Help needed on troubleshooting setup of tomcat3.3

I run the startup.bat in my tomcat folder, i got the following error...
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ServerXmlReader: Config=$TOMCAT_HOME\conf\server.xml
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - PathSetter: home=F:\tomcat
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ContextXmlReader: Context config=$TOMCAT_HOME\conf\apps-
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ContextXmlReader: Context config=$TOMCAT_HOME\conf\apps-admin.xml
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ContextXmlReader: Context config=$TOMCAT_HOME\conf\apps-examples.xml
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - AutoWebApp: Loaded from config: DEFAULT:/admin
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - AutoWebApp: Loaded from config: DEFAULT:/examples
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - AutoWebApp: Auto-Adding DEFAULT:/
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ContextManager: Tomcat configured and in stable state
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ContextManager: Adding DEFAULT:/admin
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ContextManager: Adding DEFAULT:/examples
2002-03-09 13:56:12 - ContextManager: Adding DEFAULT:/ROOT
EmbededTomcat: Init time 1833
Guessed home=F:\tomcat
Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: org.apache.tomcat.core.TomcatException: Root cause - JVM_Bind (code=10107)
at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.PoolTcpConnector.engineStart(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.start(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.EmbededTomcat.start(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.EmbededTomcat.execute1(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.EmbededTomcat$
at org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.Jdk12Support$
at Method)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.compat.Jdk12Support.doPrivileged(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.EmbededTomcat.execute(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils.execute(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main.execute(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main.main(
Root Exception: org.apache.tomcat.core.TomcatException: Root cause - JVM_Bind (code=10107)
org.apache.tomcat.core.TomcatException: Root cause - JVM_Bind (code=10107)
at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.PoolTcpConnector.engineStart(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.start(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.EmbededTomcat.start(

im getting the same error , by any chance did u find any solution
it will be of gr8 help

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    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    To be able to use integrated emails, internet, and other things, you need The Blackberry Data Plan...even a generic data plan does not give you everything. Without any data plan, well...
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    Message Edited by giantherockstar on 06-25-2008 11:19 AM

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    Hello geoqueen, and welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience!
    I see you are looking into how to setup your fax.  I would like to help.
    I would recommend following this document on HP Fax Configuration Instructions.
    I would also suggest utilizing this document on Faxing with VoIP Services.
    Good luck and please let me know the results of your troubleshooting steps. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums!
    Please click “Accept as Solution " if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks" for helping!
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    Which os are you using?
    Change your router channel.  Sometimes this is all you will have to do.
    Power cycling the router.  Read the router's user manual or contact their tech support for instructions.
    System Preferences/Internet & Network/Network
    Unlock the padlock
    Locations:  Automatic
    Highlight Airport
    Click the Assist Me button
    In the popup window click the Diagnostic button.
    System Preferences/Network- Unlock padlock.  Highlight Airport.  Network Name-select your name.  Click on the Advanced button.  Airport/Preferred Networks-delete all that is not your network.
    Place a check mark next to "Remember networks this computer has joined."  Click the OK button and lock the padlock.  Restart your computer. Mac OS: How to release and renew a DHCP lease
    No internet connection (wireless)
    Check to see if an extra entry is present in the DNS Tab for your wireless connection (System Preferences/Network/Airport/Advanced/DNS).
    Delete all extra entries that you find.
    Place a check mark next to "Remember networks this computer has joined."
    Other resources to check into:
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues in OS X Lion and Mac OS X v10.6
    How to diagnose and resolve Wi-Fi slow-downs
    Pv6 troubleshooting
    Mac OS X 10.6 Help:  Solving problems with connecting to the Internet
    What Affects Wireless Internet?
    Solutions for connecting to the Internet, setting up a small network, and troubleshooting

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       one suggestion is to ensure your system's environment PATH has the Java installation path included, so that it knows where to look to run Java.
     (See attached pix).
    1st) Find out where Java was installed to on your system: For example, on my Win7 PC, Java was installed to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java' directory.
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       5) Click OK, OK, OK out of all those dialogs.
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     Good luck.
    HardCopy (I am employed by HP) [If this was helpful, please mark this 'Solved' or 'Accept as Solution' so others can find this too]
    How to Give Kudos | How to mark as Solved
    SystemVariables.PNG ‏60 KB

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    Linux akoya 2.6.29-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 8 12:47:56 UTC 2009 i686 Pentium(R)
    [root@akoya ~]# lspci | grep Net
    05:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2860
    [root@akoya ~]# lsmod | grep 2860
    rt2860sta 514808 1
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    [root@akoya ~]# wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i ra0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    [root@akoya ~]# dhcpcd ra0
    ra0: dhcpcd 4.0.12 starting
    ra0: waiting for carrier
    ra0: timed out
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    [root@akoya ~]# iwconfig ra0 essid "sodor"
    [root@akoya ~]# iwconfig
    ra0 RT2860 Wireless ESSID:"" Nickname:"RT2860STA"
    Mode:Auto Frequency=2.412 GHz Access Point: 00:21:91:FE:DA:97
    And if I try to configure using wicd I see the following log when trying to connect to the wireless:
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Connecting to wireless network sodor
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Putting interface down
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig ra0 down
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Setting false IP...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig ra0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig eth0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant and any DHCP clients
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: killall wpa_supplicant
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Flushing the routing table...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: route del dev ra0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: route del dev eth0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Attempting to authenticate...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ['wpa_supplicant', '-B', '-i', 'ra0', '-c', '/var/lib/wicd/configurations/002191feda97', '-D', 'wext']
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Putting interface up...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig ra0 up
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: iwconfig ra0 mode Managed
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ['iwconfig', 'ra0', 'essid', 'sodor', 'channel', '1', 'ap', '00:21:91:FE:DA:97']
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: WPA_CLI RESULT IS None
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Failed to find status in wpa_cli result
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: exiting connection thread
    It is driving me crazy being tied to a cable so I'd really like to get this working... but I'm really not sure what to try.  Do I need to rebuild wpa_supplicant?  If so is there a package-based way of doing that in arch?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by drandre (2009-04-17 19:40:41)

    drandre wrote:
    If so is there a package-based way of doing that
    OK... to answer my own questions ...
    two questions:
    1. Does this mean support for the ralink driver is included by default or *not* included by default?
    It seems it means *not*
    2. If I uncomment this line then makepkg refuses to build the package because the config file's md5 is no longer valid.  How then am I *meant* to make modifications to the build configuration?
    right or wrong I used makepkg -g to generate checksums for my modified config file and pasted these into PKGBUILD.  It then builds happily.  After installing I can run wpa_supplicant with no args and confirm ralink is in the list of drivers.  Excellent.  But still no success.
    Two things I have noticed:
    1. wicd places quotes "" around my pre-shared key.  If I run wpa_supplicant from the command line and use the conf file created by wicd it reports the PSK as being unparsable.  If I remove the quotes then the file is parsed correctly.
    2. It doesn't solve my problem :-(

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    listener.ora under $GRID_HOME/network/admin:
    endpoints_listener.ora under $GRID_HOME/network/admin:
    (2) If I put listener.ora under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin like 10gR2 including EXTPROC, then restart RHEL servers, the listener.ora under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin doesn't take effect rather the listener.ora under $GRID_HOME does; however if I run "lsnrctl stop" and "lsnrctl start" the listener.ora under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin will take effect.
    listener.ora I added later under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin:
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = node41-vip)(PORT = 1521)
    (IP = FIRST))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)(IP = FIRST)
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    <1> How to correctly setup extproc correctly under 11gR2?
    <2> Will my way in (2) will affect the SCAN single IP access functionality? (I assume SCAN is enabled at least partially by listener.ora under $GRID_HOME such that client can use simpler connection string)
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user5852271 on Nov 18, 2009 9:04 PM

    user5852271 wrote:
    I think the document you mentioned is for 11gR1 not for 11gR2. If that is the case, you could go to the 11gR2 library and check the Networking docs yourself at
    I felt that the 11gR1 should be named 10gR3, and 11gR2 should be 11gR1 because 11gR2 introduced a lot more new features.Good one. You should join Oracle Marketing.

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    I have an existing Buffalo G router (wireless turned off) connected to a DSL modem. How would I set up a dual band AEBS which will be wired to the Buffalo router to provide internet access and gigabit network to wired and wireless clients? Thanks.

    With the AEBS configured as a bridge, the Buffalo will be the "main" router on your network as it would be providing both the NAT & DHCP services for all network clients connected to either router.
    However, you can certainly configure the AEBS as the "main" wireless router to provide the wireless network to meet your needs.

  • Help needed with router setup. Bigpond wireless gateway and Airport Express

    Now I know this is probably more a router question but it is to help my iPad wifi so heres what I have.
    ADSL2+ line in
    Bigponds Thomson TG782T Modem/router which is /b/g
    Airport Express /b/g/n
    I am trying to set it up for maximum speed so basically I am trying to take advantage of the AE's /n.
    I was hoping to use the Thomson as just a modem and use the AE as the router. Please correct me if this isnt the 'best way of doing it'. Can someone savvy give me a few pointers, would be greatly appreciated. cheers

    Chris CA wrote:
    You can download the user manual here (scroll down to Support) ->
    This screen is where you disable the Wireless Access Point. (ignore the red arrows - they aren't mine)
    Uncheck *Interface Enabled* at top.
    @Chris........ Thanks for that..... yes I disable it. So much for Bigpond telling me it couldnt be turned off. I have the system up and running /n 5ghz multicast 5.5. iPad not fluctuating signal strength as much and loading a bit quicker. I think turning off the 2.4 running on the Thomson made a difference when running from the AES at 2.4 but much better with Thomson off and AES on 5ghz. So all up I am doing better thank you.

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    Just before letting changes (installation in this case) be made on the system, Mac OS prompts for password & this has to be the Mac system password. This password prompt is the system's own native prompt & would accept the system password only. Please make sure it is the right system password (all/admin rights) and the installaion should run.

  • K7N2GM-L board can't even run windows text-based setup!!! Help needed

    Surprise surprise another thread about problems with this board...
    Last night I put it all together.
    512mb of Kingston PC3200 memory (clocked @ 166MHz though, so it can't be that it's too fast), 80gb hard drive, Athlon XP 2500+, 300W Antec SmartPower psu. I even underclocked the CPU from 1800MHz to 1100MHz and the FSB from 166MHz to 100MHz, same unsuccessful results.
    Even though I have tried two floppy drives, they always work as if you have the IDE cable plugged in backwards, when it actually isn't. This tells me something is wrong with a controller somewhere on the board...?
    When trying to run Windows Setup (booting from the XP cd), after it loads all the drivers and files needed, and says "Setup is Starting Windows" or whatever at the bottom, it locks up. Sometimes it locks up right after the POST screen. The first time I turned it on the display was somewhat green with funny characters and everything was displayed at a weird resolution. Never did it again after that...
    First I thought it was incompatible memory. So I removed the memory in the board, took a few DIMMs out of this board and tried them; same results. All the other DIMMs I own ARE Kingston if you look at the sticker, however two of them were Hynix 256MB and the other one was a Samsung 512MB if you actually look at the DIMM up close... then I used a different hard drive; same result.
    Then I downloaded the latest firmware update and booted using ultimate boot CD, then swapped discs and flashed the BIOS from CD-R. Didn't do a thing to help. It successfully flashed of course, but it did not fix my problem... so it's gotta be something physical I'm guessing??
    So it's either the board or the CPU. I then took out the Athlon and put it in this A7N8X Deluxe board. Worked FINE; Windows booted, and I even tried booting from the Windows XP disc I was trying to use on the other machine. No problems whatsoever, everything worked perfectly, no locking up.
    The only other possbility is that a 300W power supply can't efficently power an nForce board, but I doubt that's the case. The mobo has onboard GeForce 4 VGA, and then there's the CPU, DVD-R drive, floppy, RAM... that's about it. A 300W (especially Antec SmartPower) should be able to handle that. I read a consumer review on newegg about this board, some guy got a 1.8GHz Athlon (that's how fast a 2500+ is) working with a dinky 220W PSU, so there's no reason why a 300W can't!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated... even if it's just something reassuring. I want to make sure I tried every possible option available to me before RMAing this board and paying the restocking fee. If it's the memory I'm gonna be mad, because Kingston makes good memory, and I don't want to RMA that too (more restocking fees...) I can't take the board back, only exchange. I never should have bought this board in the first place after seeing all these complaints, man do I wish I came across this board earlier!! :(
    Many thanks in advance...

    Originally posted by wootzor
    It was the power supply after all, 300W is simply too weak for this board. I am now using an Antec TruePower 380W PSU, works perfectly.
    I tested my Kingston KVR400X64C3A/512 overnight with MemTest86+, 22 passes and six hours later, no errors. This memory works fine with the board.
    Thanks for the help everyone...
    That is great! True Powers are the best IMHO!That is all I will use.Helps take the guesswork out of it.

  • Troubleshoting help needed:  My iMac keeps crashing and restarting with a report detail: "spinlock application timed out"  What can I do to fix this?timed out"

    Troubleshooting help needed:  My iMac keeps crashing and restarting with a notice: "Spinlock application timed out"  What can I do?

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the page that opens.
    Select the most recent panic log under System Diagnostic Reports. Post the contents — the text, please, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header and body of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don't post shutdownStall, spin, or hang reports.

  • Help needed in PS module on CJ9ECP/CJ20N for revaluating CCR??

    help needed in PS module on CJ9ECP/CJ20N for revaluating CCR??
    How to handle method on_costing_component_to_outtab which belongs to badi gui_itemization_ck. This is to revaluate CCR in CJ20N.
    From sale transaction(va01/va02) i need to call cj20n/cj9ecp for revaluating cost estimates. Can anyone say how to proceed with this thing.
    Can any one say how to handle pop up window in CJ20N/CJ9ECP when clicked edit ecp button. Later how to revaluate cost estimates. For this should i need to go for call transaction or is there any method available. If so how to handle method for revaluating cost estimates for ECP of WBS elements

    Thanks Amol for the advice.
    My friend doesn't belong to an engineering background and had not worked in a manufacturing environment.
    He holds an MBA degree specialised in systems and has worked in software companies supporting software projects and the functions(like HR,Procurement in the same setup) as a software quality guy.
    Moreover the modules mentioned by you requires engineering background with manufacturing exposure.
    He had enquired for the course at siemens and they said that he may not be suitable for any of the modules offered by them as per the above reasons.They also mentioned that they have to check with SAP Labs for expert opinion.
    Please provide your inputs.

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