Help DVD conversion

I guess I am slow. I thought I could convert my Home DVD movies with Quick time pro. It seems I am unable. Does any one know how to get them off the DVDs without degrading the quality. I would like to get them into Imovie then to apple tv. I am not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated. Since I bought quicktime already I hope someone can help me do it with this tool. When I try to open the files it says not a valid movie but they open in DVD player. ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE Appreciated

Use the Search Discussions (right side of this page) to review the required software. Enter MPEG-2 as the search term.
Costs no less than $20 and QuickTime Pro is not involved.

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  • HDV to DVD conversion

    I've read a great deal of discusson on this site regarding HDV to DVD conversion and how to get the best possible results. There seem to be about a half a dozen marginal solutions but in my opinion and experience no real perfect definitive solution.
    This is in the way of a suggestion/plea/request to Apple, to those who run this forum, and to those experts there who deal with Final Cut pro and HDV editing: Could someone please create a definitive expert professional manual/post/procedure on how to do this very straightforward conversion from HDV to DVD with the BEST possible industry quality results.
    g5 tower   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Seriously, open the phonebook, start asking who can take a HDV master on miniDV tape, and hand you back a DVD in a day or two, it may be cheaper than buying pro encoder software, and your time to learn how to use it effectively. You should have budget for this, promos / trailer work should be included. Your time costs money. It will also put you in a better position to know what to ask for when the project is finished.
    Using the camera down convert is good enough. DVD from DV is fast to make. If you are just previewing it, S-VHS is also good enough, and very quick and simple to produce - don't rule out lower tech, or lower quality options, they will still tell the same story.
    In answer to your question, (do you really want to know ?), the colour space of the NTSC DV in camera down conversion is 4:1:1, the colour space of MPEG video is 4:2:0 (search for those terms, until you hit a page with diagrams of boxes), the differences in these structures results in a worst of both colour encoding - if you are shooting PAL, then the story is different, as PAL DV is also 4:2:0, and probably not significantly different from the DV50 method, once its on DVD.
    DV50 is 4:2:2, HDV is 4:2:0, but at a higher resolution. When downscaled, I estimate SD from HDV is around 4:2:2 or maybe even 4:4:4, by going via DV50 to DVD you deliver the most DVD's can represent, rather than with NTSC DV where you deliver half the colour space DVDs can show. BUT the in camera down convert is REALTIME, consider the benefit of that before taking the slower route.
    Is the DV50 the best SD down convert ? I don't know. It certainly looks very clear, shows no, or little signs of the DV50 codec adding artefacts over the original HDV footage, and produces more quality than the MPEG encoder can represent once on DVD, or at least, the MPEG encoder I have access to. I cannot say the same of the in camera convert. I also played with uncompressed codecs, and the None compression codec, they require huge amounts of disk space, and didn't look better than the DV50 method. However, I didn't test them with your footage.
    I suggest a 1 minute 'bake off' between the methods, using your own footage, to see just how much quality you are willing to accept. You may find the in-camera is good enough, and a darn sight easier and faster.
    Hope this helps - search around more, trawl through some older threads, or, just pick up the phone and call a post house to make it all go away! By the time you have figured out what works best for you, they would have finished and be on to the next job.

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    Thanks !
    S ~

    Ok folks let's disengage the panic button. This is more of a means of sorting out a movie/video clip snync problem than trying to circumvent legalities and or discuss copyright violations none of which are present.
    i/tunes seems to make up it's own mind regarding which vid clips are transferred to the iphone even when all selections are formatted and are checked. No error message, no indicators, some files move while others do not.
    Any ideas ?

  • DVD conversion Help????

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    Thanx in advance
    Power Mac G5 Dual 2.7   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Who would purchase a camera that doesn't allow you to "edit" what you shoot?
    Why would a smart person purchase this Sony product? It's made to one thing. Capture what the camera is aiming at and converting the data to DVD format.
    But not as a "data" file rather it converts to MPEG-2 so all one can do is play the recording in a DVD player.
    Your friend will have to "rip" or "convert" the DVD. They can view the file using QT if they purchase the MPEG-2 Playback Component but they can already view the file using a DVD player.
    Plenty of PC software that can rip DVD's. Some are offered for free.

  • Help - DVD freezes halfway through movie!

    I've tried burning something that is 1hr and 32 minutes long... but both times I've burned it, it freezes sometime during the 47 minute mark. When I say it freezes, I mean when it's finished burning, and I try it in a DVD player, it starts freezing as if it were scratched. The DVD had no scratches both times...
    I've tried:
    Making more space on my computer.
    Closing all other programs and not touching the computer as it's burning.
    Perhaps I need to make some chapters? As of right now, I've only burned the movie as one, bulk movie that you have to fast-forward through.
    Any ideas?
    - bahardesty

    1. iDVD 8 has three levels of qualities.
    • Professional Quality (movies up to 120 min.) - BEST (iDVD08 only)
    • Best Performances (movies less than 60 min.) - High quality on final DVD
    • High/Best Quality (movies up to 120 min.) - slightly lower quality than above
    2. From
    • FCE/P - Export out as full quality
    (not selfcontained)
    (not with QT conversions)
    • iMovie x-6 - Don't use ”Share/Export to iDVD” = destructive even to the movie project and especially so
    when the movie includes photos. Instead just drop or import the iMovie movie project icon (with a Star on it) into iDVD theme window.
    • iMovie’08 not meant to go to iDVD. Use iMovie HD 6 (need to b e publiched into the
    media manager.
    3. I use Toast™ to make an as slow burn as possibly eg x1 (in iDVD’08 this can also be set)
    4. There has to be about or more than 25Gb free space on internal (start-up) hard disk. iDVD can't
    use an external one as scratch disk (if it is not start-up disc).
    5. Verbatim ( also recommended by many - Taiyo Yuden DVDs - I can’t get hold of it to test )
    6. DVD-R (no +R or +/-RW)
    7. Keep NTSC to NTSC - or - PAL to PAL when going from iMovie to iDVD
    8. iMovie 6 has a bug: if You emptie the trash in iMovie ken burns might stop to wirk and photos has to be re-imported and re-done.
    Note from - elkriverken: With the help of others, I was able to narrow down the problem. However the final solution was to keep all the audio confined to only ONE track. When I added audio on the second tract overlapping the first tract audio, the noise or flutter began and continued past the ending of the audio from the second tract. Now there is no flutter. The video and audio now work perfectly. Thanks to all.
    Yours Bengt W

  • P.Pro 1.5 - Losing quality in AVI/MPEG to DVD conversion

    Hi, everyone.
    Is my first time in Adobe forums and my english isn't certainly the best, so excuse me for something I'll possibly make wrong :-)
    This is my problem:
    I edit a lot of videos (holidays, weddings, karting, ...) from Mini-DV tapes. No problem on edit work, neither on export to AVI or MPEG. And at this point (after export) I don't think I had lost some video quality or if had that would be slight. But when I finished the next step (convert the resulting file to DVD format) I realize that video suffers from a substantial quality lost, mainly a distortion on whites (they get much brighter and, of course, lose some of its texture). Also, not always, is noticeable a kind of yellow and red thin lines along the "objects" shape (mainly on human faces).
    At first I thought that was noting about Premiere and all about the conversion from AVI/MPEG to DVD because it's when the problem occurs, but after I had experimented all kind of converting software and the problem happens all times (sometimes more, sometimes less), I become to think the problem may be in Premiere exporting settings.
    So, these are my Premiere exporting settings:
    Export to AVI: File -> Export -> Movie
    Some important settings:
                           General: File Type: MS DV AVI
                           Video:  Compressor: DV (PAL) - I'm in Portugal (Europe)
                                      Frame rate: 25 fps
                                       Pixel aspect ratio: D1/DV PAL (1.067)
                                       Recompress: Maintain data rate
                            Keyframe and Rendering: Lower field first
                                                                 Optimize stills
                                                                 (don't have Deinterlace Video Footage marked)
                            Audio: Uncompressed, 48.000 Hz, 16-bit, stereo, 1 frame
    Export to MPEG: File -> Export -> Adobe Media Encoder
    Some important settings:
                          Format: MPEG2-DVD
                           Preset: Custom (PAL DV 4x3 High Quality 4Mb VBR 2 Pass)
                           Video Summary:
                                                    Codec: MainConcept MPEG Video
                                                    Quality: 5.0 (high quality)
                                                    TV Standard: PAL
                                                    Frame Rate [fps]: 25
                                                    Field Order: Lower
                                                    Aspect Ratio: 4:3
                                                    Frame Width [pixels]: 720
                                                    Frame Heigth [pixels]: 576
                                                    Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 2 Pass
                                                    Minimum Bitrate [Mbps]: 1.5000 (low quality)
                                                    Target Bitrate [Mbps]: 4.0000 (low quality)
                                                    Maximum Bitrate [Mbps]: 7.0000 (high quality)
                                                    M Frames: 3
                                                    N Frames: 12
                          Audio Summary:
                                                    Audio Format: PCM
                                                    Codec: PCM Audio
                                                    Sample Size: 16 bit
                                                    Frequency: 48 kHz
                          Multiplexer Summary:
                                                    Multiplexing: DVD
    I also thought the problem could be on the hardware but a few months ago I made an upgrade on my computer and changed CPU, Motherboard, RAM and Graphics card (had an AMD Sempron 2800+, 2 GB DDR and an ATI 9600 Pro 128MB) and the problem still remains...
    Actually I think it match all the needs:
    CPU: DualCore Intel Core 2 Duo E6300
    Motherboard: ASRock 4CoreDual-Sata2 (chipset: VIA Apollo PT880 Pro)
    RAM: 2x 1GB DDR2
    Graphics card: Asus EAH2600 512MB
    Windows XP Pro with SP2
    I don't care about time CPU will spend to do the task - before the upgrade it tooks aprox. 5 hours to convert a video and now it tooks only 1h30m :-). What is really important is obtaining the most quality DVD video can be possible. Can you help me?
    Perhaps someone already asked for something like my problem. If so, please excuse me and give me the link to that question.
    Many thanks to all of you in advance.

    Dag Norum:
    First of all, thank you for your quicly reply ;-)
    Second, I'm very sorry to make a reply almost a month after your answer. The reason is that I went on holidays without an opportunity to test your tip.
    I used Harm's link and than reached to a Bitrate of 8.0000 for all three fields (Min., Target and Max.) and that makes all the difference. Now I have a video with very good quality.
    But I haven't tested your tip yet to see if that improves the video final quality.
    I want to work always with the maximum quality, no matter what time is needed to convert the video and no matter the length (GB) it costs.
    Do you think I can export to an uncompressed file (avi for windows and compressor set to none) and than make the Menus with Encore? It wouldn't be better work on Encore with an MPEG2 file? The DV compressor is MPEG2, isn´t it?
    And why you suggested to not have the "Optimize stills" checked? This is to optimize the frames without movement, isn´t it? Many times I use photos inserted in the movie. This option isn't good for that?
    Your last suggestion, to go directly from timeline to the end target (MPEG2) is much different than that I use (DV compressor)?
    If you could answer my questions I would appreciate.
    Many thanks!
    (sorry if my english isn't the better)
    Message was edited by: Warlord_LA   (01-Oct-2009   23h51)
    Sorry, I'd made a mistake.  When I answer to you I didn't realise that your sugestions was to AVI exportation and not to MPEG2.
    Of course you are absolutely right: for an intermediate file, no compression is always better than some compression :-)
    But my question about not have the "Optimize stills" checked remains. What does it makes, really?

  • DVD Conversion

    I have many dvds, I'd like to put 'em on IPAD. Except the conversion programs take forever, anyone know of a way I can do it faster?

    Except the conversion programs take forever, anyone know of a way I can do it faster?
    Conversion to H.264 is a CPU intensive process. Having a very fast system and plenty of memory helps. Encoding to resolutions the match iPad playback capabilities can also reduce encoding time but most users seem to be stuck with the idea of encoding 1280x720 HD files simply because the iPad can play them and totally disregard the fact that the iPad screen limits their playback to only 1024x576 and thus wasting both encoding time and file space. Hardware encoding usually provides the fastest encoding times but usually represents a tradeoff of quality for speed.

  • Please help DVD! QUALITY!

    I am editing a video to go onto dvd through iDVD '05 and i need help. I am trying to get the video into the best quality, since I am not shooting HD. It is going to be projected so I need best quality possible. anyone know the best export settings it is set in 720x480

    My unsorted thoughts.
    *DVD quality*
    1. iDVD 8 has three levels of qualities.
    iDVD 6 has the two last ones
    • Professional Quality (movies up to 120 min.) - BEST
    • Best Performances (movies less than 60 min.) - High quality on final DVD
    • High Quality (in iDVD08) / Best Quality (in iDVD6) (movies up to 120 min.) - slightly lower quality than above
    2. From
    • FCE/P - Export out as full quality (not selfcontaining, no conversion)
    • iMovie x-6 - Don't use ”Share/Export to iDVD” = destructive even to movie project and especially so
    when the movie includes photos. Instead just drop or import the iMovie movie project icon (with a Star on it) into iDVD theme window.
    • iMovie’08 not meant to go to iDVD. Go via Media Browser or rather use iMovie HD 6 from start.
    3. I use Roxio Toast™ to make an as slow burn as possibly eg x1 (in iDVD’08 this can also be set)
    This can also be done with (Apple) Disk Util tool.
    4. There has to be about or more than 25Gb free space on internal (start-up) hard disk. iDVD can't
    use an external one as scratch disk (if it is not start-up disc).
    5. Verbatim ( also recommended by many - Taiyo Yuden DVDs - I can’t get hold of it to test )
    6. DVD-R (no +R or +/-RW)
    7. Keep NTSC to NTSC - or - PAL to PAL when going from iMovie to iDVD
    8. Don’t burn more than three DVD at a time - but let the laser cool off for a while befor next batch.
    iDVD quality also depends on:
    • HOW much free space is there on Your internal (start-up) hard disk. Go for approx 25Gb.
    less than 5Gb and Your result will most probably not play.
    • What kind of movie project You drop into it. MPEG4 seems to be a bad choice.
    other strange formats are .avi, .wmv, .flash etc. Convert to streamingDV first
    Also audio formats matters. I use only .aiff or from miniDV tape Camera 16-bit
    strange formats often problematic are .avi, .wmv, audio from iTunes, .mp3 etc
    Convert to .aiff first and use this in movie project
    • What kind of standard - NTSC movie and NTSC DVD or PAL to PAL - no mix.
    (If You need to change to do a NTSC DVD from PAL material let JESDeinterlacer3.2.2 do the conversion)
    (Dropping a PAL movie into a NTSC iDVD project
    (US) NTSC DVDs most often are playable in EU
    (EU) PAL DVDs most often needs to be converted to play in US
    UNLESS: They are plabacked by a Mac - then You need not to care
    • What kind of DVDs You are using. I use Verbatim DVD-R (this brand AND no +R or +/-RW)
    • How You encode and burn it. Two settings prior iDVD08
    Pro Quality (only in iDVD08)
    Best / High Quality (not always - most often not)
    Best / High Performances (most often my choise)
    1. go to iDVD pref. menu and select tab far right and set burn speed to x1 (less errors = plays better) - only in iDVD08
    2. Project info: Select Professional Encoding - only in iDVD08.
    Region codes:
    iDVD - only burn Region = 0 - meaning - DVDs are playable everywhere
    DVD Studio pro can set Region codes:
    1 = US
    2 = EU
    Yours Bengt W

  • DVD conversion to iPod format

    Help.. I don't seem to be able to find help and how to use this iPod Touch I just bought.. I've converted the DVD file thru DVD Decrypter and Videora iPod Converter programs.. I see the converted file as being a MEG-4 file in iTunes Library.. I've connected my iPod to my computer and it shows in the listing under Devices.. I can't transfer my video file from the Library to my iPod.. How's that done..? Do I need to establish an internet connection between my iPod thru a WiFi connection to be able to do this..? I don't have a WiFi account and wasn't planning on getting one just for this.. I find the online manual to be difficult to understand and feel it doesn't address all issues as it should.. I'm about to pack it up and return it to the store for a refund.. Apple seems to have support for making purchases thru their iTunes store but doesn't seem to address these kinds of issues.. Any help would be greatly appreciated otherwise back it goes..
    Message was edited by: cdnred

    Never mind.. I've managed to figure it out for myself.. Sure would be nice if Apple could provide more and better support for their products..

  • Need help for Conversion Function in Oracle

    Hi, Can Any One help me Please.
    I need a Oracle conversion script for converting from decimal to hex. and decimal to datetime.
    Thanks In Advance.

    for the Hex-Number-conversion see:
    [url] self-defined Conversion-Functions
    What number format do you have? YYYMMDD
    Or is there a Date corresponding to 1 and a number n represent the date n-1 days after day 1?
    Please describe further.

  • Help dvd and cd not buring

    I am trying to burn a dvd as well as cds but after almost finished burning them an error response comes up that says an error occured and you cannot continue burning this cd/dvd
    I don't know how to fix it can anyone suggest something???????
    Thank you

    Arianna,What software are you using? Have you burnt a similar disk before? Are you using the same media? Have you upgraded any software recently? Are you trying to do any complex tasking at the same time?
    Actually scrub that - given your other issues (other posts) you need to fix those first. I guess you're trying to back-up your data eh?
    Sorry not much help at this time

  • HELP DVD Problem

    My HP 530 DVD RW has stopped working and does not show when I try to 'explore' to it. It will open and close fine.
    I'm using Windows Vista Business.
    Device Manager has yellow ! by the DVD device and says: 
    This device cannot start. (Code 10)
    Click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and to see if there is a solution available. Clicked check for solutions and got nothing.
    I contacted HP chat support and they suggested the following:
    In Device Manager, right click on CD/DVD drive listed under CD ROM drives and click on Un-install.
    When the drive is un-installed, please visit the link, then download the patch, extract it and run it and restart the unit after it has been run. This will automatically fix the erring registry entries.
    I did this and it did not fix the problem. Any suggestions?

    I believe the link to the fix for the registry entries you mention in your post is for Windows XP.
    First, try the automated fixit from Microsoft on the link below.
    Check if the drive is now working.
    If the drive is not working, from the Start Menu, open the Control Panel and click on Device Manager.  Click to open the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers.  Right click on the first channel and select uninstall.  Do not delete drivers if asked.  When uninstalled repeat the process for each channel.  Also if an ATA controller is listed, right click and uninstall this, again not deleting drivers if asked. Then open DVD/CD-ROM Drives.  Right click the drive and select uninstall.  Do not delete drivers if asked.
    Reboot the notebook and let Windows reinstall the devices.  Check the drive again.
    If it still isn't working, run the automated fixit from Microsoft on the link below again.
    Next, from the Start Menu, open the Control Panel and click on Device Manager.  Next click to open DVD/CD-ROM Drives.  Right click the drive and select uninstall.  Do not delete drivers if asked.  When the device has uninstalled click on the 'Scan for Hardware Changes' icon ( usually just below Help on the toolbar ).  Let windows reinstall the drive and see if it now works.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • Help, DVD/CD just went Bonky!

    I posted this in the DVD section but didn't get any suggestions - so I'm hoping someone here may have some clues that can help...
    My DVD drive suddenly stopped loading/mounting cds/dvds. It took them in then just moved them in and out of the slot back and fourth.
    I did the PRAM and it made it worse, now the DVD/CD's can't even go into the slot.
    Any ideas on what's going on?
    This came on suddenly with no warning or symptoms.
    Thanks in adance for any help.

    Well, it was toast. Have know idea why it went bad.
    A local Mac repair shop replaced it with an upgraded 8x mce drive with mac drivers for $145 plus $75 labor in 4 hours.
    Apple wanted waaay more time and like $700 for their drive. NOT.
    So, for a tad over $200 I ended up with a nice upgrade and no hassles. Though it would have been nice if it hadn't just quit after very, very little use during the time I've owned the computer.

  • Help - DVD/CD just went out!

    This afternoon my DVD drive stopped loading/mounting cds/dvds. It took them in then just moved them in and out of the slot back and fourth.
    I did the PRAM and it made it worse, now the DVD/CD's can't even go into the slot.
    Any ideas on what's going on?
    This came on suddenly with no warning or symptoms.
    Thanks in adance for any help.

    Well, it was toast. Have know idea why it went bad.
    A local Mac repair shop replaced it with an upgraded 8x mce drive with mac drivers for $145 plus $75 labor in 4 hours.
    Apple wanted waaay more time and like $700 for their drive. NOT.
    So, for a tad over $200 I ended up with a nice upgrade and no hassles. Though it would have been nice if it hadn't just quit after very, very little use during the time I've owned the computer.

  • 8mm video tape to DVD conversion

    I have a stack of old 8mm video tapes from 5-15 years ago that I wish to convert to DVD and eventually edit.  Is there a device for converting these tapes?  I do have a working 8mm camcorder that I borrowed from a friend that can play these tapes.

    To record an analogue signal onto a (digital) PC/Mac calls for a player, a converter, a recorder and a re-purposer.
    Ignoring the player (you're sorted there) conversion can be done either by using an external recorder (typically a digicam c/w analogue-in recording), an external converter (see pinnacle, canopus or miglia) or an internal converter (vince1327's idea of using the new generation TV devices is an inspired one).
    You'll then need software to record the signal. Apple suggestions include QT-Pro, iMovie or Final Cut Express. Traditionally there was a challenge with dropped-frames and other failures so, especially if your using an external converter, use something simple to record with (QTP?) and something like Tiger Cache Cleaner (or OnyX) to keep the keep your machine "clean" throughout the process.
    You'll need to re-puropse the result; this can be done in any of a number of ways depending upon whether DVD, PSP, iPod, etc will be the final viewing medium. QT-Pro/Flip4MacStudio and iDVD are all good, but in truth the world's not short of widgets, freeware, shareware and mainstream applications (for example the previously Popwire applications now at Flip4Mac/Telestream) for re-purposing results.
    ffmpegX being a good, free choice.
    Cheapest - borrowing a mate's digicam is free and the results are guarateed; Second cheapest? Try vince1327's idea TV idea; at least you'll be able to use that hardware after you're finished recording.
    pBook 12/1.5mhz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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