Help... having an installer problem!!!

Ok i just purchased a 3rd party Garmin gps unit, I had to download the mac version of their software(disk only came pc), after I downloaded - I opened the .dmg image only to find the install icon was a blank paper icon(installer would not load when double clicked)... I copied the .dmg image to another mac, where the installation seeming worked perfect.
I have since used my install disc in order to repair my HD, and followed by repairing permissions.
- Still no luck.
I figured i might upgrade to 10.4.10 so I downloaded it, and when I went to install I got the same blank paper icon as before?
What is wrong with my computer/ why is it not allowing me to install these software items?

Sounds like a bad preference file. Move the file out of /username/Library/Preferences/ to your Desktop. Now, mount the image. If that works, problem solved. If not, create a new admin user account, log into it, and try to mount the image. If it works, then you'll have to resolve the conflict within the original account. Report back with the results.

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    No help, but i agree with skullcracker!!! Return it ASAP!! You will thank us for this vital information!!!Message Edited by HaZe303 on 05-4-2006 06:29 AM

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    Hi RyTemple,
    If you are having issues installing iTunes on your Windows Machine, you may find the following article useful:
    Apple Support: Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    - Brenden

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    Please post your tale of woe here:
    Adobe personell monitor this forum. You might post your casenumber. Hopefully, someone will arrange TS to call you back or provide some other avenue for help.

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    Exit Code: 7 Please see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DW050, DW062 ... WARNING: DW024 ...   -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------  - 0 fatal error(s), 45 error(s), 1 warning(s)    WARNING: DW024: The payload: {9124DF4E-617D-486B-A970-8FA632244F24} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core requires a UI parent with following specification: Family: Photoshop ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core_x64 This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.  ----------- Payload: {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700} Camera Profiles Installer -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {354D20E6-A25F-4728-9DA6-C9003D8F2928} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.3 -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {B8ADDCBD-30D9-4366-AE25-089CEF76C8E1} Suite Shared Configuration CS6 -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {CFA46C39-C539-4BE9-9364-495003C714AD} Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {E8B1DAAA-0B6B-44E6-A2D3-8E418EA0EA85} AdobeCMaps CS6 -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {093DEFC4-542D-4D0A-8162-0592055515F4} Adobe XMP Panels -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {CFC3110A-491C-4DBF-A97D-66C567600A2F} Photoshop Camera Raw 7 -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {557F9FD3-EED8-43D7-AF29-0F19CA832728} AdobePDFL CS6 -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {A0F72081-99FB-4FFA-AE1A-62B5A656CAC1} AdobeTypeSupport CS6 -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {1F955A4A-F365-4379-AEE2-B7C83E1AA883} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Support -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome  ----------- Payload: {74EB3499-8B95-4B5C-96EB-7B342F3FD0C6} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Driver -----------  ERROR: DW062: Unable to locate folder for token UserHome    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:  ERROR: DW050:  - Dynamic Link Media Server: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe XMP Panels: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Support: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorJA CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Required Common Fonts Installation: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Player for Embedding 3.3: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorPhotoshop CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorEU CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Camera Profiles Installer: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobePDFL CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Driver: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Hunspell Linguistics Plugin CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - PDF Settings CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Extension Manager CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Bridge CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeTypeSupport CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Suite Shared Configuration CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Mini Bridge CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorNA CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Photoshop Camera Raw 7: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Linguistics CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Recommended Common Fonts Installation: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - DynamiclinkSupport: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeCMaps CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe CSXS Extensions CS6: Install failed  ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS6: Install failed  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    System Requirements
    Any way I can fix this problem?
    I have a Windows Vista x32, Service Pack 2. If you need any more info just let me know.

    If you are trying to run CS6 you might as well accept the fact that 32 bit OS is a thing of the past.  It will run the program, but you just will not get the expected features of the program.
    Advice now is you need a 64 bit OS, min. 8 gig of RAM, and a reasonably good graphics card with 1 g VRAM. 

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    iTunes version 10 is not compatible with Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.x).  You'll need to upgrade your system to Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) before you can install this version of iTunes, which is required for you to be able to sync and use your Shuffle.
    You can still purchase Leopard from different stores online.

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    Many thanks..

    The applications NEED to be installed onto the drive that contains the operating system. There is no way about this. Many system resources are installed throughout the OS. So you can install the APPS on your main drive, but the EXTRA stuff, like audio content, and Motion content, on the external.
    Need to do a CUSTOM install to do that.

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    First , I have been with Mac for many years ( 14 to be exact ) I do have some knowledge and understanding of Apple product .
    At the present time I'm having lots of problems with the router so I was looking in to some info , and come across one web site regarding : port forwarding , IP addresses .
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    Software ask for permission to install , and about 30 % in , my instinct was telling me , there is something not right . I stop installation . Delete everything , look for any
    trace in Spotlight , Library . Nothing could be find .
    Now , every time I open Safari , Firefox or Chrome , it will open in my home page , but when I start looking for something in steed of Google page , there is
    '''' page acting like a Google . I try again to get raid of this but I can not find solution .
    With more research , again using search eng. there is lots of articles and warnings . From that I learn do not use uninstall software , because doing this will install more things where it come from.
    I do have AppleCare support but its to late to phone them , so maybe there some people with knowledge , how to get this of my computer
    Any help is welcome , English is my learned language , you may notice this , so I'm not that quick with the respond

    Genieo definitely doesn't help with your router. It's just adware, and has no benefit to you at all. They scammed you so that they could display their ads on your computer.
    To remove it, see:
    Do not use the Genieo uninstaller!

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    Have downloaded for example: Queen – Bohemium Rhapsody from a compilation album as well as a few complete Queen Album CDs into the iTunes library and then put them into playlists,
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    Thanks for your help

    Try assigning Queen as the Album Artist on the compilations in iTunes on your computer.

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    Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
    Turn off SnapChat.
    Go to Settings > Notification Center
    Turn off SnapChat.
    Restart the device.
    Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
    Turn on SnapChat.
    Go to Settings > Notification Center
    Turn on SnapChat.
    Test the issue.

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    Hi There
    Am having a big problem updating my iphone 4 Apps, due to a problem with my password for my apple id. But it seems that i have two different ids, one for the updates and another for the downloads. I am not able to retrieve my Id password for updating my Apps. Can you help me ps?
    Thank you

    What program did you use to fix the internal hard drive? What repairs did it report making? More crucially, if repairs were reported, did you re-run the utility until it reported no problems found? It's possible for one set of problems with a drive to mask others.
    If you have about 5GB or so free space on the internal hard drive, you can use your OS X Install disc to perform an Archive and Install to recover from the failed Software Update. When the computer restarts, download and run the OS X Update Combo 10.4.11 (Universal). When the Mac restarts after that, run Software Update. During all this, make sure nothing interrupts or shuts down the Mac! Note that the first start after each of these updates will take significantly longer than subsequent starts, so be very patient.
    How did you back up your internal drive to the external one? Did you just drag things over in the Finder, or did you use a utility such as SuperDuper! or CarbonCopyCloner? Does the external HD show up as a bootable volume in System Preferences > Startup Disk, or using Startup Manager?

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    help, are you having the same problem? iPad 2 calendar, can't get the month of March, can get days in March, but not month view. Any suggestions, thank u.

    Hi melbernai - not sure if you've solved this problem yet. I had the exact same problem recently with my 2nd Gen iPod Nano. I solved it yesterday by simply updating iTunes to the most recent version, after which I could get rid of the register screen. The only other thing I needed to do to add my custom playlists was select "Manually manage music" on the screen for my iPod, since it had been in an automatic synching mode since the problem occurred.

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    You are right, Adobe does not support CS5 because it is no longer sold.
    Simply download the trial version of CS5 from this Adobe web site and input your serial number.
    Adobe - Photoshop : For Macintosh

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    Triple post meanwhile:
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