HELP! Disk Compiling Error in CS3

The warning pop up says Error Compiling Move. DIsk Full.
I'm working on a project that has still images and video files.
What do I do?

>What do I do?
Read below and provide details... after you work through the problem steps
Photo Scaling for Video
-Too Large May = Crash
Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER
What is a CODEC... a Primer
What CODEC is INSIDE that file?
Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... a screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing
For PC or
For Mac
Once you know exactly what it is you are editing, report back with that information... and your project setting, and if there is a red line above the video in the timeline, which indicates a mismatch between video and project
More information needed for someone to help
Some is general about your computer and OS, some is specific to video editing
Build a Configuration file
Brand/Model Computer (or Brand/Model Motherboard if self-built)
How much system memory you have installed, such as 2Gig or ???
Operating System version, such as Win7 64bit Pro... or whatevevr
-including your security settings, such as are YOU the Administrator
-and have you tried to RIGHT click the program Icon and then select
-the Run as Administrator option (for Windows, not sure about Mac)
Your Firewall settings and brand of anti-virus are you running
Brand/Model graphics card, sush as ATI "xxxx" or nVidia "xxxx"
-or the brand/model graphics chip if on the motherboard
-and the exact driver version for the above graphics card/chip
-and how much video memory you have on your graphics card
Brand/Model sound card, or sound "chip" name on Motherboard
-and the exact driver version for the above sound card/chip
Size(s) and configuration of your hard drive(s)... example below
-and how much FREE space is available on each drive (in Windows
-you RIGHT click the drive letter while using Windows Explorer
-and then select the Properties option to see used/free space)
Windows Indexing is BAD
While in Properties, be sure you have drive indexing set OFF
-for the drive, and for all directories, to improve performance
Some/Much of the above are available by going to the Windows
Control Panel and then the Hardware option (Win7 option name)
OR Control Panel--System--Hardware Tab--Device Manager for WinXP
And the EXACT type and size of file that is causing you problems
-for pictures, that includes the camera used and the pixel dimensions
Plus Video-Specific Information
Read Bill Hunt on editing a VOB/MPG file
Edit Vob
Read Hunt on Using MOD/TOD files
Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at
If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with ALL OF THE DETAILS asked for in the FINALLY section at the troubleshooting link
Also read file troubleshooting
Disk full error

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    Hello guys!
    I',m having this bizare compiling error in the following code:
    Stirng test = "Test ; test ; test";
    String[] tests = test.split(";");
    System.out.printLine(tests.lengh());First off it highlights tests.length() and says in cannot find symbol, second When I compile it anyways it says ERROR, incompatible source code.... Thanks alot for your help
    best regards

    mbehlok wrote:
    Hello guys!
    I',m having this bizare compiling error in the following code:
    Stirng test = "Test ; test ; test";
    String[] tests = test.split(";");
    System.out.printLine(tests.lengh());First off it highlights tests.length() and says in cannot find symbol, second When I compile it anyways it says ERROR, incompatible source code.... Thanks alot for your help
    best regards
    String test = "Test ; test ; test";
      String[] tests = test.split(";");
    In Java, there is no length() method i Array Class. It is a property. So, use like this.....
    Edited by:Mrityunjay Kumar on Oct 31, 2009 4:15 PM

  • Please help with compiling error

    Hello, I am currently taking a class in Java Programming and need help with an error. I am working on a Mortgage Calculator and when I compile the code I get this error. I have no idea how to fix this. Can anyone help? Thank you.
    '{' expected public class MortgageCalculator
    1 error
    Tool completed with exit code 1
    Here is my code
    import*;//*java input output
    import java.util.Date;//Date Utility
    import java.util.Formatter;//format Utility
    import java.text.NumberFormat;//*format numbers
    //class MortgageCalculator
    public class MortgageCalculator
    public static void main(String[]args);{
    Date currentDate=newDate();
    DecimalFormat decimalPlaces=newDecimalFormat("0.00");
    //declare Variables
    final double principalBalance=200000;//*$200,000 Loan
    final double monthlyInterest=.06;//*6% interest rate
    final double Term=12*30;//*monthly interest rate
    final double monthlyInterest=((principalBalance*(monthlyInterest/12))/(1-Math.pow(1+(monthlyInterest/12))-(Term)));
    //Display Output
    System.out.println("\t\t" + currentDate);
    System.out.println("\t\tLoan Amount" + principalBalance);
    System.out.println("\t\tInterest Rate" + monthlyInterest);
    System.out.println("\t\tTerm of Loan" + Term);
    System.out.println("\t\tThe Payment will be:" + monthlyInterest);

    You need to enclose your class body in { }. You're missing at least one of them

  • Help with compilation error

    I have a problem with my jsp developement. When i create a jsp (with no beans) i test it and it runs fine (not good but fine), then when I test it with multiple users at time, it generate a jsp compilation error ie. "missing term }" and I can not figure out why it is getting that error, it has been compilated before! so it should not generate a compilation error, becouse i'm not editing the jsp source. I think that every time the jsp is requested the virtual machine is re-compiling it, but is only what i thing and i don't know why... can any body help me? please.
    I apologize for my bad english
    Thank you for your time reading this.

    Sorry becouse i can't be more espesific with the error that i get, that error is complete apears in a complete randomic way, I mean taht it apears when nerver is expected or doesn't apear when is expected, only thing that i got of that error is that the compiler some time says that are mising semi-colon (;), some time says that are mising quotation marks (") or are mising }, the error is no the same allways no mater the situation, I can run the jsp in my pc but the error doesn't apear, thats very strange becouse the compilation error apear after the jsp was executed with no errors.
    this is my jsp:
    <%@ page import="java.util.Calendar,java.text.SimpleDateFormat,java.util.Date,java.util.Stack,java.util.Enumeration, java.util.Hashtable,java.sql.*, java.util.Vector" %>
    <%@ include file="../incs/dbpool_inc.jsp" %>
    <%@ include file="funciones.jsp"%><html>
    <title>Resolver preguntas</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <link href="../css/0001.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <% //to get user data from the session.
         String userid = session.getAttribute("idu") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("idu") : "";
         String asign = session.getAttribute("idHomeAssignatura") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("idHomeAssignatura"): "";
         String idcuest = session.getAttribute("idcuest") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("idcuest") : "";
         String secuenc = session.getAttribute("secuenc") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("secuenc") : "";     
         String secuens = request.getParameter("secuens") != null ? request.getParameter("secuens") : "0";
         //to know if it's aloww to save cahnges in the database
         boolean guardar = request.getParameter("guardar") != null ? (request.getParameter("guardar")).equals("si")? true: false :false;
         if(userid.equals("")|| asign.equals("")){//if 1          
              out.println("</head><body><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\" color=\"#000000\"><b>El tiempo de conexi&oacute;n ha expirado. Para ingresar de nuevo al sistema haga click aqu&iacute;.</b></font></body></html>");
         }//fin if 1
         else{//else de if 1          
              try{// try 1
                   Connection conn = dbpool.getConnection();
                   Statement stmtt = conn.createStatement();
                   Statement stmtmod = conn.createStatement();
                   Statement stmtresp = conn.createStatement();
                   ResultSet rsmodul = stmtmod.executeQuery("select id_modulo from eit_cuestxmat where id_cuestionario="+idcuest);
                   String modulo = rsmodul.getString("id_modulo"): "";
                   int secuencia1 = Integer.parseInt(secuens);
                   int secuencia2 = Integer.parseInt(secuenc)+1;
                   secuenc = (secuencia1 == secuencia2)? String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(secuenc)+1)): secuenc;
                   session.setAttribute("secuenc", secuenc);               
                   if(esAlumno(userid, stmtt, asign)){//if 2
                   if(guardar){//if 2.0
                             String idpreg1 = request.getParameter("idpregunta") != null ? request.getParameter("idpregunta") : "";
                             ResultSet rstipop = stmtt.executeQuery("select tipo from eit_pregunta where id_pregunta="+idpreg1);                         
                             String tipop1 = rstipop.getString("tipo") : "";
                             String respuesta = "N/A", correspondencia ="";                         
                             String restado="n";
                             String rcorrecta = "n";
                                  correspondencia = request.getParameter("rprevia") != null? request.getParameter("rprevia") : "-1";
                                  ResultSet rscorrecta = stmtt.executeQuery("select escorrecta from eit_opciones where id_pregunta="+
                                                           idpreg1+" and id_opcion="+correspondencia+" and escorrecta like 's'");
                                       rcorrecta = "s";
                                       ResultSet rsempar = stmtt.executeQuery("select escorrecta from eit_opciones where id_pregunta="+
                                                                idpreg1+ "order by orden");
                                       int corres = 0;
                                       int correctas = 0;
                                                 String resp = request.getParameter("selopc"+String.valueOf(corres+1)) != null? request.getParameter("selopc"+String.valueOf(corres+1)) : "";
                                                 correspondencia=correspondencia+((corres == 0)? "":",")+resp;
                                                 correctas = correctas + (resp.equals(rsempar.getString("escorrecta"))? 1 : 0);
                                       rcorrecta = String.valueOf(correctas);
                                            ResultSet rscomplet= stmtt.executeQuery("select correspondencia from eit_opciones where id_pregunta="+idpreg1);
                                            String complet = rscomplet.getString("correspondencia"):"";
                                            String complet1 = "";
                                            int idxcar = complet.indexOf("$");
                                            respuesta = request.getParameter("comp0") != null ? request.getParameter("comp0") : "";
                                            correspondencia = request.getParameter("comp1") != null ? request.getParameter("comp1") : "";
                                            int corrc =0;
                                                 complet1 = complet.substring((idxcar+1),complet.length());
                                                 complet = complet.substring(0, idxcar);
                                                 corrc = (respuesta.equalsIgnoreCase(complet))? 1 : 0;
                                                 corrc = (correspondencia.equalsIgnoreCase(complet1))? (corrc+1) : corrc;
                                                 rcorrecta = (corrc==2)? "s": (corrc==1)? "m": "n";
                                                 corrc=(respuesta.equalsIgnoreCase(complet))? 1 : 0;
                                                 rcorrecta = (corrc==1)? "s": "n";
                                                 respuesta = request.getParameter("respuesta") != null? request.getParameter("respuesta") : "";
                             String guardarResp = "insert into eit_respuesta(id_pregunta, id_cuestionario, id_materia, id_modulo"+
                                                      ", respuesta, correspondencia, rcorrecta, restado, sec_pregunta, codest)"+
                                                      " values ("+idpreg1+", "+idcuest+", '"+asign+"', "+modulo+", '"+respuesta+"', '"+correspondencia+"', '"+rcorrecta+"', '"+restado+"', "+
                                                      String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(secuenc)-1))+", "+userid+")";
                             String sqlexistencia = "select id_pregunta from eit_respuesta where codest ="+userid+" and id_cuestionario="+idcuest+" and id_materia="+
                                                           asign+" and id_modulo="+modulo+" and id_pregunta="+idpreg1;                         
                             boolean existeResp = (stmtt.executeQuery(sqlexistencia)).next();
                             String editarResp = "update eit_respuesta set respuesta='"+respuesta+"', correspondencia='"+correspondencia+"', "+
                                                      "rcorrecta='"+rcorrecta+"', restado='"+restado+
                                                      "' where codest ="+userid+" and id_cuestionario="+idcuest+" and id_materia like '"+
                                                      asign+"' and id_modulo="+modulo+" and id_pregunta="+idpreg1;
                             //if the page is editing execute string editarResp else execute string guardarResp
                             stmtt.executeUpdate(existeResp? editarResp:guardarResp);
                        String sqlbpu="select p.enunciado, p.tipo, p.titulo, p.id_pregunta from eit_pregunta p, eit_prexcuest pxc where pxc.id_cuestionario="+idcuest+" and pxc.id_pregunta = p.id_pregunta and pxc.secuenc= "+String.valueOf(secuenc);//bupu: buscar pregunta cuestionario
                        //System.out.println("resolvpreg.jsp "+sqlbpu);
                        ResultSet rsbpu = stmtt.executeQuery(sqlbpu);
                        if({ // if 2.1
                             String enunciado = rsbpu.getString("enunciado");
                             String tipo = rsbpu.getString("tipo");
                             String titulo = rsbpu.getString("titulo");
                             String idpreg = rsbpu.getString("id_pregunta");
    <h1 align="center"><font color="#0033CC" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><%=titulo%></font></h1><br>
    <p align="left"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <strong>Enunciado:</strong> <%=enunciado%>. </font><br>
         String sqlrespuesta = "select respuesta, correspondencia from eit_respuesta where id_pregunta="+idpreg+
    " and id_cuestionario = "+idcuest+" and id_materia like '"+asign+"' and id_modulo="+modulo+" and codest= "+userid;     
         ResultSet rsrespuesta = stmtresp.executeQuery(sqlrespuesta);     
         String sqlopcs= "select opcion, escorrecta, correspondencia, orden from eit_opciones where id_pregunta ="+idpreg+"order by orden";
         ResultSet rsops = stmtt.executeQuery(sqlopcs);          
         Vector opciones = new Vector();
         Object obj[] = new Object[4];
              obj[0] = rsops.getString("opcion");
              obj[1] = "";
              obj[2] = rsops.getString("correspondencia");
              obj[3] = rsops.getString("orden");
    <form action="resolverpreg.jsp" method="post" name="Correspondencias">
         String respEmpar = "";
         String respuestap="";
         String respcorres[] = {"",""};
              respuestap = rsrespuesta.getString("respuesta");
              respEmpar = rsrespuesta.getString("correspondencia");
              respcorres[0]= respuestap;
              respcorres[1]= respEmpar;
         if (tipo.equals("empar")){
    <%@ include file="resolvempar.jsp"%>
    <%}//fin if tipoPreg = 'emapar'
    %> <%@ include file="reslovselec.jsp"%>
         <%}//fin if tipopreg = 'select'
              <%@include file="resolvcomplet.jsp"%>
         <%}//fin if tipopreg='complet'
              <%@include file="resolvabierta.html"%>
              <%}//fin if tipopreg='abierta'
                   <span class="titolForum">Error: no se ingres&oacute; ning&uacute;n tipo de pregunta
                   o se est� accediendo en forma err&oacute;nea a este sitio.</span>
              <%}//fin else de tipopregunta = 'abierta'%>          
         <%}//fin else tipopreg='complet'%>                    
         <%}// fin else de tipopreg = 'select'%>     
    <%}//fin else de tipoPreg = 'emapar'%>
    <input name="idpregunta" type="hidden" value="<%=idpreg%>">
    <input name="guardar" type="hidden" value="si">
    <input name="secuens" type="hidden" value="<%=(1+(Integer.parseInt(secuenc)))%>">
    <input type="submit" name="continuar" value="Continuar">
    <%                    rsbpu.close();
                        }//fin 2.1                    
    Ha terminado de realizar la prueba<br>
    <a href="elejCuestion.jsp">Continuar</a>
                   }// fin if 2
              }// fin try 1
              catch(Exception expt){
                   out.println("Error: "+expt);
         }//fin eles de if 1

  • Need help determining compiling error

    Good morning,
    I need help finding the cause of a compiling error I receive. I have reviewed my code numerous times without any luck. I hope you guys might see something I am not! The entire file exceeds the limit I can post, so I am attaching it in 2 posts. Sorry for the inconvenience. The error and my code are posted below. Thank you for your help!
    C:\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method add(java.lang.Boolean)
    location: class java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>
                   aList.add(new Boolean(rs.getBoolean("admin")));
    1 error
    Tool completed with exit code 1
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class StockTrackerDB
         private Connection con = null;
         //Constructor; makes database connection
         public StockTrackerDB() throws ClassNotFoundException,SQLException
              if(con == null)
                   String url = "jdbc:odbc:StockTracker";
                   catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
                        throw new ClassNotFoundException(ex.getMessage() +
                                    "\nCannot locate sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
                        con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
                   catch(SQLException ex)
                        throw new SQLException(ex.getMessage()+
                                    "\nCannot open database connection for "+url);
         // Close makes database connection; null reference to connection
         public void close() throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              con = null;
         // Method to serialize object to byte array
         private byte[] serializeObj(Object obj) throws IOException
              ByteArrayOutputStream baOStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              ObjectOutputStream objOStream = new ObjectOutputStream(baOStream);
              objOStream.writeObject(obj); // object must be Serializable
              return baOStream.toByteArray(); // returns stream as byte array
         // Method to deserialize bytes from a byte array into an object
         private Object deserializeObj(byte[] buf) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
              Object obj = null;
              if(buf != null)
                   ObjectInputStream objIStream = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
                   obj = objIStream.readObject(); //IOException, ClassNotFoundException
              return obj;
         // Methods for adding a record to a table
         // add to the Stocks Table
         public void addStock(String stockSymbol, String stockDesc) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Stocks VALUES ('"
         // add to the Users table
         public boolean addUser(User user) throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              boolean result = false;
              String dbUserID;
              String dbLastName;
              String dbFirstName;
              Password dbPswd;
              boolean isAdmin;
              dbUserID = user.getUserID();
              if(getUser(dbUserID) == null)
                   dbLastName = user.getLastName();
                   dbFirstName = user.getFirstName();
                   Password pswd = user.getPassword();
                   isAdmin = user.isAdmin();
                   PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Users VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
                   pStmt.setString(1, dbUserID);
                   pStmt.setString(2, dbLastName);
                   pStmt.setString(3, dbFirstName);
                   pStmt.setBytes(4, serializeObj(pswd));
                   pStmt.setBoolean(5, isAdmin);
                   result = true;
                   throw new IOException("User exists - cannot add.");
              return result;
         // add to the UserStocks table
         public void addUserStocks(String userID, String stockSymbol)
                        throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO UserStocks VALUES ('"
         // Methods for updating a record in a table
         // updating the Users table
         public boolean updUser(User user) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException
              boolean result = false;
              String dbUserID;
              String dbLastName;
              String dbFirstName;
              Password dbPswd;
              boolean isAdmin;
              dbUserID = user.getUserID();
              if(getUser(dbUserID) != null)
                   dbLastName = user.getLastName();
                   dbFirstName = user.getFirstName();
                   Password pswd = user.getPassword();
                   isAdmin = user.isAdmin();
                   PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE Users SET lastName = ?," + " firstName = ?, pswd = ?, admin = ? WHERE userID = ?");
                   pStmt.setString(1, dbLastName);
                   pStmt.setString(2, dbFirstName);
                   pStmt.setBytes(3, serializeObj(pswd));
                   pStmt.setBoolean(4, isAdmin);
                   pStmt.setString(5, dbUserID);
                   result = true;
                   throw new IOException("User does not exist - cannot update.");
              return result;

         // Methods for deleting a record from a table
         // delete a record from the Stocks table
         private void delStock(String stockSymbol) throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM Stocks WHERE "
                                    +"symbol = '"+stockSymbol+"'");
         // delete a record from the Users table
         public void delUser(User user) throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              String dbUserID;
              String stockSymbol;
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
                   dbUserID = user.getUserID();
                   if(getUser(dbUserID) != null) // verify user exists in database
                        ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT userID, symbol "
                                              +"FROM UserStocks WHERE userID = '"+dbUserID+"'");
                                  stockSymbol = rs1.getString("symbol");
                                  delUserStocks(dbUserID, stockSymbol);
                             catch(SQLException ex)
                                  throw new SQLException("Deletion of user stock holding failed: " +ex.getMessage());
                        } // end of loop thru UserStocks
                        {  // holdings deleted, now delete user
                             stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM Users WHERE "
                                              +"userID = '"+dbUserID+"'");
                        catch(SQLException ex)
                             throw new SQLException("User deletion failed: "+ex.getMessage());
                        throw new IOException("User not found in database - cannot delete.");
                   catch(SQLException ex)
                        throw new SQLException("Transaction commit failed: "+ex.getMessage());
              catch (SQLException ex)
                   catch (SQLException sqx)
                        throw new SQLException("Transaction failed then rollback failed: " +sqx.getMessage());
                   // Transaction failed, was rolled back
                   throw new SQLException("Transaction failed; was rolled back: " +ex.getMessage());
         // delete a record from the UserStocks table
         public void delUserStocks(String userID, String stockSymbol) throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              ResultSet rs;
              stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM UserStocks WHERE "
                                    +"userID = '"+userID+"'"
                                    +"AND symbol = '"+stockSymbol+"'");
              rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT symbol FROM UserStocks "
                                         +"WHERE symbol = '"+stockSymbol+"'");
              if(! // no users have this stock
         // Methods for listing record data from a table
         // Ordered by:
         //          methods that obtain individual field(s),
         //          methods that obtain a complete record, and
         //          methods that obtain multiple records
         // Methods to access one or more individual fields
         // get a stock description from the Stocks table
         public String getStockDesc(String stockSymbol) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              String stockDesc = null;
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT symbol, name FROM Stocks "
                                                      +"WHERE symbol = '"+stockSymbol+"'");
                   stockDesc = rs.getString("name");
              return stockDesc;
         // Methods to access a complete record
         // get User data from the Users table
         public User getUser(String userID) throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              String dbUserID;
              String dbLastName;
              String dbFirstName;
              Password dbPswd;
              boolean isAdmin;
              byte[] buf = null;
              User user = null;
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userID = '" +userID+"'");
                   dbUserID = rs.getString("userID");
                   dbLastName = rs.getString("lastName");
                   dbFirstName = rs.getString("firstName");
                   // Do NOT use with JDK 1.2.2 using JDBC-ODBC bridge as
                   // SQL NULL data value is not handled correctly.
                   buf = rs.getBytes("pswd");
                   isAdmin = rs.getBoolean("admin");
                   user = new User(dbUserID,dbFirstName,dbLastName,dbPswd,isAdmin);
              return user; // User object created for userID
         // Methods to access a list of records
         // get a list of selected fields for all records from the Users Table
         public ArrayList listUsers() throws SQLException,IOException,ClassNotFoundException
              ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>();
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT userID, firstName, lastName, admin "
                                                 +"FROM Users ORDER BY userID");
                   aList.add(new Boolean(rs.getBoolean("admin")));
              return aList;
         // get all fields in all records for a given user from the UserStocks table
         public ArrayList listUserStocks(String userID) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException
              ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>();
              Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM UserStocks "
                                                      +"WHERE userID = '"+userID+"' ORDER BY symbol");
              return aList;

  • Help with compiling error

    Okay, so I've been making a cash register app, and the thing isn't compiling for me. I keep looking over this and I'm not sure why it isn't working, so I was hoping someone could point out what I've done wrong here.
    public class Receipt
            public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
                    int q;
                    RetailItem retail = new RetailItem("Description", 1, 10.00, 10.00);
                    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
                    System.out.println("Enter quantity: ");
                    q = keyboard.nextInt();
                    CashRegister receipt = new CashRegister(retail, q);
                    FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter("SalesReceipt");
                    PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(fwriter);
    "" 31L, 835C                                     1,1           Top
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Receipt
            public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
                    int q;
                    RetailItem retail = new RetailItem("Description", 1, 10.00, 10.00);
                    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
                    System.out.println("Enter quantity: ");
                    q = keyboard.nextInt();
                    CashRegister receipt = new CashRegister(retail, q);
                    FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter("SalesReceipt");
                    PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(fwriter);
                    outputFile.println("\tSALES RECEIPT");
                    outputFile.println("Unit Price: $" + retail.getRetail());
                    outputFile.println("Quantity: " + q);
                    outputFile.println("Subtotal: $" + receipt.getSubtotal());
                    outputFile.println("Sales Tax: $" + receipt.getTax());
                    outputFile.println("\nTotal: $" + receipt.getTotal());
                                                                                                                                                  1,1           All

    You know, the compiler errors also give you more detail than "isn't compiling for me". Do you expect people here to compile it for you to see the error you're already seeing and witholding?

  • Need help with compile error: externally visible definition

    I am getting the following error on compile:
    "A file found in an source-path must have an externally
    visible definition. If a definition in the file is meant to be
    externally visible, please put the definition in a package."
    Typically this would mean that an actionscript class file is
    not placed in a package, but I am getting the error for a Custom
    MXML ListItemRenderer component I created.
    Does anyone have a clue why this would be happening? It
    happened once before and mysteriously went away after I removed all
    of the code in the file, saved it, pasted it back in and saved it
    again. Unfortunately that is not working this time.
    I would really appreciate any help.

    OK here it is, first i'll give u the file, it compiles i think:
    public interface Card {
    /** The four suites. */
    public static final byte CLUB = 0, DIAMOND = 1, HEART = 2, SPADE = 2;
    /** The suite of this card. */
    public byte suite();
    * Is 's' a valid suite?
    * @param s a value to check to see if it is a valid suite.
    * @return true iff 's' is a valid suite.
    public boolean validSuite(byte s);
    /** The thirteen standard cards. */
    public static final byte ACE = -1, TWO = -2, THREE = -3, FOUR = -4,
    FIVE = -5, SOX = -6, SEVEN = -7, EIGHT = -8, NINE = -9, TEN = -10,
    JACK = -11, QUEEN = -12, KING = -13;
    /** The face-value of this card */
    public byte value();
    * Is 'v' a valid face-value?
    * @param v the value to check to see if it is a valid face-value.
    * @return true iff 'v' is a valid face-value.
    public boolean validValue(byte v);
    * @param a_card the card to compare
    * @return true iff the suite of this card is identical to the suite
    * of <code>a_card</code>
    public boolean sameSuiteAs(Card a_card);
    * @param a_card the card to compare
    * @return true iff the face value of this card is identical to the
    * face value of <code>a_card</code>
    public boolean sameFaceValueAs(Card a_card);
    * @param a_card the card to compare
    * @return true iff the face value of this card is strictly greater than
    * the face value of <code>a_card</code>
    public boolean greaterFaceValueThan(Card a_card);
    * Whether this card has a greater value than <code>a_card</code> is
    * determined by a given card game's rules.
    * @param a_card the card to compare
    * @return true iff this card has a great value than <code>a_card</code>
    public boolean greaterValueThan(Card a_card);
    * Two cards are equivalent if they are indistinguishable in a given
    * card game's rules.
    * @param a_card the card to compare
    * @return true iff this card and <code>a_card</code> are indistinguishable
    public boolean equivalentTo(Card a_card);

  • Please, I need help debugging compiler error

    I am new to Java and I do not know why the compiler (Forte for Java) has the following error. Seems like the compiler does not accept NEW for adding new entries to a Vector table.
    UAL_LearningPrograms/ [12:1] non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
    mv.vtable.addNode(new Node(names[n]));
    package UAL_LearningPrograms;
    import java.util.*;
    class MyVector {
    private Vtable vtable;
    public static void main(String[] args){
    MyVector mv = new MyVector();
    String names[] = {"one","two","three","four","five"};
    for (int n;n<names.length;n++)
    mv.vtable.addNode(new Node(names[n]));
    public MyVector(){  // Class constructor
    vtable = new Vtable();
    public class Node {
    private String name;
    public Node(String s){name=s;}
    public class Vtable extends Vector {
    private Vector v;
    public Vtable(){v=new Vector();}
    public void addNode(Node n){v.add(n);}

    You were trying to reference a non-static variable
    from a static context... not allowed.
    Simple modification allows that code to work.
    If this helps... give me the dollars... thanks!
    import java.util.*;
    class MyVector
         private Vtable vtable;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              String names[] = {"one","two","three","four","five"};
              MyVector mv = new MyVector();
         } // main
         public MyVector()
              vtable = new Vtable();
         } // MyVector
         public class Node
              private String name;
              public Node(String s)
                   name = s;
              } // Node
         } // Node
         public class Vtable
              extends Vector
              private Vector v;
              public Vtable()
                   v=new Vector();
              } // Vtabl3
              public void addNodes(String n[])
                   for (int i = 0; i < n.length; ++i)
                        v.add(new Node(n));
              } // addNode
              public void addNode(Node n)
              } // addNode
         } // Vtable
    } // MyVector

  • Newbie needs help on compiling error

    I'm reading java 2 programming for dummies, but can't get this example working. I get an error on line 4, but when I remove 'public' from in front of 'class', Iexplore tells me I need a public constructor. I also get errors on line 94 and 98 where the compilator says that the java.awt.Component has been deprecated. I have no clue what that means..
    Please help me! I'm stuck...
    Here is my code:
    /*line 0*/
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class PixApplet extends Applet{
         public void init() {
              Rectgl r = new Rectgl(10,5,;
              Square s = new Square(10,;
              Circle c = new Circle(20,Color.yellow);
              Square s2 = new Square(40,;
              add(new PixLabel(r));
              add(new PixLabel(s));
              add(new PixLabel(c));
              add(new PixLabel(s2));
    class Rectgl extends Pix {
         public Rectgl(int width, int height, Color c) {
              myDimension.width = width;
              myDimension.height = height;
         /*Draw shape*/
         public void Paint(Graphics g) {
         /*Return area*/
         public double getArea() {
              return (myDimension.width * myDimension.height);
         /*Return perimeter */
         public double getPerimeter() {
              return (myDimension.width + myDimension.height) * 2;
         /*Return kind of shape*/
         public String getKind() {
              return "Rectangle";
    class Square extends Rectgl {
         public Square(int side,Color c) {
         /*Return kind of shape*/
         public String getKind() {
              return "Square";
    abstract class Pix extends Canvas {
         Dimension myDimension = new Dimension();
         public void Pix() {
         /*Set object's forground color*/
         public void setColor(Color c) {
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
         public double getArea() {
              return 0;
         public double getPerimeter() {
              return 0;
         public String getKind() {
              return "unknown shape";
    /*line 93*/
         public Dimension preferredSize() {
              return myDimension;
    /*line 97*/
         public Dimension minimumSize() {
              return myDimension;
    class Circle extends Pix {
         private int myRadius;
         public Circle(int radius, Color c) {
              myRadius = radius;
              myDimension.height = myDimension.width = 2 * radius;
         /*Draw shape*/
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              g.fillArc(0,0,(2 * myRadius),(2 * myRadius),0,360);
         /*Return area*/
         public double getArea() {
              return (Math.PI * (myRadius * myRadius));
         /*Return perimeter*/
         public double getPerimeter() {
              return 2 * Math.PI * myRadius;
         /*Return kind of shape*/
         public String getKind() {
              return "Circle";
    class PixLabel extends TextArea {
         public PixLabel(Pix s) {
              super( "I am a " + s.getKind() + "\nMy perimeter is " + Double.toString(s.getPerimeter()) + "\nMy area is " + Double.toString(s.getArea()),3,15,SCROLLBARS_NONE);

    OK. You do not need to worry too much about the deprecated messages. They are only warnings and will not stop the program compiling.
    What is the name of the java file that your code is in. It should be
    How are you compiling it, something like
    javac *.java or javac
    What is the error you get when you try to compile

  • Help Finding Compiler error solution please

    When I type in Javac at C prompt to this code I receive the following errors
    public class PayrollExecute
    // main method
    public static void main( String args[] )
    // Display welcome message
    Payroll myPayroll = new Payroll( "Payroll " );
    mypayroll.displayMessage(); // display first message
    myPayroll.determineWeeklyRate(); // find weekly rate
    } // end main method
    } // end class
    C:\>Javac class PayrollExecute is public, should be declared in a file named
    public class PayrollExecute
    .\ class PayrollExecute is public, should be declared in a file named
    public class PayrollExecute
    ^ cannot access Payroll
    bad class file: .\
    file does not contain class Payroll
    Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classp
    Payroll myPayroll = new Payroll( "Payroll " );
    3 errors

    The name of the file you are compiling needs to be OR remove the "public" before public class PayrollExecute.
    Either choice should do the trick.

  • Need help with compiler error

    'class' or 'interface' expected
    public static int getNewAmount()
    Can anyone tell me what to do?

    I solved that problem. Thanks.
    But now I have another error problem.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: n
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
    at MyInput.readInt(
    at SalaryComputation3.getJobClass(
    at SalaryComputation3.main(

  • Compiler error cpd tc=0X30

    My sub VI showed one compiler error
    I attached the picture and my vi
    Thank you so much for your help
    compiler error.png ‏57 KB
    PDR 2000 save file (SubVI).vi ‏26 KB

    I had the same problem and easily found a piece of code we had in common.
    Removing the unnecessary compound arithmetic solves the problem.
    Kudos welcome.

  • Can't Export Movie - Unknown Compile Error - Help!

    I edited a 32 minute movie in Premiere Elements 10, and now I'm trying to export it.  At some point during the export, and it seems to vary, I get an unknown compile error.  I've been trying to export the movie for the past week and all I get is failure despite trying just about everything I've found written about how to solve this.
    I have Win 7 Ultimate SP 1 running on a Lenovo desktop machine with an Intel Core 2 Quad CPU at 2.67 GHz, 4GB of RAM, 32 bit proc.
    Premiere is installed on system C drive with 6 GB of free space.
    Project and scrach disks are on D drive with 165 GB of free space.
    Media files are on 2nd E drive with 50GB of free space.
    Project and most source material is NTSC DV -- there are quite a few photos with motion, plus some iPhone HD video on the timeline, hundreds of clips in all plus narration, a few titles, etc.
    Export destination folder is on D drive.
    Everything will render to green lines atop timeline (sometimes it quits during render and I have to keep hitting Enter to continue rendering, but eventually it's all green)
    So far I've tried:
    - Reinstalling PE 10
    - Reinstalling Quicktime
    - Copying all the photos to their own separate folder
    - Editing each photo slightly (outside of PE 10) and resaving to make sure none of the photos are corrupted
    - Emptying the temp folder
    - Deleting all the renders and cache files and letting them rebuild
    - Exporting small pieces of the timeline to try to identify a bad clip -- this is a maddening process and I did find one clip that would generate the error, but I managed to export that to AVI and reimport and replace on timeline.  It would be awfully nice if PE would just TELL ME which clip it doesn't like if in fact it's a clip error.
    - Turning off the shadow / highlight feature I had on some clips, but this wasn't the issue, smaller sections with these clips exported fine
    - Tried exporting to various formats: Vimeo SD, MPEG DV Standard, iPad Standard High Quality, AVI -- all result in the same error (the format I want by the way is Vimeo SD)
    - Rebooting the machine and turning everything off that might possibly consume memory
    This machine has never had problems exporting in the past.  One thing I did try that worked -- installed PE 10 on another (less capable) Win 7 machine, and fed it all the media via an external drive.  The other machine did the export fine (though it took a while given it is underpowered).  This is nothing more than a work around though as I don't normally have access to this machine and I'm not done editing.
    I'm at my wits' end!  What else can I do to get this movie file to export?
    Appreciate any help or clues you can provide to solve this mystery.

    Oh, that is tragic!
    I never had any issues with mine. Maybe it knew how respectful I was, having come from manual rewinds and a sync block? The Moviola was a godsend, at least for me. I am glad that I got to edit film, and on many setups, as some of that translated well to digital Video. Back when I was in film school, Video was 2" tape, and the only editing was by cutting at a 45 degree angle, and splicing the tape. There was not even deck-to-deck editing, way back then. Also, Video looked like crap, at least to my eyes. We could only use a switcher, to "edit," or do a feed to air. Looked like crap!
    As for the Lexus, I can imagine all sorts of problems. My new LX-570 requires me to "Accept," when I put it into reverse, on the rear-view monitor! At least my wife's MB does not require that, but it is a 2011 model, so maybe the 2013 models will require that the user sign off on all sorts of "stuff."
    Now, I can play Finding Nemo, for my rear-seat passengers, while driving, but the front-seat passengers cannot see it, which is just fine. When driving, I am not even a fan of hands-free calls, and declined most of the streaming stock quotes, etc. for XM/Sirius radio. NOT while I am driving. I will save that for reading the WSJ in the club at the airport.
    Some years ago, our driver in London got a new BMW 7-series, and it allowed the playing of DVD's, even in the front, while driving. Not sure that I would want that, but such is life. At least his seats' ventilation system was "well-chilled," where ours' are just air. He almost froze my bum, showing off his new auto.
    Now, working with PS, or PrE in an auto, or even on a mobile device, is just not something that I can wrap my old head around. I want a fast computer, with a big display, and cannot imagine editing Images, or Video, on any handheld (or auto) device.

  • I am a OS10.7.4 user. yesterday i bought a Lacie external hard disk but error message appear said " You cant open the applicant LaCie setup assistant because PowerPC applicants are no longer support". please help me how to connect my mac with Lacie??

    i am a OS10.7.4 user. yesterday i bought a Lacie external hard disk but error message appear said " You cant open the applicant LaCie setup assistant because PowerPC applicants are no longer support". please help me how to connect my mac with Lacie??

    You do not need the Setup Assistant; in fact, you do not need any software on an external hard drive. I have two LaCie's; I erased the drive as soon as I plugged it in. You will need to format it anyway because most hard drives come Windows formatted. So, if you only want to use it with the Mac, highlight it in Disk Utility and choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the format and the GUID Partition scheme under Options. While doing that, it will erase the drive (and get rid of the LaCie software) - once finished, your drive is ready to use for Time Machine or any other backup plans you have for it.

  • Help! I keep getting "A Disk Drive Error Occured"

    I really hope someone can help me with this, I turned on my laptop today and no matter what I do I keep getting a blank screen saying "A Disk Drive Error Occured please press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart. I tried this numerous times but nothing happend. I took the computer back to where I bought it but they couldn't do anything for it so I tried calling Toshiba but got nowhere. I don't have the money to just replace it and it looks like nobody wants to honor the warrenty.
    I have a Toshiba Satellite C655-S5512. I have had it since February this year and it always worked perfectly for me. I have no idea how this happend and I have lost all hope of it getting fixed.
    My last resort is restoring it back to factury settings but I tried the one restore that kept all files. It had an error so my last chance is doing a complete factory restore.
    If anyone has any useful advice or tips please let me know right away! This is the laptop I use for school work and I need it to work as soon as possible!

    What do you mean that you got nowhere when eyou contact Toshiba customer support? What did they tell you?
    - Peter

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