Help regarding elimination of Phase chnages.

Hi sir/madam,
I am Sreenivasulu.
I am using LabVIEW 8.2 and
NI 5640R card version 1.1 for generating s...
Attachments: ‏3019 KB

Hi Sreenivasulu,
Like you already know IF-RIO questions
are only supported in the IF-RIO
Forum.  Although I think some more
information would be needed in that forum to help you. What do you refer to as
phase change? Phase change in reference to what? Can you attach a picture
showing the phase changes you are getting? Where are you watching the phase
changes, on the same signal or reference to another channel? If you can detail
your problem a little bit more in the right forum it will be really helpful
Don’t forget to post in the right forum
Jaime Hoffiz
National Instruments
Product Expert
Digital Multimeters and LCR Meters

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    ObjectName = WowzaMediaServerPro:vHosts=VHosts,vHostName=_defaultVHost_,name=IOScheduler
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    Hello ,
    There should be a number of BRF+ tutorials available in SCN which discuss the FDT APIs. You can have a look at them to get an idea of the various APIs available and their uses.
    For your usecase, you should do the following.
            lo_fdt_function         TYPE REF TO if_fdt_function,
            lo_fdt_result           TYPE REF TO if_fdt_result,
    * Get function handle
          CALL METHOD lo_fdt_factory->get_function
              iv_id       = lv_function_id
              ro_function = lo_fdt_function.
    where lv_function_id is the GUID of the BRF+ function . You can either make it a constant , or you can use a FDT API to get the function GUID from the BRF+ application name and function name.
    *   Set function context
            CALL METHOD lo_fdt_context->set_value
                iv_id    =
                ia_value =
    This is one way to set the input context ( pass the input to the BRF+ function to process ). There are other ways to do this as well. Which one you use would depend on the kind of input you want to pass.
    * Execute BRFPLUS function
          CALL METHOD lo_fdt_function->process
              io_context = lo_fdt_context
              eo_result  = lo_fdt_result.
    * Get result output
          CALL METHOD lo_fdt_result->get_value
              ea_value =
    Another direct way of doing it would be to use the method PROCESS of the class CL_FDT_FUNCTION_PROCESS.
    I have not gone into much explaination here , but it should provide you an idea of how you can go about it.Read the SCN docs on the APIs to get a better idea , or better still if you can get hold of a copy of the BRF+ book by Carsten Ziegler , you will get an end to end explaination of all BRF+ APIs in it.

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    Hi Shamish
    Actually you were on the right track, i think you just have to increase PSAPTEMP a bit and you will be fine. 358 MB seems just too small, i suggest you increase it to at least 2GB.
    1. what will be the difference in use of PSAPUNDO and PSAPTEMP while copy is running. ( i.e. what will be entered in PSAPUNDO and what will be filled in PSAPTEMP.)
    PSAPTEMP: is needed for large sort operations, as mentioned when you have a select with an ORDER BY clause, or if you do join two tables. During the client copy some sorting might be needed for special tables (cluster tables) where data is stored sorted.
    PSAPUNDO: undo space is only needed for DML (data manipulation), if data is changed undo is generated. This obviously is heavily the case during a client copy.
    2. the target client already has a copy taken 1 month before. so I think while importing it first delete existing data and then copies the new one.
    So If I first delete the target client and then take import on it; will it have advantage in regards of getiing UNDO or TEMP segments getting filled ?
    Deleting the client first might help for the undo problem, but you already solved that. I cannot imagine, it will help for the PSAPTEMP issue. As i said i would just increase PSAPTEMP and restart the copy.
    One more add: if you are doing the client copy with parallel processes, this will influence your requirements on temp and undo space, because of the concurrently running processes.
    Best regards

  • Help regarding ABAP and ABAP Objects

    Dear all,
    I am very new in abap and abap objects. But i have some expr. in other language..specialy development. Right now i am working for srm module...So i want to move my self into abap object and specialy in workflow...Please provide me help regarding this...along with the starting point for this.
    Best Regards
    Vijay Patil

    Object Oriented prg
    A programming technique in which solutions reflect real world objects
    What are objects ?
    An object is an instantiation of a class. E.g. If “Animal” is a class, A cat
    can be an object of that class .
    With respect to code, Object refers to a set of services ( methods /
    attributes ) and can contain data
    What are classes ?
    A class defines the properties of an object. A class can be instantiated
    as many number of times
    Advantages of Object Orientated approach
    Easier to understand when the system is complex
    Easy to make changes
    Encapsulation - Can restrict the visibility of the data ( Restrict the access to the data )
    Polymorphism - Identically named methods behave differently in different classes
    Inheritance - You can use an existing class to define a new class
    Polymorphism and inheritance lead to code reuse
    Have a look at these good links for OO ABAP-
    check the below links lot of info and examples r there
    Check this cool weblog:
    these links
    For funtion module to class
    for classes
    for methods
    for inheritance
    for interfaces
    For Materials:
    1) -- Page no: 1291
    Hope this helps
    if it helped, you can acknowledge the same by rewarding

  • Need help regarding converting text to Lines and Arcs.

    In my program i have text.Lets say the text is JAVA.
    Now i need to group that text(JAVA) in the form of line and arcs.
    Its like organizing lines and arcs and make it looks like a text(JAVA).
    Can we have such a possibilities to do that?
    Please help regarding this!!
    Thanks in Advance.

    Have a look at TextLayout class (
    Graphics2D g = ...;
    Point2D loc = ...;
    Font font = Font.getFont("Helvetica-bold-italic");
    FontRenderContext frc = g.getFontRenderContext();
    TextLayout layout = new TextLayout("This is a string", font, frc);
    Shape shape = layout.getOutline(null);
    Edited by: AlexeyUshakov on Sep 29, 2008 8:46 AM

  • Need Help Regarding Enabling The Matrix

    Hi All,
    We have got one user form and we have got one choose from list and one matrix, on click of choose from list the value will be displayed in the text box and at the same time matrix should get enabled. But it;s not happening in our case. The value is coming in the text box through choose from list but matrix is not getting enabled. We are able to change the back ground color of the matrix, make first column invisible and all but not able to enable the matrix. We need help regarding this one.

    Hey first bind the columns of matrix to any user datasource
    and then you can enter any thing into your matrix 
    following code may help
    suppose you have one column
    oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.Item("URFRM")
    oUserDataSource = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("URDSName",
    SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_SHORT_TEXT, 20)
    oMatrix = oItem.Specific
    oColumns = oMatrix.Columns
    oColumn = oColumns.Item("URCOLName")
    oColumn.DataBind.SetBound(True, "", "URDSName")
    hope this will help
    additionally you can look at this sample
    .....SAP\SAP Business One SDK\Samples\COM UI\VB.NET\06.MatrixAndDataSources

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    thanks in advance
    Rehan MIrza

    Here is a good link that indicate that JavaBean is not only for applets
    The JavaBeans API makes it possible to write component software in the Java programming language. Components are self-contained, reusable software units that can be visually composed into composite components, applets, applications, and servlets using visual application builder tools. JavaBean components are known as Beans.

  • Need help regarding the dunning form

    I have to display all the sales and payments of a cusomter for all the periods that are older than the run date in a dunning form. (i.e) if the run date is 04-aug-05 and if the slaes are there in 3 months(april, May, july) then i have to display three line items with sales and payments for that corresponding three months in the line items. As this is a dunning form i cannot change the print program. any table which have all the sales for a period which i can access directly in the script. can anyone suggest how to handle this.

    You can call a subroutine within a program (your z program)
    /:           USING &W_AMOUNT&
    In the z program create this subroutine.
          Form ADD_AMOUNT
         -->FT_INVAR  Text Symbol table for input  variables
         -->FT_OUTVAR Text Symbol table for output variables
    FORM add_amount TABLES ft_invar   STRUCTURE itcsy
                           ft_outvar  STRUCTURE itcsy.
        w_value_l    TYPE  f150d-salfw.
            READ TABLE ft_invar INDEX 1.
            IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    you can check all this part of the code how you want to
    process your data whether its numeric or character or
               w_value_l = w_value_l + ft_invar-value.
            ENDIF. "IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    ENDFORM.                    " ADD_AMOUNT
    Dunning outputs use the function module FI_DUNNING_PRINT_NOTICE. You can copy this to a Z function module and make some changes to the data selection. You will have to look into the code and decide what changes you need.
    The process to use a bespoke program to do the dunning print is as follows:
    UNDER FI GLOBAL SETTINGS in the configuration,
    There are Business Transaction Events. Within that you can configure the same to enable a Z function module in place of the standard function module (from the FUNCTION GROUP F150)
    • Create function group ZFTP_F150
    • Copy standard function module FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE of function group F150 to ZFTP_FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE in function group ZFTP_F150
    • Copy standard function module PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE of function group F150 to ZFTP_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE in function group ZFTP_F150
    • Within the function module ZFTP_FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE, change function module call for PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE to ZFTP_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE
    • Create a new include ZFTPI_ROUTINES within the function group and copy the subroutines LOG_MSG, LOG_MSG_TAB, & LOG_SYMSG from the function group F150 to this include
    • Maintenance view TBE31 (SM30). Change the function module from FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE to ZFTP_FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE against the event 00001720 FI-FI entry
    Hope this helps.

  • I need help regarding setting my mail accounts on macbook pro

    I need help regarding resetting my mail accounts on macbook pro

    What kind of accounts do you need to reset? IMAP or POP accounts using one of the many web-based messaging systems? An Exchange server account? Were they working and now just not working any longer?
    You're going to have to be a little more specific in what you need...

  • I need help regarding installation of Netweaver 2004s

    I need help regarding installation of Netweaver. When ever i am running setup.exe, i am getting a page asking for local host and port number as 21212. When I enter my local host name and the port number as 21200 i am getting the error message given below and the installation stops. I am not able to proceed further. can any one help me what i need to do here. I created MS lookupadapter and entered my static ip address in 'host' file after localhost and i disabled port number 3201 in system file. I verified system variables also. Everything is fine. I dont have firewall or antivirus installed in my system. Is there any thing else i need to do. please help me. Thanks in advance.
    " SAPinst is getting started.
    Please be patient ...
    starting gui server process:
      sapinstport: 21200
      guiport    : 21212
      guistart   : true
      command    : "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_09/bin\javaw.exe" -cp "C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe.6496.1162659801\jar\instgui.jar;C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe.6496.1162659801\jar\inqmyxml.jar" -Xmx256M -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true SDTServer config=jar:sdtserver.xml guiport=21212 sapinsthost=localhost sapinstport=21200 guistart=true
    load resource pool G:\SAP\Softwares\IDES mySAP2005\51031898\IM_WINDOWS_I386\resourcepool.xml
    guiengine: no GUI connected; waiting for a connection on host (local hostname) , port 21200 to continue with the installation
    guiengine: login in process...............................
    guiengine: login timeout; the client was unable to establish a valid connection
    Exit status of child: 1"
    Farooq Shaik.

    Run the sapinst.exe with the port 21212.This port 21212 is the default port used during the installation of netweaver.

  • Need Help regarding text Output

    Dear gurus.
    I need help regarding formatting of a text.
    I want to format a employee sub group text.
    im getting a text workers (7) from a table t503t having field ptext.
    i want to show only (7) in the output not the whole text how can i do this ?
    Please help

    DATA: BEGIN OF itab_odoe OCCURS 0,
      department_text LIKE t527x-orgtx,"Holds the short text for department
      department_no LIKE pernr-orgeh,
      pernr LIKE pernr-pernr,
      ename LIKE pernr-ename,
      grade like t503t-ptext,   "THIS AREA GET ME TEXT OF EMPLOYEE SUBGROUP"
    *  department_text LIKE t527x-orgtx,"Holds the short text for department
      current_year LIKE sy-datum,
      wt0001 LIKE q0008-betrg,"Basic Pay
      wt1101 LIKE q0008-betrg," COLA
      wt3002 LIKE p0015-betrg,"Overtime
      per_basic type p DECIMALS 2,"Overtime percentage on basic
      per_basic_sum type p decimals 2,"Overtime Sum Division
      overtime_sum LIKE p0015-betrg,"holds sum of overtime
      basic_sum like q0008-betrg,"holds sum of basic
    END OF itab_odoe.
    Im using the select statement to get the employee subgroup from the table
    select single ptext
        from t503t
        into itab_odoe-grade
        where persk eq pernr-persk
        AND SPRSL eq 'EN'.
    now in itab_odoe-grade the values comes is Workers (7) , Snr Mgt (M3)
    i want to show only the text in Brackets.

Maybe you are looking for

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