Help me with Hyperdraw velocity crescendo selection

I used to be able to do this... but for whatever reason I can't anymore. What I want to do is this : I have a midi drum track with kick snares, hi hats, etc... I want to draw a crescendo on the snares with "hyper Draw" velocity. I used to be able to select only the snares, and draw the velocity with the pencil while holding the shift key to change the vel of the snares only. It does'nt work anymore... I can only make a crescendo on all the notes. Anybody have a hint for me ? Maybe I'm doing something wrong...
I know I can do the same thing with the transformer, but I just prefer doing it manually.

instead of changing the velocity of the selected notes...
But it does affect the velocity of the selected notes somehow.
This is a bug introduced with release 2 of Logic 7... One workaround is to make sure the notes you select are legato, else the function will sort of "fill the holes" with [out of range] G-2 notes — it also depends on the current snap resolution. However, if this is a feature you seldom use, it's probably smoother to get rid of the extra notes afterward.

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    Could anyone help me with this.

    One solution to most of your questions : Read the advanced table section of Dev guide.
    Always go through the dev guide before putting up the issue. Let the forum be for those scenarios which dev guide doesn't covers in much detail.

  • Please Help me with long time oracle  select sequence.nextval from dual

    I'm in a real problem.In fact i have a J2EE5(JPA,Hibernate 3,EJB 3.0) project deployed at websphere 6 application server and i'm using Oracle 10 g R2.
    Well i have a batch job that inserts into some table called AVERAGEBALANCE.
    the problem is that when i have activated hibernate log i discoverd that the select from dual is the longest sql (it takes some times over second !!)
    here is the log
    11/07/2011 08:49:40,468 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-2 - select this_.PK_ as PK1_465_0_, this_.CDATE_ as CDATE2_465_0_, this_.CUSER_ as CUSER3_465_0_, this_.UUSER_ as UUSER4_465_0_, this_.BALANCE_ as BALANCE5_465_0_, this_.BALANCETYPE_ as BALANCET6_465_0_, this_.CASHSUBACCOUNTPK_ as CASHSUBA8_465_0_, this_.CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_ as CASHSUBA7_465_0_, this_.CODE_ as CODE9_465_0_, this_.CURRENCYPK_ as CURRENCYPK11_465_0_, this_.CURRENCYCODE_ as CURRENC10_465_0_, this_.ENDDATE_ as ENDDATE12_465_0_, this_.EXCHANGERATE_ as EXCHANG13_465_0_, this_.ORIGINBALANCEPK_ as ORIGINB15_465_0_, this_.ORIGINBALANCECODE_ as ORIGINB14_465_0_, this_.POSITIONDATE_ as POSITIO16_465_0_, this_.REVALUATIONDATE_ as REVALUA17_465_0_, this_.SUMOFCREDITS_ as SUMOFCR18_465_0_, this_.SUMOFDEBITS_ as SUMOFDE19_465_0_, this_.UDATE_ as UDATE20_465_0_, this_.VERSIONNUM_ as VERSIONNUM21_465_0_ from CASHAB this_ where this_.CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_=? and this_.BALANCETYPE_=? and this_.POSITIONDATE_<? and this_.ENDDATE_>=? and this_.BALANCE_<>?
    11/07/2011 08:49:40,468 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-2 - select AVERAGEBALANCE_.nextval from dual
    11/07/2011 08:49:41,484 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-2 - insert into AVERAGEBALANCE (CDATE_, CUSER_, AVERAGEBALANCE_, AVERAGECREDITORBALANCE_, AVERAGEDEBITORBALANCE_, BEGINDATE_, CALCULATIONDATE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTPK_, CODE_, ENDDATE_, NBCREDITORDAYS_, NBDEBITORDAYS_, TEDABCALCULATIONPERIODICITYPK_, VERSIONNUM_, PK_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)well i have increased the sequence cache in fact here is the creation code of the sequence.
    CREATE SEQUENCE  "COMPTAPERF5"."AVERAGEBALANCE_"  MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 CACHE 400 NOORDER  NOCYCLE   ;i think that there is some oracle parameter to tune
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 01:04
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:33
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:34
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:34
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:35
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:35
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 11 juil. 2011 06:36
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:42

    I found it.
    It's not due to oracle but it's a hibernate issue.In fact if setting FlushMode to Manual.It wil flush the in memory entities after that it will fire the insert statement.
    Here's the log.
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - select CASHAB_.nextval from dual
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - preparing statement
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG SequenceGenerator:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Sequence identifier generated: 20441
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1, globally: 1)
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - closing statement
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - aggressively releasing JDBC connection
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - releasing JDBC connection [ (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)]
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractSaveEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - generated identifier: 20441, using strategy:
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractSaveEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - saving [com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance#20441]
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Versioning:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - using initial version: 0
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - flushing session
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing flush-time cascades
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - done processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - done processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE Cascade:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - done processing cascade ACTION_PERSIST_ON_FLUSH for: com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - dirty checking collections
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Processing unreferenced collections
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Flushed: 1 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 3 objects
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - listing entities:
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency{translatedName=null, certain=false, iso3166=788, quotity=1, identifier=TND, creationUser=admin, internalCode=null, name=Dinars Tunisien, creationDate=2011-07-11 14:43:06, code=TND, versionNum=0, decimal=3, updateUser=null, updateDate=null, pk=136, decimalName=millimes}
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance{cashSubAccount=com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount#400201, originBalanceCode=null, exchangeRate=null, sumOfDebits=0.0, endDate=31 décembre 9999, creationUser=bna, currencyPk=136, creationDate=2011-07-15 15:32:47, cashSubAccountCode=BNA/PCI_BNA/82-TND, code=2010-07-30/BNA/PCI_BNA/82-TND/AccountingDateBalance/TND, versionNum=0, originBalancePk=null, currency=com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency#136, updateUser=null, originBalance=null, balanceType=AccountingDateBalance, updateDate=null, positionDate=30 juillet 2010, sumOfCredits=10.0, pk=20441, cashSubAccountPk=400201, revaluationDate=null, balance=-10.0, currencyCode=TND}
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG Printer:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.CashSubAccount{name2=null, accountPk=81, name=null, versionNum=0, currency=com.bfi.ref.cur.Currency#136, updateDate=null, chartByEntity=com.bfi.cpt.cht.std.ChartByEntity#2, refAccount=null, currencyCode=TND, chartByEntityCode=BNA/PCI_BNA, refAccountCode=null, creationDate=2011-07-15 15:25:45, account=com.bfi.cpt.cht.cas.StandardAccount#81, freeKey10=null, freeKey11=null, chartByEntityPk=2, freeKey12=null, updateUser=null, refAccountPk=null, freeKey13=null, freeKey14=null, freeKey15=null, freeKey16=null, freeKey17=null, accountCode=PCI_BNA/81, freeKey18=null, freeKey19=null, freeKey0=null, freeKey1=null, freeKey2=null, freeKey3=null, freeKey4=null, freeKey5=null, freeKey6=null, freeKey7=null, freeKey8=null, freeKey9=null, number=82-TND, creationUser=bna, freeKey20=null, freeKey21=null, freeKey22=null, freeKey23=null, freeKey24=null, freeKey25=null, freeKey26=null, freeKey27=null, freeKey28=null, freeKey29=null, currencyPk=136, code=BNA/PCI_BNA/82-TND, freeKey30=null, freeKey31=null, freeKey32=null, pk=400201}
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractFlushingEventListener:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - executing flush
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - registering flush begin
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG UpdateTimestampsCache:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Pre-invalidating space [CASHAB]
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractEntityPersister:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Inserting entity: [com.bfi.cpt.bal.cas.CashAccountingBalance#20441]
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 TRACE AbstractEntityPersister:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - Version: 0
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0)
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG ConnectionManager:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - opening JDBC connection
    15/07/2011 15:32:47,984 DEBUG SQL:DefaultQuartzScheduler-SimpleThreadPoolWorker-4 - insert into CASHAB (CDATE_, CUSER_, BALANCE_, BALANCETYPE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTCODE_, CASHSUBACCOUNTPK_, CODE_, CURRENCYCODE_, CURRENCYPK_, ENDDATE_, POSITIONDATE_, SUMOFCREDITS_, SUMOFDEBITS_, VERSIONNUM_, PK_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:38
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:39
    Edited by: B.Mansour Nizar on 15 juil. 2011 07:43

  • Please help me with selecting the right institute for me

    HI All,
    Please help me which institute I should select for my SAP SD training?
    Sales overview
    Enterprise structure related to SD
    Master data, like Customer master data, material master data, condition master data and Output master data.
    Partner determination
    Sales document types
    Item categories
    Schedule line categories
    Pricing: Condition table, access sequence, Condition type, pricing procedure
    Stock Posting
    Free goods
    Bills of Material
    Material determination
    Material Listing and Exclusion
    Incompletion logs
    Revenue account determination
    Credit management
    Outline agreements like quantity contract, value contract and scheduling agreements
    Shipping process like Shipping point determination, Route determination, Shipping conditions picking ,PGI
    Delivery types
    Delivery item categories
    Invoice process
    Billing types
    Special sales processes like cash sales, rush orders ,consignment process and Third party process
    Return sales process
    Credit memo process
    Debit memo process
    Availability check
    Rebate processing
    Intercompany sales
    Output determination
    Copy control
    Integration with MM,FI
    Technical topics like ABAP tables, user exits and IDOC’s
    Real time scenario’s
    1. Introduction to Supply chain management
    2. Introduction to SAP ERP package
    3. Introduction to ASAP implementation methodology
    4. Lecture Demo on Basic navigation skills in SAP R/3
    5. SAP landscape. Tips and tricks
    6. Introduction to Enterprise structure in SD
    7. Overview of Material master records
    8. Demo on ROH, HAL and FERT creation
    9. Hands on exercise on creation of material mastesr records in SAP
    10. Introduction to SD master data (Business partners, conditions and outputs)
    11. Introduction to order processing and Demo
    12. Hands on exercises on sales order processing
    13. Introduction to delivery process, picking and post goods issue process
    14. Introduction to stock transport orders and inter-company stock transport Orders
    15. Exercises on delivery with respect to sales orders
    16. Introduction to billing process (Customer billing, Inter-company, Proforma, Credit memo and Debit memo)
    17. Introduction pricing procedure, condition records, condition tables and access sequence.
    18. Configuration on SD sales order types, delivery and billing
    19. Warehouse management overview
    20. Introduction to SAP WM configuration
    21. Demo by instructor on configuration
    22. Develop configuration scripts
    23. Introduction to develop BPP
    24. Hands on exercises to students
    25. Introduction to WM master data
    26. Introduction to transaction data in WM
    27. Hands on exercises on creation of master data elements in WM
    28. Hands on exercises to students on WM transaction data
    29. Introduction to CTS process (SE10, SCC1)
    30. Demo on WM business scenarios and integration points
    31. Introduction to develop integration test scenarios. Develop test scripts
    32. Introduction to OSS notes and SAP Help
    33. Introduction to EAI tools, FID, RF Gun, MDE, SAP console and hand held devices
    34. Introduction to SAP bold on tools (SRM, CRM, BW, SEM, GTS, CIC, FSCM, DP, SNP, PP/DS, GATP, CIF and Plug in)
    35. Introduction to quick reference guides, cheat sheet, FAQ, work instructions, job aides, transaction aides, work instructions and change management
    36.Interface between SD & FI
    37.C forms, H forms
    38.Excise Related Invoices
    39.CIN configuration (taxes)
    40. Debugging with help of ABAP Tool
    41.Excise Returns Process with pricing details
    42.Order, Delivery, Billing, exicise, Output types configuration

    You should talk to various institute.

  • Need help with union of two selects

    select 1 selects items for a timespan.
    But if there is nothing found at one date,
    the date is not returned so I want a union with a calendar table
    Both selects work but how to make the union?
    Thanks for any help!
    select 1:
    fb_operation prodstep,
    kalenderwoche datum
    FROM stoerung,
    WHERE str_kommenzeit > to_date('13.06.2006', '')
    AND str_kommenzeit < to_date('11.07.2006', '')
    AND to_char(str_kommenzeit,'') = to_char(fulldate,'')
    GROUP BY fb_operation,
    ORDER BY fb_operation,
    select 2:
    SELECT kalenderwoche datum
    from kalender
    WHERE fulldate > to_date('13.06.2006', '')
    AND fulldate < to_date('11.07.2006', '')

    I tested it and it gave me good results
    the problem I still have is that then I expand the Date to
    to_date('11.12.2006') I just get the weeks
    that contain data. But I need all weeks that are selected, if there is
    no data the other fields shall be null or 0.
    This is much too difficult for me perhaps you can also help me with this!
    select * from
    fb_operation prodstep,
    kalenderwoche datum
    FROM stoerung,
    WHERE str_kommenzeit > to_date('13.06.2006', '')
    AND str_kommenzeit < to_date('11.12.2006', '')
    AND to_char(str_kommenzeit,'') = to_char(fulldate,'')
    GROUP BY fb_operation,
    ORDER BY fb_operation,
    kalenderwoche) A,
    (SELECT kalenderwoche datum
    from kalender
    WHERE fulldate > to_date('13.06.2006', '')
    AND fulldate < to_date('11.12.2006', '') ) B
    where A.datum = B.datum (+)

  • Help please with adf table select one

    I have a table made from a "data control" an af:tableSelectOne. I put an af:CommandButton on the same page. When I click this button I want to set the current record to the selected row, then I forward to a page where the user is asked to confirm deletion of the selected record. My problem is that no matter what I select the first row is always returned.
    What I tried to do was binding setCurrentRowWithKey to that button, this made no difference in the behavior. The delete page always comes up with the first row selected.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Is your button inside the <af:tableSelectOne> area?
    This should work by default if you drag the data-control to create a table with a select option and a submit button. Then you can drag the delete button next to the submit button, or even bind the delete operation to the existing submit button.

  • Help required with Select statment..... ASAP pls

    HI All,
    Let me desc my table first .
    01                             NOT NULL VARCHAR2(5)                                                                                                                                                                                  
    02                             NOT NULL VARCHAR2(5)                                                                                                                                                                                  
    03                             NOT NULL VARCHAR2(5)                                                                                                                                                                                  
    04                             NOT NULL VARCHAR2(5)
    31                                                    This is how table has been created(Note:not by me)
    select name from  od_shift  where year=2011 and month='Feb' and  "02"='W"{code}-->no doubt this is working fine
    My problem is rather putting the number directly ("01","02","03"....."31") 
    I need to take it from the first two digits of date('01-feb-2011') 
    like {code}
      select name from  od_shift  where year=2011 and month='Feb' and  to_char(to_date('01-feb-2011','dd-mon-yyyy'),'dd')='W" but this is not working
    kindly help me with this .
    Edited by: Basva on Mar 8, 2011 4:53 AM

    Pleiadian wrote:
    You could do a case statement. It's not elegant, but it works
    Edit: smon's solution is better if pl/sql is an optionI disagree, it's quite elegant given the cirumstances of that sick table. And it definitely beats a dynamic SQL solution.
    @Basva - when will you realize that your table is no good, and needs to be normalized into a more traditional relational table?

  • Could someone help me with a Runtime Error while saving a PDF file?

    While saving a 28 page PDF file in Illustrator today, I got a window saying, "This application has requested the "Runtime" to terminate it in a unusual way." It said to contact the applications support team for more information. I keep getting the same thing each time I try it. Does anyone know how to fix this issue or how I contact the applications support team ?
    Thank you for any insight.

    It is a 13.5x11 inch calendar. There are 14 pages with images on them and
    some text. The other pages have text, a grid and a colored background with a
    gaussian blur. I saved each page as an "outline".
    The printer I am using requested I save all pages in a pdf file. I was
    successful in saving all but about six pages, now I can't even open the
    What happens is... I open Illustrator
                                   I open the pdf file
                                   A window appears that says... Runtime Error,
    This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
    way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
                                   I select ok
                                   then a window appears that says... Adobe
    Illustrator CS5 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop
    working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a
    solution is available.
                                   Then the program closes.
    So far I have not been notified of anything.
    Please let me know if you need more details.
    Thank you so much for helping me with this.

  • Can someone pls help me with this code

    The method createScreen() creates the first screen wherein the user makes a selection if he wants all the data ,in a range or single data.The problem comes in when the user makes a selection of single.that then displays the singleScreen() method.Then the user has to input a key data like date or invoice no on the basis of which all the information for that set of data is selected.Now if the user inputs a wrong key that does not exist for the first time the program says invalid entry of data,after u click ok on the option pane it prompts him to enter the data again.But since then whenever the user inputs wrong data the program says wrong data but after displaying the singlescreen again does not wait for input from the user it again flashes the option pane with the invalid entry message.and this goes on doubling everytime the user inputs wrong data.the second wrong entry of data flashes the error message twice,the third wrong entry flashes the option pane message 4 times and so on.What actually happens is it does not wait at the singlescreen() for user to input data ,it straight goes into displaying the JOptionPane message for wrong data entry so we have to click the optiion pane twice,four times and so on.
    Can someone pls help me with this!!!!!!!!!
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MainMenu extends JFrame implements ActionListener,ItemListener{
         FileReaderDemo1 fd=new FileReaderDemo1();
         FileReaderDemo1 fr;
         Swing1Win sw;
         int monthkey=1,counter=0;
         boolean flag=false,splitflag=false;
         String selection,monthselection,dateselection="01",yearselection="00",s,searchcriteria="By Date",datekey,smonthkey,invoiceno;
         String singlesearcharray[];
         String[] monthlist={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
         String[] datelist=new String[31];
         String[] yearlist=new String[100];
         String[] searchlist={"By Date","By Invoiceno"};
         Hashtable allinvoicesdata=new Hashtable();
         Vector data=new Vector();
         Enumeration keydata;
         JButton next=new JButton("NEXT>>");
         JComboBox month,date,year,search;
         JLabel bydate,byinvno,trial;
         JTextField yeartext,invtext;
         JPanel panel1,panel2,panel3,panel4;
         JRadioButton single,range,all;
         ButtonGroup group;
         JButton select=new JButton("SELECT");
    //frame and layout declarations
         JFrame jf;
         Container con;
         GridBagLayout gridbag=new GridBagLayout();
         GridBagConstraints gc=new GridBagConstraints();
              jf=new JFrame();
              fr=new FileReaderDemo1();
    //This is thefirst screen displayed
         public void createScreen(){
              group=new ButtonGroup();
              single=new JRadioButton("SINGLE");
              range=new JRadioButton("RANGE");
              all=new JRadioButton("ALL");
              search=new JComboBox(searchlist);
              search.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());     
         public class MyActionListener implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a){
                   JComboBox cb=(JComboBox)a.getSource();
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie){
              else if (ie.getItem()==all){
              else if (ie.getItem()==range){
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){          
                             sw=new Swing1Win();
                   System.out.println(smonthkey+"/"+dateselection+"/"+yearselection+"it prints this");
                   if (searchcriteria.equals("By Date")){
                        System.out.println("it goes in this");
                   else if (searchcriteria.equals("By Invoiceno")){
                   if (flag == false){
                        System.out.println("flag is false");
                   System.out.println("its in here");
                   singlesearcharray=new String[data.size()];
                   sw=new Swing1Win(singlesearcharray);
         public void singleinvoice(String searchdata){
              if (flag==true){
                   System.out.println("vector found");
                   data= ((Vector)(allinvoicesdata.get(s)));
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf,"Invalid entry of date : choose again");     
         public void singleScreen(){
              System.out.println("its at the start");
              panel2=new JPanel(gridbag);
              bydate=new JLabel("By Date : ");
              byinvno=new JLabel("By Invoice No : ");
              invtext=new JTextField(6);
              if (searchcriteria.equals("By Invoiceno")){
              else if(searchcriteria.equals("By Date")){
              month.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());
              date.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());
              year.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());
              invtext.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
                   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke){
                        char c=ke.getKeyChar();
                        if ((c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) ||(c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)){
                        if(!((Character.isDigit(c) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)))){
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"please enter numerical value");
              System.out.println("its at the end");
         public void dateComboBox(){          
              for (int counter=0,day=01;day<=31;counter++,day++)
              for(int counter=0,yr=00;yr<=99;yr++,counter++)
              month=new JComboBox(monthlist);
              date=new JComboBox(datelist);
              year=new JComboBox(yearlist);
         public static void main(String[] args){
              MainMenu mm=new MainMenu();
         public class WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter{
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){

    I had a similar problem with a message dialog. Don't know if it is a bug, I was in a hurry and had no time to search the bug database... I found a solution by using keyPressed() and keyReleased() instead of keyTyped():
       private boolean pressed = false;
       public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
          pressed = true;
       public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
          if (!pressed) {
          // Here you can test whatever key you want
       //...I don't know if it will help you, but it worked for me.

  • A trouble with "LIKE" in a select statement

    I'm having trouble with "LIKE" in a select statement...
    With Access I can make the following and everything works well:
    SELECT name, birthday
    FROM client
    WHERE birthday LIKE '*/02/*';
    but if try to do it in my application (it uses Access), it doesn't work - I just can't understand that!!!
    In my application the "month" is always the currently month taken from the "System". Look what I'm doing...
    String query1 = "SELECT name, birthday " +
              "FROM client " +
              "WHERE birthday " +
              "LIKE '*/" +
              pMonth +
              "/*' " +
              "ORDER BY birthday ASC ";
    ResultSet rs = statement1.executeQuery(consulta1);
    boolean moreRecords =;
    The variable "moreRecords" is always "false", the query returns nothing although the table "client" has records that attend the query.
    Please, anyone can help me?! It's a little bit urgent.

    Hi Katia,
    I'll bet the problem lies with the characters you're using to escape the LIKE clause. You're using the ones that Access likes to see, but that's not necessarily what's built into the JDBC-ODBC driver class.
    You can find out what the correct escape wildcard characters are from the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getSearchStringEscape() method. It'll tell you what to use in the LIKE clause.
    I'm not 100% sure about your code. It doesn't use query1 anywhere. I'd do this:
    String query = "SELECT name, birthday FROM client WHERE birthday LIKE ? ORDER BY birthday ASC";
    PreparedStatement statement = connection.createStatement(query);
    String escape = connection.getMetaData().getSearchStringEscape();
    String test = escape + '/' + pMonth + '/' + escape;
    statement.setString(1, test);
    ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
    while (rs.hasNext())
    // load your data into a data structure to pass back.
    statement.close();Let me know if that works. - MOD

  • Help needed with itunes

    help needed with itunes please tryed to move my itunes libary to my external hard drive itunes move ok and runs fin but i have none of my music or apps or anything all my stuff is in the itunes folder on my external hard drive but there is nothing on ituns how do i get it back help,please

    (Make sure the Music (top left) library is selected before beginning this.)
    If you have bad song links in your library, hilite them and hit the delete button. Then locate the folder(s) where your music is located and drag and drop into the large library window in iTunes ( where your tracks show up). This will force the tunes into iTunes. Before you start, check your preferences in iTunes specifically under the"Advanced" tab, general settings. I prefer that the 1st 2 boxes are unchecked. (Keep iTunes Music folder organized & Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library). They are designed to let iTunes manage your library. I prefer to manage it myself. Suit yourself. If there is a way for iTunes to restore broken links other than locating one song at a time I haven't found it yet. (I wish Apple would fix this, as I have used that feature in other apps.) This is the way I do it and I have approx. 25,000 songs and podcasts and videos at present. Hope this helps.

  • Urgent help needed with un-removable junk mail that froze Mail!!

    Urgent help needed with un-removable junk mail that froze Mail?
    I had 7 junk mails come in this morning, 5 went straight to junk and 2 more I junked.
    When I clicked on the Junk folder to empty it, it froze Mail and I can't click on anything, I had to force quit Mail and re-open it. When it re-opens the Junk folder is selected and it is froze, I can't do anything.
    I repaired permissions, it did nothing.
    I re-booted my computer, on opening Mail the In folder was selected, when I selected Junk, again, it locks up Mail and I can't select them to delete them?
    Anyone know how I can delete these Junk mails from my Junk folder without having to open Mail to do it as it would appear this will be the only solution to the problem.

    Hi Nigel
    If you hold the Shift key when opening the mail app, it will start up without any folders selected & no emails showing. Hopefully this will enable you to start Mail ok.
    Then from the Mail menus - choose Mailbox-Erase Junk Mail . The problem mail should now be in the trash. If there's nothing you want to retain from the Trash, you should now choose Mailbox- Erase Deleted Messages....
    If you need to double-check the Trash for anything you might want to retain, then view the Trash folder first, before using Erase Junk Mail & move anything you wish to keep to another folder.
    The shift key starts Mail in a sort of Safe mode.

  • Can anyone help me with a problem i am having with my music on my iPhone 4S. I have put alot of Compilation CDs in my library on iTunes. I download these tracks onto my phone, everything is ok so far. Now, this is what is niggling me and I don.t know how

    Can anyone help me with a problem i am having with my music on my iPhone 4S. I have put alot of Compilation CDs in my library on iTunes. I download these tracks onto my phone, everything is ok so far. Now, this is what is niggling me and I don.t know how to resolve it. This is my problem: 
    Have downloaded for example: Queen – Bohemium Rhapsody from a compilation album as well as a few complete Queen Album CDs into the iTunes library and then put them into playlists,
    When I go onto my phone and select Queen on the MUSIC app using Songs tab at the bottom of the screen it will display all Queen songs and their resective Alum pics, that is all those not in a complilation album, .
    If I know the song title I can select the songs tab and find the song that way,
    I’ve tried fiddling with the settings in the iTunes app by going to ‘get info’ tab and trying to sort the problem out that way but am not having much luck.What I want the phone to do is show, for example all Queens songs including those in compilation albums. Can this be done, would be grateful for any ideas on how it can be done, that is if ic can be done, any ideas
    Thanks for your help

    Try assigning Queen as the Album Artist on the compilations in iTunes on your computer.

  • Help needed with permissions problem in new Aperture 3.5.1

    Hello and thank you for helping me with my first question to this wonderful support center. I have been using Aperture for many years. I recently upgraded my Mac to Mavericks, now running 10.9.2. and then upgraded (by necessity) to Aperture 3.5.1. I am working on a big project for a client and have an assistant in another city. I live outside the US so mailed  my library to my asst. on an external drive. She updated to 10.9.2 or .3 and Aperture 3.5.1. No problems. She modified the library and sent the library to the client in another city in the US on an external drive who has also upgraded to  Mavericks and is running Aperture 3.5.1.  So we are all in Mavericks with recent Apertures. When client tried to open the sent library client got a message that stated:
    "Aperture cannot access this library. To use this library, make sure its file permissions are set correctly.”
    Clientʻs Tech assistant at her office is a PC specialist but apparently did try on Friday and did try to repair permissions but I am told that it did not work. I wish I had more specific info on what Tech assistant did but I do not at this time.
    On Monday I would like to give them very specific instructions about what to do to open the library
    For recent discussions I have found only this
    Oct 30, 2013 3:35 PM by Frank Caggiano
    about repairing permissions.
    I am sure that we are all running Mavericks and new Aperture, that does not seem to be at the root of  the immediate problem. As we are in two different countries and three different cities and communication is hard, please tell me if this is a common problem with an easy fix and if it should be fixed by Repairing Permissions, please tell me exactly what I should tell them to do on Monday. They can at least see this discussion from their city!
    Many thanks!! This is an urgent project so I very much appreciate your help.

    Have your collegues check the file system of the drive and the "Ignore Ownership on this volume" flag.
    To check the filesystem and "Ignore ownership" flag select the drive in the Finder and use the command "File > Get Info ⌘i"
    In the panel unlock the padlock in the "Sharing & Permissions" brick and set the "Ignore ownership" flag at the bottom of the panel.
    Also, check the "General" brick of the panel. The format should be showing as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". Aperture checks for the correct formating before opening a library and may refuse to open a library on a drive formatted for Windows.
    If the format is wrong, it would be best to move the library to a different drive with the correct formatting.
    Once the "Ignore ownership" flag is set, try again to repair the permissions and see, ifyou now can open the library.

  • Can anyone help me with compressions for web streaming? So lost!

    Hi there
    I am so confused !
    I have the task of getting HD footage from my camcorder ready for quality web-streaming on a website. The clips need to be in mp4 format using the H264 codec. As we are dealing with HD footage, I want the viewer to be very happy with the picture quality. I must admit that most of my compression settings were kind of guess work and I was only judging my results by the final file size in relation to the video quality. I was getting file sizes of about 16mb per minute of video/ audio footage.
    I had been keeping my frame size at 1280x720 and my bit rates were about 2000-2500kbits/s. Bandwidth is a real concern as there will be alot of people streaming these videos and there might be over a hundred videos on offer at any one time. I found that bit rates any less than this were resulting in a poor picture quality.
    I have since learnt that what I was doing is completely wrong!
    I was told that my frame size was way too big for normal web-streaming of HD footage and also that my bit rate was too high and bandwidth hungry. I never knew that the bit rates I set when compressing my videos would have an effect on the bandwidth that would be used. I am obviously showing my ignorance!
    If anyone has anytime to help out someone who has no idea, I would absolutely love to know the answers to these questions:
    1. What is considered a good acceptable frame size to show HD quality footage? Maybe a size that if the quality is OK, they can also stretch the frame afterwards to fill their screen without losing too much quality?
    2. I want to use mp4 with the H264 codec for streaming, what is an efficient bit rate to set the compression at, so that the quality looks nice, but wont drain my bandwidth unnecessarily?
    3. Can anyone explain how the bit rates that I set for my compressions affect the way they are downloaded once they are on a website. Just cant get my head around this logic for some reason?
    4. What other compression settings should I be aware of (eg. keyframes etc)
    I feel so lost in all of this and would appreciate it tremendously if anyone can help me out.

    If I select a bit rate of say 2500 to compress my videos at, what will that now mean for the end user? Will that mean that his connection will be forced to download that video at 2500kbp/s thus using alot more bandwidth?
    Yes and no. If the end user has a connection that allows them to receive data at 2500 and the source from the web can supply data at that speed then they'll be able to stream in real time. However, if either end doesn't hold up (the client's connection can't receive data that fast or the source can't send it) then end users will be forced to watch it on delay - letting a good portion of the movie download first. QuickTime will do this anyway - if you (as I do) embed a movie into a webpage, when you visit that page QuickTime will calculate how fast data is being sent and received, and decide when to start the movie based on that calculation.
    I was told that the bit rate I set when I compress these files locally on my machine, tell the streaming software how to allow users to download them - is that true or have I got all mixed up?
    You keep saying streaming and I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Streaming can either mean having a finished file on the web that people can watch with minimal downloading in advance, or streaming can mean sending a live event out over the web. I think you mean the first. In that case, there is no streaming software on the server side - it's just a file that gets sent to a client just like any other file. The bitrate however does tell the client software, like QuickTime player when to start playing the movie (As I alluded to above).
    If you really want to "stream" content - in other words allow people to go to page and start watching then I'm going to suggest you distribute in multiple formats. QuickTime has a number of presets you can use for "streaming", and these are usually small (320*240 or 640*480) videos that are under 1 Mbps (often less than 500 kbps). These files can normally be watched in real time by most clients.
    The other catch with the route you're going is that some computers simply can't handle 720p content that is encoded in h.264 - they just don't have the power. If you look at podcasters many of them have chosen to go multiple formats in part for this reason - they have video embedded on their websites for watching in real time, small iPod formats for lower-power computers and iPods, and HD formats for platforms like the Apple TV that offer the best quality.

Maybe you are looking for