Help needed with table of contents construction for ebook

I am creating an ebook manuscript in Pages. I want to link the headings in the table of contents - instead of the page numbers - to the appropriate sections of my document. Is there any way to do that?
Also, how can I edit the table of contents? I don't mean change the style. I've already done that. I just want to add extra spacing and insert a page break. Every time I try to insert my cursor to make these changes, the headings become highlighted in blue. How can I avoid that?

Is your goal to have links on the chapter titles as an ease of use for the consumer of your ebook, or as a convenience to you that enables you to jump around the book with a single click?
The first part of the conjunction does not appear currently possible in Pages. The second part is possible.
Select a chapter title. Open the link inspector and choose the Bookmark tab. Add your chapter titles in order as bookmarks. No hyperlinks. Once done, you can use your mouse to select the bookmarked chapter title from the link inspector bookmark list that you want to instantly jump to in your Pages document. Simpler than using the TOC to do this.

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  • Help Needed With Scrollbar and Content

    I'm having a difficult time with the Scrollbar component. I'm trying to have a scrollbar set up to navigate a text field or a MC of a text field. I managed to get it functioning within the desired frame, however when I jump to another frame, that very same content appears on the other frame, despite the fact that said frame did not have the scrollbar nor the content pasted within.
    The bar seems to do what I want it to do save for the unwelcomed presence outside of the frame of choice. Here's the code I'm using. This is the keyframe code:
    import boppreh.ui.Scrollbar
    var scrollbar1:Scrollbar = new Scrollbar(boomboom, 500, true, false, 293, bar, slider, arrowUp, arrowDown)
    scrollbar1.x = 50
    scrollbar1.y = 50
    And this is the code found in the AS file:
    package boppreh.ui
        import flash.display.*
        import flash.geom.Rectangle;
        import flash.utils.Timer
        import flash.ui.Keyboard
         * Scrollbar to handle single display objects.
         * Author: Lucas Boppre Niehues ([email protected])
         * Date: 09/02/2010
        public class Scrollbar extends Sprite {
            /// The default width for the default slider, bar and arrows, as well as the default arrows' height
            public static const DEFAULT_SIDE:Number = 20
            /// The delay (in milliseconds) between clicking and holding an arrow and the slider moving continously
            public static var SCROLL_DELAY:Number = 300
            /// The number of lines to be scrolled every second during continous scrolling
            public static var LINES_PER_SECOND:Number = 1.5
            /// Number of pixels to be scrolled for each mouse wheel line (default lines per wheel tick is 3)
            public static var PIXELS_PER_LINE:Number = 16
            protected var windowSize:Number
            protected var contentPadding:Number
            protected var isVertical:Boolean
            /// Stored movement to be applied on the next "scroll()" call
            protected var movement:Number
            /// Timer used to control the delay before continous scrolling
            protected var timer:Timer
            protected var content:DisplayObject
            protected var contentBounds:Rectangle
            protected var bar:InteractiveObject
            protected var arrowUp:InteractiveObject
            protected var arrowDown:InteractiveObject
            protected var slider:InteractiveObject
            protected var partHold:InteractiveObject
            protected function get eventOrigin():String {
                if (partHold == arrowUp)
                    return ScrollEvent.ARROW_UP
                else if (partHold == arrowDown)
                    return ScrollEvent.ARROW_DOWN
                else if (partHold == bar)
                    return ScrollEvent.BAR
                throw new Error("Unkown event origin.")
            private var mouseOffset:Number
            protected function get maxContentPos():Number {
                if (isVertical)
                    return -(contentBounds.height - windowSize) - 1
                    return -(contentBounds.width - windowSize) - 1
            /// The content's current position, in a scale from 0 to 1
            public function get position():Number {
                if (isVertical)
                    return contentBounds.y / maxContentPos
                    return contentBounds.x / maxContentPos
            public function set position(value:Number) {
                value = Math.min(1, Math.max(value, 0))
                var newContentPos:Number = value * maxContentPos
                setPosition(content, isVertical ? null : newContentPos, isVertical ? newContentPos : null, false, false)
                contentBounds = content.getBounds(this)
                if (isVertical) {
                    bar.height = windowSize - (arrowUp.height + arrowDown.height)
                    slider.height = (windowSize / Math.max(contentBounds.height, windowSize)) * bar.height
                    var newSliderY:Number = arrowUp.height + (-newContentPos / contentBounds.height) * bar.height
                    setPosition(slider, null, newSliderY, false, false)
                } else {
                    bar.width = windowSize - (arrowUp.width + arrowDown.width)
                    slider.width = (windowSize / Math.max(contentBounds.width, windowSize)) * bar.width
                    var newSliderX:Number = arrowUp.width + (-newContentPos / contentBounds.width) * bar.width
                    setPosition(slider, newSliderX, null, false, false)
             * Creates a new Scrollbar object to scroll a single Display Object.
             * @param    content    the object to be scrolled
             * @param    windowSize    the height or width of the scrollbar, depending if it's vertical or not; i.e.: the dimension of the content's visible part
             * @param    isVertical    defines if the scrollbar's parts should be placed on the right or bottom of the content, and if the content should be scrolled upways or to the right
             * @param    autoUpdate    automatically checks for dimensions changes in any part and updates accordingly. Use only if the content will be resized
             * @param    contentPadding    the distance between the content and all the other parts
             * @param    bar    the bar object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
             * @param    slider    the slider object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
             * @param    arrowUp    the arrow up/left object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
             * @param    arrowDown    the arrow down/right object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
            public function Scrollbar(content:DisplayObject, windowSize:Number, isVertical:Boolean=true, autoUpdate:Boolean=false, contentPadding:Number=5, bar:InteractiveObject=null, slider:InteractiveObject=null, arrowUp:InteractiveObject=null, arrowDown:InteractiveObject=null) {
                this.content = content
                this.windowSize = windowSize
                this.contentPadding = contentPadding
                this.isVertical = isVertical
       = bar || createDefaultBar()
                this.arrowUp = arrowUp || createDefaultArrow(false)
                this.arrowDown = arrowDown || createDefaultArrow(true)
                this.slider = slider || createDefaultSlider()
                timer = new Timer(SCROLL_DELAY)
                timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startScrolling)
                if (autoUpdate)
                    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update)
                position = 0
            protected function scroll(e:*= null):void {
                // This nested if forbids the slider to continue moving if the user is
                // "holding" the bar and the slider already reached the mouse position
                if (e && (e is Event) && (Event(e).type == Event.ENTER_FRAME)) {
                    if (partHold == bar) {
                        var sliderBounds:Rectangle = slider.getBounds(this)
                        if (isVertical) {
                            if (mouseY > && mouseY < sliderBounds.bottom) {
                        } else {
                            if (mouseX > sliderBounds.left && mouseX < sliderBounds.right) {
             * Scrolls the content by the specified ammount.
             * @param    number    number of pixels to be scrolled
            protected function scrollPixels(number:Number):void {
                position += number / -maxContentPos
            protected function configureListeners():void {
                slider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startSliderDrag)
                for each (var part:InteractiveObject in [arrowUp, arrowDown, bar]) {
                    part.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fixedPart_onMouseDownHandler)
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, mouse_onWheelScrollHandler)
                addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyboard_onKeyDownHandler)
            protected function fixedPart_onMouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                partHold = InteractiveObject(event.currentTarget)
                if (partHold == arrowUp) {
                    movement = -PIXELS_PER_LINE
                } else if (partHold == arrowDown) {
                    movement = PIXELS_PER_LINE
                } else if (partHold == bar) {
                    var sliderBounds:Rectangle = slider.getBounds(this)
                    if (isVertical) {
                        if (mouseY > ( + sliderBounds.height / 2))
                            movement = windowSize
                            movement = -windowSize
                    } else {
                        if (mouseX > (sliderBounds.left + sliderBounds.width / 2))
                            movement = windowSize
                            movement = -windowSize
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, eventOrigin))
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling)
                partHold.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopScrolling)
            protected function keyboard_onKeyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
                switch (event.keyCode) {
                    case Keyboard.UP:
                    case Keyboard.LEFT:
                        movement = -PIXELS_PER_LINE
                    case Keyboard.DOWN:
                    case Keyboard.RIGHT:
                        movement = PIXELS_PER_LINE
                    case Keyboard.SPACE:
                    case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
                        movement = windowSize
                    case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
                        movement = -windowSize
                    case Keyboard.HOME:
                        movement = 0
                        position = 0
                    case Keyboard.END:
                        movement = 0
                        position = 100
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, ScrollEvent.KEYBOARD))
            protected function startScrolling(e:*=null):void {
                this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scroll)
                movement = (movement * (LINES_PER_SECOND * PIXELS_PER_LINE)) / stage.frameRate
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.CONTINOUS_SCROLL_START, eventOrigin))
            protected function stopScrolling(e:*=null) {
                this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scroll)
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, stopScrolling)
                stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling)
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.CONTINOUS_SCROLL_STOP, eventOrigin))
                if (partHold) {
                    partHold.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopScrolling)
                    partHold = null
            protected function mouse_onWheelScrollHandler(event:MouseEvent) {
                // The mouse wheel delta arrives inverted
                var delta:int =
                movement = delta * PIXELS_PER_LINE
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, ScrollEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL))
            //{ region Slider Drag functions
            protected function startSliderDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
                if (isVertical)
                    mouseOffset = slider.getBounds(this).y - this.mouseY
                    mouseOffset = slider.getBounds(this).x - this.mouseX
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onSliderDrag)
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopSliderDrag)
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SLIDER_DRAG_START, ScrollEvent.SLIDER))
            protected function stopSliderDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
                stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopSliderDrag)
                stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onSliderDrag)
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SLIDER_DRAG_STOP, ScrollEvent.SLIDER))
            protected function onSliderDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
                if (isVertical) {
                    if (bar.height == slider.height)
                } else {
                    if (bar.width == slider.width)
                if (isVertical)
                    position = (this.mouseY + mouseOffset - arrowUp.height) / (bar.height - slider.height)
                    position = (this.mouseX + mouseOffset - arrowUp.width) / (bar.width - slider.width)
            //} endregion
            //{ region Visual functions
            /// Adds all required parts to the scrollbar's display list
            protected function addParts():void {
                setPosition(content, 0, 0, false, false)
             * Updates all parts to fit the new dimensions and positions.
            public function update(e:*= null):void {
                contentBounds = content.getBounds(this)
                // Ugly, but updates everything that was not update in the above call based on the content's position and size
                position = position
            protected function updatePartsPositions(event:Event = null):void {
                if (isVertical) {
                    // The parts width is divided by 2 because they will be center aligned
                    var newX:Number = contentBounds.width +
                                contentPadding +
                                Math.max(slider.width, arrowUp.width, arrowDown.width, bar.width) / 2
                    setPosition(arrowUp, newX, 0, true, false)
                    setPosition(bar, newX, arrowUp.height, true, false)
                    setPosition(arrowDown, newX, arrowUp.height + bar.height, true, false)
                    setPosition(slider, newX, null, true, false)
                } else {
                    var newY:Number = contentBounds.height +
                                contentPadding +
                                Math.max(slider.height, arrowUp.height, arrowDown.height, bar.height) / 2
                    setPosition(arrowUp, 0, newY, false, true)
                    setPosition(bar, arrowUp.width, newY, false, true)
                    setPosition(arrowDown, arrowUp.width + bar.width, newY, false, true)
                    setPosition(slider, null, newY, false, true)
            private function updateMask():void {
                if (content.mask && this.contains(content.mask))
                var contentMask:Sprite = createWindowMask()
                content.mask = contentMask
            protected function setPosition(part:DisplayObject, newX:Object=null, newY:Object=null, alignHorizontal:Boolean=false, alignVertical:Boolean=false):void {
                var bounds:Rectangle = part.getBounds(this)
                if (newX is Number)
                    part.x = int(newX) + (part.x - bounds.x) - ((alignHorizontal) ? bounds.width / 2 : 0)
                if (newY is Number)
                    part.y = int(newY) + (part.y - bounds.y) - ((alignVertical) ? bounds.height / 2 : 0)
            //} endregion
            //{ region Functions to draw parts
            private function createDefaultBar():Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
                if (isVertical)
          , 0, DEFAULT_SIDE, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2)
          , 0, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2, DEFAULT_SIDE)
                //image.buttonMode = true
                return image
            private function createDefaultArrow(inverted:Boolean):Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
                if (isVertical) {
                    if (inverted) {
              , 4)
              , 16)
              , 4)
                    } else {
              , 16)
              , 4)
              , 16)
                } else {
                    if (inverted) {
              , 4)
              , 10)
              , 16)
                    } else {
              , 4)
              , 10)
              , 16)
                image.buttonMode = true
                return image
            private function createDefaultSlider():Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
                if (isVertical)
          , 0, DEFAULT_SIDE, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2)
          , 0, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2, DEFAULT_SIDE)
                image.buttonMode = true
                return image
            private function createWindowMask():Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
      , 1)
                if (isVertical)
          , 0, content.width + 1, windowSize)
          , 0, windowSize, content.width + 1)
                image.alpha = 0
                return image
            //} endregion
    And this is the ScrollEvent AS file:
    package boppreh.ui
         * Events related to the Scrollbar class.
         * Author: Lucas Boppre Niehues ([email protected])
         * Date: 09/02/2010
        public class ScrollEvent extends Event
            /// Dispatched when a scroll movement occurs
            public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll"
            /// Dispatched when the user has clicked and is holding an arrow or the bar
            public static const CONTINOUS_SCROLL_START:String = "continous scroll start"
            /// Dispatched when the user has clicked and dropped an arrow or the bar
            public static const CONTINOUS_SCROLL_STOP:String = "continous scroll stop"
            /// Dispatched when the user starts dragging the slider part
            public static const SLIDER_DRAG_START:String = "slider drag start"
            /// Dispatched when the user stops dragging the slider part
            public static const SLIDER_DRAG_STOP:String = "slider drag stop"
            /// Origin type representing the arrow up part
            public static const ARROW_UP:String = "arrow up"
            /// Origin type representing the arrow down part
            public static const ARROW_DOWN:String = "arrow down"
            /// Origin type representing the bar part
            public static const BAR:String = "part"
            /// Origin type representing the slider part
            public static const SLIDER:String = "slider"
            /// Origin type representing the keyboard
            public static const KEYBOARD:String = "keyboard"
            /// Origin type representing the mouse wheel
            public static const MOUSE_WHEEL:String = "mouse wheel"
            public var origin:String
             * Creates a new ScrollEvent object.
             * @param    type    the object type (first group of declared constants)
             * @param    origin    the object that originated the event (second group of declared constants)
            public function ScrollEvent (type:String, origin:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false) {
                this.origin = origin
                super(type, bubbles, cancelable)
    Any help would be appreciated. I've been stuck here all day.

    I'm having a difficult time with the Scrollbar component. I'm trying to have a scrollbar set up to navigate a text field or a MC of a text field. I managed to get it functioning within the desired frame, however when I jump to another frame, that very same content appears on the other frame, despite the fact that said frame did not have the scrollbar nor the content pasted within.
    The bar seems to do what I want it to do save for the unwelcomed presence outside of the frame of choice. Here's the code I'm using. This is the keyframe code:
    import boppreh.ui.Scrollbar
    var scrollbar1:Scrollbar = new Scrollbar(boomboom, 500, true, false, 293, bar, slider, arrowUp, arrowDown)
    scrollbar1.x = 50
    scrollbar1.y = 50
    And this is the code found in the AS file:
    package boppreh.ui
        import flash.display.*
        import flash.geom.Rectangle;
        import flash.utils.Timer
        import flash.ui.Keyboard
         * Scrollbar to handle single display objects.
         * Author: Lucas Boppre Niehues ([email protected])
         * Date: 09/02/2010
        public class Scrollbar extends Sprite {
            /// The default width for the default slider, bar and arrows, as well as the default arrows' height
            public static const DEFAULT_SIDE:Number = 20
            /// The delay (in milliseconds) between clicking and holding an arrow and the slider moving continously
            public static var SCROLL_DELAY:Number = 300
            /// The number of lines to be scrolled every second during continous scrolling
            public static var LINES_PER_SECOND:Number = 1.5
            /// Number of pixels to be scrolled for each mouse wheel line (default lines per wheel tick is 3)
            public static var PIXELS_PER_LINE:Number = 16
            protected var windowSize:Number
            protected var contentPadding:Number
            protected var isVertical:Boolean
            /// Stored movement to be applied on the next "scroll()" call
            protected var movement:Number
            /// Timer used to control the delay before continous scrolling
            protected var timer:Timer
            protected var content:DisplayObject
            protected var contentBounds:Rectangle
            protected var bar:InteractiveObject
            protected var arrowUp:InteractiveObject
            protected var arrowDown:InteractiveObject
            protected var slider:InteractiveObject
            protected var partHold:InteractiveObject
            protected function get eventOrigin():String {
                if (partHold == arrowUp)
                    return ScrollEvent.ARROW_UP
                else if (partHold == arrowDown)
                    return ScrollEvent.ARROW_DOWN
                else if (partHold == bar)
                    return ScrollEvent.BAR
                throw new Error("Unkown event origin.")
            private var mouseOffset:Number
            protected function get maxContentPos():Number {
                if (isVertical)
                    return -(contentBounds.height - windowSize) - 1
                    return -(contentBounds.width - windowSize) - 1
            /// The content's current position, in a scale from 0 to 1
            public function get position():Number {
                if (isVertical)
                    return contentBounds.y / maxContentPos
                    return contentBounds.x / maxContentPos
            public function set position(value:Number) {
                value = Math.min(1, Math.max(value, 0))
                var newContentPos:Number = value * maxContentPos
                setPosition(content, isVertical ? null : newContentPos, isVertical ? newContentPos : null, false, false)
                contentBounds = content.getBounds(this)
                if (isVertical) {
                    bar.height = windowSize - (arrowUp.height + arrowDown.height)
                    slider.height = (windowSize / Math.max(contentBounds.height, windowSize)) * bar.height
                    var newSliderY:Number = arrowUp.height + (-newContentPos / contentBounds.height) * bar.height
                    setPosition(slider, null, newSliderY, false, false)
                } else {
                    bar.width = windowSize - (arrowUp.width + arrowDown.width)
                    slider.width = (windowSize / Math.max(contentBounds.width, windowSize)) * bar.width
                    var newSliderX:Number = arrowUp.width + (-newContentPos / contentBounds.width) * bar.width
                    setPosition(slider, newSliderX, null, false, false)
             * Creates a new Scrollbar object to scroll a single Display Object.
             * @param    content    the object to be scrolled
             * @param    windowSize    the height or width of the scrollbar, depending if it's vertical or not; i.e.: the dimension of the content's visible part
             * @param    isVertical    defines if the scrollbar's parts should be placed on the right or bottom of the content, and if the content should be scrolled upways or to the right
             * @param    autoUpdate    automatically checks for dimensions changes in any part and updates accordingly. Use only if the content will be resized
             * @param    contentPadding    the distance between the content and all the other parts
             * @param    bar    the bar object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
             * @param    slider    the slider object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
             * @param    arrowUp    the arrow up/left object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
             * @param    arrowDown    the arrow down/right object to be used; if null, a default one will be used
            public function Scrollbar(content:DisplayObject, windowSize:Number, isVertical:Boolean=true, autoUpdate:Boolean=false, contentPadding:Number=5, bar:InteractiveObject=null, slider:InteractiveObject=null, arrowUp:InteractiveObject=null, arrowDown:InteractiveObject=null) {
                this.content = content
                this.windowSize = windowSize
                this.contentPadding = contentPadding
                this.isVertical = isVertical
       = bar || createDefaultBar()
                this.arrowUp = arrowUp || createDefaultArrow(false)
                this.arrowDown = arrowDown || createDefaultArrow(true)
                this.slider = slider || createDefaultSlider()
                timer = new Timer(SCROLL_DELAY)
                timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startScrolling)
                if (autoUpdate)
                    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update)
                position = 0
            protected function scroll(e:*= null):void {
                // This nested if forbids the slider to continue moving if the user is
                // "holding" the bar and the slider already reached the mouse position
                if (e && (e is Event) && (Event(e).type == Event.ENTER_FRAME)) {
                    if (partHold == bar) {
                        var sliderBounds:Rectangle = slider.getBounds(this)
                        if (isVertical) {
                            if (mouseY > && mouseY < sliderBounds.bottom) {
                        } else {
                            if (mouseX > sliderBounds.left && mouseX < sliderBounds.right) {
             * Scrolls the content by the specified ammount.
             * @param    number    number of pixels to be scrolled
            protected function scrollPixels(number:Number):void {
                position += number / -maxContentPos
            protected function configureListeners():void {
                slider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startSliderDrag)
                for each (var part:InteractiveObject in [arrowUp, arrowDown, bar]) {
                    part.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fixedPart_onMouseDownHandler)
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, mouse_onWheelScrollHandler)
                addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyboard_onKeyDownHandler)
            protected function fixedPart_onMouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                partHold = InteractiveObject(event.currentTarget)
                if (partHold == arrowUp) {
                    movement = -PIXELS_PER_LINE
                } else if (partHold == arrowDown) {
                    movement = PIXELS_PER_LINE
                } else if (partHold == bar) {
                    var sliderBounds:Rectangle = slider.getBounds(this)
                    if (isVertical) {
                        if (mouseY > ( + sliderBounds.height / 2))
                            movement = windowSize
                            movement = -windowSize
                    } else {
                        if (mouseX > (sliderBounds.left + sliderBounds.width / 2))
                            movement = windowSize
                            movement = -windowSize
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, eventOrigin))
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling)
                partHold.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopScrolling)
            protected function keyboard_onKeyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
                switch (event.keyCode) {
                    case Keyboard.UP:
                    case Keyboard.LEFT:
                        movement = -PIXELS_PER_LINE
                    case Keyboard.DOWN:
                    case Keyboard.RIGHT:
                        movement = PIXELS_PER_LINE
                    case Keyboard.SPACE:
                    case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
                        movement = windowSize
                    case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
                        movement = -windowSize
                    case Keyboard.HOME:
                        movement = 0
                        position = 0
                    case Keyboard.END:
                        movement = 0
                        position = 100
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, ScrollEvent.KEYBOARD))
            protected function startScrolling(e:*=null):void {
                this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scroll)
                movement = (movement * (LINES_PER_SECOND * PIXELS_PER_LINE)) / stage.frameRate
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.CONTINOUS_SCROLL_START, eventOrigin))
            protected function stopScrolling(e:*=null) {
                this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scroll)
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, stopScrolling)
                stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling)
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.CONTINOUS_SCROLL_STOP, eventOrigin))
                if (partHold) {
                    partHold.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopScrolling)
                    partHold = null
            protected function mouse_onWheelScrollHandler(event:MouseEvent) {
                // The mouse wheel delta arrives inverted
                var delta:int =
                movement = delta * PIXELS_PER_LINE
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, ScrollEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL))
            //{ region Slider Drag functions
            protected function startSliderDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
                if (isVertical)
                    mouseOffset = slider.getBounds(this).y - this.mouseY
                    mouseOffset = slider.getBounds(this).x - this.mouseX
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onSliderDrag)
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopSliderDrag)
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SLIDER_DRAG_START, ScrollEvent.SLIDER))
            protected function stopSliderDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
                stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopSliderDrag)
                stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onSliderDrag)
                dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollEvent.SLIDER_DRAG_STOP, ScrollEvent.SLIDER))
            protected function onSliderDrag(event:MouseEvent) {
                if (isVertical) {
                    if (bar.height == slider.height)
                } else {
                    if (bar.width == slider.width)
                if (isVertical)
                    position = (this.mouseY + mouseOffset - arrowUp.height) / (bar.height - slider.height)
                    position = (this.mouseX + mouseOffset - arrowUp.width) / (bar.width - slider.width)
            //} endregion
            //{ region Visual functions
            /// Adds all required parts to the scrollbar's display list
            protected function addParts():void {
                setPosition(content, 0, 0, false, false)
             * Updates all parts to fit the new dimensions and positions.
            public function update(e:*= null):void {
                contentBounds = content.getBounds(this)
                // Ugly, but updates everything that was not update in the above call based on the content's position and size
                position = position
            protected function updatePartsPositions(event:Event = null):void {
                if (isVertical) {
                    // The parts width is divided by 2 because they will be center aligned
                    var newX:Number = contentBounds.width +
                                contentPadding +
                                Math.max(slider.width, arrowUp.width, arrowDown.width, bar.width) / 2
                    setPosition(arrowUp, newX, 0, true, false)
                    setPosition(bar, newX, arrowUp.height, true, false)
                    setPosition(arrowDown, newX, arrowUp.height + bar.height, true, false)
                    setPosition(slider, newX, null, true, false)
                } else {
                    var newY:Number = contentBounds.height +
                                contentPadding +
                                Math.max(slider.height, arrowUp.height, arrowDown.height, bar.height) / 2
                    setPosition(arrowUp, 0, newY, false, true)
                    setPosition(bar, arrowUp.width, newY, false, true)
                    setPosition(arrowDown, arrowUp.width + bar.width, newY, false, true)
                    setPosition(slider, null, newY, false, true)
            private function updateMask():void {
                if (content.mask && this.contains(content.mask))
                var contentMask:Sprite = createWindowMask()
                content.mask = contentMask
            protected function setPosition(part:DisplayObject, newX:Object=null, newY:Object=null, alignHorizontal:Boolean=false, alignVertical:Boolean=false):void {
                var bounds:Rectangle = part.getBounds(this)
                if (newX is Number)
                    part.x = int(newX) + (part.x - bounds.x) - ((alignHorizontal) ? bounds.width / 2 : 0)
                if (newY is Number)
                    part.y = int(newY) + (part.y - bounds.y) - ((alignVertical) ? bounds.height / 2 : 0)
            //} endregion
            //{ region Functions to draw parts
            private function createDefaultBar():Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
                if (isVertical)
          , 0, DEFAULT_SIDE, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2)
          , 0, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2, DEFAULT_SIDE)
                //image.buttonMode = true
                return image
            private function createDefaultArrow(inverted:Boolean):Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
                if (isVertical) {
                    if (inverted) {
              , 4)
              , 16)
              , 4)
                    } else {
              , 16)
              , 4)
              , 16)
                } else {
                    if (inverted) {
              , 4)
              , 10)
              , 16)
                    } else {
              , 4)
              , 10)
              , 16)
                image.buttonMode = true
                return image
            private function createDefaultSlider():Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
                if (isVertical)
          , 0, DEFAULT_SIDE, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2)
          , 0, windowSize - DEFAULT_SIDE * 2, DEFAULT_SIDE)
                image.buttonMode = true
                return image
            private function createWindowMask():Sprite {
                var image:Sprite = new Sprite()
      , 1)
                if (isVertical)
          , 0, content.width + 1, windowSize)
          , 0, windowSize, content.width + 1)
                image.alpha = 0
                return image
            //} endregion
    And this is the ScrollEvent AS file:
    package boppreh.ui
         * Events related to the Scrollbar class.
         * Author: Lucas Boppre Niehues ([email protected])
         * Date: 09/02/2010
        public class ScrollEvent extends Event
            /// Dispatched when a scroll movement occurs
            public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll"
            /// Dispatched when the user has clicked and is holding an arrow or the bar
            public static const CONTINOUS_SCROLL_START:String = "continous scroll start"
            /// Dispatched when the user has clicked and dropped an arrow or the bar
            public static const CONTINOUS_SCROLL_STOP:String = "continous scroll stop"
            /// Dispatched when the user starts dragging the slider part
            public static const SLIDER_DRAG_START:String = "slider drag start"
            /// Dispatched when the user stops dragging the slider part
            public static const SLIDER_DRAG_STOP:String = "slider drag stop"
            /// Origin type representing the arrow up part
            public static const ARROW_UP:String = "arrow up"
            /// Origin type representing the arrow down part
            public static const ARROW_DOWN:String = "arrow down"
            /// Origin type representing the bar part
            public static const BAR:String = "part"
            /// Origin type representing the slider part
            public static const SLIDER:String = "slider"
            /// Origin type representing the keyboard
            public static const KEYBOARD:String = "keyboard"
            /// Origin type representing the mouse wheel
            public static const MOUSE_WHEEL:String = "mouse wheel"
            public var origin:String
             * Creates a new ScrollEvent object.
             * @param    type    the object type (first group of declared constants)
             * @param    origin    the object that originated the event (second group of declared constants)
            public function ScrollEvent (type:String, origin:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false) {
                this.origin = origin
                super(type, bubbles, cancelable)
    Any help would be appreciated. I've been stuck here all day.

  • Help needed with Custom Web ADI Integrator for Mail Merge

    I've created a custom web adi integrator to generate letters to advise of end of probationary periods.
    The problem is that at the end of the process when the letter is opened in Word 2007, it only displays one record, and does not allow me to "preview results" and cycle through the records (this part is greyed out). It appears that the letter is not merged with the data spreadsheet although it does display one record from it.
    Our EBS version is 12.1.3 and we are using Office 2007.
    These are the steps I have followed so far (in brief):
    - Create a view to provide data (names, addresses etc).
    - Set up a new custom function (similar to seeded function HR Integrator Setup).
    - Add the custom function and other functions to Desktop Integration responsibility.
    - Add the relevant functions to end user's responsibility menu.
    - Add new category "other" to HR_ADI_DOCUMENT_TYPE lookup.
    - Create Download Excel Integrator by choosing Desktop Integration -> HR Integrator Setup. Enter "PER" for application and my view for the View Name. Upload.
    - Create another Excel document by choosing Desktop Integration -> HR Maintain Form Function Associations, and choose the integrator created above. Enter my custom function name in the generated spreadsheet and upload.
    - Define a layout for the new integrator.
    - Run the integrator under the end user responsibility and save the resulting spreadsheet, which is full of data as expected.
    - Create the letter in Word, using the saved spreadsheet as the data source for the merge. At this point the merge is successful.
    - Go to Desktop Integration -> Document Management and upload the Word mail merge document. Associate it with the custom document type created earlier.
    - Link this document to my integrator.
    - Go in as end user responsibility and run the integrator.
    At this point after enabling macros it loads 2 spreadsheets (one full of data) and the Word document, but the Word document only displays one record (approx the 10th in the list - there are about 100 in total). All of the relevant merge-related menu items on the "Mailings" tab are greyed out.
    Can anyone offer any pointers please?
    I did wonder whether it mattered if I changed the names of documents, e.g when I download and save the resulting spreadsheet full of data which I then use to merge to in the Word Doc, is it OK to call the spreadsheet anything or should it be left as the default name?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Nandhakumar.P,
    thanks for your response. Please find the answers below:
    - Set up a new custom function (similar to seeded function HR Integrator Setup).
    System Administrator -> Application -> Function. Query back the seeded User Function Name = "HR Integrator Setup", make a note of the details, then add a custom function entitled "NTC_HR_LETTERS" with the same details.
    - Add the custom function and other functions to Desktop Integration responsibility.
    System Administrator -> Application -> Menu. Query back User Menu Name = "Desktop Integration Menu" and add the following functions:
    a. HR Integrator Setup
    b. HR Maintain Integrator Form Functions
    c. HR Disable Integrator
    d. HR ADI Document Overwrite Page
    e. HR ADI Document Upload Page
    f. The custom function created in previous step ("NTC_HR_LETTERS")
    g. HR ADI Document Management Page
    - Add the relevant functions to end user's responsibility menu.
    System Administrator -> Application -> Menu. Query back menu attached to custom responsibility of end user that will perform the action once set up.
    Add the following:
    a. The custom function "NTC_HR_LETTERS" as created previously (without prompt)
    b. Desktop Integration - Create Document (With Prompt. This function will be used to generate letters)
    - Add new category "other" to HR_ADI_DOCUMENT_TYPE lookup.
    SA_Application Developer -> Application -> Lookups -> Common. Query back Type = HR_ADI_DOCUMENT_TYPE and add a new entry entitled "Other". This document type is later assigned to the Word document I upload and link to the integrator.
    I hopoe that answers your questions.

  • Help needed with java

    Hello everyone
    I'm a Student and new to java and I have been given a question which I have to go through. I have come across a problem with one of the questions and am stuck, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.
    here is my code so far:
    A Class that maintains Information about a book
    This might form part of a larger application such
    as a library system, for example.
    @author (your name)
    *@version (a version number or a date)*
    public class Book
    // instance variables or fields
    private String author;
    private String title;
    Set the author and title when the book object is constructed
    public Book(String bookAuthor, String bookTitle)
    author = bookAuthor;
    title = bookTitle;
    Return The name of the author.
    public String getAuthor()
    return author;
    Return The name of the title.
    public String getTitle()
    return title;
    and below are the questions that I need to complete. they just want me to add codes to my current one, but the problem is I don't know where to put them and how I should word them, if that makes sense.
    Add a further instance variable/field pages to the Book class to store the number of pages in the book.
    This should be of type int and should be set to 0 in the Constructor.
    Add a second Constructor with signature
    public Book(String bookAuthor, String bookTitle, int noPages) so it has a third parameter passed to it as well as the author and title;
    this parameter is used - obviously?? - to initialise the number of pages.
    Note: This is easiest done by making a copy of the existing Constructor and adding the parameter.
    Add a getPages() accessor method that returns the number of pages in the book.
    Add a method printDetails() to your Book class. This should print out the Author title and number of pages to the Terminal Window. It is your choice as to how the data is formatted, perhaps all on one line, perhaps on three, and with or without explanatory text. For instance you could print out in the format:
    Title: Robinson Crusoe, Author: Daniel Defoe, Pages:226
    Add a further instance variable/field refNumber() to your Book class. This stores the Library's reference number. It should be of type String and be initialised to the empty String "" in the constructor, as its initial value is not passed in as a parameter. Instead a public mutator method with the signature:
    public void setRefNumber(String ref) should be created. The body of this method should assign the value of the method parameter ref to the refNumber.
    Add a corresponding getRefNumber() accessor method to your class so you can check that the mutator works correctly
    Modify your printDetails() method to include printing the reference number of the book.
    However the method should print the reference number only if it has been set - that is the refNumber has a non-zero length.
    If it has not been set, print "ZZZ" instead.
    Hint Use a conditional statement whose test calls the length() method of the refNumber String and gives a result like:
    Title: Jane Eyre, Author: Charlotte Bronte, Pages:226, RefNo: CB479 or, if the reference number is not set:
    Title: Robinson Crusoe, Author: Daniel Defoe, Pages:347, RefNo: ZZZ
    Modify your setRefNumber() method so that it sets the refNumber field only if the parameter is a string of at least three characters. If it is less than three, then print an error message (which must contain the word error) and leave the field unchanged
    Add a further integer variable/field borrowed to the Book class, to keep a count of the number of times a book has been borrowed. It should (obviously??) be set to 0 in the constructor.
    Add a mutator method borrow() to the class. This should increment (add 1 to) the value of borrowed each time it is called.
    Include an accessor method getBorrowed() that returns the value of borrowed
    Modify Print Details so that it includes the value of the borrowed field along with some explanatory text
    PS. sorry it looks so messey

    1. In the future, please use a more meaningful subject. "Help needed with java" contains no information. The very fact that you're posting here tells us you need help with Java. The point of the subject is to give the forum an idea of what kind of problem you're having, so that individuals can decide if they're interested and qualified to help.
    2. You need to ask a specific question. If you have no idea where to start, then start here: []
    3. When you post code, use code tags. Copy the code from the original source in your editor (NOT from an earlier post here, where it will already have lost all formatting), paste it in here, highlight it, and click the CODE button.


    ......THIS ENSURES NO SMOKE!!!                                                                                           

    Quote from: BOBHIGH on 17-December-05, 09:21:31
    Get over it mate !
    I find it easy t read CAPS...and if you dont like it ...DONT READ IT!
    And why bother to reply...some people have nothing better to do.
    Yes there chep and easy to come by...Ive already got a new one.
    All I wanted was to make a diagram of whats inside the bloody was a simple question and required a simple answer.
    I feel a bann comming up.
    Have you tryed Google ? really.. your question is inrelevant. No need to reply indeed.
    Why do you come here asking this question anyway ? is it becouse you have a MSI gfx card ? and the adapter has nothing to do with this ?
    You think you can come in here yelling.. thinking we have to put up with it and accept your style of posting. This is not a MSI tech center.. it's a user to user center.. Your question has nothing to do with MSI relavant things anyway's.
    Google = your friend.
    Quote from: BOBHIGH on 17-December-05, 09:21:31
    it was a simple question and required a simple answer
    Simple for who ? you (buying a new one) ? me ? we ?   .really...........
    Quote from: Dynamike on 16-December-05, 04:11:48
    1: There are allot of diffrent types of those adapters.
    If any of the mods have a problem about my reply.. please pm me.

  • Help needed with Vista 64 Ultimate

    "Help needed with Vista 64 UltimateI I need some help in getting XFI Dolby digital to work
    Okay so i went out and I bought a yamaha 630BL reciever, a digital coaxial s/pdif, and a 3.5mm phono plug to fit perfectly to my XFI Extreme Music
    -The audio plays fine and reports as a PCM stream when I play it normally, but I can't get dolby digital or DTS to enable for some reason eventhough I bought the DDL & DTS Connect Pack for $4.72
    When I click dolby digital li've in DDL it jumps back up to off and has this [The operation was unsuccessful. Please try again or reinstall the application].
    Message Edited by Fuzion64 on 03-06-2009 05:33 AMS/PDIF I/O was enabled under speakers in control panel/sound, but S/PDIF Out function was totally disabled
    once I set this to enabled Dolby and DTS went acti've.
    I also have a question on 5. and Vista 64
    -When I game I normally use headphones in game mode or 2. with my headphones, the reason for this is if I set it on 5. I get sounds coming out of all of the wrong channels.
    Now when I watch movies or listen to music I switch to 5. sound in entertainment mode, but to make this work properly I have to open CMSS-3D. I then change it from xpand to stereo and put the slider at even center for 50%. If I use the default xpand mode the audio is way off coming out of all of the wrong channels.
    How do I make 5. render properly on vista

    We ended up getting iTunes cleanly uninstalled and were able to re-install without issue.  All is now mostly well.

  • Help needed with itunes

    help needed with itunes please tryed to move my itunes libary to my external hard drive itunes move ok and runs fin but i have none of my music or apps or anything all my stuff is in the itunes folder on my external hard drive but there is nothing on ituns how do i get it back help,please

    (Make sure the Music (top left) library is selected before beginning this.)
    If you have bad song links in your library, hilite them and hit the delete button. Then locate the folder(s) where your music is located and drag and drop into the large library window in iTunes ( where your tracks show up). This will force the tunes into iTunes. Before you start, check your preferences in iTunes specifically under the"Advanced" tab, general settings. I prefer that the 1st 2 boxes are unchecked. (Keep iTunes Music folder organized & Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library). They are designed to let iTunes manage your library. I prefer to manage it myself. Suit yourself. If there is a way for iTunes to restore broken links other than locating one song at a time I haven't found it yet. (I wish Apple would fix this, as I have used that feature in other apps.) This is the way I do it and I have approx. 25,000 songs and podcasts and videos at present. Hope this helps.

  • Urgent help needed with un-removable junk mail that froze Mail!!

    Urgent help needed with un-removable junk mail that froze Mail?
    I had 7 junk mails come in this morning, 5 went straight to junk and 2 more I junked.
    When I clicked on the Junk folder to empty it, it froze Mail and I can't click on anything, I had to force quit Mail and re-open it. When it re-opens the Junk folder is selected and it is froze, I can't do anything.
    I repaired permissions, it did nothing.
    I re-booted my computer, on opening Mail the In folder was selected, when I selected Junk, again, it locks up Mail and I can't select them to delete them?
    Anyone know how I can delete these Junk mails from my Junk folder without having to open Mail to do it as it would appear this will be the only solution to the problem.

    Hi Nigel
    If you hold the Shift key when opening the mail app, it will start up without any folders selected & no emails showing. Hopefully this will enable you to start Mail ok.
    Then from the Mail menus - choose Mailbox-Erase Junk Mail . The problem mail should now be in the trash. If there's nothing you want to retain from the Trash, you should now choose Mailbox- Erase Deleted Messages....
    If you need to double-check the Trash for anything you might want to retain, then view the Trash folder first, before using Erase Junk Mail & move anything you wish to keep to another folder.
    The shift key starts Mail in a sort of Safe mode.

  • Help needed with this form in DW

    Hi, i have created this form in dreamweaver but ive got this problem.
    In the fields above the text field, the client needs to fill in some info such as name, email telephone number etc.
    But the problem is when ill get the messages. Only the text from the large text field is there.
    What did i do wrong??
    Thank you

    Thank you for your response. So what do i have to do to fix this?
    Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 07:57:56 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with this form in DW
        Re: Help needed with this form in DW
        created by Ken Binney in Dreamweaver General - View the full discussion
    You have several duplicate "name" attributes in these rows which also appears in the first row
    Aantal personen:
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         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Dreamweaver General by email or at Adobe Community
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • Please help me with user-exits or baids for TCode : FOE2 & FOE1

    Hi  Experts
    Please help me with user-exits or baids for TCode : FOE2 & FOE1.
    I found these but not picking values from VIMI01,VIOB03 and VIOB41.
    FVCH0001                                CH-specific enhancements: Esp. POR
    ISRE0001                                Determine bank procedure account no.
    ISRE0002                                IPD reporting data retrieval
    Business Add-in
    FVD_HANDLE_FORMULA                      Processing of Condition Formulas

    ASk your basis regarding the CI_CSKB table active issue, and first of all i dont see any table with the name CI_CSKB.
    And check this exit-COOMKS03 whether it works for your screen exits.
    Edited by: Venkat Reddy on Nov 4, 2008 5:59 PM

  • Help needed with header and upload onto business catalyst

    Can someone help with a problem over a header please?
    I have inserted a rectangle with a jpeg image in  background, in the 'header' section, underneath the menu. It comes up fine on most pages when previsualised, going right to the side of the screen, but stops just before the edge on certain pages. I have double checked that I have placed it in the right place in relation to the guides on the page.
    That's one problem.
    The second problem is that I tried to upload onto business catalyst, which got to 60% and refused to go any further, saying it couldn't find the header picture, giving the title and then The picture is in the right folder I have double checked. And it isn't a png. Does it have to be ?
    And the third problem is that I got an email following my upload from business catalyst in Swedish. I am living in France.
    Can anyone help ? Thanks.

    Thanks for replying,
    How can I check the preview in other browsers before I publish a provisional site with BC?
    The rectangle width issue happens on certain pages but not others. The Welecom page is fine when the menu is active, also the contact page, but others are slightly too narrow. Changing the menu spacing doesn’t help - I was already on uniform but tried changing to regular and back.
    In design mode the rectangle is set to the edge of the browser, that’s 100%browser width right?
    Re BC I have about 200 images on 24 different pages and it seems to be having difficulty uploading some of them. But it has managed a couple I named with spaces but not others I named with just one name.
    Is there an issue on size of pictures ? If I need to replace is there a quick way to rename and relink or do I have to insert the photos all over again?
    I’m a novice with Muse with an ambitious site !
    Thanks for your help.
    Mary Featherstone
    Envoyé depuis Courrier Windows
    De : Sanjit_Das
    Envoyé : vendredi 14 février 2014 22:15
    À : MFeatherstone
    Re: Help needed with header and upload onto business catalyst
    created by Sanjit_Das in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion 
    Answering the questions :
    - Have you checked the preview in Muse and also in other browsers ?
    - Does the rectangle width issue happens when menu is active , or in any specific state , Try to change the menu with uniform spacing and then check.
    - In design view the rectangle is set to 100% browser width ?
    With publishing :
    - Please try to rename the image file and then relink
    - If it happens with other images as well , see if all the image names includes strange characters or spaces.
    - Try again to publish
    With e-mail from BC :
    - Under preferences , please check the country selected.
    - If you have previously created partner account in BC and selected country and language then it would follow that, please check that.
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  • Help needed with a design!

    HELP! I need help with designing something!
    IMAGE on this link " "
    i need this patch on the picture to be "remade" in higher definition and the text should be MILF HUNTERS intstead of milf hunter... Anyone that might be able to help me out?
    reson for all this is that its gonna be made to a 30x40cm big patch fitting the back of our Team jackets!
    send me a pm or a mail ([email protected]) if you need any futher info or if you can help me out! I am really thankful for all the help i can get!
    With best regards J. Nilsson, Milf Hunters Mc

    I simply did as i got a tip on FB to do
    quote from adobe themselves on facebook "Adobe Illustrator You might also want to try asking on our forums as there are many people that can help there as well!"
    sry if it was wrong of me, simply thought there might be someone nice out there to give a helping hand
    Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 13:41:48 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with a design!
        Re: Help needed with a design!
        created by in Illustrator - View the full discussion
    This really isn't the place to ask for free services.
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         Start a new discussion in Illustrator by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • Help needed with Report Design

    Hi All,
    Here is the requirement.
    Period Type(holds 2 values) : Payment and Vested.
    we have field 'Total Days' which is calculated based on "User Selected" Period Type.
    For example, When Period Type is Payment,
    If start date is less than or equal to grant date and end date is less than or equal to vest date, then calculation is (End Date - Grant Date)+1
    If start date is greater than grant date and end date is less than or equal to vest date, then calculation is (End Date - Mobility Start Date)+1 (similarly 2 more if conditions) ...we have similar calculation for Period Type - 'Vested'.
    This Period Type is a multiselect Prompt. How can this be achievable.
    Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

    I simply did as i got a tip on FB to do
    quote from adobe themselves on facebook "Adobe Illustrator You might also want to try asking on our forums as there are many people that can help there as well!"
    sry if it was wrong of me, simply thought there might be someone nice out there to give a helping hand
    Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 13:41:48 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with a design!
        Re: Help needed with a design!
        created by in Illustrator - View the full discussion
    This really isn't the place to ask for free services.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Illustrator by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • Help needed with breadcrums???

    Hi thank you for reading,
    On my site
    you will see a nice page. On this page ive got no complaints.
    Alle the text and images are looking good. But to have this i had to change the settings of the breadcrums.
    Now all my other pages look like this..
    file:///C:/Users/Gast%20Account/Desktop/vakantiehuizensuriname%20website/appartement%20she rida.html
    As you can see there is too much space between the text and the photos. it seems i cant do one page without effecting an other.
    Need some help to figure this out.
    Regards  Brian

    all spaces are removed..
    here is the link..
    Regards  Brian
    Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 12:26:58 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help needed with breadcrums???
        Re: Help needed with breadcrums???
        created by Ken Binney in Dreamweaver - View the full discussion
    Hi Brian - Please remove spaces from all file and folder names. Use a hyphen or underscorehuize%20beekhuizen.html Please put sherida.html online and post a link for us
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
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         Start a new discussion in Dreamweaver by email or at Adobe Forums
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