HELP: iTunes  V7 won't install

I cannot believe that a company like Apple would abuse its users and customers as badly as I have experienced this morning. All I wanted to do was to buy a couple of songs. I found what I wanted and added them to my shopping cart using iTunes 6. I couldn't find my cart to check out.
I went to help which said that the cart would be found under sources. Not! I couldn't find it anywhere. By this time I had spent nearly an hour.
I decided to take the recommendation to upgrade to V7. I downloaded the file and initiated the installation. I got a message saying that the installation program couldn't handle the version of the ipod software I had installed.
I uninstalled iTunes V6. I tried to uninstall the iPod software but it will not uninstall.
Trying to install V7 still produces the same message. I now have wasted 2.5 hours and have no working version of iTunes or iPod. What a mess.
Anyone got any ideas? You certainly cannot get any direct support from Apple.

I uninstalled iTunes V6. I tried to uninstall the iPod software but it will not uninstall.
do you get an error message when you try to uninstall the iPod updater? if so, what does it say? include error message numbers if you're getting any.

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    Install failed "APS DAEMON.EXE error. MSVCR80.dll missing" and "iTunes not installed correctly. Error 7 (windows error 1236)"
    What do I do now?

    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you go to the general iTunes for Windows forum, where this subject has been addressed in a number of threads.

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    Hi brunos mum, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it finishes.

  • ITunes 5 Won't Install -- Hangs on Unscheduling Apple Updates

    Windows 7 64bit
    Trying to update from last version to new version. Install goes until it hits the part where the dialog box says "Unscheduling Apple Software Update," the green bars goes a partial way, stops, retreats. Another dialog box appears and says "There is a problem with this Windows Installation Package. A program required for this installation could not be run. Contact..."
    Then it backs out and reverts to the original/last iTunes version.
    Tried disabling AV and joy.
    Any suggestions?

    using MSICUU2.exe didn't help me.  But,  the new replacement app did:
    I fixed my problem like this:
    Here's the deal - 
    1.  can you install itunes via the APPLE SOFTWARE updater?
    I couldn't  so I downloaded ITUNES and tried to install it that way.   Hence  I got the same error hang as you.  Nothing worked,  (Multiple attempts at uninstall reinstall,  stopping of Services,  Reg cleaners  etc..)
    2.  If answer is NO to #1 you must fixe the APPLE SOFTWARE UPDATE Program. 
    OK  so I couldn't find a Download for this.   But:  if you have WINRAR,  open the ITUNES.EXE and extract the APPLESOFTWAREUPDATE.MSI file.  Execute the APPLESOFTWAREUPDATE.MSI separately.   And you will not be able to install it and have a similar issue as per your Itunes install.   This of course leads you to believe that the Itunes.exe  install is also installing all of these components including the applesoftwareupdate silently.   It must BOMB at that portion of the install and you are done. 
    3.  Your goal now is to get the applesoftwareupdate installed.   How do you do this.  Well -  here is what I did.
      a.  downloaded and RUN a PC  Installer FIX it tool from Microsoft.  This is a replacement for the older MSI fixer they used to use.
    b. It will list programs to attempt to fix.
      choose  AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi
    c. Once it is done,  then reinstall apple program updater using
    Finally it should install since the Microsoft tool appraently fixed corrupted installation files in your registry for this application.
    (Please note:  that I also disabled any apple related services such as BONJOUR or IPOD DEvice RUN:  services.msc to get there -  although this man not be necesarry.)
    Hence Launch this APPLE UPDATE SOFTWARE (Click the ICON in your Start menu)  it should list ITUNES
    select ITUNES from here and it will update.
    KEY HERE is to ONLY UPDATE APPLE Stuff via the APPLE SOFTWARE UPDATE program.  If that program is not working fix it.  Then Bingo.
    I am sorry to see folks having this problem for weeks.  
    APPLE,   Spread the word.  PC's can get corruption in the registry on your product should the update be stopped or computer shut off during an update.  etc...   Please improve your software updater program to check for invalid registry upon launching the app.  This will prevent people thinking it is an APPLE issue.  It appears to be a problem on your PC's registry settings for the APPLE Software update.
    Bruno Ricci

  • ITunes 5 Won't Install -- Hangs on Unscheduling Apple Software Update

    Windows 7 64bit
    Trying to update from last version to new version.  Install goes until it hits the part where the dialog box says "Unscheduling Apple Software Update," the green bars goes a partial way, stops, retreats.  Another dialog box appears and says "There is a problem with this Windows Installation Package.  A program required for this installation could not be run.  Contact..."
    Then it backs out and reverts to the original/last iTunes version.
    Any suggestions?

    Here's the deal - 
    1.  can you install itunes via the APPLE SOFTWARE updater?
      I couldn't  so I downloaded ITUNES and tried to install it that way.   Hence  I got the same error hang as you.  Nothing worked,  (Multiple attempts at uninstall reinstall,  stopping of Services,  Reg cleaners  etc..)
    2.  If answer is NO to #1 you must fixe the APPLE SOFTWARE UPDATE Program. 
    OK  so I couldn't find a Download for this.   But:  if you have WINRAR,  open the ITUNES.EXE and extract the APPLESOFTWAREUPDATE.MSI file.  Execute the APPLESOFTWAREUPDATE.MSI separately.   And you will not be able to install it and have a similar issue as per your Itunes install.   This of course leads you to believe that the Itunes.exe  install is also installing all of these components including the applesoftwareupdate silently.   It must BOMB at that portion of the install and you are done.  
    3.  Your goal now is to get the applesoftwareupdate installed.   How do you do this.  Well -  here is what I did.
      a.  downloaded and RUN a PC  Installer FIX it tool from Microsoft.  This is a replacement for the older MSI fixer they used to use.
    b. It will list programs to attempt to fix.
      choose  AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi
    c. Once it is done,  then reinstall apple program updater using
    Finally it should install since the Microsoft tool appraently fixed corrupted installation files in your registry for this application.
    (Please note:  that I also disabled any apple related services such as BONJOUR or IPOD DEvice RUN:  services.msc to get there -  although this man not be necesarry.)
    Hence Launch this APPLE UPDATE SOFTWARE (Click the ICON in your Start menu)  it should list ITUNES
    select ITUNES from here and it will update.
    KEY HERE is to ONLY UPDATE APPLE Stuff via the APPLE SOFTWARE UPDATE program.  If that program is not working fix it.  Then Bingo.
    I am sorry to see folks having this problem for weeks.  
    APPLE,   Spread the word.  PC's can get corruption in the registry on your product should the update be stopped or computer shut off during an update.  etc...   Please improve your software updater program to check for invalid registry upon launching the app.  This will prevent people thinking it is an APPLE issue.  It appears to be a problem on your PC's registry settings for the APPLE Software update.
    Bruno Ricci

  • Help need please! iTunes update won't install on Vista

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    One hint maybe is that before updating iTunes I got this message: The file "itune library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes".
    Help please!

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Instead of updating iTunes from the Mac App Store, download it from the Apple site -> After downloading it, open the downloaded file and install iTunes 12.0.1.

  • ITunes 7 won't install on windows 2000 (network error) but iTunes 6 works

    Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. I have been trying for almost a week to download the "Idol gives back" videos but I'm not able to with iTunes 6. Says I have to upgrade...sounds easy enough, so I download Itunes 7. I already have the latest quicktime installed and it works fine. The setup for iTunes 7, however, will not work. I get this exact message:
    Could not access network location iTunes\.
    I read in another forum that editing some registry keys would help but that didn't work. What does this error mean? And why won't iTunes 7 work with Windows 2000 whenever iTunes 6 works perfectly? This is very frustrating, all I want to do is download the Idol gives back videos to help out the children's charities. I never thought they would make it so difficult. I know I can't be the only one with iTunes 7 issues. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    that's normal. a number of the error messages that displayed with a number in 6.0.x and earlier versions of iTunes (like the 1606, the 1316 and certain species of the 1402) no longer get the number showing up with the error message with the 7.x installers. (it seems to have been part and parcel of the change away from basing the installers on InstallShield technology.)
    okay, let's try the general advice from the following document to see if that can help:
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime software in Windows

  • Can download iTunes, but won't install

    I get the following error in the iTunes + QuickTime box:
    The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.
    I've read so many articles and have been trying to fix this problem for months now. Please help.

    Why won't it install?  Are there any errors?
    We are not mind readers, if help is desired it is up to the user to provide useful details.
    Also, hopefully the media on the computer and other important data was backed up.  Reinstalling iTunes does not cause that content to magically re-appear.

  • HELP: iTunes crashes (won't open), and Apple website crashes Explorer too

    I've had an iPod for years, and have 16G + of music in my library on my old desktop computer. That computer is EXTREMELY slow, however.
    I got an iPhone last week. So since I want more ease of music access, I thought I'd install iTunes on my laptop (which is so much faster), and move my music from my old desktop.
    Last weekend, I only got around to installing iTunes on my laptop, and authorizing that computer so I could download some apps.
    This weekend, I tried to open iTunes on my old desktop computer again, so I could start the process of moving my music library to the laptop. I was surprised to discover that iTunes won't even open anymore, at all. I just get the standard error message, "iTunes 8.0 experienced a problem and had to close." Believe me, I've restarted the computer several times, and it still won't open. I've run Norton, and there are no viruses identified either.
    So, I thought I should go to the Apple website and download the program again. Not possible! Anytime I even try to go to or or, my Explorer browser window crashes. In fact, it crashes any and ALL open browser windows, not just the one that I typed an apple URL into.
    I'm fortunate that can use my laptop to access this apple forum, or I'd really be at a loss.
    Is this happening because I authorized my laptop? It seems more like an evil Apple-hating Microsoft virus somehow...
    What can I possibly do to get my iTunes library (all 16 gigs of it) to my laptop, WITH all my carefully organized playlists, etc?

    Sounds a lot like a virus I had on my finally forced me to wipe everything and go with the laptop.
    However you could try to download Firefox, or another browser, and then try to log onto Apple. Maybe its completely an Explorer issue? Cant hurt to try at least. Firefox is quick and free to download.
    And no, I am not one of those "Firefox is the answer to everything" could try the new Google Chrome browser as well.
    Good luck..I know how frustrating this is. I hope something works.

  • Itunes installer won't install itunes 7.1 (VISTA)

    I unistalled itunes 7.0.2 and tried to install the newest version of itunes. After i allowed windows to start the install a Windows installer window opened and the install process stopped with a window that said 'quicktime did not install. quicktime is a necessary component of itunes.' Anyone out there that can help me?

    this is the text in the windows installer window:
    Windows ® Installer. V 4.00.6000.0
    msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter]
    Install Options
    </package | /i> <Product.msi>
    Installs or configures a product
    /a <Product.msi>
    Administrative install - Installs a product on the network
    /j<u|m> <Product.msi> [/t <Transform List>] [/g <Language ID>]
    Advertises a product - m to all users, u to current user
    </uninstall | /x> <Product.msi | ProductCode>
    Uninstalls the product
    Display Options
    Quiet mode, no user interaction
    Unattended mode - progress bar only
    Sets user interface level
    n - No UI
    b - Basic UI
    r - Reduced UI
    f - Full UI (default)
    Help information
    Restart Options
    Do not restart after the installation is complete
    Prompts the user for restart if necessary
    Always restart the computer after installation
    Logging Options
    /l[i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|x|+|!|*] <LogFile>
    i - Status messages
    w - Nonfatal warnings
    e - All error messages
    a - Start up of actions
    r - Action-specific records
    u - User requests
    c - Initial UI parameters
    m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
    o - Out-of-disk-space messages
    p - Terminal properties
    v - Verbose output
    x - Extra debugging information
    + - Append to existing log file
    ! - Flush each line to the log
    * - Log all information, except for v and x options
    /log <LogFile>
    Equivalent of /l* <LogFile>
    Update Options
    /update <Update1.msp>[;Update2.msp]
    Applies update(s)
    /uninstall <PatchCodeGuid>[;Update2.msp] /package <Product.msi | ProductCode>
    Remove update(s) for a product
    Repair Options
    /f[p|e|c|m|s|o|d|a|u|v] <Product.msi | ProductCode>
    Repairs a product
    p - only if file is missing
    o - if file is missing or an older version is installed (default)
    e - if file is missing or an equal or older version is installed
    d - if file is missing or a different version is installed
    c - if file is missing or checksum does not match the calculated value
    a - forces all files to be reinstalled
    u - all required user-specific registry entries (default)
    m - all required computer-specific registry entries (default)
    s - all existing shortcuts (default)
    v - runs from source and recaches local package
    Setting Public Properties
    Consult the Windows ® Installer SDK for additional documentation on the
    command line syntax.
    Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

  • ITunes / Quicktime won't install - error message during in installation

    My computer, a Dell running with Windows Vista, has not been able to have iTunes & Quicktime installed on it in months. I've attempted to install it a countless number of times & tried a variety of things with my computer to install it but it just doesn't work - I get the same error message everytime. I can't even remember what happened to make it start acting so ridiculous.
    It always starts out looking good and everything seems to be working pretty well, the green bar filling up pretty quickly, but then the 'Status' gets to about 'Publishing product information' and the error message pops up and I can't install it. It goes along the lines of "A error occurred during the installation of assembly: ..." then it goes on to say 'Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x8007054F'. Here's a screenshot of the error message with the long whatever on it:
    I believe I get the same message even when I attempt to download the two software separately (iTunes & Quicktime).
    Can any one tell me what needs to be done? I have no idea what to try anymore. All help will be much appreciated. Thank you .
    P.S.: If it helps, I can't really reinstall Internet Explorer (removed it when I downloaded Firefox).

    (3) And I do not believe I have Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 installed on this computer, as I just tried to install it and I received this error message:
    Okay ... that rules out one possible treatment. Sometimes people with the redistributable installed can get past this by applying a security update for it ... but it looks like the same sorts of problems are preventing it from installing.
    (2) And last time I checked my History I had several failures I believe, however now I only see one failed update, that being Update for Windows (KB944036). The error code listed 8000FFFF. Apparently it's an update for Internet Explorer 8.
    The other primary strategy we (I?) have for dealing with these is to attempt to treat any underlying issues on the PC that prevent Windows Updates from installing. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that your 8000FFFF is related to your IE being uninstalled, I think we'd probably better try following up on the following document:
    [Error when you download updates using Windows Update or Microsoft Update: 8000FFFF|]
    After applying those measures, do your Windows update and/or iTunes installation failures clear up?

  • Itunes CD won't install Quicktime

    I just bought a Ipod Video 30gb.
    when I install Itunes, half way through, there comes the screen that says that Itunes has encountered a problem and needs to be closed, then you can choose send or don't send error report. when I look at the technical information it always say that files like
    that always end on appcompat.txt will be included in the report. I can't try to install the standalone QT version because I live in the middle of nowhere and only have 24.5k modem internet.
    PLZ anyone help me I have tried everything I've been able to find....
    Love Siwan
    windows   Windows XP  
    windows   Windows XP  

    hi siwan!
    "The following file does not exist or is not a valid uninstallation log file.
    yuck. that one usually responds to brute force rather than finesse ... installing a standalone QT over top of the existing installation.
    ... but the problem is getting a standalone QT 7.0.3 installer for you.
    so let's just try some finesse, on the off chance it works in your case. try downloading the Installer Cleanup utility:
    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
    when you install and run that, can you find any installation registry entries for QT 7.0.3?
    (checking on this first, because sometimes in these cases no such entries show up.)
    if they do show up, try removing them. then use the QT component of the uninstall instructions given here as a guide to a manual uninstall:
    Troubleshooting iTunes, iPod Software, and QuickTime installation on Windows
    and then let's try that repair technique again.
    (a good idea to switch off antispyware and antivirus applications prior to the repair.)
    keep us posted.
    love, b

  • Itunes 64 Won't install. Volume F is currently unavailable

    Hello community, I am not much of a computer expert in drivers and all that stuff. However, when run the install itunes exe. it says that Driver F is out of disk space. And when I try to change the destination folder, it says its currently unavailable.
    Can someone please help me? Any help is appreciated.

    Although you're getting slightly different error messages, I'd try the following user tip with that one:
    "Invalid Drive X:\" install errors

  • Itunes 7 won't install

    I tried to install the newest itunes, but just before it can finish installing, an error message appears saying "itunes cabinet file is corrupt and unusable." Please help. I've never had a problem with downloading and installing itunes versions until now and it concerns me.

    itunes cabinet file is corrupt and unusable."
    that one corresponds to the 1335 error message that folks used to get with earlier versions of itunes. so perhaps Matt Sliva's technique from this post is worth a try with that one:
    Matthew Sliva: re: Error 1335 is corrupt

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