Help! Image OverLapping components. Get Your dukes right here.

I am creating an applet and I want to use an image as a background to a jPanel. There is a jTextField on the panel that is hidden because the BG image overlaps it. I would like the image to be used as a background and only as a background. Any Suggestions? Duke Dollars will be awarded.
public class Tester extends JApplet
  Image imageTest;
  Graphics dbg;
  Image dbImage;
  JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
  public Tester()
  public void init()
      imageTest = getImage( getDocumentBase(), "bg.gif");
    catch(Exception e)
  private void jbInit() throws Exception
    jScrollPane1.setBounds(new Rectangle(70, 30, 235, 215));
    this.getContentPane().add(jScrollPane1, null);
      // UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
      // UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName());
    catch(Exception e)
public void paint(Graphics g)
    g.drawImage(imageTest, 0,0, this);

Check out this thread:

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  • Urgent array help needed! come get some duke points

    this program keeps track of rentals for a shop. Other methods and classes not shown (like Customer, Transaction classes) are also in this program. Every item (created with a constructor in Item class) can hold an array of up to 20 transactions; part of a Transaction object is a rental total, based on a number of rental days * specific rental price for that item rented (backhoe, edger, etc.) If the user presses "t" for total amount of transactions, the following method is called, which calls the getTotalPrice() in another class called Item. My problem here is that even if I enter in transaction amounts, when I press "t", the program just quits, not producing the report and returning me to the main class. I have been over it with the debugger and I am still lost. Below is some selected code; I hope it is sufficient. Please let me know if I need to put up more
    String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a rental transaction (x)" +
                                                      "\nAdd a customer (c)" +
                                                      "\nAdd an item (i)" +
                                                      "\nReport on a specific item (r)" +
                                                      "\nReport on total dollar amounts of rentals for all items (t)" +
                                                      "\nReport on total rentals for a specific customer (s)" +
                                                      "\nStrike cancel to exit from the program");
              //big huge while
              while (input != null){
                   if (input.equals("x")){
                   if (input.equals("c")){
                   if (input.equals("i")){
                   if (input.equals("r")){
                   if (input.equals("t")){
                   if (input.equals("s")){
                   input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a rental transaction (x)" +
                             "\nAdd a customer (c)" +
                             "\nAdd an item (i)" +
                             "\nReport on a specific item (r)" +
                             "\nReport on total dollar amounts of rentals for all items (t)" +
                             "\nReport on total rentals for a specific customer (s)" +
                             "\nStrike cancel to exit from the program");
    public static void allItemReport(){ //menu item t
              Item temp = null;
              for (int index = 0; index < items.length; index++){
                   temp = items[index];
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Total rental transactions to date amount to: $" + temp.getTotalPrice());
    //Item Class
    public String getTotalPrice() {
              double total = 0;
              String output = "";
              for (int i = 0; i < trans.length; i++) {
                   if (trans[i] == null) {
                        if (i == 0) {
                             output = "There are currently no transactions.";
                        }// if
                   }// if
                   total += getPerDayRentalPrice();
              }// for
              output+= total;
              return output;

    Don't flag your questions as urgent. It's rude. Also don't think that waving with a couple of worthless Dukes is going to get you better/quicker help.
    The reason I respond to your question is because you have explained your problem well and used code tags.
    Try this:class Main {
        public static void main (String[] args) {
            String message = "Enter a rental transaction (x)\nAdd a customer (c)" +
                "\nAdd an item (i)\nReport on a specific item (r)\nReport on total "+
                "dollar amounts of rentals for all items (t)\nReport on total rentals"+
                " for a specific customer (s)\nStrike cancel to exit from the program";
            String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, message);
            while(input != null){
                if (input.equals("x")) rentalTrans();
                else if (input.equals("c")) addCustomer();
                else if (input.equals("i")) addItem();
                else if (input.equals("r")) specificItemReport();
                else if (input.equals("t")) allItemReport();
                else if (input.equals("s")) customerReport();
                else System.out.println("Invalid option!");
                input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, message);
        // the rest of your methods ...

  • Making animation using java, need help, image doesn't get painted

    I was trying to make some sort of animation and it is done by painting a head and a body at a time. The problem is the body never gets painted but the head is perfect. Unless I replace the int variable within imgBodypics[int variable] with a variable at counts from 0 to N or an integer , the body doesn't get painted, that is not what i want, as the images that make up the animation consists of 8 frames starting from the image006.gif ~ image014.gif
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Color;
    public class Knight extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable {
         Image imgBodypics[]= new Image[115];
         Image imgHeadpics[]= new Image[15];
         Image imgCurrentbody, imgCurrenthead;
         int intBodyposx,intBodyposy,intHeadposx,intHeadposy;
         int brainwalkxpos,brainwalkypos,bodywalkxpos,bodywalkypos;
         Thread thdRunner;
         public void init() {
              for (int i=0;i < 115; i++){
                   imgBodypics[i] = getImage(getCodeBase(),"images/knight/knight000"+i+".gif");
              for (int i=0;i < 15; i++){               
                   imgHeadpics[i] = getImage(getCodeBase(),"images/headboy02/headboy02000"+i+".gif");
         public void start() {
              if (thdRunner == null) {
                   thdRunner = new Thread(this);
         public void stop() {
              if (thdRunner != null) {
                   thdRunner = null;
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              g.drawImage(imgCurrentbody, intBodyposx, intBodyposy,this);
              g.drawImage(imgCurrenthead, intHeadposx, intHeadposy,this);
         public void walk(int intNumtimes, String strDirection) {
         int intDirectionx,intDirectiony,intBodyimagecode;
              if (strDirection == "down")      {     intDirectionx = 0;
                                                      intDirectiony = 1;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 6;}
              else if(strDirection == "leftdown"){intDirectionx =-1;
                                                      intDirectiony =1;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 14;}
              else if(strDirection == "left") {     intDirectionx = -1;
                                                      intDirectiony = 0;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 22;}
              else if(strDirection =="leftup") {     intDirectionx =-1;
                                                      intDirectiony =-1;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 30;}
              else if(strDirection == "up")      {     intDirectionx = 0;
                                                      intDirectiony = -1;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 38;}
              else if(strDirection =="rightdown") {intDirectionx =1;
                                                      intDirectiony =1;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 14;}
              else if(strDirection == "right") {     intDirectionx = 1;
                                                      intDirectiony = 0;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 22;}
              else if(strDirection =="rightup") {     intDirectionx =1;
                                                      intDirectiony =-1;
                                                      intBodyimagecode = 30;}
              else{      intDirectionx = 0;
                        intDirectiony = 0;
                        intBodyimagecode = 6;}
              int intLastBodyimagecode = intBodyimagecode + 8;
              int intFirstBodyimagecode = intBodyimagecode;
         for (int intCount = intNumtimes; intCount > 0; intCount--){
              for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
              int intJ,intI;
              intJ = i;
              intI = intBodyimagecode + i;
              imgCurrentbody = imgBodypics[intI];
              intBodyposx = 250 - (imgCurrentbody.getWidth(this) / 2) + (intDirectionx * intJ * 12);
              intBodyposy = 200 - (imgCurrentbody.getHeight(this) / 2) + (intDirectiony * intJ * 12);
              imgCurrenthead = imgHeadpics[intJ];
              intHeadposx = 250 - (imgCurrenthead.getWidth(this) / 2) + (intDirectionx * intJ * 12);
              intHeadposy = 200 - (imgCurrenthead.getHeight(this) / 2) + (intDirectiony * intJ * 12);
              try { Thread.sleep(200); }
              catch (InterruptedException e) { }
         public void update(Graphics g) {
         public void run() {
              walk(1, "left");
              walk(1, "right");
              walk(1, "up");
              try {Thread.currentThread().sleep(5000);}
              catch (InterruptedException e) { }

    Erm, i tried to highlight the code and then press the code tag but after posting it is still plain, and there is no way to edit the post, sorry about that, next time i'll try. About the book "Filthy Rich Clients", no i don't have it, is there any free version of similiar resources?

  • Help!! iternmittently getting ORA-12560. Here is a snipset..

    i have MS com+ objects which are calling stored procedures simultaneously and rapidly and
    intermittently getting ORA-12560. TNS Protocol Adapter
    error. here is a snippset of trace log..
    please give me comments to solve this problem
    (6600) nigini: entry
    (6600) nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
    (6600) nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
    (6600) nrigbi: entry
    (6600) nrigbni: entry
    (6600) nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora
    (6600) nrigbni: exit
    (6600) nrigbi: exit
    (6600) nigini: exit
    (6600) niqname: Hst is already an NVstring.
    (6600) niqname: Inserting CID.
    (6600) niotns: entry
    (6600) niotns: niotns: setting up interrupt handler...
    (6600) snsbitini_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitini_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitini_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitini_ts: normal exit
    (6600) niotns: Not trying to enable dead connection detection.
    (6600) niotns: Calling address: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=\WINNT\system32\dllhost.exe)(HOST=MATDEV)(USER=Administrator))))
    (6600) nscall: entry
    (6600) nsmal: entry
    (6600) nsmal: 164 bytes at 0x319fba8
    (6600) nsmal: normal exit
    (6600) nscall: connecting...
    (6600) nladini: entry
    (6600) nladini: exit
    (6600) nladget: entry
    (6600) nladget: exit
    (6600) nsc2addr: entry
    (6600) nttbnd2addr: entry
    (6600) nttgetport: entry
    (6600) nttgetport: port resolved to 1521
    (6600) nttgetport: exit
    (6600) nttbnd2addr: using host IP address:
    (6600) nttbnd2addr: exit
    (6600) nsc2addr: normal exit
    (6600) nsopen: entry
    (6600) nsmal: entry
    (6600) nsmal: 492 bytes at 0x3197008
    (6600) nsmal: normal exit
    (6600) nsopenmplx: entry
    (6600) nsmal: entry
    (6600) nsmal: 2348 bytes at 0x3194f30
    (6600) nsmal: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitini_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitini_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: normal exit
    (6600) nsopenmplx: normal exit
    (6600) nsopen: opening transport...
    (6600) nttcon: entry
    (6600) nttcon: toc = 1
    (6600) nttcnp: entry
    (6600) ntvlin: entry
    (6600) ntvllt: entry
    (6600) ntvllt: tcp.validnode_checking not turned on
    (6600) ntvllt: exit
    (6600) ntvlin: exit
    (6600) nttcnp: Validnode Table IN use; err 0x0
    (6600) nttcnp: creating a socket.
    (6600) nttcnp: exit
    (6600) nttcni: entry
    (6600) nttcni: trying to connect to socket 10093.
    (6600) ntt2err: entry
    (6600) ntt2err: soc 10093 error - operation=1, ntresnt[0]=530, ntresnt[1]=93, ntresnt[2]=0
    (6600) ntt2err: exit
    (6600) nttcni: exit
    (6600) nttcon: exit
    (6600) nserror: entry
    (6600) nserror: nsres: id=0, op=65, ns=12560, ns2=0; nt[0]=530, nt[1]=93, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=0, ora[1]=0, ora[2]=0
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: normal exit
    (6600) nsopen: unable to open transport
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbittrm_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbittrm_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit
    (6600) snsbitts_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbitcl_ts: normal exit
    (6600) nsbfr: entry
    (6600) nsbfr: normal exit
    (6600) nsbfr: entry
    (6600) nsbfr: normal exit
    (6600) nsmfr: entry
    (6600) nsmfr: 2348 bytes at 0x3194f30
    (6600) nsmfr: normal exit
    (6600) nsmfr: entry
    (6600) nsmfr: 492 bytes at 0x3197008
    (6600) nsmfr: normal exit
    (6600) nsopen: error exit
    (6600) nsclose: entry
    (6600) nsclose: normal exit
    (6600) nladget: entry
    (6600) nladget: exit
    (6600) nsmfr: entry
    (6600) nsmfr: 164 bytes at 0x319fba8
    (6600) nsmfr: normal exit
    (6600) nladtrm: entry
    (6600) nladtrm: exit
    (6600) nscall: error exit
    (6600) nioqper: error from nscall
    (6600) nioqper: nr err code: 0
    (6600) nioqper: ns main err code: 12560
    (6600) nioqper: ns (2) err code: 0
    (6600) nioqper: nt main err code: 530
    (6600) nioqper: nt (2) err code: 93
    (6600) nioqper: nt OS err code: 0
    (6600) niomapnserror: entry
    (6600) niqme: entry
    (6600) niqme: reporting NS-12560 error as ORA-12560
    (6600) niqme: exit
    (6600) niomapnserror: returning error 12560
    (6600) niomapnserror: exit
    (6600) niotns: Couldn't connect, returning 12560
    (6600) niotns: exit
    (6600) snsbittrm_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbittrm_ts: normal exit
    (6600) snsbittrm_ts: entry
    (6600) snsbittrm_ts: normal exit
    (6600) nsbfrfl: entry
    (6600) nsbfrfl: normal exit
    (6600) nigtrm: Count in the NI global area is now 0
    (6600) nrigbd: entry
    (6600) nrigbd: exit
    (6600) nigtrm: Count in the NL global area is now 0

    which version of oracle are you using?
    If you are using, 8.1.6 , then you would be hitting bug.892253.
    For more info. read metalink Note:21490.1.

  • Points Bonanza!! Be first in line and get your free points here!

    the point of this posting being that a points allocation system as used now by OTN does not really makes much sense to me
    h1. First 5 posters get 5 points each. The lucky 6th poster gets a whopping 10 points! ]:)
    +1. Contest open to all OTN forum members.+
    +2. No correspondence will be entered to regarding competition.+
    +3. Judges decision is final.+

    Helyos wrote:
    I'm not sure the forum is there to make such contest.The point of the contest posting is to illustrate how easily the point system can be abused, and how worthless it can be as the points are assigned based on purely the personal opinion of the original poster (OP)... and not on whether the answers were really on the mark and technically correct.
    For example, a poster may ask on how to use bulk collection to copy data from one table to another. Many of us will point out that this approach is actually flawed - "+bulk copy+" is in fact faster using just SQL, never mind the logic of duplicating data in a relational database (relational design exists to eliminate the duplication of data and all its associated problems).
    One or two posters will simply post example code of how a bulk copy works.
    The OP may not like being told he (or she) has an incorrect design approach.. ignore the advice on how to design and write scalable Oracle applications, and instead award points for the sample code as being "+the solution+".
    3 month later, another newbie user with a similar problem searches the forum and sees this thread. What is this user to conclude? That the correct answer is to do it the wrong way.
    The point system will skew perceptions. And this is a common occurrence - many marketing techniques are about skewing perceptions in favour of a product using price, product positioning and so on.
    Simple example, people will automatically think product A is cheaper at $99.98 than a product B at $100 - and a significant percentage of people will choose product A over product B based on this perception.

  • Why can't i downgrade to mavericks? i have got some problem with yosmite. i would like to downgrade to mavericks.please help me how to get it ? thanks

    why can't i downgrade to mavericks? i have got some problem with yosmite. i would like to downgrade to mavericks.please help me how to get it ? thanks

    Hi here are a couple of links you may find useful, the first is if you have made a time machine backup, the second if you have not. e-3581872/

  • "Something went wrong. We're having trouble getting to your mailbox right now. Please refresh the page or try again later. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk."

    One of my user was unable to receive email from her desktop outlook, browser and her phone. On her outlook, the status of her exchange is disconnected. Then when she tried to access her OWA, this error prompted below "
    "Something went wrong. We're having trouble getting to your mailbox right now. Please refresh the page or try again later. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk."
    Her emails started coming in again after about 45minutes later. It happened twice today.
    Anyone have the same symptoms as mind?

    When user is disconnected to Exchange, please test outlook anywhere connectivity for this user.
    Test Outlook Anywhere connectivity
    Please also check if there are any other events in application log.
    Best Regards.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    TechNet Community Support

  • When I try to open images I am getting this message: "The file "image.jpg" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it." "Which I've tried - but it's not responding, plus its with all images now. Can anyone help?

    When I try to open images I am getting this message: "The file “image.jpg” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it." "Which I've tried - but it's not responding, plus its with all images now. Can anyone help?

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Quit the application if it's running. Move the selected item to the Trash. Relaunch the application and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

  • Can someone help with how to get image

    from a database into a display page using Dreamweaver?
    I have a page with a recordset and a database with text and images. The image field only has a link to the folder and image as in images/image1.jpg including size.
    The thumbnail I want to display on a master display page is in the database using varchar and with a link as images/image1.jpg
    When someone wants to view the master page they click on a link and everything that has been input shows from the database. At least everything but the image.  Right now it just shows images/image1.jpg
    I don't know how to call the images from the database.
    Thanks for the help and any information.

    Although it's not 'illegal' to put images or image thumbs in a database, it is strongly recommended NOT to store images/thumbs in a DB because it can seriously drag down the performance of the DB.
    If you know how to call an image with information from your DB, you can do it with the thumbnaail image as well. The process is identical.
    If you don't already have it, buy David Powers' book, 'PHP Solutions' as soon as you can. David's book walks you through basics of php and MySQL, the end result being a dynamic photo gallery. He cautions against storing anything in a DB that is not text or numbers, and it makes sense. VARCHAR isn't the correct column type, you would actually want one of the BLOB types. However, as David says in his book:
    "Storing binary data, such as images, isn't a good idea. It bloats your database, and you can't display images directly from a database. However, the following column types are designed for binary data:
    TINYBLOB:up to 255 bytes
    BLOB: up to 64KB
    MEDIUMBLOB: Up to 16MB
    LONGBLOB: Up to 4GB"
    I know what you are wantimg to do, because I am also developing an online gallery, so I feel your pain with a hitch such as this. The difference is, although I use Dreamweaver, I hand code everything. I use DW for more basic functions such as previewing and whatnot. With a little more info from you, I might be able to help, specifically some code, or a link to the gallery if it is on a remote server.
    Be happy to help you any way I can.

  • I am having a problem with pop pups and small windows with ads constantly opening up on my safari?? Thought that macs didn't get virus? this looks like one- any experts around? please help me fix it with your instructions? really don't know what to do...

    Hi everyone,
    I am having a problem with my Mac OS X 10.7.5 mac book air , there are constant pop pups and small windows with ads blinking constantly opening up on my safari in front of everything?? it is constantly interupting me and makes me mistakingly click on it then another new windows open behind the one im using..
    I am not too sure if thats a virus or trojan.. I always thought that macs didn't get virus? this looks like one to me… any experts around? please help me fix it with your instructions? really don't know what to do... thanks

    Those are not viruses. You have probably installed some malware:
    The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide
    Helpful Links Regarding Malware Protection
    An excellent link to read is Tom Reed's Mac Malware Guide.
    Also, visit The XLab FAQs and read Detecting and avoiding malware and spyware.
    See these Apple articles:
              Mac OS X Snow Leopard and malware detection
              OS X Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
              OS X Mountain Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
              About file quarantine in OS X
    If you require anti-virus protection Thomas Reed recommends using Dr.Web Light from the App Store. It's free, and since it's from the App Store, it won't destabilize the system. If you prefer one of the better known commercial products, then Thomas recommends using Sophos.(Thank you to Thomas Reed for these recommendations.) If you already use Sophos, then be aware of this if you are using Mavericks: OS X Mavericks- Sophos Anti-Virus on-access scanner versions 8.0 - 9.1 may cause unexpected restarts
    From user Joe Bailey comes this equally useful advice:
    The facts are:
    1. There is no anti-malware software that can detect 100% of the malware out there.
    2. There is no anti-malware that can detect anything targeting the Mac because there
         is no Mac malware in the wild, and therefore, no "signatures" to detect.
    3. The very best way to prevent the most attacks is for you as the user to be aware that
         the most successful malware attacks rely on very sophisticated social engineering
         techniques preying on human avarice, ****, and fear.
    4. Internet popups saying the FBI, NSA, Microsoft, your ISP has detected malware on
        your computer is intended to entice you to install their malware thinking it is a
        protection against malware.
    5. Some of the anti-malware products on the market are worse than the malware
        from which they purport to protect you.
    6. Be cautious where you go on the internet.
    7. Only download anything from sites you know are safe.
    8. Avoid links you receive in email, always be suspicious even if you get something
        you think is from a friend, but you were not expecting.
    9. If there is any question in your mind, then assume it is malware.

  • Help me Please.. I can log on to the Apple website to manage my account and all the information is correct, but I get "Your Apple ID has been disabled" when I try to get something from App Store on my iPad

    Help me Please.. I can log on to the Apple website to manage my account and all the information is correct, but I get “Your Apple ID has been disabled” when I try to get something from App Store on my iPad3
    I'm from poland.

    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance...
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • When I try to set up Icloud control panel in Windows Vista, I get "your setup couldn't be started because the Icloud server stopped responding. I've tried loads of fixes suggested on the net but none worked. Can anyone help me please?

    When I try to set up Icloud control panel in Windows Vista, I get "your setup couldn't be started because the Icloud server stopped responding. I've tried loads of fixes suggested on the net but none worked. Can anyone help me please?

    Hello, ksb2. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    We are investigating this issue. This article will be updated as more information becomes available.
    iCloud: iCloud Control Panel setup cannot be started
    Jason H.

  • How do you get your ipod touch to make a noise when people text you and to pop up on the screen my friend did something to her ipod to do this but i dont know how please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like she updated it but i already tried it!!!!!!

    how do you get your ipod touch to make a noise when people text you and to pop up on the screen my friend did something to her ipod to do this but i dont know how please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like she updated it but i already tried it!!!!!!i am very confused and want my ipod touch 4g like that please help thxns:)

    Go to Settings>Notifications and turn alerts/sounds on for the app(s) in question.  Not all apps have all options.

  • Facebook is not loading properly and all my text and images are lined up along the right side of the page. How can this get fixed to the way it use to be?

    Facebook is not loading properly and all my text and images are lined up along the right side of the page. How can this get fixed to the way it use to look?
    Everyone who logs into Facebook on my Firefox has this problem however if we use Internet Explorer - facebook looks normal.

    If you have increased the minimum font size then try the default setting "none" as a high value can cause issues like you described.
    * Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > Minimum Font Size (none)
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > [X] "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"

  • How to save a image with JSF and get your URL

    I need to save a image to my file system and get your URL. I�m working with JSF.
    1� Save a image Cup.jpg on the server
    2� Get your URL

    I don't understand what's the problem? Can you please elaborate? Show some code snippets and tell where you stucks on.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Obtaining root directory of web application

    Hi all. I am beginer in web application developing. You probably know how it is. Problem after problem:) So I started developing in JSF using NetBeans 6.0 with Tomcat 6.0.14 and i have the folowing problem: How can I programically get the root direct

  • I want to download my ipod nano on my home computer. It has been previously been downloaded on my work computer. Can this be done?

    I had my library on my old work computer, that is no longer available. I want to download my library to my home computer. Can I simply hook my 3rd gen. Nano up to my home computer and download my library? Thank you in advance for your help!! Rick T