Hebrew Text Everywhere

Hebrew Text is showing up in my browsers, MS Office docs, Google searches and some of the mail and I cannot get it to go away. Right in the address window of my browser!
It seems erratic. It appears to be spreading between my two G4s. I've tried changing every preference setting I can find. When the preferences appear in Hebrew it is impossible.
Could this be some virus prank?
Note: I go back & forth between two OS Start up disks: (OS 9.2 and 10.3.9) because of my aging graphic software and printer (Epson 5000).
Is there any system language preference selection that I might have missed?
Could it be some translation setting turning English to Hebrew?

Are you totally sure it is Hebrew? Send me a screen shot (tom at bluesky dot org).
Hebrew in iTunes is caused by the font Lucida Grande.ttf. You should get rid of that (but do NOT delete Lucida Grande.dfont in system/library/fonts, as that is crucial to the OS).
Other fonts that should be deleted if you have them are Helvetica Fractions and Times Phonetic.

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    זה מאוד מפריע פתאום שקורא דבר כזה

    Hi There,
    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    As such there is no skin specific to RTL in Captivate 8. As of now bullets in quiz cannot be alligned to right . To know more you can refer to the following link :  Right to Left Language Support in Adobe Captivate 7 - YouTube

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    The only thing that got displaced was the hyphens in the text which 
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    That would be correct. They are called "makaf"s. The correct position 
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    Innovations in Automation

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    Melon Chen
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    Here's your options:
    1) If it's one line of text, you can just reverse the text with a simple script:
    try{app.selection[0].contents = app.selection[0].contents.split("").reverse().join("");}catch(e){}
    2) If it's more than one line, you will have issues of reflow if you reverse the text, so the best option using CS3 is a placed PDF.
    3) If you upgrade to CS4/CS5 and it's really very little Hebrew, you can activate the World Ready Composer for the current selection with this little script:
    app.selection[0].composer = "$ID/HL Composer Optyca";
    4) If it's more than a little text, you probably would want a plugin which gives proper control over the r-t-l functionality. One such plugin is (my own) World Tools: http://in-tools.com/worldtoolspluscs5.html.
    5) You could upgrade to CS5 ME, but I would generally not recommend that. The ME updates are much slower to come out than for the Roman version.

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    What mail program from what kind of computer are you sending your email?  It sounds like an encoding problem that would have to be solved on the sending end.   If you want, send me an example of the kind of email which arrives as gibberish on your iphone (tom at bluesky dot org).

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    Not really. It's inherent in dealing with this stuff on non-native systems. Your issues 2. and 3. Should be fixable by manually setting the document language in Word, though. Same for 4. then, of course, assuming the PDFs and comments use a standard Unicode/ OpenType font that can provide al lthe glyphs and no otehr substitution is going on....

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    hebrew text
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    Try to disable hardware acceleration.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

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    tiredmommy wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I am trying to create a tutorial in Hebrew and am
    experiencing difficulty.
    > When pasting text from Word into Authorware, I am having
    trouble with the
    > period moving from its correct placement at the end of a
    sentence to the right
    > side of the last line of text.
    > For example, in the source text, the period is placed
    correctly as:
    > .*** *** *** (left side of line)
    > However, when pasted in Authorware, the period is placed
    > *** *** ***. (right side of line)
    > Thank you very much for any help you can provide!
    I don't know about Hebrew but I never copy directly from Word
    to AW. I
    copy from Word to Notepad, and then from there into AW.
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    You probably don't have the Middle-Eastern version of DW.
    Uninstall DW.
    Log in to the Creative Cloud. 
    Select your preferred Language from tools (gear icon). 
    Download and re-install DW.
    Nancy O.

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    Any help on how to stop this would be appreciated.
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I'm using Nisus Writer Express 2.6.1. The same thing
    occurs however in TextEdit which leads me to believe
    it's in Apple's layout not in the program itself.
    Yes, Nisus and TextEdit use exactly the same Text Engine with the same bugs. Mellel uses its own and you should give it a try, as it is especially designed for RTL. NeoOffice uses Java so it probably works differently too. Not sure about AbiWord.

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    Help help! THANX!

    Good luck! מזל טוב!
    Cute but mazel tov really means "congratulations" more than "good
    luck", although that is the literal translation, e.g., "Mazel tov on the
    birth of your daughter..."
    "With success" בהצלחה would be a better translation of "good luck"

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