Help recovering garageband file

I was wondering if you might be able to help with a Garageband problem.
I created a new file in garageband, set up the track, and saved the file. The file was small - under 1MB.
Then, I recorded about an hour of audio. But I did not save the file and lost power. I examine the file and see that there is some data there - the file is 306MB. But when I open the file in Garageband, I see an empty track.
Any suggestions as to how I can get my recording back? I know it saved something because the file size is right for an hour of recording.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Take a look at the project's package content, locate your audio file and pull it back into the project:
Careful, don't save your project before you have rescued the file, otherwise it might be gone!

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    have you tried to search for all your GarageBand projects using the search function of the Finder?
    Open a Finder window and enter the keyboard shortcut ⌘F for "Find". In the window that opens, set the "Search:" to "This Mac" and set the "Kind" drop down menu to "File Extension" and enter ".band" into the search field. Then press "return".
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    If you select one the files that have been found, the path to the file should show in the footer of the panel.

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    I got this answer and it really worked!
    Hope you can recover your files!
    mende1 Valmojado, Toledo, Spain
    This solved my questionRe: I upgraded to OS X Mavericks and lost all my documents. How can I recover them? 
    23-oct-2013 23:54 (in response to Gabbina)
    Your data is there, but in a different user. To access to your first user account, go to  > Log Out, and log in the old account with the data

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    This is something you could try to recover a JPG from the PSD
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    function main(){
    var thumb = app.document.selections[0];
    var sourceBitmap = undefined;
    //Try and get fullsized document.
    sourceBitmap = thumb.core.fullsize.fullsize;
    if( !sourceBitmap || sourceBitmap.width == undefined || sourceBitmap.width == 0 )
    { //No fullsize so try and get preview size
       sourceBitmap = thumb.core.preview.preview;
    app.synchronousMode = false;
    if( !sourceBitmap || sourceBitmap.width == undefined || sourceBitmap.width == 0 )
       alert("Sorry can't get cache pic");
    var exportFile = new File( Folder.desktop + "/recovered.jpg" );
    sourceBitmap.exportTo( exportFile,  100);

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    > Now, the Freehand MX document with ALL of my figures is
    like 180 MB and it
    > crashes Freehand every time I try to open it.
    What is your platform and OS?
    A Mac under OS X is supposed to allocate memory
    automatically, but FHMX was
    built for earlier OS's, and some people have found an
    advantage, when
    working with large TIFFs, in setting the application memory
    higher. Here's how.
    1. Quit FreeHand.
    2. Find your
    3. Control-click and choose 'Open Package Contents'
    4. Go to Mac OS>FreeHand MX
    6. Control-click and choose 'Get Info'
    7. Set the minimum and preferred memory sizes to much higher
    depending on the available RAM on your computer.
    8. Close the Info window.
    Now try to open the file.
    If this works for you, please let us know.
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    Hello Lawrence,
    I do have AppleMobileDeviceService.exe running.
    My USBs are plugging in straight into the laptop.  All 4 work.  Just today, I synced my iPod with multiple USB ports.  It works for the iPod, but the iPhone won't pop-up.  The iPhone does not appear in iTunes as a button anywhere.
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    cgjr wrote:
    Is there a thread discussing emailing  Garageband files?
    pretty much every thread about emailing is because people can't figure out how to do so, they dont' realize they need to Compress the project file.
    cgjr wrote:
    the size of them varies wildly.
    the size depends on what's been recorded in the project. MIDI instruments will take up almost no space. Audio will take up about 10MB/minute/track, and audio does not compress very well

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    There is ALWAYS a recovery folder....
    But without a lot more info there's not much we can do for you. You must have a user account, with a user profile or user library stored someplace, probably on a server.

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    I have rebooted using the install CD. Is there any way I can recover my files? Will it work if I erase and install?

    Is there any way I can recover my files?
    Only if you stop using the drive right now! Which you can't do anyway at the moment. rm -rf /* was a command to recursively delete every single file and folder on the drive starting at the root. To recover anything, you'll have to purchase either Data Rescue 3, or FileSalvage. Having either also requires having a separate drive or partition to save the recovered files to.
    Will it work if I erase and install?
    NO!!! An erase and install will do just what it says. Technically, everything has already been deleted, but it sure wouldn't help to erase it again. Far worse, the install would put new files on the drive, overwriting files you want to try and recover.

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    Thanks so much in advance for any advice xo

    City where you were born? wrote:
    Thanks Rob --
    Just did the scan (mind you I have NO clue what I'm doing), but I dropped it in the SQLite and clicked "expand" and it came up "Idle".
    I've attached the two messages I got :
    Uh, yeah - it's not an archive and so you don't want to try and expand it as if it was one.
    I'm not sure which SQLite app you are using. I think SQLite Spy is Windows-only, but for Mac, maybe:
    Other Mac users may have more recommendations.
    Once you get a real SQLite app, then open the .lrcat file with it.

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