Help!! how to access JTextArea in JScrolPane inside JTabbedPane

hi there my problem is i want to access setFont method of JTextArea inside JScrolPane which is also inside a JTabbedPane
here is my code in creating new tabPane:
if(e.getSource() == createNewTabButton){
//instance variable editorTab = new JTabbedPane
editorTab.addTab("Title", new JScrollPane( new JTextArea(18,51) );
how do i use this code to set the font for every JTextArea in every Tab:
editorTab.getSelectedComponent()./* i dont know what goes here* /.setFont(new Font(....));

hi there my problem is i want to access setFont
method of JTextArea inside JScrolPane which is also
inside a JTabbedPane
here is my code in creating new tabPane:
if(e.getSource() == createNewTabButton){
//instance variable editorTab = new JTabbedPane
ditorTab.addTab("Title", new JScrollPane( new
JTextArea(18,51) );
how do i use this code to set the font for every
JTextArea in every Tab:
editorTab.getSelectedComponent()./* i dont know
what goes here* /.setFont(new Font(....));
thanks..This is the only way i could get it to work....
UIManager.put("TextArea.font", new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 32));//overrides the look and feel properties or something
SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(editorTab.getSelectedComponent());  //this takes your selected component and applies your font settings to it

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    This is correct. Think of the AM as having a hashtable of instances of view objects that you can lookup by instance name.
    The <jbo:DataSource> tag lets you lookup an instance by name in the AM and get a reference to it to use in the JSP page. Within your AMImpl class, you can either:
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    To me you it would seem that you are looking for a NAT configurations something like this
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    object network SERVER-LOCAL
    nat (outside,inside) source dynamic any interface destination static SERVER-PUBLIC SERVER-LOCAL
    It will do a NAT for both the source and destination address in a single NAT configurations. It defines that a Dynamic PAT to the "inside" interface will be done for "any" traffic entering from the "outside" WHEN the destination is the SERVER-PUBLIC IP address. Naturally the SERVER-PUBLIC will untranslated to the SERVER-LOCAL in the process as this configuration handles 2 translations.
    I dont know if this changes the situation at all but it should be the configuration format to handle the translation of external host to the internal interface IP address and only apply when this single public IP address is conserned.
    Hope this helps
    Remember to mark the reply as the correct answer if it answered your question. And/or rate helpfull answers.
    Ask more if needed
    - Jouni

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    AAArrrrgggghhh!!! I misread the original post.
    But for Karthik's suggestion to work, DNS requests would need to pass through the ASA to a DNS server in either a DMZ or out on the internet.  If DNS requests do not pass through the ASA then you will need to NAT the public IP to the private IP on the inside interface in a hairpinning manner.
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    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*,businessclasses.*,businessobjects.*,projectutils.DateUtilities.*,java.util.*" errorPage="" %>
    <title>Checking Member's Registration Details...</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    String loginId = request.getParameter("loginId");
    String resourcePassword = request.getParameter("resourcePassword");
    String confirmPassword = request.getParameter("confirmPassword");
    String resourceStatus=request.getParameter("resourceStatus");
    String nameTitle = request.getParameter("nameTitle");
    String jobTitle = request.getParameter("jobTitle");
    String firstName = request.getParameter("firstName");
    String middleName = request.getParameter("middleName");
    String lastName = request.getParameter("lastName");
    String displayName = request.getParameter("displayName");
    String resourceInitials = request.getParameter("resourceIniitials");
    String countryCode = request.getParameter("countryCode");
    String resourceLanguage = request.getParameter("resourceLanguage");
    //String resourceCurrency = request.getParameter("resourceCurrency");
    String resourceEmail2 = request.getParameter("resourceEmail2");
    String birthMonth = request.getParameter("birthMonth");
    String birthDay = request.getParameter("birthDay");
    String birthYear = request.getParameter("birthYear");
    String resourceGender = request.getParameter("resourceGender");
    String martialStatus = request.getParameter("martialStatus");
    String resourceOccupation = request.getParameter("resourceOccupation");
    String webPage = request.getParameter("webPage");
    String homePhone = request.getParameter("homePhone");
    String homePhone2 = request.getParameter("homephone2");
    String homeFax = request.getParameter("homepFax");
    String phoneOffice = request.getParameter("phoneOffice");
    String phoneOffice2 = request.getParameter("phoneOffice2");
    String officeFax = request.getParameter("officeFax");
    String resourcePager = request.getParameter("resourcePager");
    String resourceMobile = request.getParameter("resourceMobile");
    String resourceType=request.getParameter("resourceType");
    String resourceName = firstName + " " + middleName + " " + lastName;
    //java.util.Date resourceBirthDate = (String)birthMonth + "/" + birthDay + "/" + birthYear;
    //check whether the input data is valid for insert
    //input validation code goes here.....
    ResourceBC aResourceBC=new ResourceBC();
    //marshall the resource
    ResourceBO resource=new ResourceBO();
    String e1 = (String)resource.getEmail();
    String e2 = (String)resource.getEmail2();
    if(loginId != e1 && resourceEmail2 != e2 ) {
              resource.setStatus( "L");
         //     resource.setResourceTypeCode(resourceType);     
         //     resource.setResourceParent(rs.getLong(6));
         //     resource.setHKey(rs.getLong(7));          
         //     resource.setPasswordUpdateDate(rs.getDate(14));
         //     resource.setPasswordExpireDate(rs.getDate(15));
         //     resource.setAccessCode(rs.getString(16));
         //     resource.setLogonUnSuccessTries(0);
         //     resource.setBirthDate(resourceBirthDate);
    //          resource.setCurrency(resourceCurrency);
    //          resource.setPhoto(photo);
    //          resource.setCreatedBy(1);
    //          resource.setCreatedDate(rs.getDate(36));
    //          resource.setUpdatedBy(rs.getLong(37));
    //          resource.setUpdatedDate(rs.getDate(38));
              //resource.setCreatedDate(new java.sql.Date());
              int rowsAdded=aResourceBC.resourceAdd(resource);
              out.println("rowsAdded= "+rowsAdded);
              //add message for success or failure to add resource
              String msg="";
              if(rowsAdded == -1){
                   msg="<font color=red>The ResourceName already exists .Try another</font>";
              else if(rowsAdded > 0){
                   msg="<font color=green>Resource Added successfully..........</font>";     
                   <jsp:forward page="memberlist.jsp">
                   <jsp:param name="message" value="<%=msg%>"/>
    package businessclasses;
    import java.sql.*;
    import businessobjects.ResourceBO;
    import java.util.*;
    import dbutilities.DBManager;
    public class ResourceBC
         public Vector resourceList() throws Exception{
         Vector resourceList=new Vector();
         String listSQL="";
         StringBuffer listSQLBuffer=new StringBuffer();
         listSQLBuffer.append("SELECT ");
         listSQLBuffer.append(" FROM T_RESOURCES ");
         DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
         Connection con =dbManager.getConnection();
         Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
         ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(listSQL);
         ResourceBO resource=null;
              resource=new ResourceBO();
              return resourceList;
    //Method to insert the values into the database
    public int resourceAdd(ResourceBO resource){
         System.out.println("in resourceAdd method ");
         //check for duplicate record in the table
         String checkDuplicationSQL="SELECT RES_ID FROM T_RESOURCES WHERE RES_ID='"+resource.getId()+"'";     
         DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();//.getInstance();
         boolean hasDuplicateRecord=dbManager.hasDuplicateRecord(checkDuplicationSQL);
         int rowsAdded=0;
         //insert the record
                   //get the next resource id for insertion
              long nextID=dbManager.getNextIDForColumnAndTable("RES_ID","T_RESOURCES");
              System.out.println("nextID================== "+nextID);
    StringBuffer fieldsbuffer=new StringBuffer();
         fieldsbuffer.append("INSERT INTO T_RESOURCES (");
    /*     fieldBuffer.append("RES_CREATED_BY,");
         fieldBuffer.append("RES_NAME_MIDDLE");     */
         StringBuffer valuesBuffer=new StringBuffer(" VALUES(");
         String insertSQL=fieldsbuffer.toString()+valuesBuffer.toString();
              System.out.println("rowsAdded= "+rowsAdded+"hasDuplicateRecord "+hasDuplicateRecord);
              }//end if
                   //throw new Exception("Has a duplicate Record");
                   return -1;
              return rowsAdded;
    public int resourceUpdate(ResourceBO resource){
              int rowsUpdated=0;
    /*          String orgCodeStr=null;
              StringBuffer updateSQLBuffer=new StringBuffer();
         updateSQLBuffer.append("UPDATE T_RESOURCES SET ");          
         updateSQLBuffer.append("WHERE RES_ID="+resource.getId());
         String updateSQL=updateSQLBuffer.toString();
              //String updateSQL="UPDATE T_RESOURCES SET CLIENT_NAME='"+resource.getName()+"',CLIENT_STATUS='"+resource.getStatus()+"',CLIENT_EMAIL_PRIMARY='"+resource.getEmailPrimary()+"',CLIENT_EMAIL_ALTERNATIVE='"+resource.getEmailAlternate()+"',CLIENT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL='"+resource.getCurrencySymbol()+"',CLIENT_CURRENCY_DIGITS="+resource.getCurrencyDigits()+",CLIENT_DIRECTORY_DOCUMENT='"+resource.getDirectoryDocument()+"',CLIENT_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE='"+resource.getDirectoryTemplate()+"',CLIENT_STORAGE_QUOTA="+resource.getStorageQuota()+",CLIENT_KEY='"+resource.getKey()+"' WHERE CLIENT_ID="+resource.getId();
              DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
              return rowsUpdated;
    public int resourceDelete(long resourceId){
              int rowsDeleted=0;
              DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
              String deleteSQL="DELETE FROM T_RESOURCES WHERE RES_ID="+resourceId;
              System.out.println("rowsDeleted= "+rowsDeleted);
              return rowsDeleted;
    public ResourceBO getResourceById(long resourceId)throws Exception{
              StringBuffer selectSQLBuffer=new StringBuffer();
              selectSQLBuffer.append("SELECT ");
              selectSQLBuffer.append(" FROM T_RESOURCES WHERE RES_ID="+resourceId);
              String fetchSQL=selectSQLBuffer.toString();
                   DBManager dbManager=new DBManager();
                   Connection con =dbManager.getConnection();
                   Statement stmt=con.createStatement();
                   ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(fetchSQL);
                   ResourceBO resource=new ResourceBO();
                   return resource;
    }//end of class
    plz help me to solve this problem....

    The JSP wil be converted into a java file and then compiled into a class. If you are using tomcat, the java file will be somewhere in the work folder of your tomcat installation. Find the java file and check the line that is reported in the exception to see where the null-pointer is coming from.

  • How to access the apps server inside guest  from host.

    my setup is
    windows 7 - host
    OEL 5 - virtualbox guest
    i have it setup with bridged networking with static IP
    my virtualbox guest is running oracle ebs 12. i can access from firefox inside the guest the url http://xt12:8000
    i can ping the guest ip from host .
    however when i try to open the url( from Internet Explorer browser inside the host it do not open.
    appreciate any suggestion.
    thanks in advance.

    user12046749 wrote:
    however when i try to open the url( from Internet Explorer browser inside the host it do not open.
    appreciate any suggestion.Check iptables inside the guest: a default Oracle Linux install has the firewall enabled, which will block inbound connections.

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    if i access the ws url by browser, it will popup a dialog for username and password. but NetBeans not.
    i installed NetBeans full version, include tomcat. and the WSDL file is generated by SAP.
    need help.

    Exception printStackTrace request requires HTTP authentication: Unauthorized
    $Proxy27.zbjdaFmMd0H(Unknown Source)
    Wed Oct 15 14:26:54 CST 2008 request requires HTTP authentication: Unauthorized

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    Yes. That's possible.
    The PDF placed inside the rectangle is the graphics[0] object of the rectangle.
    Or, if you look it up in the links collection, the parent of that link. The parent of that parent is the container object, the rectangle.[0].move(/*insert your arguments here*/)
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    p_val number := 0;
    'USERNAME = :1 AND STATUS <> :2 ' ||
    INTO p_val USING v_name, v_stat;
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    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20011, sqlerrm);

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    SQL> conn sys as sysdba
    Enter password:
    SQL> grant select on v$session to <id>;
    grant select on v$session to <id>
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-02030: can only select from fixed tables/views
    - Zack


    Dear legends,
    Since i have installed a VISION INSTANCE 12.1.1 and i have a domain name, and my entries as follows OS : ORACLE LINUX 5.7 x86_64
    SECONDARY DNS : 300.200.100.1
    vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
    vi /etc/sysconfig/network
    NETWORKING_IPV6=no -- example hostname
    cat resolv.conf
    # Generated by NetworkManager
    nameserver -- example DNS 1 or primary DNS
    EITHER i give or edit all the above mentioned files to access my EBS home page using the url i cant able to access the page but other sites can be browsed, since at the time of installation of oracle linux i have given the hostname as and our domain name is
    Please can anyone help how to access my EBS globally. I have accessed the EBS login page for the first time at the time of installation only after that i cant able to access. Instance is working fine, everything has been started. I have pinged the same url ping it says 0% packet loss from a terminal.
    Lots of thanks and Great help would be appreciated more.
    With Regards,
    Karthik Singh

    As per your request I have posted here HOW TO ACCESS MY VISION INSTANCE GLOBALLY?
    Thanks a lot

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      JFrame frame;
      Component[] comps;
      public Xyz(JFrame f){
        frame = f;
        comps = frame.getContentPane().getComponents();
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        // access elements in comps array
    button.addActionListener(new Xyz(this)); // if 'this' is a JFrame in question

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