Help Needed, possible first brick

Hello everyone, today i bought a iPhone 3G at the local store in my country (The Netherlands), after i went home i tryed to activate the iPhone.
I first opened the package and turn the device on. The iPhone displayed that the sim was incorrect so i put the simcard in and connected it to iTunes, failed to activate the iPhone, i quitted iTunes and try to turn my iPhone of.
Instead of going out, the iPhone displayed a white screen, wich did not disappear. A forced reboot was the only solution, But after trying the force reboot, my iPhone would not startup again!
To fix this i tryed several things, including the force restore, connect to other usb ports (all 2.0). I even left the iPhone connected for over 2 hours to respond or maybe a empty battery but none of solutions did work.
Restarting the computer with or without the iPhone connected did not work as well.
Any help on how to solve this is welcome, thank you in advance!

Look at the "Popular Discussions" or "More Like This" to right side of this window for copious threads along these lines---->
1. Open Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor and terminate processes linked to MACDefender (or other names).
   2. Delete MACDefender (or other names) from the Applications folder
   3. Check System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items for MACDefender (or other names) items.
   4. Check the downloads for any related items to MACDefender (or other names).
   5. Run a Spotlight search for "MACDefender (or other names)" to check for any associated files and if any remove them,ie drag to the trash.
There are different variants of names for this malware but the steps of removal should be the same unless it has advanced.

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    Hi David
    >I need several special Tables. Nearly all with an auto-incremented ID Field. Is this possible?
    This is not possible.. You will need to create some auto-number code for the Code/Name fields in the UDTs
    You can use code like this to do so, but drawback is of cause that it is slower than Autonumbers
    DECLARE @next VARCHAR(8)
    WHILE(DATALENGTH(@next)) <8
      SET @next = '0'+@next
    SELECT @next
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    No, this is not permitted by SAP Support
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    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data, then reinstall the OS.* You don't need to erase the startup volume, and you won't need the backup unless something goes wrong. If the system was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you may need the Apple ID and password you used.
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    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    If you installed the Java runtime distributed by Apple and still need it, you'll have to reinstall it. The same goes for Xcode.
    *The linked support article refers to OS X 10.9 ("Mavericks"), but the procedure is the same for OS X 10.7 ("Lion") and later.

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    You could always check to make sure itunes is updated to 10.7 but im sure gdgmacdude is
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    People on the forum help others voluntarily, it's not their job.
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    Message was edited by: Rohini Garg

    go to RSA1->Modeling->Source Systems and right-click on your BW system, and click on 'Replicate Datasources'.
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    Hi ssislara,
    If I understand correctly, a derived column with expression fails in the first time when execution the package, but it works fine after change the source column to another column that has more length with empty. For example, use the expression (DT_WSTR,4)[column_name]
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    If I have something misunderstood, please provide us more information about the issue. If possible, provide us some screenshots about the package design, error message, expression and column information. So that we can make further analysis and help you
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    You can reinstall your notebook using Recovery CD. It is easiest and fastest way to reinstall OS, all necessary drivers and tools. Put Recovery CD into DVD-ROM, start notebook and press down C button. At the beginning there is choice between two kinds of installation (Standard mode and expert mode).
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    Try it. It is very simple to do it.
    Good luck

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the page that opens.
    Select the most recent panic log under System Diagnostic Reports. Post the contents — the text, please, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header and body of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don't post shutdownStall, spin, or hang reports.

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    And a 180 APO Sigma Macro or do I have to scrap them and buy others.
    ALL Help will be greatly received. Yours  BRODIE

    In short, I love it. I was going to buy the 5DMark III. After playing with it for a while at my local Fry's store where they put 5DMII, 5DMIII and 6D next to each other, using the same 24-105L lens, I decided to get the 6D and pocket the different for lens later.
    I'm upgrading from the 30D. So I think you'll love it. It's a great camera. I have used 5DMII extensively before (borrowing from a close friend).
    Funny thing is at first I don't really care about the GPS and Wifi much. I thought they're just marketing-gimmick. But once you have it, it is actually really fun and helpful. For example, I can place the 6D on a long "monopod", then use the app on the phone to control the camera to get some unique perspective on some scenes. It's fun and great. GPS is also nice for travel guy like me.
    Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

  • Help needed in constructing a tree

    Help needed in constructing a tree. I was wondering if some one can suggest me how to add messages in the second column for both the parent node and child elements.
    I was able to create a tree succefully, but want to add some description in the second column for the first column elements, for both parent and child elements.
    Please suggest me how to add the arrays to second column for parent and child nodes.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏15 KB

    The Child Text parameter is the one you are searching for. It accepts a 1D string array for the following columns.
    hope this helps,
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • HELP NEEDED!! (please) CS6

    HELP NEEDED!  I have been working for 3 days in a "new doc". Of course i have saved several times (control+s)
    but i do not remember it asking me about file name or folder. Today my comp crashed and i do not find the file. Just found 2 files (a tmp and one with no extension)
    : one with 174 mg and another one with almost 2 gb. Is there any possibility to recover my work? Photoshop did not oppened a thing when i restarted comp
    Thanks in advance

    The TMP file is your Scratch Disk file, and cannot be "recovered" to an Image file.
    Your second file might be almost anything. Though designed more for video files, both G-Spot and MediaInfo (both free file info utilities), CAN read several Still Image file types, and might help point out what that file (the one with no extension) really is. OTOH, as it could be almost anything, it could be that there is no header info in the file, for either to read.
    Good luck,
    PS - Before I did much additional work, I would investigate WHY your computer shut down. If you are on a PC, I would go into Event Viewer, at the time of the shutdown, and see if you can track down any warning, or error messages, in both the System and Applications Tabs. I am pretty sure that a Mac has similar, but have not a clue where, or even what it would be called.

Maybe you are looking for

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