Help on a simple SQLstatement

If I had to use a select statement in order to do something that would normally involve an "If..Then" , what would this select statement look like?
I'm trying to do the following:
If A = "value1" then B = "value 2"
If A IN ("value3", "value4", ...) then B /= "value2"
Sorry for something that I'm sure is a simple answer. Thanks in advance.

here is simple example
SQL> select empno,ename, (CASE when deptno=10 then
2 'TEN'
3 END) deptno
  4  from emp where deptno=10  ;
     EMPNO ENAME                                              DEPTNO
      7782 CLARK                                              TEN
      7839 KING                                               TEN
      7934 MI_LL_ER                                           TEN
      7501 T*_1NU                                             TEN

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  • Help with a simple program.

    I need some help writing a simple program. Can anybody help??
    thanks to all.
    2. HTML Java Source Code Reserved Word Highlighter
    Write a program that inputs a Java source code file and outputs a copy of that file with Java keywords surrounded with HTML tags for bold type. For example this input:
    public class JavaSource
    public static void main ( String[] args )
    if ( args.length == 3 )
    new BigObject();
    System.out.println("Too few arguments.");
    will be transformed into:
    <B>public</B> <B>class</B> JavaSource
    <B>public</B> <B>static</B> <B>void</B> main ( String[] args )
    <B>if</B> ( args.length == 3 )
    <B>new</B> BigObject();
    System.out.println("Too few arguments.");
    In a browser the code will look like this:
    public class JavaSource
    public static void main ( String[] args )
    if ( args.length == 3 )
    new BigObject();
    System.out.println("Too few arguments.");

    Here is something that may get you started...
    import java.util.*; 
    public class HtmlJava{
         public static void main(String arg[]){
                   System.out.println("Usage java HtmlJava sourceFile");       
                   new HtmlJava(arg[0]);
         HtmlJava(String source){
                   BufferedReader sourceReader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(source)));
                   BufferedWriter writer=new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(source+"Html.txt")));  
                   Vector keywords=new Vector();
                   String line;
                   StringTokenizer tokenizer=null;
                   String word;
                   while((line=sourceReader.readLine () )!=null){
                        tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(line);
                                  writer.write(""+word+" ");
                                  writer.write(word+" ");
                   System.out.println("Output File written to "+source+"Html.txt"); 
              catch(Exception ex){
         private void addKeywords(Vector keywords){
              keywords.addElement ( "abstract");
              keywords.addElement( "boolean");
              keywords.addElement( "break");
              keywords.addElement( "byte");
              keywords.addElement( "byvalue");
              keywords.addElement( "case");
              keywords.addElement( "cast");
              keywords.addElement( "catch");
              keywords.addElement( "char");
              keywords.addElement( "class");
              keywords.addElement( "const");
              keywords.addElement( "continue");
              keywords.addElement( "default");
              keywords.addElement( "do");
              keywords.addElement( "double");
              keywords.addElement( "else");
              keywords.addElement( "extends");
              keywords.addElement( "false");
              keywords.addElement( "final");
              keywords.addElement( "finally");
              keywords.addElement( "float");
              keywords.addElement( "for");
              keywords.addElement( "future");
              keywords.addElement( "generic");
              keywords.addElement( "goto");
              keywords.addElement( "if");
              keywords.addElement( "implements");
              keywords.addElement( "import");
              keywords.addElement( "inner");
              keywords.addElement( "instanceof");
              keywords.addElement( "int");
              keywords.addElement( "interface");
              keywords.addElement( "long");
              keywords.addElement( "native");
              keywords.addElement( "new");
              keywords.addElement( "null");
              keywords.addElement( "operator");
              keywords.addElement( "outer");
              keywords.addElement( "package");
              keywords.addElement( "private");
              keywords.addElement( "protected");
              keywords.addElement( "public");
              keywords.addElement( "rest");
              keywords.addElement( "return");
              keywords.addElement( "short");
              keywords.addElement( "static");
              keywords.addElement( "super");
              keywords.addElement( "switch");
              keywords.addElement( "synchronized");
              keywords.addElement( "this");
              keywords.addElement( "throw");
              keywords.addElement( "throws");
              keywords.addElement( "transient");
              keywords.addElement( "true");
              keywords.addElement( "try");
              keywords.addElement( "var");
              keywords.addElement( "void");
              keywords.addElement( "volatile");
              keywords.addElement( "while");
    }Hope it helped

  • Pls i need help for this simple problem. i appreciate if somebody would share thier ideas..

    pls i need help for this simple problem of my palm os zire 72. pls share your ideas with me.... i tried to connect my palm os zire72 in my  desktop computer using my usb cable but i can't see it in my computer.. my palm has no problem and it works well. the only problem is that, my  desktop computer can't find my palm when i tried to connect it using usb cable. is thier any certain driver or installer needed for it so that i can view my files in my palm using the computer. where i can download its driver? is there somebody can help me for this problem? just email me pls at [email protected] i really accept any suggestions for this problem. thanks for your help...

    If you are using Windows Vista go to All Programs/Palm and click on the folder and select Hot Sync Manager and then try to sync with the USB cable. If you are using the Windows XP go to Start/Programs/Palm/Hot Sync Manager and then try to sync. If you don’t have the palm folder at all on your PC you have to install it. Here is the link that version 4.2.1 will be working for your device Zire 72.

  • Drawing and some layout help for a simple control: thin lines and application start

    I am trying to create a new, simple control. The control should act as a grouping marker much like that found in the Mathematica notebook interface. It is designed to sit to the right of a node and draw a simple bracket. The look of the bracket changes depending on whether the node is logically marked open or closed.
    After looking at some blogs and searching, I tried setting the snapToPixels to true in the container holding the marker control as well as the strokewidth but I am still finding that the bracket line is too thick. I am trying to draw a thin line. Also, I am unable to get the layout to work when the test application is first opened. One of the outer brackets is cut-off. I hardcoded some numbers into the skin just to get something to work.
    Is there a better way to implement this control?
    How can I get the fine line drawn as well as the layout correct at application start?
    package org.notebook;
    import javafx.scene.control.Control;
    * Provide a simple and thin bracket that changes
    * it appearance based on whether its closed or open.
    public class GroupingMarker extends Control {
      private final static String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "grouping-marker";
      private BooleanProperty open;
      private IntegerProperty depth;
      public BooleanProperty openProperty() { return open; }
      public IntegerProperty depthProperty() { return depth; }
      public GroupingMarker(boolean open) {
      public GroupingMarker() {
      open = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
      depth = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
      // TODO: Change to use CSS directly
      setSkin(new GroupingMarkerSkin(this));
      public boolean isOpen() {
      return open.get();
      public void setOpen(boolean flag) {
      public int getDepth() {
      return depth.get();
      public void setDepth(int depth) {
    package org.notebook;
    import javafx.scene.Group;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.FillRule;
    import javafx.scene.shape.LineTo;
    import javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Path;
    * The skin draws some simple lines on the right hand side of
    * the control. The lines reflect whether the control is considered
    * open or closed. Since there is no content, there is no
    * content handling code needed.
    public class GroupingMarkerSkin extends SkinBase<GroupingMarker, GroupingMarkerBehavior> {
      GroupingMarker control;
      Color lineColor;
      double shelfLength;
      double thickness;
      private Group lines;
      public GroupingMarkerSkin(GroupingMarker control) {
      super(control, new GroupingMarkerBehavior(control));
      this.control = control;
      lineColor = Color.BLUE;
      shelfLength = 5.0;
      thickness = 1.0;
      * Attached listeners to the properties in the control.
      protected void init() {
      registerChangeListener(control.openProperty(), "OPEN");
      registerChangeListener(control.depthProperty(), "DEPTH");
      lines = new Group();
      protected void handleControlPropertyChanged(String arg0) {
        @Override public final GroupingMarker getSkinnable() {
            return control;
        @Override public final void dispose() {
            control = null;
        protected double computePrefHeight(double arg0) {
        System.out.println("ph: " + arg0);
        return super.computePrefHeight(arg0);
        protected double computePrefWidth(double arg0) {
        System.out.println("pw: " + arg0);
        return super.computePrefWidth(40.0);
         * Call this if a property changes that affects the visible
         * control.
        public void repaint() {
        protected void layoutChildren() {
        if(control.getScene() != null) {
        protected void drawLines() {
        System.out.println("bounds local: " + control.getBoundsInLocal());
        System.out.println("bounds parent: " + control.getBoundsInParent());
        System.out.println("bounds layout: " + control.getLayoutBounds());
        System.out.println("pref wxh: " + control.getPrefWidth() + "x" + control.getPrefHeight());
        double width = Math.max(0, 20.0 - 2 * 2.0);
        double height = control.getPrefHeight() - 4.0;
        height = Math.max(0, control.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight()-4.0);
        System.out.println("w: " + width + ", h: " + height);
        double margin = 4.0;
        final Path VERTICAL = new Path();
        VERTICAL.getElements().add(new MoveTo(margin, margin)); // start
        VERTICAL.getElements().add(new LineTo(margin + shelfLength, margin)); // top horz line
        VERTICAL.getElements().add(new LineTo(margin + shelfLength, height - margin)); // vert line
        if(control.isOpen()) {
        VERTICAL.getElements().add(new LineTo(margin, height - margin)); // bottom horz line
        } else {
        VERTICAL.getElements().add(new LineTo(margin, height-margin-4.0));
        //VERTICAL.getElements().add(new ClosePath());
    package org.notebook;
    import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.BehaviorBase;
    public class GroupingMarkerBehavior extends BehaviorBase<GroupingMarker> {
      public GroupingMarkerBehavior(final GroupingMarker control) {
    package org.notebook;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class TestGroupingMarker extends Application {
      public static void main(String args[]) {
      launch(TestGroupingMarker.class, args);
      public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
      VBox vbox = new VBox();
      BorderPane p = new BorderPane();
      VBox first = new VBox();
      first.getChildren().add(makeEntry("In[1]=", "my label", 200.0, true));
      first.getChildren().add(makeEntry("Out[1]=", "the output!", 200.0, true));
      p.setRight(new GroupingMarker(true));
      vbox.getChildren().add(makeEntry("In[2]=", "my label 2", 100.0, false));
      Scene scene = new Scene(vbox,500,700);
      stage.setTitle("GroupingMarker test");;
      protected Node makeEntry(String io, String text, double height, boolean open) {
      BorderPane pane2 = new BorderPane();
      Label label2 = new Label(io);
      TextArea area2 = new TextArea(text);
      GroupingMarker marker2 = new GroupingMarker();
      return pane2;

    The test interfaces are already defined for you - the 3rd party session bean remote/local interfaces.
    It is pretty trivial to create implementations of those interfaces to return the test data from your XML files.
    There are a number of ways to handle the switching, if you have used the service locator pattern, then I would personally slot the logic in to the service locator, to either look up the 3rd party bean or return a POJO test implementation of the interface according to configuration.
    Without the service locator, you are forced to do a little more work, you will have to implement your own test session beans to the same interfaces as the 3rd party session beans.
    You can then either deploy them instead of the 3rd party beans or you can deploy both the test and the 3rd party beans under different JNDI names,and use ejb-ref tags and allow you to switch between test and real versions by changing the ejb-link value.
    Hope this helps.
    Bob B.

  • Need help with a simple process with FTP Adapter and File Adapter

    I am trying out a simple BPEL process that gets a file in opaque mode from a FTP server using a FTP adapter and writes it to the local file system using a File Adapter. However, the file written is always empty (zero bytes). I then tried out the FTPDebatching sample using the same FTP server JNDI name and this work fine surprisingly. I also verified by looking at the FTP server logs that my process actually does hit the FTP server and seems to list the files based on the filtering condition - but it does not issue any GET or RETR commands to actually get the files. I am suspecting that the problem could be in the Receive, Assign or Invoke activities, but I am not able identify what it is.
    I can provide additional info such as the contents of my bpel and wsdl files if needed.
    Would appreciate if someone can help me with this at the earliest.

    persiandude wrote:
    Topic: Need help with if, else, and which statements and loops.
    How would I display 60 < temp. <= 85 in java
    System.out.println("60 < temp. <= 85 in java");
    another question is how do I ask a question like want to try again (y/n) after a output and asking that everytime I type in yes after a output and terminate when saying No.Sun's [basic Java tutorial|]
    Sun's [New To Java Center|].Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses.
    [|]. A couple dozen code examples that supplement [The Java Developers Almanac|].
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's [Thinking in Java|] (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's [Effective Java|]
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's [Head First Java|].
    James Gosling's [The Java Programming Language|].

  • Need help making a simple script for my webcam

    Hey everyone, fairly new to applescript programming. I just bought a usb camera for my macbook because I use it for video conferencing/playing around, and it is better quality than the built in isight. However, in order to use this camera I need to use drivers from a program called camTwist. This being said camTwist needs to be opened first and the usb camera must be selected from camTwist Step 1 list in order for any other application to use the camera. I just want to make a simple program that would open camTwist first, then select "webcam" from the list (double click it like I always have to in order to select it) in order to activate the driver, and then open photo booth which would then be using the camTwist driver in order to take pictures.
    I made a crude program but it does not automatically select "webcam" from the Step 1 list in camTwist:
    tell application "CamTwist" to activate
    delay 10
    tell application "Photo Booth" to activate
    that’s basically it. I set the delay to 10 seconds so that when camTwists boots up first I can manually select my webcam. HOWEVER, I would like to make a script that would boot up CamTwist first, select my webcam from the list automatically, and then open Photo Booth with the CamTwist webcam driver already selected.
    Don't know much about applescript so any help to make a working script to solve my problem would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    Solved my problem but now I need help with something else! First I used CamTwist user options to create user defined hot keys with the specific purpose to load the webcam. I chose Command+B. I tested it out in CamTwist and it worked. The program follows a logical order from there. First it loads CamTwist, then after a short delay it presses the hot keys in order to load the webcam from the video source list, then another short delay and Photo Booth is opened with the driver loaded from camTwist. Everything works Perfect! Here's the code:
    tell application "System Events"
    tell application "CamTwist" to activate
    delay 0.5
    --Press command+b which is a user defined hot key to load webcam
    key code 11 using command down
    end tell
    delay 0.5
    tell application "Photo Booth" to activate
    My Next question is, would it be possible with this same script to have both applications quit together. For example I always quit Photo Booth first, so when I quit photo booth is there a way to make CamTwist also quit and keep everything within the same script? Please let me know. This forum has been very helpful and lead me to a solution to my problem! Hoping I can solve this next problem as well! Thanks everyone.

  • Can anyone help with a simple coding problem?

    I'm creating a website using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and making a
    real mess of it!
    I have created two pages which are identical in terms of
    background, but one has a text box in the middle. What I want to
    happen when you click the link to this page is the first one
    without the text box appears for a couple of seconds, then the
    other page automatically loads to give the impression that this
    text box has magically appeared. really simple, but I can't find
    any behaviour codes to make this happen!
    Can anyone help me out with a code or give me a clue to how
    it can be achieved really easily.
    Cheers everyone!

    You can try just using the same page and hiding and showing
    the layer using the Behaviors menu. that would acheive the same
    thing without having to load another page.

  • Need help with a simple Rename/Join Domain/Install SCCM Client Task Sequence

    Good morning everyone,
    I need to create a very simple task sequence that will run an .exe that we have created that renames the computer based on a prefix-serialnumber...then restarts, adds it to our domain, restarts, and then installs the SCCM client.
    1) run rename program 
    2) join to domain
    3) install sccm client
    Can someone help me with the steps that will be required for this?
    Thank you very much!
    **note, these will not be formatted/have an OS installation ran on it with this task sequence.  The situation is that we are receiving 400+ custom configured laptops, and we're going to have to rename/join/install sccm on each...trying to simplify
    any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

    Narcoticoo : Which boot image am i supposed to be using to insure that it boots into Standard Windows, NOT WinPE?  I have a standard x86 package / boot image i've been using.  If it boots up with this, it goes into WinPE (correct me if I'm wrong,
    for this seems to be what happens each time it boots off the boot does not go into windows standard/full)
    When I go into properties of the one i'm using, and take the check off of "Use a boot image", where it will not boot to WinPE, it will not even show up in my list of available task sequences for
    1) when I PXE boot to try the task sequence, or
    2) when I try to make stand-alone media for this task sequence as you have suggested
    When I run the standalone media, the only log files I find are the following with errors:
    PackageID = 'MPS0014E' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    BaseVar = '', ContinueOnError='' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    ProgramName = 'MPHS - Rename Computer' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    SwdAction = '0002' InstallSoftware
    12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM 2344 (0x0928)
    IsSMSV4PlusClient() == true, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\osdeployment\installsoftware\main.cpp,332)
    InstallSoftware 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    2344 (0x0928)
    Configuration Manager client is not installed
    InstallSoftware 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    2344 (0x0928)
    Process completed with exit code 2147500037
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Failed to run the action: Install Package. 
    Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Failed to run the action: Install Package. Execution has been aborted
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Do not send status message in full media case
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Failed to run the last action: Install Package. Execution of task sequence failed.
    Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Do not send status message in full media case
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:28:36 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Execution::enExecutionFail != m_eExecutionResult, HRESULT=80004005 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmanager\tsmanager.cpp,866)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)
    Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005
    TSManager 12/8/2014 12:43:48 PM
    1544 (0x0608)

  • Need help with a simple basketball game.

    Hi im new here and I need help with making this simple basketball game.
    Im trying to recreate this game from this video. Im not sure if he is using as2 or as3
    Or if anyone could help me make a game like this or direct me to a link on how to do it It would be greatly appreciated.

    If you couldn't tell whether it is AS2 or AS3, it is doubtful you can turn it from AS2 into AS3, at least not until you learn both languages.  There is no tool made that does it for you.

  • Help with a simple project

    I am new to writing in Java. I've been slacking probably more than I should be, and I have a small project that is due on Thursday for my class. Currently, I know how to write in C++ and C++ only. If someone could help me in writing the simple code for my project, that would be great.
    The program is simple. It should allow a user to input a string of digits, and then output the sum of those digits.
    For example; the user inputs 3563
    the program would then output 17 (3+5+6+3)
    Thanks for any help.

    well, i think I figured out how to do this, except I am having a small error. Here is my code;
    public class digitsum {
        public static void main(String[] args)
            throws {
            int number = 0;
            int sum = 0;
            System.out.println("Enter an integer number: ");
            number = (int);
                sum = sum+(number%10);
                number = number/10;
            System.out.print(" The sum is " +sum);
    Now when I run the program, it is clear that it is correctly calculating the sum, but for some reason it converts the number which the user inputs into something else.
    For example, here is a test run of my program;
    Enter an integer number:
    53 The sum is 8
    56 is the number I input, and 53 is the number the program reads. As you can see, it says the sum is 8 (which is correct for 53, but I entered 56).
    I am confused.

  • Help! Convert simple Flash AS2 code to AS3

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a Flash beginner and followed a tutorial: ... to learn how to make a "live paint/draw" effect. I didn't realize  that if I made something in AS2, I wouldn't be able to embed it (and  have it work) into my root AS3 file, where I've got a bunch of other  stuff going on. I've tried following tips on how to change AS2 code to  AS3, but it just doesn't work. I know it's simple code, and that some  genius out there can figure it out, but I'm at a loss. Please help!
    Here's the AS2 code:
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip("myLine", 0);
    _root.onMouseDown = function() {
       myLine.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
       ranWidth = Math.round((Math.random() * 10)+2);
       myLine.lineStyle(ranWidth, 0xff0000, 100);
       _root.onMouseMove = function() {
          myLine.lineTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
    _root.onMouseUp = function() {
       _root.onMouseMove = noLine;
    Thanks in advance!
    Flash Desperado

    Considering the code is on timeline:
    var myLine:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var g:Graphics =;
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
    function onMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
         var ranWidth:Number = Math.round((Math.random() * 10) + 2);
         g.lineStyle(ranWidth, 0xFF0000, 1);
         addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
         addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
    function onMouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
         g.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY);
    function onMouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void {
         removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
         removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);

  • Help with a simple query

    Hi ,
    I'm running the following simple query in sql*plus on ORACLE9i. But this query stopped running after 30minutes, and the sql*plus die at the same time .I have no idea about this. Could somebody tell me how I can solve this problem. Thank you very much for your help.
    Select Distinct PERSADDRUSE. ADDRUSECD as "Application", PERS.PERSNBR as "Account",
    (PERS.FIRSTNAME || ' '|| PERS.MDLINIT ||' ' || PERS.LASTNAME ) as "Name1",' 'as "Name2",' 'as "Name3",
    AL1.TEXT as "Address1",AL2.TEXT as "Address2",AL3.TEXT as "Address3",
    (ADDR.CITYNAME ||' ' || ' '||ADDR.STATECD ||' '||ADDR.ZIPCD||' '|| ADDR.ZIPSUF) as "CityStateZip"
    Join PERS
    --AND  PERS.ADDDATE = '12-JAN-2005'
    join ADDR
    AND AL3.LINENBR = 3;

    Thanks for reply. I have some other query running for 45m and it seems fine. The following are the explain plan I print out. I'm new to PL/SQL.Could you guys give me some other ideas?
    PERSADDRUSE | 5726 | 68712 | 183 |'), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE('| 8 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| PERS | 161K| 2839K| 431 |'), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE('| 9 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ADDR | 239K| 5145K| 298 |'), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE('| 10 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ADDRLINE | 82087 | 1683K| 240 |'), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE('| 11 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ADDRLINE | 82087 | 1683K| 240 |'), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE('| 12 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ADDRLINE | 82087 | 1683K| 240 |'), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE('------------------------------------------------------------------------'), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE(' '), DBMS_XPLAN_TYPE('Note: cpu costing is off, PLAN_TABLE'' is old version'))

  • Help regarding a simple JSP file and servlet file

    Hi all,
    I am trying to develop a web based application using Tomca 5.0.16.I wanted to get to know how a simple jsp page could access a servlet.It would be really very beneficial if if any one can give me a sample code that does the interactions,I could run it and understand it,would help me for further development.
    Any help would be appreciated

    I think it depends on how you want to access the servlet.
    You can forward or redirect from the JSP page to the servlet, thus making it like you went to the servlet directly from the browser (except of course, before the forward or redirect, some stuff can be done).
    You can use URLConnection objects to call the servlet, much like the browser does.
    It depends on what you are trying to do.

  • Please help me with simple program

    Can someone please write a simple program for me that opens up a webpage in the center of the screen , with a set size, and then asks the user where they would like to click on the screen. Then once the person clicks it asks how many times they would like to click there, and then once they enter the # the program opens up the webpage (in the center at the same spot as before, with the same set size) and automatically clicks on the predesignated spot , and then closes all open internet windows, and keeps doing it for however many times the person chose. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS!!! If you could, please post the source code here. Thank you so much to whoever helps me!!!!!!!

    If it's not to learn, then what is the purpose of
    this project?well, if it's not HW and its not for learning java, then why the hell would anyone like to have a program that may open a webpage and then repeatedly click on predefined place...
    let me see...
    now if he had asked for program that fakes IP as well, then i would suggest that he tryes to generate unique clicks, but now... i'm not sure... maybe just voting in some polls or smthing... though, i would not create a program that clicks on the link or form element, but rather just reload url with given parameters for N times...

  • Need Flash Help - configuring AIrtight Simple Viewer Pro

    I need some help configuring the Airtight Interactive simple viewer pro, which requires flash. I am a complete beginner with flash, and I am reluctant to undertake the learning curve, though I am very tech saavy.
    My ideal would be to locate someone who could do this FOR me, though resources are very limited for this project. Any suggestions of where I might connect with someone interested in doing this?
    Alternately, I could undertake it myself, with someone qualified to coach me rather thouroughly through the whole process. That could be offline, or here where others could benefit from the thread. If someone offers this, I will post the precise details of what I need. The project is medium challenging, not extremely complex, but more than very basic.
    Many Thanks.

    When you create the simpleviewer slideshow with iPhoto's plugin there should be a folder created on your HD that contains the items seen in the screenshot below:
    The folder was named simpleviewer because that's what I named it during the export from iPhoto. That's the same folder as I refer to as "Slideshow folder". It can be whatever you name it when exporting from iPhoto. Upload that folder to your iDisk/Web/Sites folder as shown below:
    In the iFrame code use the following URL to the index.html file inside the simpleviewer folder:
    That should do it.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I'm facing some technical challenges setting up NWDI 7.4 for UCES 6.05 development. First of all, out of all the required SCs for FSCM_DB, there's one (namely UMEADMIN) that cannot be checked in. I have checked in all the other SCs; the correct UMEAD

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  • Cluster enviornment i get session failover exception

    Hi All, In cluster enviornment i get session failover exception comes when one of my node is down . How can i inform all manage server at the time of creation of session object in cluster enviornment. Thanks in advance, Sumit Bhasin