Help creating an effect in Illustrator

I am trying to create an effect on a vector based object but struggling to find out how to do it. The effect has been created by a previous designer at a different agency and I am unsure of what they have used.
Can anyone help with an idea on how to re-create this?

But you can approximate it by sending one black and one white copy of each shape behind the shape, moving each horizontally and vertically until enough of it shows, then add feather or blur, play with opacity levels, etc. until you get close to what you want.
Edit: Except, of course, for the inverse shapes within. I'm feverish, so I'll shut up now.

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    The tutorial on the Video Copilot site that Mylenium points to is good, but the video that ML1990 pointed to uses something even more simple (crude): a linear wipe transition and a scribble drawn on with something like the Write-on effect.
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    After Effects has a Wiggle property that can do that:

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    Hello Ellie,
    This is what I do:
    First Create the brushes by selecting the shapes desired. Select the shape and place it into the burshes window.
    (Main Menu: Window + Brushes)
    Then A new window will show: Please select "New Scatter Brush"
    After you click OK, a new window will appear:
    In here I have selected Random Size, Spacing and Rotation. You may want to adjust the percentages to you design. The last thing to select is the Colorization Method; in this case "Tints" is selected because will allow me to change the color of the shape by using the color pallet window. After that click Ok and use the brush tool.
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    I know you can do something a lot better than this sample. I hope this helps!

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    If you're careful and manipulate the Bloat tool settings properly you can create some bit of that curvature to
    the grid, if your grid is created with the level of detail as in your sketch.

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    So its gonna be a two-color-job?
    Because with the extreme depths adding Black at least might be beneficial.
    You could make a Selection of a black&white-version-of-the-photographs luminance, inverse it and, in the Channels-Panels PopUp-menu, choose Add New Spot Channel for the Foreground color and select the Pantone color.
    Then Add New Spot Channel for the background-color and fill that solid black and hide the layers that contain the composite of the photograph.
    This should leave You with blank composite channels and the two Spot Channels visible.
    Indesign can handle either psd- or DCS2-files containing Spot Channels.
    The problem I perceive here is that depending on the print-process and the background color selected it might proof necessary to knock out the foreground elements if the company is very strict on their CI colors. Unfortunately simply inversing the foreground selection would probably not work as this might leave the mixed-color-areas greyish.
    Are the prints gonna be offset or silkscreen?

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    Help Appriciated

    As Mylenium says, there's information here on selecting by word.
    There are a bunch of examples for text animation here:
    "Example and resources for text animation"
    Since you just started using After Effects, I strongly recommend that you work your way through the materials here so that you have the basics, including the terminology with which to ask questions:
    "Getting started with After Effects (CS4 and CS5)"

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    To see what I's the board without any pieces
    Please click -->
    Here's the board with a piece in the process of "dropping" into the bottom
    Please click -->
    The way I "drew" the board is this, and the piece is this...
      public void paintComponent(Graphics the_g) {
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) the_g;
        This draws the board
        g2d.fillRect(10, 10, my_board.getBoardsWidth() * 100, my_board.getBoardsHeight() * 100);
        for (int i = 0; i < my_board.getBoardsWidth(); i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < my_board.getBoardsHeight(); j++) {
            g2d.fillOval(MARGIN + i * 100, MARGIN + j * 100, 80, 80);
    This is to draw piece
    g2d.fillOval(MARGIN + my_x * 100, my_y, 80, 80);
    }So basically, I just draw a rectangle, then draw a bunch of circles on top of it, then a circle that represents the piece...
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    Edited by: inspiredone on Feb 13, 2008 12:06 AM
    Edited by: inspiredone on Feb 13, 2008 12:06 AM

    Here's an example of what Darryl suggested:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class CompositeBoardTest extends JFrame {
         private static int size = 400;
         private static int offset = 10;
         private static int ovalSize = size/4 - offset*2;
         private static int pos = offset/2;
         private static int incr = size/4;
         public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
                   public void run() { new CompositeBoardTest(); }
         public CompositeBoardTest() {
              super( "CompositeBoardTest" );
              setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
            Board board = new Board();
            add( board );
            setSize( size, size+34 );
              setVisible( true );
         static class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
              private int[][] pieces = new int[4][4];
              private Piece addingPiece = null;
              private Timer pieceDropped = null;
              public Board() {
                   setPreferredSize( new Dimension( size, size ) );
                   setBounds( 0, 0, size, size );
                   pieceDropped = new Timer( 10, this );
                   addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() {
                        public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) {
                             int column = ( e.getPoint().x-pos )/incr;
                             addPiece( column );
              protected void paintComponent( Graphics g ) {
                   super.paintComponent( g );
                   Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
                   Composite comp = g2d.getComposite();
                   Dimension d = getSize();
                   int w = d.width;
                   int h = d.height;
                 BufferedImage buffImg = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
                 Graphics2D gbi = buffImg.createGraphics();
                 // Clear area
                   g2d.setColor( Color.WHITE );
                   g2d.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h );
                   // Draw screen
                   gbi.setColor( Color.YELLOW );
                   gbi.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h );
                   // Draw pieces or holes
                   gbi.setColor( Color.RED );
                   for ( int row = 0 ; row < 4 ; row++ ) {
                        for ( int column = 0 ; column < 4 ; column++ ) {
                             if ( pieces[row][column] == 1 ) {
                                  gbi.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance( AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f ) );
                             } else {
                                  gbi.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance( AlphaComposite.CLEAR, 1.0f ) );
                             gbi.fillOval( incr*column+pos, incr*row+pos, ovalSize, ovalSize );
                   // Draw adding piece if we have it
                   if ( addingPiece != null ) {
                        gbi.setComposite( AlphaComposite.getInstance( AlphaComposite.DST_OVER, 1.0f ) );
                        gbi.fillOval( addingPiece.x, addingPiece.y, ovalSize, ovalSize );
                   // Draws the buffered image.
                   g2d.drawImage(buffImg, null, 0, 0);
                   g2d.setComposite( comp );
              public void addPiece( int column ) {
                   if ( addingPiece == null ) {
                        if ( pieces[0][column] == 0 ) {
                             addingPiece = new Piece();
                             addingPiece.row = 0;
                             addingPiece.column = column;
                             addingPiece.x = incr*column+pos;
                             addingPiece.y = 0;
                        } else {
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
                   if ( addingPiece != null ) {
                        addingPiece.y += 5;
                        int row = ( addingPiece.y - pos )/incr + 1;
                        if ( row > 3 || pieces[row][addingPiece.column] == 1 ) {
                             pieces[row-1][addingPiece.column] = 1;
                             addingPiece = null;
         private static class Piece {
              public int row, column, x, y;

  • Vintage linocut effect in Illustrator

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    This is my first post so go easy on me! I have been using Illustrator for quite a few years now, but definitely do not claim to be an expert.
    I'm trying to create a vintage linocut/woodcut effect in illustrator similar to the image I've attached, but I'm struggling! I have tried to create my own custom pattern and art brushes for different edge effects or shading but I ended up creating loads of them and I still can't create the effect accurately enough. Added to this it's taking a long time and for the pieces I would like to create - it's going to take me months!
    I wondered if I was going about this the wrong way and whether anybody here knows of any techniques, tutorials or plugins etc. to create this. E.g. I'm not sure if I need to be using a combination of Photoshop filters and then live paint in Illustrator for example.
    Does anybody have any ideas on how to create this? Any help is much appreciated!

    This can probably be done in some ways in illustrator but it will probably involve a lot of works like you already find out.
    You can probably save some time trying to do this in Photoshop and with the help of Andromedia Cutline filter ( ). Than bring back to Illustrator to add color with live pain or even also finish it in Photoshop. All depend if you want the end results to be vector of not.
    Good luck and share your finding!

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    How do I create an effect where a group of 12 thumbnail images (all with clickable links) can scroll across by clicking a button to reveal another set of 12 thumbnails and so on without having to refresh the page, im assuming jquery can help but every single slideshow or scroll effect I've come across is for single images and not a set of images.
    Its a gallery part of my website and the images are in sets of 4 in 3 rows.
    All and any help will be greatly apprieciated!

    I think what you want is a Carousel Scroller.  See Demo and Examples
    Nancy O.

  • How do I create a barcode in illustrator

    How would I go about creating a Barcode in Illustrator?
    I used to work in Corel Draw where it had the option of creating a Barcode, now I am uncertain how to do it in Illustrator.
    Thank you for your help!

    I am afraid Illy is the wrong one to ask to create hyperlinks.
    How about saving as a PDF and create the hyperlink there?

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    iv'e tried looking but i cant find
    does any of you know anything about it?

    Try searching for
    in the help file

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    Hey guys and gals,
    I'm trying to basically to make an image very similar to this one, only with different people and a different color.  For the life of me, I can't figure out how to create this effect.  If anyone could help me, I would be SO appreciative!
    Thanks to much!!!

    I didn't have any young people to use in an example, so I give you some of 'The Convention Committee' 
    The pictures will have started off as individual portraits, so find and select them all in Bridge, and go Tools > Photoshop > Load into Photoshop layers.
    You then need to select each person and remove the background.  There's a group of tutorials on how to do that here  under 'Selecting parts of an image'. Learn Photoshop CC | Adobe TV
    After making each selection, copy to a new layer so the background has gone.
    Then enlarge the Canvas width so you have room to spread the layers out.
    Select the move tool, make sure Auto Select is off, and set to Layers (as opposed to Group).  Hold down the Ctrl key, and drag each layer into position.  (You will probably have to adjust the layer order so that they overlap in the right order)
    Now select the uppermost layer, and make a copy merged layer. (Shift Alt Ctrl e)
    add a B&W adjustment layer.
    I actually used Topaz Adjust > Portrait smooth to smooth away some detail, but if you have CC, you can do the same thing with the camera RAW filter using negative Clarity.
    add a Curves layer and give it a pronounce S shape to increase contrast.
    add a Hue/Saturation layer.  Check Colorize, and adjust to suite.  I gave mine a bit more saturation than in your example.
    BTW In case anyone wants to set up a Facebook fan page for The Committee, they are Don (ex PSNZ President and adviser), Fred (treasurer), Iain (poster maker), Denise (catering), and Joy (excursions and travel). 

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