HELP!  iPod gets stuck rebooting

I have a G3 iPod and am trying to recharge it as the low battery symbol appears when I reset it (It won't turn on with just the one touch - I need to literally reset it to get it to do anything). The apple symbol appears and 3 seconds later it looks as if it's trying to reboot (a glitch appears on the screen and I can hear clicking inside, with the 2 clicks sounding like an old rotary telephone). After the 2 clicks and the glitch, the apple symbol reappears and then just sits there. Things are still moving inside because I can hear a high pitch sound. I've tried the firewire charge, and direct to the AC but nothing seems to get it passed the glitch stage. Any suggestions? Thanks!

see doing the following helps
For Window computer
Go to folder “My Computer”
Hope you can see your iPod there and right click on the iPod
Choose “Format”. Ensure the settings are at “Default” and that “Quick Format” is not checked
Now select “Format”
Eject your iPod and do a Reset
Open the iTunes 7 and click “Restore”
I did what you kindly explained to me, but after formatting and restoring with Itunes7, the ipod won't show up in Itunes, and the Apple logo appears first, then the exclamation point folder and after the battery logo also pops up.
What should i do next to make it going?
Thanks much

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Have you tried this, even though the folder isn't always there?
    iPod Displays A Folder With An Exclamation Point

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    Plug your ipod into your computer. When it shows in iTunes it should show your ipod in the top. In the Versions section below there should be two things: "Your ipod is up to date" with an update button greyed out after it and "If you are experiencing problems...." right below that. At the end of that statement you should see a "restore" button. Click on that and it will as you if you are sure you want to restore as it will remove everything you put on your ipod from it. Click yes. It will then begin to reset it to factory settings. Finally, you will get a prompt telling you not to unplug your ipod as the process is completing and your ipod will show in itunes again when finished. Click "ok". When it is done it will show up as it did when you first purchased the ipod asking you to name it, etc.

  • HT4112 my Ipod gets stuck

    my Ipod gets stuck

    Lol really?! thats so freakin helpful! Be more specific please.
    Its like i was 5 years old trying to tell you something but you didnt know what i wanted untill i pointed it out and told you what i wanted, gotta be specific!

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    Try holding down the shift key when powering on. This will skip a few programs from loading.
    Hold down the shift key when booting into Mac OS X. this will check your file structure and do a repair. This will also leave off some files from being used.
    "What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X) "
    Try holding down the option key when powering on. This will bring up the startup manager. Perhaps 9 is installed. Click on icon then click on right arrow.
    This is an iMac g3 slot loader.
    Your Mac won't start up in Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.3.9 or earlier).
    Which iMac Is It? OK here are some more comparison charts:
    You need to figure out the level of your firmware before installing 10.2 or greater. ( The PC name for firmware is BIOS. ) Installing 10.2 with a down level firmware will most likely make your iMac unusable and difficult to fix.
    What is firmware?
    The firmware software receives control when you poweron your machine. It does some hardware testing and some hardware configuration then passes control to your version of Mac OS. It reside on a PROM ( program read only memory ) chip on the logic board.
    Open Firmware, boot into Open Firmware.
    Power on your iMac while holding down commandoption+of
    The first output line contains the firmware level. Mine reads:
    Apple PowerMac4,1 4.1.9f1 BootRom built on 09/14/01 at 13.18.04
    Copyright 1994-2001 Apple Computer Inc.
    On my machine, I have 4.1.9f1.
    What firmware do you need?
    For a slot loading iMac, this article indicates that you need to be running 9.1 or later version of Mac OS Classic.
    "The iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9 will only run on iMac computers with lot-loading CD or DVD drives running Mac OS 9.1 or later from a local drive. If you are using Mac OS X you must boot from a local Mac OS 9.1 or later writeable partition (not a CD, or network disk) prior to following the update instructions."
    You can download the Mac OS 9 updates from the Apple site.
    For tiger, you need 256meg of memory.
    Mac OS X 10.4: System requirements
    There is no need to partition. You can save hard drive space by doing a custom install. Leave out the print drivers you do not need and the languages you do not need. Doing so you will need about three gigabytes of space.
    You need to get into single use mode.
    This page will tell you how to get into single user mode.
    Basically, you hold down the command-s key then powering on your machine. The command key has a little apple symbol on the lower left. It is between the alt/option key and the space bar
    When you are in single user mode, you are in Unix. you can try looking in the log files to see if you can find anything.
    To see the current boot log you use the dmsg command.
    startup information is in /var/log/system.log
    to display the last 500 lines use the tail command.
    tail -n 500 /var/log/system.log | more
    For these commands you will need to gain write access to your startup disk. There are some comments at the end of the startup process that list the needed commands.
    mac $ ls -lF ~/zztemp.txt
    ls: /Users/mac/zztemp.txt: No such file or directory
    mac $ tail -n 500 /var/log/system.log | cat > ~/zztemp.txt
    mac $ nano ~/zztemp.txt
    mac $
    I assume the message contained /Library/Logs/CrashReporter. Do a change directory:
    cd /Library/Logs/CrashReporter
    mac $ pwd
    mac $ ls
    ???.crash.log VoiceCenter.crash.log
    Exited process.crash.log
    mac $ tail -n 400 \?\?\?.crash.log
    Host Name: ???
    Date/Time: 2008-09-15 14:28:37.577 -0400
    OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
    Report Version: 4

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    Try resetting it when this happens...
    Resetting Your iPod

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    By the looks of his iOS firmware and the current for this device, he was probably doing some "Unauthorized modification". @lllaass is right for what you are going to have to do. (If you aren't planning on "Unauthorized Modification" Stop reading) But you should be able use "redsn0w" first to save off your blobs so you can restore to your current firmware. In redsn0w... Extras>SHSH>Fetch. Then use google to read up on how to restore to your current firmware.

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    Message was edited by: granolabar2345
    < Title edited by Host >

    Other can be Album Artwork, Notes, Contacts, Firmware etc. or files that are on there if you are using the iPod as a removable storage device. If you feel that Other is being incorrectly reported then try restoring your iPod. Restoring will erase the iPod's hard drive, reload the software and put it back to default settings. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions and it should connect to iTunes and give you a prompt to automatically update your library onto the fresh installation. If you want to update manually or using selected playlists choose no and it will default to manual mode and you can choose whatever setting you like: Restoring iPod to factory settings with iTunes 7

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    DART enabled
    There is no hardware issue that I can tell. I fear my boot loader has been corrupted however, I am not expert and hope some of you may share some light on the subject.
    I can't boot into CD either selecting from the options screen it gets stuck as above.
    I am running Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0

    Here the full screen output at boot and where it gets stuck:
    *Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:57:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1229.15.4~1/RELEASE_PPC*
    *standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us*
    *vmpagebootstrap: 1020225 free pages and 28351 wired pages*
    *migtable_maxdispl = 79*
    *103 prelinked modules*
    *Loading security extensions*
    *calling mpopolicyinit for TMSafetyNet*
    *Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)*
    *Loading security extension*
    *Loading security extention*
    *calling mpopolicyinit for mb*
    *Seatbelt MACF policy initialized*
    *Security policy loaded: Seatbelt Policy (mb)*
    *Copyright (c) 1982, 1989, 1991, 1993*
    *The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.*
    *MAC Framework succesfully initialized*
    *using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers*
    *Airport_Brcm43xx::probe: 050b6000, 0*
    *DART enabled*

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    Have you tried resetting it?
    How to reset iPod

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    I don't know what a "hard reset" is.
    Have you tried a restore?
    See: How to restore the iPod to factory settings.

  • If your Ipod get stuck while syncing

    Here's what happened to me, My Ipod would sync and get to a certain song and keep trying and I'ld have to force quit. I would try agiain and it would be a different problem song, but would essentially be starting over each time.
    I changed IPOD cables and it worked perfectly. I think I ran over the first cable with my chair. I hope this helps anyone who finds this note in the future.

    I'd have chimed in on this 6 months ago but have been too busy. I have 2 80-Gb Classics, and multiple PC's & laptops at the house. One of the ipods started with this syncing issue about 7 months ago. Went through all the five R's, and all the other steps that everybody here has mentioned. I'm the systems engineer (PC) who will kill myself to solve a problem myself before calling for help, because that's the best way to learn, so I really jumped through a lot of additional hoops to narrow down exactly wherein lies the problem with this ipod.
    I believe that you'll agree that what I'm about to show proves Apple is in complete denial about this issue. After going through all the standard diagnostic steps on my "main" PC (trying to sync about 30GB of music), I've tried syncing the ipod with the issue to an additional Windows XP PC, a Windows XP laptop, and a friend's Mac notebook. The issue happens each and every time, randomly through the sync process, no matter which computer is doing the sync. As I tried it on each computer, I also tried swapping out the ipod cables. No change - sync locks up every time.
    So I pull out the other 80GB ipod that has no problem (my wife's), back it up, wipe it clean so that I'll be syncing the same 30GB dataset. No problem syncing on my "main" PC. Repeat the process, changing only the ipod cable. No problem, syncs fine. Repeat the process on the other PC and laptop (with the same 30GB dataset) just to reinforce my findings, works faultlessly every single time, with each ipod cable. I did not try it on the friend's Mac, since everything was fine every time at home.
    After all that, tried the "bad" ipod again - sync locks up every single time. With multiple versions of itunes tried, and multiple versions of ipod's software tried.
    Now you, the reader, can disagree with me here if you want, but at this point I believe I have proven definitely that there is a hardware problem with this ipod, and I will not consider otherwise, after all the steps I've taken to isolate the issue and rule out other variables.
    So I sent it in to Apple for warranty work. They sent it back saying they ran their diagnostics and nothing is wrong with it.
    Hey Apple - I ran your diagnostics (from itunes) too - they also said nothing was wrong with it. You know what's wrong with your diagnostics? You need to have a mode that allows the diagnostic to keep hammering the sync operation for a good long time - long enough to reproduce the error. All your diagnostics are proving is that initial communication is OK. No one is denying that initial communications are ok, otherwise the freaking sync wouldn't start! And considering the extremely detailed email I sent that initiated the whole tech support request, I'm inclined to think that your ipod tech's (or at least the one that evaluated mine) don't bother reading the complaint, or immediately assume that every customer is an idiot and therefore anything they say should be immediately discounted as such. Or maybe they're just mindless automatons reading from a list of problems/solutions and if it's not there, it's not real. Whatever. All I know is, I wasted my money on an extended warranty if this is the kind of support they provide.
    I'm wondering if I shouldn't take the good ipod and lock it in a hermetically sealed shrine, never using it again, just to reassure myself periodically that some of my money wasn't wasted..

  • HELP Ipod is stuck, will not shut down or respond to any button pushes

    my ipod suddenly will not do anything, I was playing it & skipped to a track on it & it got stuck, the screen shows now playing but it is not doing anything, I cant get it to shut down play etc, or respond to any button click wheel pushes. I can feel it vibrating in my hand, I have plugged it in to itunes & nothing, it does not see it nor does windows. it has been working good so far, I just got it off ebay from someone 2-3 weeks ago. I have been using an inexpensive usb & AC charger with it, I did not see any reason to pay more for other branded usb & ac power adapters. I can feel it vibrating when I press the buttons but nothing happens.
    I need some input soon, I dont want it to burn out.

    what is causing it to crash? is there anyway to prevent it? I am using an inexpensive USB cable & AC power charger, can this cause problems? is there any difference between the cheap ones & the more expensive ones? I did not see any reason in paying 30.00 odd dollars for items that I can get for about 5.00 to to the same job, charge & sync my ipod. I have also just bought & been using an apple ipod radio remote to listen to FM radio, can this cause any problems?
    Do skipping around to different songs & albums & sections on my ipod cause problems? is this bad for the hard drive?
    when I 1st got the ipod, & hooked it up to itunes, I did not have to register it or anything, itunes just synced my library to it, in the info section on my ipod, it reads format; windows, & I am on a windows PC so it seemed ready to go.
    do I need to do anything else to it now? it seems to be working now.

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