Help needed in Apex Integration with EBS

Hi All,
Currently, when trying to integrate with EBS these are the steps I followed.
1) Created apex generate hash and apex launch procedure in APPS DB.
2) Created Profile in Application Developer Responsibility.
3) Saved above profile in system administrator -->Profile -> System and set the site level as http://<hostname>:<Apex port>/pls/apex
4) Created a function in system administrator , type as SSWA plsql function and called the launch procedure and passed parameters as my apex application and page id.
5) Created a Web PL/SQL entry under System Administrator Responsibility -> Security -> Web PL/SQL for the launch procedure.
6) Created menu, responsibility and assigned to the user.
For the APEX application , currently I have not given any login page. The login is through EBS only. I have given logout URL in apex application to EBS Login page. Now my problem is , when I click Logout the session of EBS does not get invalidated. How can I achieve this ?
Secondly, When I give the APEX application URL directly in the browser it will open without asking for the EBS login credential. But I do not want this to happen. I need it to be authenticated through EBS login credential.
Any suggestions would be welcome.

Hi Scott,
I tried the solution given in this URL.
It is not working for me.. I tried in the forum also.
While creating authentication scheme I gave Oracle EBS Login Page as Session Not Valid URL. But every time I login to EBS and click responsibility then menu which has APEX screen, it is not validating username and password and it redirects to EBS login page which i gave in "session not valid URL" (it is going to a loop.)
Now my problem is when I login to EBS and click responsibility then my APEX screen should validate the EBS login and directly it should open. It should not ask for any other (APEX login)login page. If I paste the APEX application URL in any browser it should ask for EBS login page.
When I logout it should invalidate the session of EBS.

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    I am trying to complete APEX integration with EBS R12.1.1 in simplest way. I have a non authenticated report page that I need to link to through a menu and function on one of the existing forms.
    Rod West document
    offers the jsp approach which I like to implement however the jsp will not compile correctly and I am not sure why - I have already fond one error with the code as listed in the document: compile -s 'LaunchApex.jsp ' retry ---> will not work compile -s 'LaunchApex.jsp' retry --> will work
    compile will fail starting at this point of the code:
    [10389] !!COMPILATION ERROR(0) LaunchApex.jsp: illegal start of type
    if (ctx==null) {
    has anyone tried this approach and got the jsp to compile with no errors or can you see what is it?
    thanks in advance.

    Hello Mini:
    thanks for the info and I have followed the steps as listed. I am not sure what line is the bad code you listed is on - here is the copy of the jsp I am working with and maybe you can point to a specfic line(s) that need to be changed from what to what.
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %><%--
    /* LaunchApex.jsp */
    --%><%@ page
    import="oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet" %><%!
    // Session has to be validated first
    WebAppsContext ctx = WebRequestUtil.validateContext(request, response);
    if (ctx==null) {
    return; }
    String cookieName = ctx.getSessionCookieName();
    boolean validSession = ctx.validateSession(cookieName);
    WebRequestUtil.setClientEncoding(response, ctx);
    <title>Launch Apex</title>
    <!-- LaunchApex.jsp -->
         String p_application = request.getParameter("application");
         p_application = ( p_application==null ? "NONE" : p_application);
         String p_page = request.getParameter("page");
         p_page = ( p_page==null ? "1" : p_page);
         String p_item_names = request.getParameter("item_names");
         p_item_names = ( p_item_names==null ? "" : p_item_names);
         String p_item_values = request.getParameter("item_values");
         p_item_values = ( p_item_values==null ? "" : p_item_values);
         AppsEnvironmentStore m_env = (AppsEnvironmentStore) ctx.getEnvStore();
         try {
              String l_launcher = ctx.getProfileStore().getProfile("APEX_HTTP_SERVER");
              l_launcher = l_launcher + "/pls/apex/f?p=" + p_application + ":" + p_page;
              l_launcher = l_launcher + "::APPS:::" + p_item_names + ":" + p_item_values;
         if (ctx!=null) ctx.freeWebAppsContext();
         } //try
         catch (Exception e) {
         out.println("Exception found : <pre>");
         e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out));
         } //catch

  • Apex Integration with EBS R12 - javax.servlet.ServletException

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    An exception occured.
    javax.servlet.ServletException: oracle.classloader.util.AnnotatedClassNotFoundException:
           Missing class: _XXFND__LaunchApex
         Dependent class: oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageInfo
                  Loader: oc4j:10.1.3
             Code-Source: XXX/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/j2ee/home/lib/ojsp.jar
           Configuration:  in META-INF/boot.xml in XXX/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar
    This load was initiated at oacore.web.html.jsp1603821464:0.0.0 using the loadClass() method.
    The missing class is not available from any code-source or loader in the system.I've XXX'ed out our domain. Has anyone else has this, or can anyone who has successfully integrated apex with EBS R12 let me know what they did?

    If the jsp compiled successfully then you may need to bounce your web server before the jsp can be used. See MOS Note 458338.1 for more details.
    Actually, now that Oracle have updated their FND Gateway for Apex integration there are only a few situations (such as if you want to pass parameters from the form function to Apex) where you need to use a custom jsp to launch Apex. In most cases you can use the Oracle supplied GWY.jsp to launch your Apex Page. To use this jsp you must apply the EBS R12 patch 12316083 (and patch 12726556 if you are launching from the forms navigator). How to use the GWY.jsp is described in "Extending Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 using Oracle Application Express" white paper.
    Rod West

  • APEX integration with EBS 11i10: view concurrent request output

    Hi All:
    ENV: APEX 4.0
    EBS: 11i10
    DB: 10r2
    APEX is installed in the same database as EBS 11i10
    1. I have developed a APEX application that is can be launched from EBS as a form function. Also, the APEX will not ask any credential when user launch it from EBS, since user is already authenticated. Also, APEX will also display FND username, responsibility for user who has login - <<This is already implemented>>
    2. by Default, APEX will display a page, where user can browser and import a csv file into a predefined custom table <<This is already implemented>>
    3. After csv file is imported into cusotm table, user will click "Submit" button to process the data. APEX will submit a concurrent request (eventually, the concurrent program will call Oracle API to process data). A concurrent request is will display on the apex page. << This is WIP and I don't forsee any issue to implement this, since many have done this before>>
    4. User will write down the request id from step 3 and go to another apex page. In this page, user will enter request id and click "View Output", which should retrieve the concurrent output for that request id and display the output in a new browser. I don't want user go back to EBS to view the concurrent output. << This is my question for this thread>>
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    My question may not be a direct APEX question; however, I hope someone can offer some help to me. I have done numerous research on this and still haven't find this API.

    Hi Kevin,
    I am having an issue implementing the Call from an EBS menu entry to the APEX Page.
    I created the menu entry as a SSWA Function that use the apex_launch procedure to call the APEX page but when the user clicks on the option menu, the EBS login page appears.
    Can you share with me how can I fix this?

  • Apex integration with EBS

    Here are the setups that I did in EBS.
    Created function TEST with Type : SSWA plsql function that opens a new window (Kiosk Mode)
    Parameters : application=105&page=1&request=null&item_names=null&item_values=null
    WEB HTML Call : apex_launch
    Assigned this function to Menu and then assigned Menu to responsibility.
    My Apex and EBS are on seperate servers.
    When I click Menu from responsibility it opens up EBS login Page.
    Here are my settings in Oracle database.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE apex_launch (application IN NUMBER
    , page IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1
    , item_names IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , item_values IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header('text/html', FALSE);
    OWA_COOKIE.send(name => 'APEX_APPS_105',
    expires => sysdate + 365,
    --:FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL := 'http://cfdsun113:8090/pls/apex/f?p=105:1:' || :APP_SESSION;
    END apex_launch;
    create or replace FUNCTION apex_authorise (
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    , p_password IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN
    IF apex_validate_hash (p_username, p_password) THEN RETURN TRUE; END IF;
    RETURN (FND_WEB_SEC.validate_login (p_username, p_password) = 'Y');
    END apex_authorise;
    create or replace FUNCTION apex_validate_hash (
    p_string IN VARCHAR2
    , p_hash IN VARCHAR2
    FOR i IN 0..p_delay LOOP
    IF p_hash = apex_generate_hash (p_string, i) THEN RETURN TRUE; END IF;
    END apex_validate_hash;
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION APPS.apex_generate_hash (
    p_string IN VARCHAR2
    G_KEY RAW(32) := UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW( 'abfhhhhhhhhhuiooooo', 'AL32UTF8' );
    RETURN RAWTOHEX(UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw(
    TO_CHAR(SYSDATE-(p_offset/24*60*60),'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS')||g_key)));
    END apex_generate_hash;
    Settings on APEX side
    On Load Before Header process on login page.
    c owa_cookie.cookie;
    a wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    c := owa_cookie.GET('APEX_APPS_105');
    a := htmldb_util.string_to_table(c.vals(1));
    :p101_username := a(1);
    :p101_password := a(2);
    IF :p101_password IS NOT NULL THEN
    wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login(p_uname => :p101_username,
    p_password => :p101_password,
    p_session_id => v('APP_SESSION'),
    p_flow_page => :app_id || ':1');
    END IF;
    WHEN others THEN
    Created Authentication scheme with
    FUNCTION apex_authorise (
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    , p_password IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN
    RETURN (FND_WEB_SEC.validate_login
    (p_username, p_password) = 'Y');
    END apex_authorise;
    END IF;
    Logout URL
    and sessionnotvalid page as LoginPage.
    After all these settings when I login from EBS I get login page for applications and nothing happens. I don't think it's making any calls to apex_launch procedure.
    Anyone if implemented this please guide step by step. Want to know where I am going wrong. Is then any logging to be turned on EBS side to know where the program fails.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Rod,
    I am able to redirect the to the apex page. Now the concern is that it is asking for the user name and password. If I type my EBS user name and password it works.
    But the main concept is that it should not ask for user name and password. Those values should be passed through cookies. Can you please help me with the same
    Here is the code what i have place. Am I going wrong in some setup?
    /* Formatted on 3/8/2010 10:41:05 AM (QP5 v5.126.903.23003) */
    application IN NUMBER Default 101,
    item_names IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    item_values IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    l_value varchar2(100);
    l_valid_session varchar2(100);
    D OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/html', FALSE);
    OWA_COOKIE.send (
    name => 'APEX_APPS_'||application,
    VALUE => icx_sec.g_user_id--FND_GLOBAL.user_name
    || ':'
    || apex_generate_hash (FND_GLOBAL.user_name),
    PATH => '/'
    || '/f?p='
    || application
    || ':'
    || page
    || '::'
    || request
    || ':::'
    || item_names
    || ':'
    || item_values;
    END apex_launch;
    Error when i tested that procedure
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 325
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 852
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 396
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.APEX_LAUNCH", line 43
    ORA-06512: at line 15
    This is what i m passing in my header in apex.
    c OWA_COOKIE.cookie;
    a wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    P101_USERNAME varchar2(100);
    P101_PASSWORD varchar2(100);
    APP_ID number;
    c := OWA_COOKIE.get ('APEX_APPS_' || APP_ID);
    a := HTMLDB_UTIL.string_to_table (c.vals (1));
    P101_USERNAME := a (1);
    P101_PASSWORD := a (2);
    wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login (P_UNAME => P101_USERNAME,
    P_FLOW_PAGE => APP_ID || ':1');
    END IF;
    my site is getting there but i have to pass the user name and password.
    Can you please help me is some setup missing. as I found this link on
    This is in the link
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 325
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1322
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1397
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1689
    ORA-06512: at "FLOWS_020000.WWV_FLOW_API", line 3243
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at "FLOWS_020000.WWV_BIU_STEP_ITEMS", line 63
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'FLOWS_020000.WWV_BIU_STEP_ITEMS'
    ORA-06512: at line 7
    and your database is running with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR, then you need to change it to NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = BYTE. The following technique can be used for this change:
    1. alter system set nls_length_semantics = BYTE scope = spfile;
    2. shutdown the database
    3. restart the database
    Will be glad if you can help in solving it.
    Nitin Singh

  • OID Installation Questions pertaining to integration with EBS

    Our Environment is E-Business Suite and we want to investigate/view OID/SSO in action. Ultimately, we'll attempt to use Microsoft Active Directory as the source (of truth). I had performed OID/SSO integration with EBS about 3 years ago and remember the "overall" scheme, but Oracle's documentation/downloads page has left me thoroughly confused, hence, I am asking those that have been through the process .... THANKS IN ADVANCE
    (1) Do I need to install the base AS 10g Infrastructure and Metadata Repository via installation or can I go directly to installing OID ??
    Here is what I believe the steps to be, PLEASE, correct me if I am wrong ...
    (1) Install Application Server Infrastructure by selecting "Infrastructure and Metadata Repository"
    (2) Install and select to upgrade an existing installation. Once has upgraded everything, including the database to, I assume that I can simply remove through the Oracle Installer. Is this correct ??
    (3) Once upgrade to, I believe that I need to download a Metadata Upgrade Assistant patch, (mrua), and run mrua,sh to upgrade MR to which will be apparent by querying app_registry view.
    (4) Upgrade to
    The documentation is confusing and hard to find for me. Do these steps seem to accomplish the tasks or am I missing something ??

    I didn't do the install myself but we went straight to installing 10.1.4 Identity Manangement, although I believe that Infrastructure components which underly it are essentially the same as 10.1.2. As far as I know you can't use 10.1.3 because it lacks those infrastucture components.
    See MOS Doc 233436.1

  • OBIEE Installation doc's and integration with EBS 12.0.6.

    I had installed OAS 10g with OSS and OID and integration with EBS R12.0.6.
    Now I want to install OBIEE(On Linux) and wants to iuntegrate with SSO.
    Please provide me the Master Doc for this and anyother private doc also if any.

    Check this might be helpful...
    To integrate with EBS check these.....

  • Do we have OBIEE integrated with EBS

    Hi Experts,
    Do we have OBIEE integrated with EBS or we have to do it we have any docs.
    Please suggest..

    Never i have done this but i can show you the path.
    OBIEE Integration  with EBS 11.5.10 or R12 Apps

  • Need Urgent Help on Meeting Place Integration with CUCM 7.1 and AS5400 PSTN Gateway

    This is first time I am on this forum.
    I have already tried going through a lot of docs on but couldn't find complete configuration help.
    I have to integrate Meeting Place 8.X with an existing CUCM and an E1 gateway (PSTN Gateway) AS5400.
    The CUCM is already part of a Telepresence Environment. I need to create a SIP trunk between AS5400 and CUCM 7.1 and then create a Trunk between AS5400 and Cisco Unified MP 8.X and then between CUMP and CUCM.
    I need help on AS5400 SIP Configs as well as parameters I need to cover on CUCM (Though I have done some basic dial-peer configs but they haven't been of much help).
    Then I also need help on AS5400 SIP configs with CUMP 8.0
    Any docs on Integration between CUMP and TP3000 will be of great help too.

    I can get the Ricoh to register as sip endpoint, it answeres then imediatly disconnects. Doing a monitor with Wireshark looks like it attempts to negotiate t38 but fails. Any idea why this fails?
    |160.260684000|         INVITE SDP (g711U)            |                   |SIP From:
    |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
    |160.338806000|         INVITE SDP (t38)              |                   |SIP Request
    |         |(5060)   <------------------  (63435)  |                   |
    |160.339545000|         491 Request Pending           |                   |SIP Status
    |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |                   |
    |160.547894000|         406 Not Acceptable            |                   |SIP Status
    |         |(5060)   <------------------  (63435)  |                   |

  • Discoverer integration with EBS R12 !!!

    Hello Sir,
    I need help to install/integrate Discoverer with R12.
    Actually, our clients are using Discoverer 4i in current EBS in production. We have just upgraded EBS in TEST environment from to R12.1.3.
    I had suggested client that Discoverer 4i is actually de-supported and they need to upgrade Discoverer version to minimum or higher to integrate it with R12.1.3.
    Now, client also have requirement for Discoverer to be certified with MS Excel 2010 format. So I have suggested to upgrade Discoverer version to minimum
    Latest certified Discoverer version is as per note Using Discoverer 11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 1074326.1)
    1) Can you please provide your opinion and any documentation which I can follow to install/integrate Discoverer with R12 ?
    2) Do I need to first install separate 10gAS for installing Discoverer or Fusion middleware home for installing Discoverer 11g ? If yes, where can I find doc for this installation ?
    3) Since 10g support has ended July 2013, where can I get media for installing 10gAS ?
    4) Is there any additional licences required for using either Discoverer 10g or Discoverer 11g ?

    1) Can you please provide your opinion and any documentation which I can follow to install/integrate Discoverer with R12 ?
    In addition to the doc you have, please see:
    How to Test Discoverer Integration with E-Business Suite 11i and Release 12? (Doc ID 1065257.1)
    Running Discoverer Reports From EBS R12 (Doc ID 1516784.1)
    R12: How to Create a Link to a Discoverer Workbook (Doc ID 471303.1)
    2) Do I need to first install separate 10gAS for installing Discoverer or Fusion middleware home for installing Discoverer 11g ? If yes, where can I find doc for this installation ?
    Installation Recommendations - 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
    Installer Screens - 11g Release 1 (
    3) Since 10g support has ended July 2013, where can I get media for installing 10gAS ?
    You can download WebLogic 10.3.6 from WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.1), WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.6) and Previous Releases
    4) Is there any additional licences required for using either Discoverer 10g or Discoverer 11g ?
    Please see Steven Chan's reply in this link --

  • User authentication when OBIEE is integrated with EBS

    Hello guys
    I have a conceptual question about how OBIEE authentication is performed in an integrated environment with EBS? If the goal is to have users access to OBIEE based on their roles given in EBS, what kind of authentication is it needed for such implementation?
    Do I import users and group from EBS database or LDAP server (if its available)? what kind of session variable and ini block is created if I want to do data level secuirty based on user groups?
    Please give some basic idea and guidelines on topic
    Thank you very much

    the final solution must face and fill your needs....
    Bi suite has 3 ways of making-having user-groups...
    3.from external database
    If the goal is to have users access to OBIEE based on their roles given in EBS, what kind of authentication is it needed for such implementation?
    -->match the roles from EBS to your liked in OBIEE
    check and this,
    hope i helped....

  • APEX Integration with EBusiness 12.1.3

    I am trying to connect to an APEX app thru EBS and skip the logon page. I have followed Rod West's document ] ). I've also been searching thru postings reading any info provided by others who have had trouble getting this working but have not seen the error I'm getting.
    FYI - using Apex 3.2 (I know it's old!) EBS R12 12.1.3; APEX is on another domain and in another schema.
    I am getting very close because if I hardcode the username in the Onload process, it works great - creates new password, skips 2nd logon page, etc. Where I'm having the problem is with wfa_sec.getsession. I've tried wrapping it in another package and anything else I can think of and always get the error below:
    ORA-20002: 3403: Internal: error while getting session information. -6502: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1515 ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1735 ORA-06512: at "APPS.ORACLEAPPS", line 1111 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at "APPS.ICX_SEC", line 2387 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 356 ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1368 ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1443 ORA-06512
    So then I created a simple procedure to run thru EBS as a concurrent program to just call the same package
    create or replace package sko_session_pkg as
    procedure getsession
    (errbuf out varchar2, retcode out varchar2);
    end sko_session_pkg;
    create or replace package body sko_session_pkg AS
    PROCEDURE getsession (errbuf out varchar2, retcode out varchar2) IS
    p_user varchar2(320) := NULL;
    end getsession;
    end sko_session_pkg;
    When I run this procedure I get the same error:
    **Starts**12-JUL-2012 19:10:22
    ORACLE error 20002 in FDPSTP
    Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-20002: 3403: Internal: error while getting session information. -6502: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTP", line 1515
    Output file size:
    Has anyone encountered this error when accessing wfa_sec.getsession?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!

    I thought I should attempt to get your LaunchApex.jsp provided in Figure 9 from your document working before I added additional code to call the get_apex_url.
    LaunchApex.jsp compiled successfully and the apps server was bounced but getting Page Not Found error. Without the get_apex_url code in LaunchApex.jsp, I was expecting it to just bring up the APEX login screen (like the GWY.jsp does). FYI - I'm calling this from EBS responsibility/menu pointing to Function 'APEX_LOGIN'; type=SSWA jsp function; HTML Call=LaunchApex.jsp?&application=614&page=3140
    The url that shows when I get the page not found is
    Where is the RF.jsp coming from???? There's a call in the jsp to validate the session so thought maybe it wasn't able to do that and is just returning.
    If I type url
    http://..../OA_HTML/LaunchApex.jsp? I get same 'Page Not Found'.
    Thx for all of your help!

  • OBIA security integration with EBS R12.1.2

    Hi Experts,
    We are implementing OBI Apps with EBS R12.1.2 as source.We need to integrate Active Directory with OBIEE and implement security of BI Apps with EBS R12.1.2. Need help on this.
    How to map EBS Responsibilities into Application Role and Groups? Whether we need to create one Application Role and Group for each responsibility ? Then provide permissions in rpd for each of them? The user should have similar permission in BI as they have in EBS - like people can see only US Finance data in EBS should see only US Finance data in BI also.

    You can go through obia security guide which explains step by step procedure with screenshot on how to implement ebs authentication and role based access.
    here is the link.
    Edited by: RAM CH on May 20, 2012 1:34 PM

  • OFR integration with EBS and UCM

    Hi All,
    We are implementing the following modules from Oracle Content Management to one of our Client, the following are the configurations we need :
    Configure and deploy Oracle Forms Recognition (OFR) 10GR3
    Configure the Oracle Adopter for integration of OFR with EBS
    Configure the Adopter for integration of OFR with Oracle UCM content server
    I really like to have any technical design document on integrations front, especially from OFR -> EBS, OFR -> UCM and also UCM -> EBS.
    Any pointers for the same is well appreciated.

    Hi All,
    We are implementing the following modules from Oracle Content Management to one of our Client, the following are the configurations we need :
    Configure and deploy Oracle Forms Recognition (OFR) 10GR3
    Configure the Oracle Adopter for integration of OFR with EBS
    Configure the Adopter for integration of OFR with Oracle UCM content server
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    Thanks & Best Regards

    Do you have cFolders on the same server as SRM ?
    Foll are the settings reqd:
    --.define a LS for cFolders( you have to duplicate SRM LS if it is on the same server)
    -->define an RFC destination for this system (even if same as SRM)
    -->define a backend system of type cFolders in SRM SPRO
    -->activate SICF cFolders service (with external alias)
    Normally the collaboration area should be displayed in document tab.
    See these related links;
    Pls reward points for useful answers.

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