:user-header name="content-id" value="&lt;[email protected]>"/>
    <http:Content-Type>text/xml; charset=utf-8</http:Content-Type>
    <http:Date>Sun, 02 Sep 2012 04:06:43 GMT</http:Date>
    <http:Set-Cookie><![CDATA[<cookie-values xmlns="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/http">
    <value>JSESSIONID=m2RvGs2_Lvk_AZgyVJIv_e2-vSiFOQFi_mIA_SAPULGAKriCp_hbBD8uC0e8pEXt; Version=1; Path=/</value>
    <value>saplb_*=(spspiq_PIQ_00)6487650; Version=1; Path=/</value>
    <tran:response-code xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">0</tran:response-code>
    <tran:response-message xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">OK</tran:response-message>
    <tran:encoding xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports">utf-8</tran:encoding>

  • Single-Sign-On (SSO) configuration on JAVA Stack through HTTP Header method

    Hello SDN community,
    in the context of a Proof of Concept, we are testing the integration of Microsoft Sharepoint Portal with SAP Backend (addin) systems.
    As the architecture impose use an external scenario (access from the internet), we couldn't use the Kerberos (SPNego) solution and thus we chosed the http header solution which in short uses an intermediary web server (in this case the IIS of the MOSS solution) which will act as authority.
    I miss information on how the workflow works for this http header authentication method. Through the visual administrator of the addin JAVA stack, it is possible to configure each application with a customized authentication (a choice of security modules). But this all that I know.
    My task is to configure SSO. From a sharepoint portal, the user should be able to access Web Dynpros and BSPs. I imagine that the very first call to a webdynpro or bsp (or maybe when we log on the sharepoint portal), the request to the WDP or BSP will first be forwareded by the intermediary server to the JAVA stack (or is it the SAP dispatcher that has to be configured).
    Is there an application to be built on the java stack to deal with the authentication, modify http header?
    What will the Java stack return? a sap long ticket? a token?
    How will the redirect work (to by example a BSP which is in the ABAP stack)?
    SAP preconise to secure with SSL the link between the intermediary web server and the JAVA stack, is IP restriction also a solution?
    A lot of questions about how this SSO http header should work,
    I would be very greatful for any help, or info,
    Kind regards,
    Tanguy Mezzano

    Hi Tanguy,
    to tell you the truth I'm really unsure about what you are trying to achieve. When I started posting to your thread I thought all you wanted was trying to access your J2EE engine via Browser and authenticate against the engine using HTTP Header Variables. Nevermind:
    Here are some answers to your question:
    in fact I did succeed, the problem was that even after domain-relaxation done by the J2EE, I had to change the domain of th SAP cookie to the bbbb.domain.com to be understood (I would have thought that all hosts in/under domain .domain would have accepted such a cookie but it seems that no...).
    The server does not care about the domain because Cookies in an HTTP Request do not contain any domain information. The domain is just important when the Cookie is set by the server so your Client (Browser) will know in which cases the Cookie may be sent or not. So if your domain is xxx.yyy.domain.com and your cookie is issued to .domain.com then your Browser will definitely sent it to all hosts under .domain.com (This includes xxx.yyy.domain.com etc.)
    My current scenario is: in a first request get a SAP Logon Ticket from the Java Stack, then change its domain and then directly call the backend with it.
    You can do that but there is no Client involved in this scenario. So this is useful if you just want to test the functionality (e.g. authentication to J2EE using Header Variables (This works finally!!!) and then use the fetched Logon Ticket to test SSO against any trusted Backend!!)
    So everything's is in a Java Client application without using any redirection.
    If I understand you, you're solution is from the Browser call a servlet (which is deployed on the Java Stack and has no authentication schema) by passing to it our http header.
    No, you should initially authenticate somewhere! I thought that maybe you had some resource you access before accessing the Java Stack. This could be any application (e.g. deployed on a Tomcat or JBOSS or other server or if you like even SAP J2EE). After authenticating there you are aware of the username and could use it to  procceed (e.g. Authenticate against the J2EE using the same user and HTTP Header authentication for that particular user!)
    That servlet will transfer the http header (with the HttpClient app) in order to get from the Java Stack a SAP Logon ticket, and then to redirect to the resource and by sending back the cookie in client browser. Am I correct?
    This was just a suggestion because I realized that there was no Client ever involved in any of your testing (looked strange to me!). I was just thinking that it would be easier for you to just get the Cookie into your Browser so your Browser would do the rest for you (in your case finally send the Logon Ticket Cookie to your Backend to test SSO using Logon Tickets!).
    The AuthenticatorServlet somehow serves as a Proxy to your client because your client is not able to set the Header Variable. That's why I initially suggested to use a Proxy (e.g. Apache) for that purpose. The problem is just that if you use a Proxy you will have to tell it somehow which username it should set in the Header Variable (e.g. using a URL Parameter or using a personalized client certificate and fetch the username (e.g. cn=<username> from the certificate!)
    This way of doing would simplify the calls for sso for each new application needing authentication, instead of having all code each time in it...
    I'm stuck again! Do you want to authenticate an End User or do you want to authenticate an application that needs to call any resources in your Backend that requires authentication?
    So my problem now, is how to call the servlet from the client browser:
    I'm trying to call my servlet from the browser but I don't succeed. I am able to understand how to reach a jsp from the Java Stack, but not to reach a servlet. I don't find the path to my servlet:
    <FORM method="POST" action="SSORedirect2" >
    A JSP is a servlet too. There is just no JAVA Class involved!
    You do not need any POST Request to invoke a Servlet.
    I see that my servlet is deployed, but I don't how what path to give to my form to invoke the servlet, here follows my web.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      <!DOCTYPE web-app (View Source for full doctype...)>
    - <web-app>
      <display-name>WEB APP</display-name>
      <description>WEB APP description</description>
    - <servlet>
    - <servlet>
    - <security-constraint>
    - <web-resource-collection>
    - <auth-constraint>
    - <security-role>
    If you have an AuthenticatorServlet Class all you need is to add the Servlet Mapping in your web.xml file
    You can directly call the Servlet in your Browser by calling the URL provided in the url-pattern of your Servlet mapping ( in this case /AuthenticatorServlet). The engine will invoke the Class "com.atosorigin.examples.AuthenticatorServlet" in the background and do whatever you defined there!
    I have also to pass my http header and the redirectUrl in the GET request.
    If you like! I just suggested this for testing purposes. As I stated before you need a way to tell your proxy (or in your case AuthenticatorServlet) which user should be set when calling the Engine in order to authenticate using HTTP Header. You could use the URL Paramater to define the user you actually want to use when you set the Header Variable.
    I just introduced the redirectURL because you were talking about redirects all the time. So if you finally want to call the Backend you could define the Backend URL in the redirectURL Parameter and the Servlet will make sure that you are redirected to this location after the whole process!
    Thx for your input very helpful,
    But again 0 points

  • How to identify column name in ALV tree when user clicks a particular field

    Hi All,
    In My requirement i am displaying ALV Tree.
    In Which When the user clicks on a particular header column it should navigate to other transaction.
    Now the issue is it is navigating to other transaction when we click on any column of the header row.
    But, the user requires only for particular column .
    Is there any method  to catch the field name in CLASS 'CL_GUI_ALV_TREE'.

    Check out for CUCOL system field.
    Lalit Mohan Gupta.

  • Apex IR report with Heading label

    i have IR report with 15 column with heading..
    The end user can accessing from different department, when the user can see the report shown only their particular department rows only. each department have different column value and Header label .how can display the column header depend on the department user.
    e.g. IR report view
    Seq# -- Department -- date -- Subject/Customer Message
    1                          Communication done with Jony(from HR department)
    2                          low sales from East region(from Sales Department)IN the IR report Table data structure.Heading_code value as LOV in IR form(1.Subject/2.Customer Message/ect...) and Column_value as Text Field.
    Seq# -- Dept_name -- Heading_code --  Column_value
    1        HR              1           Communication done with Jony
    2        Sales           2           low sales from East regionApex have limitation of one IR report in one page. so i could not create different Report region even i don’t want create another page due to the further functionality issue.

    I'm glad you could apply that approach. I'm not crystal clear on what is needed but I have a few general ideas.
    1) If there will only have 3 or 4 classes (types) of users, you might try using a CASE statement in a Before Header process:
        WHEN condition for 'KAC' THEN
             SELECT [first label constant or variable], [second label], ...
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
        WHEN condition for 'MIS' THEN
             SELECT [first label constant or variable], [second label], ...
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
        WHEN  condition for "ADMIN"  THEN
             SELECT [first ADMIN label constant], [second ADMIN label constant], ...  
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
        ELSE -- default case
             SELECT [default first label constant or variable],
                         [default second label constant or variable], ...  
                  INTO &Px_COL_HEAD1., &Px_COL_HEAD2, ... FROM ... ;
    END; NOTE: Do not make the "ADMIN" case the default. That seems like a security hole. I would always want a data check for the ADMIN case.
    2) Or put the above code in an Application Process rather than a Page (Before Header) Process so it's only computed once.
    Does that give you some ideas?

  • Interactive Report (IR) column heading: filtered items number & flashlight

    Hello everyone
    several hours of searching through the forum did not provide me with leads or answers to 2 questions. Both are related to the IR column heading menu and options. Let's start with a copy of the relevant portion of the interactive report help screen:
    Column Heading Menu
    Clicking on any column heading exposes a column heading menu.
    Text Area is used to enter case insensitive search criteria (no need for wild cards). Entering a value will reduce the list of values at the bottom of the menu. You can then select a value from the bottom and the selected value will be created as a filter using '=' (e.g. column = 'ABC'). Alternatively, you can click the flashlight icon and the entered value will be created as a filter with the 'LIKE' modifier (e.g. column LIKE '%ABC%').
    List of Unique Values contains the first 500 unique values that meet your filters. If the column is a date, a list of date ranges is displayed instead. If you select a value, a filter will be created using '=' (e.g. column = 'ABC').
    Q1: Why do I not see a flashlight icon? I looked everywhere in the report definition to "enable" it, to no avail.
    Q2: Although we've found IRs to be incredibly useful and embraced by end users, we are having issues when dealing with large datasets. Let's look at searching for people's first/last name in our CONTACTS table. The table is ~28,000 names long. If one attempts to use Column Heading menu to "filter" for any name outside the first 500 unique values, the search does not work. Yes, I know that a workaround is to use Actions Menu icon filter... but, it sure is misleading to have a search which does not go beyond letter B in the list of last names. Furthermore, I do not see a way to DISABLE Column Heading Text Area, and avoid user confusion.
    I suspect that "List of Unique Values contains the first 500 unique values" was set for the performance purposes. Is there a way to set that number anywhere? Have it customized for each column? (columns county and state could be <100, for example)
    Thanks an advance to any advice.

    @Prabodh: what you say is only changing the default image for the column selector at the search bar level. What i think is being looked for is an icon on the popup when a column header is clicked in an IR. Don't bother: there is none.
    @Vojin, Tonibony:
    I also ran into this problem with IRs and the useless column header box. If you want to hide the unique values list, it is a bother. First of all, you can't disable the finding of values, this is embedded in the widget ajax code. Then if you want to just hide the list, there is no real event you can hook up to. The poping up of the box is an ajax callback, and is part of the IR javascript, but this callback does not trigger any event (no apexafterrefresh for example, which is understandable). I've worked around this by overriding/extending the method which is called when ajax is done loading within the IR code. Here is a piece of code which does this (call it on page load):
       // _Finished_Loading is called when the IR is done with a GET action
       // because the posts are synchronous in this report, and no events
       // or hooks are available, the best way to preserve functionality
       // yet extending it is to override the original function, yet
       // keep the base code
       // apexafterrefresh cant be used since it is not triggered after
       // the widget ajax
       var or_Finished_Loading = gReport._Finished_Loading;
       gReport._Finished_Loading = function(){
           //overriden, but still have to call orinigal!
          //SORT_WIDGET is the widget containing all the header elements
             // hide the original dropdown box
       };If you're interested, i've recently developed a plugin for use in my interactive reports which works around some of these limitations. For me, the headers are much more userfriendly than the actions > filter menu. So what i've done is: hide the orignal dropdown, and turn the searchfield into an autocompletion field, which will progressively search through the distinct column values in the IR with ajax. I've even made an option to have the searching behave like a "contains" or a "like". I'm working on a post about it, with background, documentation and source code. I'll add a post here when i finish it up, you can see if that helps you.
    I also would like to add a button later on which will simply add the entered value as a "like %value%" filter. I know how to do this and what to do, i'm just a bit short on time at the moment. I actually think that adding the button in the layout may be the hardest part... :')

  • Creating link to other Portlet's Header links

    I would like to have a link, in a HTML Portlet or someplace, to the 'Customize' or delete ('x') on a portlet's header. This way the user can click my link directly instead of searching for the portlet and clicking the Customize link there.
    I can do it by copying the shortcut for the Customize and pasting it into my HTML Portlet, but this will only work for me, because it has my IDs in the URL.
    How can I find the link to use for the other Portlet's headers that any user can use?

    The user identity is not included in the portlet customization URL (it comes from somewhere else). The approach you describe works just fine.

  • RE:Header and Footer change in CCP ....

    After enable header and footer in Administration ,i can change the header and footer in login and signup page but i can not change those for particular user where they are adding in Organization unit...so i need steps to add header and footer for particular user which is based on css...

    Cisco Cloud Portal modules may be customized to provide different appearances for different users. The appearace (CSS stylesheet) shown to the user depends on what stylesheet is associated to that user's Home OU. One style may be designated as the Default. If a default is specified, it is used for any user whose home organization (OU) has not be assigned a style. If no default is specified, the default Cloud Portal stylesheets is used. If a hierarchical organization structure (like in Cisco IA for Cloud) is used, you may specify that a style is inherited by all child OUs of a parent.
    The high level steps to creating and applying custom stylesheets for individual organization units are:
    Create a new folder in RequestCenter.WAR/custom e.g. RequestCenter.WAR/custom/ABC-Company;
    Add the custom style sheets (copy and customize). Filenames must be custom.css and portal-custom-header.css.
    In CP, go to Administration>Settings>Custom Styles.  Add a new stylesheet by clicking Add and then navigate to the folder you created.
    Assign OUs to this stylesheet.  Note that a user may be a member of many OUs, but CSS stylesheets associated based on the user's Home OU.  For example, if Sarah belongs to the Finance Team, the Marketing Team, but her Home OU is Operations, she will get the Operations stylesheet appearance.
    CP 9.4 Configuration Guide – Chapter 4

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