Help to install 11g

hello everyone
i have downloaded oracle 11g R2, there is to files
my question is do i have to extract the too or just the first because many tutorials take in consideration one file

Pl post your OS details. You will need to extract/unzip both files into the same folder.
See these related threads
Oracle 11g R2 Windows Installation issue
Re: 11g R2 install failure

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    Ive put as much detail below about the various files and settings.
    Anyone help ?
    When I do a tnsping on orcl
    C:\Users>tnsping orcl
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 19-DEC-2
    007 22:29:04
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = IDXPS121
    OK (50 msec)
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    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 19 22:31:14 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    Enter user-name:
    When I do lsnrctl status
    C:\Users>lsnrctl status
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 19-DEC-2007 22:32
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00511: No listener
    32-bit Windows Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Produ
    Start Date 18-DEC-2007 23:03:10
    Uptime 0 days 23 hr. 29 min. 40 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security ON: Local OS Authentication
    Listener Log File c:\oracle\diag\tnslsnr\IDXPS1210\listener\alert\log.xm
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    The listener supports no services
    The command completed successfully
    Here is my hosts file
    # Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
    # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
    # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
    # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
    # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
    # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
    # space.
    # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
    # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
    # For example:
    # # source server
    # # x client host IDXPS1210
    ::1 localhost
    Here is my sqlnet.ora
    # sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File:
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    # This file is actually generated by netca. But if customers choose to
    # install "Software Only", this file wont exist and without the native
    # authentication, they will not be able to connect to the database on NT.
    Here is my listener.ora
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File:
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = IDXPS1210)(PORT = 1521))
    Here is what tnsname.ora
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = IDXPS1210)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)

    Hi tried as you suggested and the terminal window just "freezes", doesnt come back at all SQL prompt:
    C:\>set ORACLE_SID=orcl
    C:\>sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 20 22:45:12 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    This hapens even if I just type the sqlplus command and then type in the username and password.
    Just out of interest, I saw a colleague install 11g on XP pro and at the end of the install he get a prompt to tell him the admin panel url and other bits of information. When I installed I got nothing like that but the install did say it was succeessfull. Im wondering now if the database installed correctly or not. Can I check the install log, if so where would it be and what would it be called ?
    Any help and sugestion on what to do next would be appreaciated.

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    You cannot configure Fmw against WLS 10.3.5. They are not supported nor compatible.
    If you want to use WLS 10.3.5, you need to "install", but do not configure. That is an installation option. After you have successfully installed you will need to patch it to After patching, you then can run the configuration (config.bat).
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    Re: Can't Install 11g Db, Error ORA 28547/24324/01041

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    Hi all
    i faced the same problem in windows vista business 32 bit
    i did all the things, drop and create repos again with these scripts:
    emca -config dbcontrol db -repos recreate
    also :
    emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop
    emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create
    but it is not working and i have this error all the times:
    SEVERE: Error starting Database Control
    Refer to the log file at C:\oracle\cfgtoollogs\dbca\mbh\emConfig.log for more details.
    Sep 1, 2009 9:03:13 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
    CONFIG: Stack Trace:
    oracle.sysman.emcp.exception.EMConfigException: Error starting Database Control
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.performConfiguration(
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.invoke(
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.invoke(
         at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig.perform(
    Sep 1, 2009 9:03:13 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig restoreOuiLoc
    CONFIG: Restoring oracle.installer.oui_loc to C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\oui
    can any one help me with this error? i think oracle should really think about it's new web based generations of EM's, i'm working with oracle since 8.1.7, i don't know why they want to use this unstable Em which every one has a problem with installing it and using it, i even had this problem with em some times in Solaris with oracle 10g r2.

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    It's consistently givine failed check during Prerequisite Checks:
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    - Available Physical Memory failed
    - Swap Size failed
    One of failed message says:
    Physical Memory - This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 922MB (944128.0KB) of total physical memory.
    Expected Value      : n/a
    Actual Value      : n/a
    List of errors:
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    Added loopback and updated hosts file in system32... Ran setup as Administrator. Put zip files into one central directory C:\tempload\oracle11gR2\...
    Am I missing something? Access issue somewhere? I had to run notepad as administrator to update hosts file...
    Please advise...
    Thank you very much in advance for your help!

    I was able to continue with the installation (with your suggestion) and loaded 11g R2.
    Thank you again!

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    This issue is eerily similar to an issue someone else had: Win Server 2003 Sp2, 'port 808 is in use' He too was trying to install 11g XE on a Windows Server 2003 machine right after uninstalling 10g XE.
    I'm at the end of my rope here, I really can't think of anything else that could be causing this problem.

    Looks like I figured it out. The installer defaults to HTTP port 8081, which is used by Tomcat on this machine, so I wanted to use 8082. But seeing as the installer claimed the port was in use no matter what number I entered, I had a hunch it might be continually checking 8081 despite me changing the field. Sure enough, after shutting down Tomcat the installer lets me select other ports including 8082. I have no idea if that's actually the reason, but it seems to make sense given what I've seen. Weird.
    Thanks for the help!

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    I need help in installing Windows Vista Ultimate in my A200-13O.
    My current operating system is Windows Vista Basic and I want to upgrade it to Windows Vista Ultimate.
    Based on the driver download section I need the following drivers to be installed.
    1 Windows Vista RTM
    2 Intel ICH7M Chipset Utility native
    3 Intel 945GM Display Driver
    3 nVIDIA G72MV-A3/NB7P-GS Display Driver
    4 Realtek ALC861D Audio Driver
    5 Realtek 10/100 8101E/ Gigabit 8111B LAN Driver
    6 Synaptics Touch Pad Driver (with LuxPad)
    7 ALPS Touch Pad Driver
    8 TI Multiple Digital Media Card Reader
    9 TOSHIBA Software Modem
    10 Intel Golan Wireless LAN Driver
    11 Intel Kedron Wireless LAN Driver
    12 Atheros Wireless LAN Driver
    13 Chicony Camera Software
    14 Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba
    15 Bluetooth Monitor
    16 TOSHIBA Value Added Package
    17 TOSHIBA Flash Cards Support Utility
    18 TOSHIBA Hardware Setup Utility
    19 TOSHIBA Supervisor Password
    20 TOSHIBA SD Memory Utilities
    21 TOSHIBA ConfigFree
    22 TOSHIBA Assist
    23 TOSHIBA Speech System
    24 TOSHIBA Extended Tiles for Windows Mobility Center V1.01
    25 TOSHIBA Fingerprint Utility V5.6.0.3221
    I have already downloaded most of them but I can't find some like [2] Intel ICH7M Chipset Utility, [11] Intel Kedron Wireless LAN Driver, [23] TOSHIBA Speech System. Also some of the drivers are not installing properly.
    Can you please help me out.

    The chipset driver you can get on the Intel webiste
    But I think the driver could also be in the display driver because its the same chip.
    The WLAN driver I have found on the Toshiba website so download and install it.
    The speech system could be integrated in the sound driver.
    But download and install all drivers and the system will work.

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    Hello there
    I need a help in installing a Sata hard drive ,it is WD 250 GB , my motherboard is 865PE Noe2 , the bios is the latest one
    already I got another old hard drive ,not a Sata ,a regular IDE one installed as a master hard drive
    I want to install the sata hd as a slave for the IDE hd for now to transfer the files and documents
    I already physically installed the Sata hard drive yet the problem is that it was listed in the bios , I followed some of the steps here in the forum mentioned but all what I got is I found it listed as the fourth IDE master , not as the primary IDE slave
    in Windows Xp Sp2 it is not listed of course in the windows explorer , but it is there in the device manager
    look I am very confused and I tried most of the combinations in the ide configuration in BIOS 
    what should I do coz I am feeling so bad and stupid  ,you can consider me a n00b in this hard drive thing

    1st the sata drive cannot be listed as a slave drive to the ide master [key word=ide-can be configured as master OR slave, master IF only 1 hd, master and slave IF 2 hds], on the sata controler you can have master and slave, the ide cable has two connectors for the hds, sata has only 1 hd connector.
    are you wanting to install the sata as primary master and move the operating sys to that drive, if so you will need an IMAGING software to move an operating system OR you could do a fresh operating system install to the sata drive then install your programs.

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    I have JSC trial. And didn't make update.
    I can't install myFaces component library. Why?
    Does any update help to install and run myFaces components, and other component library?

    The following thread could be of help for you:
    Cheers :-)
    Creator Team

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    Why installing IIS o_O?
    For Installing a developer Machine just install Oracle Developer suite; for testing your forms you use OC4J ("start OC4J instance" in start menu), and you can run your forms in web; no need for a aditional webserver (don't believe there's an OC4J connector for IIS available; and if so I wouldn't use it either ;-))
    For Installing a server for "productional" use install Oracle Application Server (available on otn) which comes with an Apache as webserver and all the other needful things for runnung forms on the web.
    For configuring both of them just take a look at the documentations on

  • Can somebody help me install IOS 6.1.3 back to my iPhone 4. IOS 7 is not smooth enough as perfect as IOS 6.1.3. I am stuck with this OS, every app gives a break for 4-5 seconds to open up. And playing games in this OS using iPhone 4 is really crazy

    Can somebody help me install IOS 6.1.3 back to my iPhone 4. IOS 7 or 7.0.4 is not smooth enough as perfect as IOS 6.1.3. I am stuck with this OS, every app gives a break for 4-5 seconds to open up. And playing games in this OS using iPhone 4 is really crazy. Very much disappointed that I am not able to use IOS 7 and cant go back to what I need.

    Mani Dinesh wrote:
    Can somebody help me install IOS 6.1.3 back to my iPhone 4.
    Downgrading is not supported by Apple.
    Mani Dinesh wrote:
    ...every app gives a break for 4-5 seconds to open up. ...
    See this discussion...

  • Help, I installed parallel and windows, and opened videos (on an external hard disk) with windows, and now cannot open them with Mac, and use i movies.  How do I reverse this?

    Help, I installed parallel and windows, and opened videos (on an external hard disk) with windows, and now cannot open them with Mac, and use i movies.  How do I reverse this?

    Paragraphs help the reader, just saying.
    What are you actually trying to do? Why do you need "DVD size" folders if you're creatng an Archive on an external hard drive?
    Also, I understand burning folders instead of individual photos or albums gives you more space on a DVD.
    It makes no difference at all.
    How can I keep the captions on my photos (not events) when I print or transfer to a new folder?
    You can export while writing the metadata to the file in most cases.
    Tne only way I know is to copy photos from the Windows to folders on my HD, then copy and paste photos or albums or events to HD, then create a new folder and fill it to the appropriate DVD size. 
    HD? Another HD? You use HD there in a way that makes no sense. What's the point of 'DVD size'?
    I also thought I should download future photos to my Canon programming that comes with EOS cameras and edit and then decide which photos to save to iPhoto library and which to save only to my archival HD?
    Does this have any relation to the previous questions? You know you can delete from iPhoto, right?
    You're somewhat confused and you need to
    1. Decide what exactly you want to do
    2. Then go about it.
    If I understand you correctly - and there's no guarantee that I do -  the easiest thing is to bring all your Photos into iPhoto and do everything from there.
    You can have an archive on an external disk, you can sort and select and edit with or via iPhoto

  • How to Install 11g Management Agent

    I installed 11g EM Grid Control ( on RHES 5U2 64bit server. Installation was successful. Now I wish to monitor my other database servers through this OEM. My servers are RHES 4U5 32bit so I downloaded 11g Agent Software for 32bit. runInstaller doesnt seem to work in GUI hence I had to modify the additional_agent.rsp file in the unzipped directory /../response and included details. When I run the installer with -silent option it fails after 5 minutes with Error: Connection timed out.
    Since I cannot access internet therefore I have set these values in the .rsp file
    Is there a workaround?
    Thank you all
    Edited by: user560883 on Jun 10, 2010 3:52 AM

    Hi Rob
    It worked while I was typing my response. Now I can see the target in OEM but when I try to set Target Credentials for the DB it fails.
    OEM->Home->Preferences->Preferred Credentials->Database Instance->Set Credentials-> Target Credentials
    I tried with two different user accounts but both are not accepted. I verified that the accounts are not locked.
    Also if I go to Database Instance Page and click on Configure, it doesnt show the property where I can set username and password (dbsnmp). Instead it is showing following error on top
    Error occurred while getting information for the specified target. Possible reasons include: the target doesn't exist; connection to the target failed
    Any clues?


    I have PSE 6 installed from the Adobe disk on a Mac which uses OS10.5.8.
    When I try to access the 'PSE 6 HELP' component from the toolbar I see the following - "Could not find the Adobe Help Application.You may need to re-install the application and the Help component." Why is Help not installed from the installation disk?
    Is re-installation is the only solution?  And if so, do I have to un-install first, or will re-installation print over the existing version? If it requires un-install, how do I do this?
    Thanks in advance

    Don't worry. Most products now have on-line help.

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