Help! camera not mounting

Hi. I am having an issue getting my Kodak Easyshare DX6440 to talk to iPhoto.
Tis is an intermitent issue., I have iPhoto 5.0.4. I have Mac OS 10.4.8
The camera does not even appear in image capture. I have tried to re-format the memory card but this did not help. Sometimes restarting the computer helps, but this is not acceptable. I have tried to zap the pRRAm and repai permissions.
Any ideas? Thanks

From what I can tell:
1) It;s not a cable issue, I have two cables and they both have the same problem.
2) the camera mounts right away on a win xp machine I have at work.
3) I have the latest firmware.
4) I have the USB cable plugged into the port in the back of my iMac G5. I have tried all the ports.
5) When I plug the cable into the camera and turn it on, the camera comes on, but the LCD is dark, like it should when it's ready to transfer.
6) Image capture says no device connected.
7) Sometime, my admin account lets me see the camera in iPhoto abd get the photos that way.
8) I don't use the easyshare software on the mac (I doon a Wim 98 box I have), but I pluged the dock in and I have the same issues.
This has been going on for a bit, but it's real annoying and unreliable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    I think it's because I'm shooting in JPEG and RAW format, the XTi allows you to capture in both formats at once. I don't want Bridge, Photoshop, or Aperture to do anything, I want to organize the files myself.
    Aperture picks up on the .jpegs right away, and I import them into the library, but I can't view those files using the finder...

    Hi Sabbry,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Try here first: de=macdr&fcategoryid=139&modelid=14256
    The camera isn't mounting... this may be redundant but make sure Finder/Preferences/General... where it says: Show These Items on Desktop:
    Check all three. Otherwise when you connect the camera to your Mac, it can't mount.
    And... go to: Image Capture/Preferences. Where it says: Camera Make sure you have your options set properly.
    And ... Have you considered Importing to iPhoto 6 ?? Working with photos taken in RAW format in iPhoto 6:
    If your camera has a RAW setting, taking photos in RAW format lets you save every bit of photographic detail as part of the actual photo file. iPhoto 6 imports RAW-format photos just like any other photo, organizes them right next to the rest of your shots, and lets you edit them using advanced editing tools designed to give RAW photographers all the options they need to create the perfect image.
    Note: To see a list of RAW-format cameras that are compatible with iPhoto 6, visit the iPhoto website
    The first time you edit a RAW-format photo in the main iPhoto window, the RAW badge appears at the bottom of the window.
    When you click Done, your editing changes are applied to the RAW image data and stored as a JPEG file (the original RAW file remains unchanged). You can save edits to a RAW photo as a TIFF file or choose to send unedited RAW files to an external editor. See Related Topics below.
    RAW is a reference or "digital negative" format, not a working format. For example, you can't print directly from a RAW file. Also, other programs, such as iMovie, do not interpret RAW.
    iPhoto simplifies the RAW workflow by combining RAW editing and JPEG conversion into one step. If you use an expert program like Adobe Photoshop, you have to make your adjustments to the RAW photo, then use a separate process to convert all your photos to a working format, such as JPEG or TIFF. iPhoto simplifies all that.
    Note: If you edit the photo again, the RAW badge won't appear because the image is now a JPEG file. To re-edit the original, RAW photo, select the photo and choose Photos > Revert to Original. If you want to keep your first edit, choose Photos > Duplicate before Reverting.
    Hopefully something I suggested will help. That's pretty cool to be able to capture in RAW and JPEG at the same time! It's just way of doing stuff but I Import to iPhoto 6. That way I have my original library available at all times. And I back up weekly.

  • About cameras not mounting on the desktop in Tiger (10.4.3)

    Information for those here who have problems with their cameras or chip readers no longer mounting on the desktop.
    This has happened here too, with a Nikon D50 connected to an iMac G5 iSight 20". At first, I thought it was a lock file problem, caused by me forgetting and disconnecting the camera without first ejecting the desktop icon. But, I now think the problem is more likely caused by upgrading to 10.4.3, since I spoke with AppleCare today.
    I was told that the 10.4.3 upgrade says (somewhere) that due to changes in iSync, cameras will no longer be mounted on the desktop. I made the observation that many users of digital still cameras prefer to transfer images from the camera (or chip) using the Finder. The operator said he would escalate this issue - he didn't know why this might have been changed, but seemed to understand that it would be an issue for a number of people.
    Personally, I'm confused by the whole arrangement, which seems most un-Mac like: image handling prefs are actually set in Image Capture, despite the fact that the default app that launches when connecting a camera is iPhoto. Now, it seems, iSync is being brought into the frame (please excuse the pun!).
    Why can't the action be defined in a General Preference pane, where it would be more easily found? Well, the answer is that it surely could be - and I would suggest that it should be. And I think the prefs should also include an option to have the camera/flash chip mounted on the desktop, for access in Finder too.
    On a final note, the Nikon D50 is, I was told, not in the list of cameras supported by Tiger. Yet, when I checked with Nikon, they do not issue any drivers for the D50 and said that the drivers in Tiger are "D-series camera drivers" and, as such, are compatible with the new D50. Unfortunately, a lot of my time was wasted, because the AppleCare rep repeatedly wanted me to accept that the problem was due to the fact that this model of camera is not supported. This was despite the fact that I advised him of the fact that there are a number of threads here in the discussion forums, with users mentioning that they've had exactly the same issue with a variety of different cameras, of many brands.
    I'll report back, as and when I hear anything further from the escalation of this issue.

    You have tried a lot of things, all correct, but have you repaired permissions since reinstalling Flash?
    Repairing permissions is important, and should always be carried out both before and after any software installation or update.
    Go to Disk Utility (this is in your Utilities Folder in your Application folder) and click on the icon of your hard disk (not the one with all the numbers).
    In First Aid, click on Repair Permissions.
    This only takes a minute or two in Tiger, but much longer in Leopard.
    Background information here:
    and here:
    An article on troubleshooting Permissions can be found here:
    By the way, you can ignore any messages about SUID or ACL file permissions, as explained here:
    If you were having any serious problems with your Mac you might as well complete the exercise by repairing your hard disk as well. You cannot do this from the same start-up disk. Reboot from your install disk (holding down the C key). Once it opens, select your language, and then go to Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. Select your hard disk as before and click Repair.
    Once that is complete reboot again from your usual start-up disk.
    Also, how much RAM do you have? Some older G4's can struggle with today's streamed flash content.

  • Help camera not working

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    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps... Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... ( But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...
    If no joy... Try a Restore...
    1: Connect the device to Your computer and open iTunes.
    2: If the device appears in iTunes, select and click Restore on the Summary pane.
    Restoring  >
    The Basic Troubleshooting Steps are:
    Restart... Reset... Restore from Backup...  Restore as New...
    If you try all these Steps and you still have issues... Then a Visit to an Apple Store or AASP (Authorized Apple Service Provider) is the Next Step... Be sure to make an appointment first...

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    I then booted from an external system 9.2.2 HD and tried to use the Disk First Aid on that. Same result: it said the Macintosh HD (my internal) was not mounted so Disk First Aid could not repair it.
    I have tried everything I could think of (option-boot, C-boot, etc) and nothing will let me boot from the internal HD or even mount it. I spent quite a bit of time with AppleCare rep and he could not succeed in getting the HD to mount.
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    Are there any suggestions on what else I can try? Is there a program that can be downloaded that mounts hard drives?
    My Mac Dual 450 has 1.25 gb of RAM.
    Thanks for any help. I need it fast.

    Thank you for your suggestions and your continuing interest in trying to solve my problem. I rebooted with CMD + S and got the black screen with white text. Unfortunately I could not type anything on it. I typed /sbin/fsck -y and hit return. Nothing showed on the screen. I waited awhile in case this was one of those situations where it is hidden. But nothing happened. I tried the whole sequence a couple more times and same thing: I was unable to type anything that would show up on the screen.
    Am I missing something here? I tried typing holding down various keys and could not get anything to register.
    For what it is worth, the last line that showed on the screen is "panic. We are hanging here..."
    I do not think that is related to what I typed since it was there when the screen first appeared, but could it nonetheless have somethng to do with my computer or hard drive?
    I am right now installing system X.4 onto an external HD. If I can get that to boot and work OK, I can just use that for awhile until I get the internal either replaced or repaired.
    If you see my previous posts, I had a devil of a time installing system X.4 to begin with. Maybe my HD was troubled all this time??? Or could there be some other underlying problem with my Dual 450? I suppose I will find out when I try to boot from the external.
    Incidentally, I have an external HD with 9.2.2 on it and have had no trouble booting from it or using it.
    Thanks again for your help.
    Power Mac Dual 450   Mac OS X (10.4)  
    Power Mac Dual 450   Mac OS X (10.4)  

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    No way around this. Your phone has to be restored using a computer running iTunes. Make an appointment at an Apple Store to have your device examined by a technician. Or contact Apple Support.

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    welcome to the BT community forum where customers help customers and only BT employees are the forum mods
    in order for the forum members to help please can you post the adsl stats from your router you may need to 'show detail' to get all stats (if hub enter in your browser and navigate to adsl or if HH4/5 then go to troubleshooting then logs and you are looking for 2 line together when hub last connected to internet and they will show your connection speed and noise margin or if netgear enter Then run  btspeedtester  (MAC users may have problems). when first test completes then run diagnostic test and post the results ( do not reset the router).
    Have you tried the quiet line test? - dial 17070 option 2 - should hear nothing - best done with a corded phone. if cordless phone you may hear a 'dull hum' which is normal
    Someone may then be able to offer help/assistance/suggestions to your problem
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    Last week it worked fine to get pictures from my camera but now it won't mount at all.
    I ejected it in the correct way rather than just disconnecting it but now i cannot get it to remount!
    I cannot even see it in the disk utility or system profiler.
    I have tried another card reader (a brand new one bought today) and the same problem exists. I've also tried different cards to see if that made a difference and they still arent being picked up on the Mac. 
    I have done all the usual things like rebooting, unplugging all other USB devices and then trying but nothing has worked.
    I'm a photographer and I'm at my wits end here. I know the cards are fine as i have been using them without issue and they are also new.
    Note: If I plug the camera in directly to the Mac, the Mac picks it up just fine as it always has done. Its just the card readers that it wont pick up anymore.
    If anyone has any ideas at all other than the following (my so called friends advice) you'd earn my undting love:
    Buy a PC
    Use the camera (Thats why i bought the reader in the first place - importing RAW files from the camera is SLOW!)
    Replace your CF cards (I have three 8GB cards two of which i had never used til today and they dont work either!)
    Buy a new card reader (this is the 5th one in two days - none work on the Mac)
    Many thanks in advance!

    OK, restart in Safe Mode, this will clear some caches. It's possible one or more is corrupt. To restart in Safe Mode when you hear the start up tone hold down the Shift Key until you see a progress bar. Let it fully boot then restart normally and test.
    Also I am assuming you have checked Finder - Preferences  - General and see what boxes are checked in "Show these items on desktop." You can also mount an item in Disk Utility, simply highlight it and then look in the File menu for Mount.....

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    I get the following message when trying to open an .avi downloaded from my video cam, need help, can not find the codec, thank you. This is for Quicktime Player.
    "The document “IMAG0026.AVI” could not be opened. A required codec isn't available."

    Try Perian.

  • Just bought a mac air with OS X v.10.7 Lion, for work I need to read and write NTFS drives, I install MacFuse and NTFS-3G, but it can not mount (recognize?) External HDD, in my MBP with Snow Lepard it work just perfectly... help please.

    Just bought a mac air with OS X v.10.7 Lion, for work I need to read and write NTFS drives, I install MacFuse and NTFS-3G, but it can not mount (recognize?) External HDD, in my MBP with Snow lepard it work just perfectly... help please.

    Reinstall MacFuse with the one from If that doesn't work, you can use Paragon NTFS for Mac 9.0 which has been designed to work with Lion.

  • Just bought a mac air with OS X v.10.7 Lion, for work I need to read and write NTFS drives, I install MacFuse and NTFS-3G, but it can not mount (recognize?) External HDD, in my MBP with Lion it work just perfectly... help please.

    Just bought a mac air with OS X v.10.7 Lion, for work I need to read and write NTFS drives, I install MacFuse and NTFS-3G, but it can not mount (recognize?) External HDD, in my MBP with Lion it work just perfectly... help please.

    Sorry in my MBP Snow lepard it work.. don't have Lion In MBP

  • External Drive not mounting anymore. HELP!

    I was messing with permissions. I was trying to restrict others from using my external drive. I do know that I never removed myself. Now I see that my external LaCie 250GB drive will not mount. Both 'Disk Utility' and 'Disc Warrior' see and 'repair' the hard drive, but it still does NOT mount on the desktop. What can I do? Please help!
    Dual 2.5 GHz G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   60GB Video iPod

    I opened a 'Terminal' window and discovered that it appears I changed the owner. My username is bobbysteele. I changed it from 'admin' to my username (it's truncated - bobbyste). The permissions on the external drive are as follows:
    d---rwx--- 16 bobbyste bobbyste 646 Jan 7 08:01 Jukebox01
    It appears the permissions should be drwxr-xr-x because that is the setting for all other drives and folders. How can I change the permissions? Please help.

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    I am trying to stream music from my iMac using iTunes music files to my Cocktail Audio X10 music streamer. I have allowed my files to be shared the X10 sees the files but when I try to accsess them it gives me the message files not mounted. Please help?

    No, I have the music I want to move from the laptop to the phone selected. Then I go under file, devices, and try to click sync but it is not available to click.

  • NEED HELP Xsan volume is not mounted (strange problem)

    I ask the help in solving the volume mount problem. (advance I am sorry for my english)
    All began with the fact that the MDC is rebooted and on the two LUNs were gone XSAN label. I relabeled these LUNs using commands:
    cvlabel -c >label_list
    then in the file  label_list I corrected unknown disks on the label with a same names that were. Then I ran the cvlabel label_list command. Finally I got the correct label on all drives.
    # cvlabel -l
    /dev/rdisk14 [Raidix  meta_i          3365] acfs-EFI "META_I"Sectors: 3906830002. Sector Size: 512.  Maximum sectors: 3906975711.
    /dev/rdisk15 [Raidix  QSAN_I          3365] acfs-EFI "QSAN_I"Sectors: 7662714619. Sector Size: 4096.  Maximum sectors: 7662714619.
    /dev/rdisk16 [Raidix  meta_ii         3365] acfs-EFI "META_II"Sectors: 3906830002. Sector Size: 512.  Maximum sectors: 3906975711.
    /dev/rdisk17 [Raidix  2k_I            3365] acfs-EFI "2K_I"Sectors: 31255934943. Sector Size: 512.  Maximum sectors: 31255934943.
    /dev/rdisk18 [Raidix  2k_II           3365] acfs-EFI "2K_II"Sectors: 31255934943. Sector Size: 512.  Maximum sectors: 31255934943.
    /dev/rdisk19 [Raidix  QSAN_II         3365] acfs-EFI "QSAN_II"Sectors: 7662714619. Sector Size: 4096.  Maximum sectors: 7662714619.
    The volume [2K] starts successfully.
    but not mounted on the MDC and client.
    I ran a volume check:
    sh-3.2# cvfsck -wv 2K
    Checked Build disabled - default.
    #!@$ Revision 4.2.2 Build 7443 (480.8) Branch Head
    #!@$ Built for Darwin 12.0
    #!@$ Created on Mon Jul 29 17:01:44 PDT 2013
    Created directory /tmp/cvfsck3929a for temporary files.
    Attempting to acquire arbitration block... successful.
    Creating MetadataAndJournal allocation check file.
    Creating Video allocation check file.
    Creating Data allocation check file.
    Recovering Journal Log.
    Super Block information.
      FS Created On               : Wed Oct  2 23:59:20 2013
      Inode Version               : '2.7' - 4.0 big inodes + NamedStreams (0x207)
      File System Status          : Clean
      Allocated Inodes            : 4022272
      Free Inodes                 : 16815
      FL Blocks                   : 79
      Next Inode Chunk            : 0x51a67
      Metadump Seqno              : 0
      Restore Journal Seqno       : 0
      Windows Security Indx Inode : 0x5
      Windows Security Data Inode : 0x6
      Quota Database Inode        : 0x7
      ID Database Inode           : 0xa
      Client Write Opens Inode    : 0x8
    Stripe Group MetadataAndJournal             (  0) 0x746ebf0 blocks.
    Stripe Group Video                          (  1) 0x746ffb60 blocks.
    Stripe Group Data                           (  2) 0xe45dfb60 blocks.
    Inode block size is 1024
    Building Inode Index Database 4022272 (100%).       
       4022272 inodes found out of 4022272 expected.
    Verifying NT Security Descriptors
    Found 13 NT Security Descriptors: all are good
    Verifying Free List Extents.
    Scanning inodes 4022272 (100%).         
    Sorting extent list for MetadataAndJournal pass 1/1
    Updating bitmap for MetadataAndJournal extents 21815 (  0%).                   
    Sorting extent list for Video pass 1/1
    Updating bitmap for Video extents 3724510 ( 91%).                   
    Sorting extent list for Data pass 1/1
    Updating bitmap for Data extents 4057329 (100%).                   
    Checking for dead inodes 4022272 (100%).         
    Checking directories 11136 (100%).        
    Scanning for orphaned inodes 4022272 (100%).       
    Verifying link & subdir counts 4022272 (100%).         
    Checking free list. 4022272 (100%).       
    Checking pending free list.                       
    Checking Arbitration Control Block.
    Checking MetadataAndJournal allocation bit maps (100%).        
    Checking Video allocation bit maps (100%).        
    Checking Data allocation bit maps (100%).        
    File system '2K'. Blocks-5784860352 free-3674376793 Inodes-4022272 free-16815.
    File System Check completed successfully.
    check not helping 
    sh-3.2# cvadmin
    Xsan Administrator
    Enter command(s)
    For command help, enter "help" or "?".
    List FSS
    File System Services (* indicates service is in control of FS):
    1>*2K[0]                located on big.local:64844 (pid 5217)
    Select FSM "2K"
    Created           :          Wed Oct  2 23:59:20 2013
    Active Connections:          0
    Fs Block Size     :          16K
    Msg Buffer Size   :          4K
    Disk Devices      :          5
    Stripe Groups     :          3
    Fs Blocks         :          5784860352 (86.20 TB)
    Fs Blocks Free    :          3665561306 (54.62 TB) (63%)
    Xsanadmin (2K) > show
    Show stripe groups (File System "2K")
    Stripe Group 0 [MetadataAndJournal]  Status:Up,MetaData,Journal,Exclusive
      Total Blocks:122088432 (1.82 TB)  Reserved:0 (0.00 B) Free:121753961 (1.81 TB) (99%)
      MultiPath Method:Rotate
        Primary  Stripe [MetadataAndJournal]  Read:Enabled  Write:Enabled
    Stripe Group 1 [Video]  Status:Up
      Total Blocks:1953495904 (29.11 TB)  Reserved:270720 (4.13 GB) Free:129179 (1.97 GB) (0%)
      MultiPath Method:Rotate
        Primary  Stripe [Video]  Read:Enabled  Write:Enabled
    Stripe Group 2 [Data]  Status:Up
      Total Blocks:3831364448 (57.09 TB)  Reserved:270720 (4.13 GB) Free:3665432127 (54.62 TB) (95%)
      MultiPath Method:Rotate
        Primary  Stripe [Data]  Read:Enabled  Write:Enabled
    I checked the availability of LUNs on MDC and client, there also all right.
    But, unfortunately, the Volume is not mounted 
    xsanctl mount 2K
    mount command failed: Unable to mount volume `2K' (error code: 5)
    Please help me to figure out this situation, I will be grateful for any information.

    That looks like an I/O error. You may have an issue with one or more of the data LUNs. Check the system log for errors.

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