Help Bricked Surface RT v1

I need some help fixing a bricked Surface RT V1 device. Our school purchased 30 of these units at the end of last year. All were updated at the same time to Windows 8.1, and download updates from Microsoft. This one just goes to Automatic Repair and then
fails. I've downloaded the 8.1 and 8.0 recovery images to USB and booted off them to try a recovery, but it fails.
I've tried to diskpart the drive and re-partition it, but it still won't fix it.  After I restart the machine, the drive just shows back up with the original O/S and user profiles as if the diskpart failed.  I've tried formatting the O/S partition
and that fails too.
I've tried (from booting from the HDD and from the USB) all the refresh options/combos including to re-partition and not to re-partition the drive. 
When I try to "Use a USB drive, network connection or recovery DVD" to re-image the device, the screen goes black and nothing happens (tried from the Hard Drive and both versions of the USB I've downloaded).  The surface is actually on at this
point still because pressing the Windows button still causes it to vibrate, but no display comes up.  I've also tried all these steps with a USB drive I created from one of the other Surface RT's that work.
Do these just get replaced by Microsoft under warranty?  I'd rather fix it if possible.

Look here:
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    You are entirely welcome. Part of the reason we do this - answering questions from other users - is because of the gratitude shown by the people we help. Any way I can make someone else's day brighter is always a plus.
    Each day better than the last.
    Good luck to you.

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    The you will need an active ATT SIM card inserted into the phone to get past the profile registration.  My suggestion if not using SIM services to at least get a cheap prepaid sim with small amount of data for this purpose.  Once signed in and device reboots, immediately shut it down to take the sim card out and let wifi download your online data and apps back.

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    Hi burnsj,
    Welcome to the HP Community! The Print and Scan Doctor is a great tool for diagnosing and fixing printing issue but unfortunately Windows RT doesn't allow executable files to run. Windows RT isn't really a full operating system it is more a partial operating system.
    There are a few things that you can try. I would start by power cycling the printer and the router. Unplug both of them and wait for 30 seconds, then plug in the router and wait another 30 seconds and then plug in the printer. Sometimes the router just needs a friendly “kick” to see the printer properly.
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    Thank you,
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Thank you,
    I work on behalf of HP

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    I have the same problem, but mine usually shows up when I have MS Word opened for a while. It is as if there is some other process cycling that interferes with the tracking. Sometimes it shows up as a major lag (cursor stutters and moves a little bit for a large hand motion) or the cursor jumps way across the screen. It isn't always when MS Word is opened, but more frequent when it is (occasionally with Pages too). Changing batteries doesn't help, changing surfaces doesn't help. After some time, the problem resolves and mouse moves smoothly again, for a while. This has been more of a problem in the last few months than before.... was the Bluetooth driver changed? Does it have anything to do with a cache that is used before changes are saved?
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    Try putting the iPod into DFU mode and restoring again:
    If that still doesn't work, then the jailbreak may have cause a corruption which is now fatal; that's not uncommon with jailbroken devices. If that is indeed the case, your iPod may be irrecoverable and you'll be shopping for a new one.
    Good luck.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    MissTangerine wrote:
    After that I tried following these steps but I dont get any message after registering HRT 
    Given that, you need to talk to your mobile service is their network that your BB must attach to, and for some reason it is not doing so. But, since it is their network, you need their formal support to resolve this.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    Surface Scan
    Failed - 5 errors
    The Surface Scan test will scan the disk for bad blocks.
    Media defects cause this test to fail. You should consider backing up the device, reformatting the media, replacing the data, and then testing again.
    Please help! What am I supposed to do???? (I don't think reformatting my HD will help, because I already did, and still have this problem)
    Thank you!

    Welcome to the Apple discussions.
    When you reformatted the hard drive, did you do an erase and write zero's? That's important because that's what remaps the bad sectors of the hard drive. After booting from the OS X CD, choose disk utility, choose the hard drive, and on the erase tab, choose security options and write zero's. If you don't do this step, a plain erase or erase and install only deletes the index or catalog of the disk contents.

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    Sounds like the old one is set up with the old sync. You'll have to disconnect it from sync, restart and then sign in with the new sync account info. Details are in this article - [[How to update to the new Firefox Sync]].
    Let me know how it goes,<br>

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    I hope anybody can help me because i cant execute some files that i need to ....
    Thanks and Greetings from mexico

    Thanks a lot forhelping me , at the end i did some actualizations and after that did the turn windows method again , the first time didnt work but the second time did .... finally :D haha kinnda feel happy now :3 thanks again for the help :) greeting from
    mexico have a good day

  • Need help resetting the Surface Pro 3 Back to factory Defaults

    Hey guys need some help.  I have a Surface Pro 3 we were trying to image.  No Luck.  We have given up for now and tryingto go back to factory defaults.  Luckily I made a restore USB before I did anything.  Here is the problem:
    Somehow we screwd up the UEFI settings and it wont even find the drive.  I Keep changing the settings but everytime i go to "Reset Your PC" and repartition drives I get a "Unable to reset your PC. The system Drive cannot be found"
    I See no clear way of setting it back to Factory Defaults but here is the Screen BIOS/UEFI screen settings
    Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Enabled
    (Tried Both No luck)
    Secure Boot Control Disabled
    (Tried Both No luck)
    configure Alternate System Boot Order Network-USB- SSD
    (Tried both ways no luck)
    Configure External Ports -All ports enabled.

    Yes you can. From CLI of Mars:
    [pnadmin]$ pnreset -h
    Usage:  pnreset or pnreset option.
            Default. With no options pnreset restores the appliance to factory
            defaults and purges all configuration and event data (certificate and
            fingerprints stored to validate reporting devices, topology settings,
            archived logs, and the license key information).
        -h  Displays this usage information.
        -g  Removes the Global Controller data from a Local Controller, leaving
            the Local Controller-specific data and the Global Controller
            communication information untouched.  Use this option only after
            a Global Controller crash or recovery.  In this case, "pnreset -g"
            must be executed on every Local Controller that was monitored by
            the failed Global Controller.
        -s  Removes the Global Controller communication information and resets
            a Local Controller to standalone mode.  It removes the Global Controller
            data and connectivity data from the Local Controller as well as the
            default Controller zone information.  Use this option only after
            a failed Delete of the Local Controller entry from the Global Controller
            "Local Controller Management" web page.
        -o  Resets the tnsnames.ora file to factory default. The tnsnames.ora file
            is required for the Oracle client to connect to the Oracle server.
        -j  Resets the web server scheduler depending on Local Controller's
            running mode. A restart of web server is enforced.
    [pnadmin]$ pnreset
    Reset command will erase all data in database and reboot the machine.
    Please type YES if you want to proceed:
    Hope this helps.
    - Sid

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