Help...are my bc4juixtags corrupt??????

My page ran in RC 1 but not in rc2.
I get an end of file error on this page. When I remove the tablib for bc4juix(line 4) it runs fine just doesn't
show any of my bc4jtags.....what could be causing this error?????
<%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="uix" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bc4juix" %>
session.setAttribute("currentPage", "InqProDetail.jsp") ;
String sSin = (String)session.getAttribute("sessSin");
String sWhereClause = "sin='";
if ( (sSin == null) || (sSin == "") )
sWhereClause += "999'";
sWhereClause =sWhereClause+ sSin + "'";
<jbo:ApplicationModule configname="anteDatePackage.AnteDatePackageModule.AnteDatePackageModuleLocal" id="app1" releasemode="Stateful" />
<jbo:DataSource id="ds1" appid="app1" whereclause='<%= sWhereClause%>' viewobject="AdclientView" rangesize="4" />
<jbo:Row id="CurrentRow" datasource="ds1" action="Current">
String sRowKey = request.getParameter("RowKey");
oracle.jbo.Row row = ds1.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
String sRevReq1997 = "0";
String sRevReq1998 = "0";
String sRevReq1999 = "0";
String sRevReq2000 = "0";
String sRevReq2001 = "0";
String sPosAnte1997 = "0";
String sPosAnte1998 = "0";
String sPosAnte1999 = "0";
String sPosAnte2000 = "0";
String sPosAnte2001 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1997 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1998 = "0";
String sFormalAnte1999 = "0";
String sFormalAnte2000 = "0";
String sFormalAnte2001 = "0";
String sTags = "0";
//if our current row is null, goto the first row
if(row != null)
sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
<jbo:OnEvent name="Update" >
<jbo:Row id = "EditRow" datasource="ds1" rowkey="<%= sRowKey %>" action="Update">
<jbo:SetAttribute datasource="ds1" dataitem="*" />
<jbo:PostChanges appid="app1"/>
<jbo:Commit appid="appl"/>
//sRowKey = row.getKey().toStringFormat(true);
sRevReq1997 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1997").toString();
sRevReq1998 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1998").toString();
sRevReq1999 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested1999").toString();
sRevReq2000 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2000").toString();
sRevReq2001 = row.getAttribute("ReviewRequested2001").toString();
sPosAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1997").toString();
sPosAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1998").toString();
sPosAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate1999").toString();
sPosAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2000").toString();
sPosAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("PossibleAntedate2001").toString();
sFormalAnte1997 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1997").toString();
sFormalAnte1998 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1998").toString();
sFormalAnte1999 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate1999").toString();
sFormalAnte2000 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2000").toString();
sFormalAnte2001 = row.getAttribute("FormalAntedate2001").toString();
sTags = row.getAttribute("Tags").toString();
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<%-- user interface begins here --%>
<TITLE>Client Profile Edit </TITLE>
<uix:ref refID="AnteDateButtonBar" ></uix:ref>
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<uix:styledText text="Copyright Human Resources Development Canada" />"
<%-- Main page contents go here --%>
<uix:form name="clientForm" method="POST">
<bc4juix:Table datasource="dsl">
<uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
<uix:contentContainer text="Mailing Address" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="100%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Firstname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newfirstname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Surname"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Surname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newsurname"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newsurname"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Deceased"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Deceased"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newdeceased"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newdeceased"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address11"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address11"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress1"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address12"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address12"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress2"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress2"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address13"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Address13"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress3"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newaddress3"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Postalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Postalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newpostalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newpostalcd1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Phone1"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Phone1"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newphone1"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newphone1"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Office Information" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="95%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Localoffice"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Localoffice"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newlocaloffice"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newlocaloffice"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Hrcc"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="Hrcc"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newhrcc"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Newhrcc"/>
<%-- Mail In Date section --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Mail-in Dates" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="2" width="95%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="NotificationSent"/>
<bc4juix:RenderValue datasource="ds1" dataitem="NotificationSent"/>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="SubNotificationSent"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="SubNotificationSent"/>
<%-- tags Section --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="TAGS" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="40%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="Tags"/>
<uix:choice name="Tags" selectedValue ="<%= sTags %>" >
<uix:ref refID="OptionTag" />
<%-- Returned Claimant Section --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Returned Claimant Information" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="40%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReturnedByClaimant"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReturnedByClaimant"/>
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1997"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1997" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1997 %>" >
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1998"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1998" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1998 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested1999"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested1999" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq1999 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested2000"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested2000" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq2000 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReviewRequested2001"/>
<uix:choice name="ReviewRequested2001" selectedValue ="<%= sRevReq2001 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<%-- Assessment Letter Sent --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Assessment Letter Informtion" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="AssessmentLetterSent"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="AssessmentLetterSent"/>
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1997"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1997" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1997 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1998"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1998" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1998 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate1999"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate1999" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte1999 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate2000"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate2000" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte2000 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="PossibleAntedate2001"/>
<uix:choice name="PossibleAntedate2001" selectedValue ="<%= sPosAnte2001 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<%-- Formal Request Informtion --%>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Formal Request Informtion" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedateRequested"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedateRequested"/>
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="5" width="50%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1997"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1997" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1997 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1998"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1998" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1998 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate1999"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate1999" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte1999 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate2000"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate2000" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte2000 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="FormalAntedate2001"/>
<uix:choice name="FormalAntedate2001" selectedValue ="<%= sFormalAnte2001 %>">
<uix:ref refID="OptionsYesNo" ></uix:ref>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="IPOC" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="30%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ForwaredIpoc"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ForwaredIpoc"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="Comments" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="50%">
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="Comments"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:contentContainer text="IPOC" width="100%" background="light">
<uix:labeledFieldLayout columns="1" width="30%">
<bc4juix:LabelStyledText datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReceivedIpoc"/>
<bc4juix:InputRender datasource="ds1" dataitem="ReceivedIpoc"/>
<uix:spacer width="10"></uix:spacer>
<uix:formValue name="RowKey" value='<%=request.getParameter("RowKey")%>' />
<uix:submitButton name="jboEvent" text="Update" formName="clientForm" value="Update" />
<jbo:ReleasePageResources releasemode="Stateful" />

You probably have an un-terminated tag somewhere in your page. Commenting out the tag library line simply causes all your tags to be treated a text, this is not the solution.

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    Try This...
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    Hi bellingenbob,
    Please let me know what version of Adobe Reader you are using.
    You might need to choose 'Check for Updates' option under the Help menu to use the latest version of Reader i.e. 11.0.10
    Also, tell me whether you are viewing the PDFs through 'Preview' or first download the files and then open with Reader.
    Try disabling protected mode from Edit> Preferences> Security (Enhanced) and check.
    Hope to hear from you.

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    If these ebooks are purchased you should check if you can re-download them - that is a simple way to guarantee they are in the original working order.
    Otherwise open the files & look if they are damaged.
    I would also suggest you power off the Mac & get your new disk. Running a falling disk could cause damage to files that are saved back to disk - it is a slim chance but not impossible - you need to reduce the risk. If you have a USB thumb drive large enough make a copy of the ebooks now.
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    Back up all data immediately as your boot drive may be failing.
    This diagnostic procedure will query the log for messages that may indicate a system issue. It changes nothing, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem.
    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator. I've tested them only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, they may not work as described.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|timed? ?o' | tail | open -ef
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear.
    A TextEdit window will open with the output of the command. Normally the command will produce no output, and the window will be empty. If the TextEdit window (not the Terminal window) has anything in it, post it — the text, please, not a screenshot. The title of the TextEdit window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that.

  • Recovery Media Files are Missing or Corrupt

    Computer will not refresh or reset. Reinstallation functions (Microsoft and OEM) do not work. Messages state
    The Factory Recovery Partition that was included with your system is missing or corrupt. Some Features including recovery media creation, factory image restore and system backup may not work but you continue to use the application. (OEM)
    Insert media
    Some files are missing. Your Windows installation or recovery media will provide these files. (Microsoft)
    A required drive partition is missing. (Microsoft)
    Recovery drives are visible in Storage area of Computer Management of Administrative Tools.
    Internet research produced evidence of a virus. Article described symptoms as prevents users and installed programs from accessing popular and security websites required for normal function, which belong to several antivirus companies, prevents programs
    whose window title contains various text strings from being run, disables numerous computer functions, hides folders, makes antivirus programs inaccessible, and obtains information from the computer, such as IP address, name, geographical area, etc. Two items
    specifically listed were found in the registry
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Active Setup\DisableRepair = dword:00000001
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Active Setup\JITSetupPage = file://%windir%\\web\\iejit.htm Phase =dword:00000006
    Those entries were deleted. All items identified in the article where checked on computer. The following entries are questioned and advice is sought.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Amigo Disabled\hkcmds.exe (Graphics adapter)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Amigo Disabled\igfxpers.exe (Graphics adapter)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\ForceActiveDesktopOn = dword:00000000
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoActiveDesktop = dword:00000001
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoActiveDesktopChanges = dword:00000001
    Advice would be helpful.

    If you want to reset or refresh your Windows, then I'd like to share this link with you:
    the reason why I share it with you is that the reset and refresh situations are different depending on the system installed in your machine.
    if the system does have a recovery partition, then it might be corrupted, I'm afraid that you eill need to contact the PC manufactiure for a DVD disk.
    By the way, Windows 8\8.1 also has some built-in advanced recovery options, you can boot your PC into recovery console to perform some troubleshooting steps.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • D5460 Printing Preferences are blank or corrupted on Windows 8.1

    When I go to the printer settings fir my D5460 I get corrupted or blank dialogues.
    I am running Windows 8.1 on an i7 4930K.
    From Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Devices and Printers\HP Photosmart D5400 series I click on Customize your Printer then Preferences and I get something like:
    Any suggestions why this is happening or how to fix this?
    The corrupted characters can be different, suggesting to me that the text resources are incorrect. I am using UK language settings.
    I ave already tried the obvious re-installing, clearing registry settings, etc, etc.

    Sorry to hear that didn't work aerobaticant .
    Did you download and install the Full Feature drivers or are you using the Pre-installed Windows drivers?
    HP Photosmart D5460 Printer Drivers.
    Please take a look at this post from my co-worker @Sunshyn2005 with the same issue that you are having, to try.
    Re: Strange characters / Wrong language in Print Properties (windows 8.1 pro 64-bit).
    Let me know how you make out.
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Help! Dates cause corruption of files!

    I am getting a lot of trouble with corruption in HTML files
    which is something to do with dates.
    Here is an example of corrupted source code:
    Although the areas under solar collectors are shaded, they
    still receive quite a lot of light, quite sufficient for growing
    plants and without the damaging effect of direct tropica<!--
    #BeginDate format:IS1 -->2007-10-26<!-- #EndDate -->rwise
    be useless for any kind of cultivation could become very
    This is typical: the code <!-- #BeginDate format:IS1
    -->2007-10-26<!-- #EndDate --> has been put into the
    middle of some text and has wiped out part of the text. It is
    entirely unclear to me why this should be happening. But it happens
    a lot and is proving to be a major headache.
    The only place that I use that date code is in the footer of
    a template that is used for most pages. Normally it means that the
    date when each page was last updated can be seen and normally this
    works correctly. But the same code is also inserted randomly into
    text in pages throughout my website.
    Can anyone help, please?! This is becoming a major problem.
    With thanks,

    Well, it's really hard to tell if it's a physical GPU problem without thoroughly testing it.
    First, did this happen shortly after an update? Could it be a software problem?
    Maybe even try swapping from nvidia to nouveau just to see if it's the problem.
    Obviously, make a backup so you can swap back later with ease.
    I'm going to just guess and say you don't have any spare GPU's or even in integrated GPU to use?
    If you do, WONDERFUL! Just pull out the possible glitchy one (replacing with the spare) and go about your business to see if the problem persists.
    The next best thing to do is run some GPU benchmark tools to see just what happens under load.
    I did a quick search for Linux and GPU Benchmark, found
    It's a commercial application with a (full featured but up-selling) free version available for Linux.
    I have zero experience with the tools but they seem serious about them (there are 4).
    Best of all, the company seem to have a solid business model so I wouldn't mind trying it.
    If through all this it persists, maybe try (if you have ~3GB of memory or more) a live CD XOrg test.
    Grab the latest image and setup in the live environment XOrg to see if it could be something in your configs/install causing the problem.
    You said you thought it might be memory. Try MemTest86 (Offered on the Arch Live CD).
    Let us know how all this pans out and we'll see what we can do to help with what the results show.
    Last edited by pilotkeller (2013-04-16 14:10:38)

  • Help - odd file system corruption.

    I have something very worrying going on on my system. The contents of an important folder is being listed differently in 3rd party applications vs the Finder. Apps which use a non-OS file browser cannot see the up to date contents (its an important project I'm currently working on), instead they only list folders from months ago which are now long gone and don't show the current true contents at all. Eg Cinema 4D's Content Browser can't see the current files correctly, but it can just fine via the OS Open/Save dialog.
    Even worse is that Chrono Sync has exactly the same problem. When it syncs it correctly lists some of the current files that I'm working on, but in the Anylise section, manually drilling down to my working project folder again shows the incorrect contents!
    I have copied the directories to a new HD but even THEY show the same errors when not viewing the contents directly with Lion file browsers***
    I can remember once when I first saw this in Cinema 4D I immediately checked in the Finder - and the Finder showed the wrong contents too !- I refreshed the Finder window by clicking a different folder and back to the working directory which then updated before my eyes to the correct contents.
    How can I fix this? It seems like there is an immenent serious corruption about to happen to my files and/or disk. Disk Utility shows no errors, nothing to repair. Can/should I use Diskwarrior or some other repair app. Help!
    (***I just remembered that I used CCC in block level copy mode so this might account for why the corruption has been transferred to the new drive. I am copying the working directory to the new disk using drag nd drop in the Finder to see if that helps. However I still need the underlying corruption in my User folder repaired)

    Yes, I have quite a comprehensive backup strategy in place (involving a Drobo for nightly CCC backups, a CCC nightly bootable disk clone and TM for hourly backups). The Block Copy is for the bootable disk. The nightly Drobo backups are done with vanila CCC file copying,
    Disk Util does not find any problems, neither did Disk Warrior. SMART is all OK.
    However as I said, the problem is present on one of the backups as well which has put the integrity of the rest of my backups in doubt. also I have tried a direct Finder copy to a new drive (instead of CCC block copy) but the problem persisted.
    I have however come up with a temporary fix: I moved the current folder to the trash, navigated to the parent directory using Cinema 4D's Content Browser wherein it 'saw' the ancient folder once again. This errant folder was now also visible in the Finder since the original folder (which has the same name) was now in the trash. I renamed it and moved it to the trash too. Then put the original folder from the trash back into its parent directory and emptied the trash removing the errent folder for good. It seems that did the trick of updating whatever caches or databases were broken and all my apps can correctly see the correct folder and its contents again.
    This 'historical' version of the folder was being linked to by 3rd party file browsers I think because in the past it had the same name in the same location as the current folder. Where and how the OS got confused is still a mystery. Does it keep different file system records for the finder vs other apps?
    I am not 100% convinced this is a true solution though as there may well be a deeper problem afoot.
    I would like to see some kind of error/fixed message from Disk Util just so I know the OS is on top of this problem. As it stands my Mac thinks everythin is A-OK.

  • Help My Fla file corrupted while saving (System shut down while saving)

    Hi everyone does anyone have any solution for this. I am using Adobe CS5 my week longs work of animation is all gone. I checked the forum for solutions and i found so many like updating my CS5 Software I finally found one where they said u can convert ur fla file to a zip file. and check the library assets to see which one is corrupted but the problem is that i could find only one symbol in the libary folder where as i had about five symbols in the fla file. Pls I really need your help. The size before it was corrupt was well above 24mb but now all i can see is 13MB i really really hope i can resucue this file as i dont have any backups.

    backups are always smart.  use a naming convention that's convenient for you.
    i use projectname_01.fla, projectname_02.fla etc.  whenever you save, use a new name.  it's not unusual for me to end-up with projectname_49.fla.
    if you like tidy directories without lots of files, you can move older flas to and "old" or "previous_versions" subdirectory.

  • Can someone help me restore a corrupt bookmarks list (i have .html, .json or .sqlite)

    My computer died pretty hard on sat. I am attempting to recover my old bookmarks ( i never knew about the firefox feature to store them on an account to access from anywhere -_-).
    I am able to restore my places.sqlite, bookmarks.hrml and bookmarks-date.json.
    However when i try to restore any of these either nothing happens or it says that they are corrupt/cant load. I was hoping someone on here could tell me how to maybe manually pull the info from here, or figure out how to fix the corrupt files.

    You seem to have figured out most of it,and so maybe the original files are corrupt beyond redemption. I am not sure I can help but will add comments and suggestions nevertheless:
    First of all if you have not already done so
    # make a copy of your [[profile|profile]] folder and all the files it contains. <br/>If you have restore copies of your system you may also have other copies of your profile archived or on a disk image or something, also make copies of those and put them somewhere accessible
    #* see [[backing up your information]]
    # Manually save any existing bookmarks, and put them somewhere safe outside firefox paths, maybe on the Windows desktop
    #* see [[backing up and restoring bookmarks]]
    #* no doubt you have now discovered [[what is firefox sync?]]
    When you try to restore bookmarks Firefox overwrites what you have, so if you have repeatedly attempted restoring bookmarks from corrupt files you may no longer have you have anything useful in the current profile. You may have to rely on whatever earlier files or profiles you have.
    If you have HTML files they are probably the most user friendly being fairly similar to ordinary text files and many word processors etc may read and edit them so it should be fairly easy to workout what they contain, and if they are repairable or usable. When firefox imports HTML it appends them in the bookmarks library.
    The places.sqlite is a more complex database. There are editors available for .sqlite databases, and that includes some that are Firefox extensions.
    I am not familiar with editing .json files, they are used as Firefox's default backup files for bookmarks iirc they are basically text based, so presumably it is possible to examine and edit them also. (They will open in text editors, presumably there are editors available, or at least some suitable macros I usually just import them into a new firefox profile to work with them, although that can be very slow if you make a lot of changes to large nested folders of bookmarks)

  • PSE8 Trying Extracting downloaded file "ARE THE FILE CORRUPT" Win Vista

    have bought online Both
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 (Windows,Svenska)
    Adobe Premiere Elements 8 (Windows,Svenska)
    With Adobe Premiere Elements 8 I had no problems but when Photoshop are going to extract the files there will be an error.
    I have downloaded the program twice and the same thing happends.
    What to do? Are that file that I download corrupt
    and the most files are ZERO bytes only four files are larger then ZERO bytes
    Operating System: Windows Vista
    Arne, Sweden

    I have no problems now.
    After 6! downloads the file were not corupted.......
    PSE user forum skrev:
    Are you still facing the issue ? Did you get a chance to use PSE8.

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