HELP - Continuous Hotsync attempts

My phone (Treo 650) has worked well and syncs using the wireless sync.  I haven't used the USB cable to do a local sync since I originally set the phone up.
A couple of days ago something happened to the phone (not sure if my child accidently changed setting or what), but about every 2-5 minutes, the phone is attempting to perform a local hotsync.  It automatically goes to the hotsync screen and begins the hotsync process.  This is the screen that shows Local/Modem options.  It always ends in an error as I do not connect my phone via cable to perform a sync (I do it wirelessly via wireless sync).  It does this all day now and the phone can hardly be used because it is always trying to sync. 
Please note, it is continuing to perform the scheduled wireless sync succesfully in the background as it has for over a year.
Please advise on how to turn this hotsync off on my phone.
I have chatted with support and they don't get it.  I tried connecting to PC via USB cable and it works fine.  I tried doing a soft, warm and hard reset but it continues the same thing.
Is there a "secret" button that could be jammed in that is always trying to iniate the hotsync?  Please help. 
Post relates to: Treo 650 (Verizon)

Ok, narrowed down the problem and possible solution(s) to this.  Palm, Verizon, etc... offer no help.  They focus on software but they know it's a hardware problem.
It is not a software problem, it is a problem with the wire connectors either inside or outside the bottom of the phone.  When the circuit is complete among a couple of these, it initiates the hot sync (as if the cable was connected and someone is constantly pressing the hotsync button). 
Try cleaning like guy said above first.  It didn't work on my phone, but works on some.
A quick work around, although not perfect and is a pain sometime because the keyboard won't work (because it still acts like button is pressed) - is to go into the Preferences-->Buttons-->Click Hotsync option-->change so that when the hotsync button is pressed, it goes to your mail, or phone, or main screen, etc...  This will keep the phone from automatically syncing all the time and will let you actually use the phone.  Problem is that when the phone is powered off, it will still come on as if the sync button on cable is pressed, however it will go to mail, phone, etc... instead of trying to hotsync.  If keyboard freezes, just take battery out and restart.

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    You are aware that permissions repairs & disk repairs are not the same thing, right? The "Repair Disk" step in Disk Utility attempts to repair file system problems, not the permissions of files in the file system. Disk Warrior is also a disk (file system) repair utility, one that uses a different & more powerful method (rebuilding the file system directory from scratch) than Disk Utility does to fix the file system.
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    rp0428 wrote:
    First I attempted to download jre-6u21-windows-i586.exe as instructed, to attempt to install (so that I could un-install).
    That doesn't make any sense to install something so that you can uninstall it. Care to explain what you are trying to do?His Windows installation has failed and left the install in a dead state, wherein, he cannot fully remove the crashed install, nor can he continue the current install. If you have had a few of the experiences I've had over he last 30+ years, you may decide it better to complete the install, then uninstall the completed install. Once this is done, theoretically, you have a system that is void of nasty little bits of the previous install--alas, this is not always the case. Usually I have to manually delete the crashed install, then clear the registry with a registry cleaner (or manually), then find the problem that originally caused the install to fail, then fix that problem--and it's usually a registry problem or corrupt index in Windows. Once that has been done, the install will usually go without event. Once the install has completed comes the quandry: do I trust it? I will usually do the uninstall, see it to an uneventful completion, then do the registry cleaner again, reboot, and then do the install all over again.
    I've come to this process through trial and error, that crashed install, on Windows, tends to lead nasty little artifacts around to surprise you when you least expect it.

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    Hi, Scary isn't it? I did the self same thing. Check your trash, you should see one or more disk images there. Empty the trash. All will be OK thereafter.
    If they're not there, restart and either the system will sort itself out or they will appear in the trash, so empty it.
    See here for my thread on the same subject.
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by Adrian: Oh, and Welcome to Discussions !!

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    A possible thought is that Leopard asks you when you first open some programs whether you want to allow that program to accept incoming connections. However, since palm desktop is an old program that hasn't yet STILL been updated for intel macs it runs through rosetta which translated it into code that can be run in the background. (You can read more about it somewhere on the apple website). Once the initial decision of whether or not to allow the program to accept incoming connections has been made, I haven't a clue where to find it to change it again. Apart from that you could post a copy of your hotsync log on the forum as it could help someone spot what the problem is.
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    drat. okay, perhaps you might get some relief if you report the problem with those files to the Music Store. the form on this page is probably the best one:
    love, b

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    HI jpenha,
    Thank you for your question. Is this happening on the same device? Also, in order to further investigate can you please provide a sync log for when this is happening:
    # In about config turn on sync logging
    # Try to login, then go to about:sync-logs
    Any errors or logs at the time should give a hint to what is happening. :-)

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    Picking the right programming language (in terms of educating yourself) should not be too much of an issue. All languages can be used procedurally. And all share the same concepts, such as variables, assignment, branching, looping, etc. Each language has its individual strengths. But to a large extent, once you are comfortable with programming concepts, picking up a different language really boils down to learning its syntax and then getting comfortable with its public API's. There are differences between a procedural and an object-oriented language in how you structure your design. As such, you should try to include both in your education.
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    == User Agent ==
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    Thanks for any help at all greatly appreciated.

    To be honest your post is rambling and difficult to read due to the lack of proper punctuation I only read it part way however...
    The first thing to do is a proper backup. Your system has Time Machine built into it, here is the Time Machine Tutorial. Look that over, get yourself an external HD to use as a TM drive and backup properly! This will backup all of OS X however it will NOT backup MS Windows!
    If you think your HD is failing then run Apple Hardware Test in Extended Mode and if it reports errors you can post them here.

  • MDBs in 9.1 continue to consume JMS queues even after being deleted

    <b>We have an MDB application that reads a batch message off of a JMS queue, archives it in a database, parses the batch message into individual messages and writes them onto other JMS queues to be consumed by another application. Everything was running fine in Weblogic 8.1.5. However, due to problems with XA drivers and the MSDTC(predictable SQL server crashes), we decided to upgrade to Weblogic 9.1 to take advantage of the LLR option.</b>
              <b>First, we had an issue where our MDBs were causing the following exception:</b>
              <i>####<May 26, 2006 7:42:12 PM EDT> <Error> <JMX> <ist-clft2> <wltest1> <ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'default'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1148686932991> <BEA-149500> <An exception occurred while registering the MBean null.
              java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Registered more than one instance with the same objectName : com.bea:ServerRuntime=wltest1,MessageDrivenEJBRuntime=RhapsodyMDB_DMBModule!JMSServer4@DMB_BEAN_QUEUE,Name=RhapsodyMDB_DMBModule!JMSServer4@DMB_BEAN_QUEUE,ApplicationRuntime=DataBrokerEAR1_2,Type=EJBPoolRuntime,EJBComponentRuntime=DataBrokerEJB new:[email protected] existing weblogic.ejb.container.monitoring.EJBPoolRuntimeMBeanImpl@7db003
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.monitoring.EJBPoolRuntimeMBeanImpl.<init>(
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.monitoring.MessageDrivenEJBRuntimeMBeanImpl.<init>(
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.MessageDrivenManager.initialize(
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.MessageDrivenManager.setup(
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.manager.MessageDrivenManager.setup(
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.createMDManager(
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.createDDMDManagers(
                   at weblogic.ejb.container.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.onDDMembershipChange(
                   at weblogic.jms.common.CDS$DD2Listener.listChange(
                   at weblogic.jms.common.CDSServer$DDHandlerChangeListener.statusChangeNotification(
                   at weblogic.jms.dd.DDHandler.callListener(
                   at weblogic.jms.dd.DDHandler.callListeners(
                   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
              ####<May 26, 2006 7:42:13 PM EDT> <Info> <EJB> <ist-clft2> <wltest1> <ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'default'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1148686933069> <BEA-010060> <The Message-Driven EJB: RhapsodyMDB has connected/reconnected to the JMS destination: weblogic.jms.DMB_BEAN_QUEUE.></i>
              Generally this happend after there were cluster communication issues. Multi-cast messages were lost and our MDB reconnects to the JMS queues as indicated by the below log:</b>
              <i>####<May 30, 2006 5:19:06 PM EDT> <Info> <EJB> <AMTC-RAP-STG3> <RAPBEA1S> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '54' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1149023946040> <BEA-010060> <The Message-Driven EJB: DataBrokerMDB has connected/reconnected to the JMS destination: weblogic.jms.PHINMS_DMB_QUEUE.>
              ####<May 30, 2006 5:19:10 PM EDT> <Info> <Cluster> <AMTC-RAP-STG3> <RAPBEA1S> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '22' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1149023950228> <BEA-000112> <Removing RAPBEA3S jvmid:720875810499147484S:cmts-rap-bea3:[7005,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]:DMBstg:RAPBEA3S from cluster view due to timeout.>
              ####<May 30, 2006 5:19:11 PM EDT> <Info> <Cluster> <AMTC-RAP-STG3> <RAPBEA1S> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1149023951009> <BEA-000115> <Lost 2 multicast message(s).>
              ####<May 30, 2006 5:19:11 PM EDT> <Info> <Cluster> <AMTC-RAP-STG3> <RAPBEA1S> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '22' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1149023951040> <BEA-000111> <Adding RAPBEA3S with ID 720875810499147484S:cmts-rap-bea3:[7005,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]:DMBstg:RAPBEA3S to cluster: DMBstg_cluster view.></i>
              This would cause the queues to eventually have hundreds of consumers and cause the server to fail.
              Basically, it seems as though the MDBs that are supposed to stop continue and attempt to process, while new threads connect to the JMS queues.
              I tried undeploying our application and deleted it from the configuration. However there were consumers still on the respective queues and when I sent messages, I got an error indicating a "Class Not Found exception" due to the fact that the EJB was undeployed and deleted from the configuration, however the MDB component was not and continued to listen for messages. In 8.1.5, as soon as the application was undeployed, there were zero consumers on the JMS queues.
              I have read the posts about a soon to be released fix that would have the MDBs connect only to the queues locally and not go out the the cluster. Would this fix my issue?
              Is there something in the deployment descriptor to configure that will cause it to disconnect and now spawn so many consumers to the JMS queues?
              Why is it that the number of MDB consumers on the JMS queues stayed static in 8.1.5, but they are erratic in 9.1 even after I set our 9.1 server to use the 8.1.5 execute queue policy. Help would be much appreciated.</b>

    I recommend contacting customer support. There's a known problem with MDBs listening to distributed destinations that are local to the same cluster as the MDB, you're problem may be related (the clue is that the stack trace contains jms.dd.DDHandler.callListeners()). The problem is that the MDB connects to all physical queues in a distributed destination rather than just the local queue.

  • Need help on fixing this bug

    I have my cod which needs some bug fixing. This is a drag and drop application where the user will drap the correct answer on corresponding targets. My problem here is, when one target is already occupied by an object i can still drop another object there, which shouldn't. can you please help me fix this?
    thanks in advance!
    Here's my code:
    var startX: Number;
    var startY: Number;
    var correct: Number = 0;
    var attempt: Number = 0;
    var currentlyDragged:MovieClip;
    // collection of objects stored in array
    // so that you can reference them programmatically
    var objects:Array = [at1, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7, in8, on1, on2];
    // assigns listeners and other functionality to the objects in objects array
    function activateObjects():void {
         for each(var mc:MovieClip in objects) {
              mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickObject);
              mc.buttonMode = true;
              // assign drop targets based on names
              switch(String(, 2)) {
                   case "at":
                        mc.dropTargets = [targetAT1];
                   case "in":
                        mc.dropTargets = [targetIN1, targetIN2, targetIN3, targetIN4, targetIN5, targetIN6, targetIN7, targetIN8];
                   case "on":
                        mc.dropTargets = [targetON1, targetON2];
    function pickObject(e:MouseEvent):void {
         currentlyDragged = MovieClip(e.currentTarget);
         startX = currentlyDragged.x;
         startY = currentlyDragged.y;
         stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropObject);
    function dropObject(e:MouseEvent):void {
         stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropObject);
         var droppedOn:MovieClip;
         if (currentlyDragged.dropTarget) {
              // loop through targets belonging to the currently dragged clip
              for each(var mc:MovieClip in currentlyDragged.dropTargets) {
                   if (currentlyDragged.hitTestObject(mc)) {
                        // get the target
                        droppedOn = mc;
                        currentlyDragged.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickObject);
                        currentlyDragged.buttonMode = false;
                        currentlyDragged.x = droppedOn.x;
                        currentlyDragged.y = droppedOn.y;
                        correctCounter.text = String(correct);
                        // stop loop - it is not necessary to continue
         attemptCounter.text = String(attempt);
         // return to the initial position if there is no hit
         if (!droppedOn) {
            currentlyDragged.x = startX;
            currentlyDragged.y = startY;
         if (correct == objects.length) {
              var congrats:CongratsMC = new CongratsMC();
              // place i in the middle of the screen
              congrats.x = (stage.stageWidth - congrats.width) * .5;
              congrats.y = (stage.stageHeight - congrats.height) * .5;

    Try the code below.
    Also, use int instead of Number whenever possible - it is smaller and faster.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    var startX:Number;
    var startY:Number;
    var correct:int = 0;
    var attempt:int = 0;
    var currentlyDragged:MovieClip;
    // collection of objects stored in array
    // so that you can reference them programmatically
    var objects:Array = [at1, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7, in8, on1, on2];
    var congrats = new CongratsMC();
    congrats.addEventListener("close", closeCongrats);
    // assigns listeners and other functionality to the objects in objects array
    function activateObjects():void {
         for each(var mc:MovieClip in objects) {
              mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickObject);
              mc.buttonMode = true;
              // assign drop targets based on names
              switch(String(, 2)) {
                   case "at":
                        mc.dropTargets = [targetAT1];
                   case "in":
                        mc.dropTargets = [targetIN1, targetIN2, targetIN3, targetIN4, targetIN5, targetIN6, targetIN7, targetIN8];
                   case "on":
                        mc.dropTargets = [targetON1, targetON2];
    function pickObject(e:MouseEvent):void {
         currentlyDragged = MovieClip(e.currentTarget);
         startX = currentlyDragged.x;
         startY = currentlyDragged.y;
         stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropObject);
    function dropObject(e:MouseEvent):void {
         stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropObject);
         var droppedOn:MovieClip;
         correctCounter.text = String(correct);
         if (currentlyDragged.dropTarget) {
              // loop through targets belonging to the currently dragged clip
              for each(var mc:MovieClip in currentlyDragged.dropTargets) {
                   if (currentlyDragged.hitTestObject(mc)&& mc.notUsed) {
                        // get the target
                        droppedOn = mc;
                        mc.notUsed = false;
                        currentlyDragged.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickObject);
                        currentlyDragged.buttonMode = false;
                        currentlyDragged.x = droppedOn.x;
                        currentlyDragged.y = droppedOn.y;
                        correctCounter.text = String(correct);
                        // stop loop - it is not necessary to continue
         attemptCounter.text = String(attempt);
         // return to the initial position if there is no hit
         if (!droppedOn) {
            currentlyDragged.x = startX;
            currentlyDragged.y = startY;
         if (correct == objects.length) {
              // place i in the middle of the screen
              congrats.x = (stage.stageWidth - congrats.width) * .5;
              congrats.y = (stage.stageHeight - congrats.height) * .5;
    function removeTarget(target:Sprite):void {
         var i:int = 0;
         for each(var mc:MovieClip in objects) {
              for (i = 0; i < mc.dropTargets.length; i++) {
                   if (mc.dropTargets[i] == target) {
                        mc.dropTargets.splice(i, 1);
    function closeCongrats(e:Event):void {

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