Help turn two select boxes into three...

I am looking to take this code (or variation thereof) and turn the two drop downs into three.
1. Select One
2. Select two
3. Select three
each will have its own set of var(s) and will populate per the previous. the code i have comes from a guy that is no longer employed with us and we have no one right I am looking for a little bit of help here...
with these being 'selections' they will then go from the boxes and be transmitted to my crm via web form...all http post...
here is what i have so far:
function dropDownChanged(dd)
     if(eval('typeof(' +, "_") + '_children) == \'undefined\'')) return;
     var thisDd;
          thisDd = document.all[eval(, "_") + '_childcontrol')];
          thisDd = document.getElementById(eval(, "_") + '_childcontrol'));
     thisDd.options.length = 0;
     var childElements = eval(, "_") + '_children');
     for(var c=0 ; c < childElements.length ; c+=2)
          if(childElements[c] == dd.value)
               for(var o=0 ; o < childElements[c+1].length ; o+=2)
                    thisDd.options[o/2] = new Option(childElements[c+1][o], childElements[c+1][o+1]);
<script>var ap_childcontrol = 'opp1';
var ap_children = ['no',['------------Select an here first--------------------','no'],'Selection 1',['option 1','option 1'],'Selection 2',['option 1','option 1'],'Selection 3',['option 1','option 1'],'Selection 4',['option 1','option 1','option 2','option 2','option 3','option 3'],'Selection 5',['option 1','option 1'],'Selection 6',['option 1','option 1']];
</script>if anyone can assist me here, i would be in great appreciation...
thanks in advance!

rflores88 wrote:
looking for the right thread, can you help?I can't since I don't do JavaScript, but my friend Google can. Simply Google for a JavaScript forum. Good luck.

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    Would somebody help me out ? I don't know what's wrong with this code. It's not working............It's kind of serious and urgent.
    function add(fbox,tbox) {
    var i = 0;
    if(fbox.value != "") {
    var no = new Option();
    for(var i=0; i < tbox.options.length; i++)
    if((fbox.value == tbox.options.value) || (fbox.value == tbox.options[i].text))
    alert("Value is already added. Select another item.");
    no.value = fbox.value;
    no.text = fbox.value;
    tbox.options[tbox.options.length] = no;
    fbox.value = "";
    alert("Please enter an item.");

    Hi Srinath or anybody,
    Would u pl. tell me what's wrong with following code ? Javascript prompt is not invoking....U can see/find javascript function addservice(service) in my code which is called by JSP code inside in my form...
    I am using Tomcat 3.3, Jdeveloper 3.2, IE 6.0 and Netscape 7.0.
    I am badly working on this but Javascript prompt is not working....
    Thanks for ur time and help...
    Waiting for ur reply.
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%>
    <%@page language= "java" import= "java.sql.*,sun.jdbc.rowset.*,javax.servlet.http.*,java.lang.reflect.*,*,java.util.*,javax.servlet.*"
    errorPage="error.jsp" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="conn" class="package1.connectionBean" scope="session"/>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252">
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Oracle JDeveloper">
    <script language="javascript" SRC="FormChek.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript">
    function CheckFstock(ftock) {
    var Gooddigit = "0123456789";
         if (document.formtest.ftock.value.length > 3 )
              alert('Invalid Stock ! Please re-enter with less than equal to 3 digits.');
              return false;
         }// if ends
    function CheckPostal(postal) {
         var valid = 1;
         var GoodChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
         var Gooddigit = "0123456789";
         var Goodextrs = "- ";
         var i = 0;
         if (document.formtest.postal.value == "")
              // Return false if number is empty or length is not 7 length is not 6
              alert('Invalid Postal Code ! Please re-enter now.');
              valid = 0;
              return false;
         }//if ends
         else if(document.formtest.postal.value.length == 7)
              //alert (GoodChars.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(0)));
              for (i =0; i <= document.formtest.postal.value.length; i++)
                   //alert( i + "->"+ document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(0))
                   if ((GoodChars.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(0)) == -1) || (GoodChars.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(2)) == -1) || (GoodChars.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(5)) == -1))
                        alert("Not Valid Chacters in entered Postal Code! Please re-enter now.");
                        valid = 0;
                        return false;
                   } // if ends
                   if ((Gooddigit.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(1)) == -1) || (Gooddigit.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(4)) == -1) || (Gooddigit.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(6)) == -1))
                        alert("Not Valid digits in entered Postal Code! Please re-enter now.");
                        valid = 0;
                        return false;
                   } // if ends
                   if (Goodextrs.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(3)) == -1)
                        alert("Not Valid extras in entered Postal Code! Please re-enter now.");
                        valid = 0;
                        return false;
                   } // if ends
              } // for ends
         }// else if ends
         else if(document.formtest.postal.value.length == 6)
              for (i =0; i <= document.formtest.postal.value.length; i++)
                   if ((GoodChars.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(0)) == -1) || (GoodChars.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(2)) == -1) || (GoodChars.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(4)) == -1))
                        alert("Not Valid Chacters in entered Postal Code! Please re-enter now.");
                        valid = 0;
                        return false;
                   } // if ends
                   if ((Gooddigit.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(1)) == -1) && (Gooddigit.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(3)) == -1) && (Gooddigit.indexOf(document.formtest.postal.value.charAt(5)) == -1))
                        alert("Not Valid digits in entered Postal Code! Please re-enter now.");
                        valid = 0;
                        return false;
                   } // if ends
              } // for ends
         }// else if ends
         else { alert('Postalcode is not 7 or 6 charactres long ! Please  re-enter now.');
    }//else ends
         return valid
    }//this function ends
    function goback() {
    function addItem(fbox,tbox)
    var boxLength = tbox.length;
    var selectedItem = document.formtest.list1.selectedIndex;
    var selectedText = fbox.options[selectedItem].text;
    var selectedValue =fbox.options[selectedItem].value;
    var j;
    var isNew = true;
    //alert('BOx Length is : ' + boxLength);
    if (boxLength != 0)
    for (j = 0; j < boxLength; j++)
    thisitem = tbox.options[j].text;
    if (thisitem == selectedText)
    isNew = false;
    alert("Selected value is already available. Please select a different item");
    if (isNew)
    newoption = new Option(selectedText, selectedValue, false, false);
    tbox.options[boxLength] = newoption;
    function remove(box) {
    if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete. Continue?")) {
    for(var i=0; i<box.options.length; i++) {
    if(box.options.selected && box.options[i] != "") {
    box.options[i].value = "";
    box.options[i].text = "";
    function BumpUp(abox) {
    for(var i = 0; i < abox.options.length; i++) {
    if(abox.options[i].value == "") {
    for(var j = i; j < abox.options.length - 1; j++) {
    abox.options[j].value = abox.options[j + 1].value;
    abox.options[j].text = abox.options[j + 1].text;
    var ln = i;
    if(ln < abox.options.length) {
    abox.options.length -= 1;
    function Moveup(dbox) {
    for(var i = 0; i < dbox.options.length; i++) {
    if (dbox.options[i].selected && dbox.options[i] != "" && dbox.options[i] != dbox.options[0]) {
    var tmpval = dbox.options[i].value;
    var tmpval2 = dbox.options[i].text;
    dbox.options[i].value = dbox.options[i - 1].value;
    dbox.options[i].text = dbox.options[i - 1].text
    dbox.options[i-1].value = tmpval;
    dbox.options[i-1].text = tmpval2;
    function Movedown(ebox) {
    for(var i = 0; i < ebox.options.length; i++) {
    if (ebox.options[i].selected && ebox.options[i] != "" && ebox.options[i+1] != ebox.options[ebox.options.length]) {
    var tmpval = ebox.options[i].value;
    var tmpval2 = ebox.options[i].text;
    ebox.options[i].value = ebox.options[i+1].value;
    ebox.options[i].text = ebox.options[i+1].text
    ebox.options[i+1].value = tmpval;
    ebox.options[i+1].text = tmpval2;
    function dosubmit() {
    for ( var i = 0; i < document.formtest.list2.length; i++ )
    document.formtest.list2.item(i).selected = true;
    for ( var i = 0; i < document.formtest.service.length; i++ )
    document.formtest.service.item(i).selected = true;
    function addservice(service) {
    var defaultSelected = true;
    var selected = true;
    var input_box = prompt("Enter some text","");
    if(input_box != "")
    var optionName = new Option(input_box,input_box,false,false);
    var length = service.length;
    service.options[length] = optionName;
    alert("Service should not be empty ! Write Something.");
    <form name="formtest" METHOD="POST" onSubmit="dosubmit()">
    <% String sql;
    ResultSet results = conn.executeQuery(sql);
    <TABLE BORDER="1">
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="vcode" SIZE="38">
    <select name="tp">
    <option value="S">Standard</option>
    <option value="A">Aftermarket</option>
    <TD>Vendor Name</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="vname" SIZE="54"></TD>
    <TD>Contact Name</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="cname" SIZE="54"></TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="address" SIZE="54"></TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="POBox" SIZE="54"></TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="city" SIZE="54"></TD>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="province" SIZE="25" onChange="checkStateCode(this)">
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="postal" SIZE="25" onChange="CheckPostal(this)"></TD>
    <TD>Phone Number</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="pnumber" SIZE="54" onChange="checkUSPhone(this)"></TD>
    <TD>Fax Number</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="fnumber" SIZE="54" onChange="checkUSPhone(this)"></TD>
    <TD>Fee Stock/Factory</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="ftock" SIZE="25">
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="ffactory" SIZE="25">
    <TD>Prefered Vendor</TD>
    <TD><input type="radio" value="1" name="choice" Checked>Yes
    <input type="radio" value="2" name="choice">No
    <TD>Line Carried</TD>
    <TD><select multiple size="5" name="list1" >
    <OPTION value = "<%= results.getString("lineid")%>"><%= results.getString("lineid")%></OPTION>
    <input type=button value="Add" onclick = "javascript:addItem(this.form.list1,this.form.list2);"</input>
    <select multiple size="5" name="list2"></select>
    <input type=button value="Delete" onclick = "javascript:remove(this.form.list2);"</input>
    <select multiple size="5" name="service"></select>
    <input type=button value="Add Service" onclick = "addservice(formtest.service);"</input>
    <input type=button value="Delete Service" onclick = "javascript:remove(this.form.service);"</input>
    <P><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Add" onClick="document.formtest.action='addvpdb.jsp';"</input>
    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Cancel" onClick="document.formtest.action='vendormain.jsp';"</input>
    <!-- <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Cancel" onClick= "goback()"</input> -->

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    Is it possible? what would the form and search query look like. any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.
    example: each is a line item for the drop select. then when one is selected it returns the results if records are found.

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  • Autosuggest and select box

    I was wondering how to update a select box with data relevant
    to a selection made on a suggest box, something similar to
    but with a spry suggest box instead of the first select box on the
    I tried the example (two select boxes using two binded data
    sets) with my db and it works; when I select something on the first
    select box, the second one changes dynamically according to the
    selection made.
    I have defined two datasets:
    var ds1 = new
    Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("API/make_entry_list_xml.php","viperdb/entry",{sortOnLoad:"pdb_id",s ortOrderOnLoad:"ascending"});
    var ds2 = new
    Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("API/get_chains_for_entry_id.php?VDB={ds1::pdb_id}","viperdb/entry/c hain_id");
    and defined the suggest and select boxes as:
    <div id="suggest_1">
    <input type='text' id='vdb1'>
    <div id="resultsDIV_1" spry:region="ds1">
    <div spry:repeat="ds1" spry:suggest="{pdb_id}"
    <div class="suggest_list">{pdb_id}</div>
    <span spry:region="ds2" id="subdirSelector">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="ds2" name="subdirSelect">
    <option value="{chain_id}">{chain_id}</option>
    Neither onclick nor onchange functions seem to work; on load
    the second select does fill up with ds2 data (acording to the first
    element of ds1), but when using the suggest box to select something
    different, the selectbox doesn't change accordingly, keeping always
    the same data.
    Am I using the setCurrentRowNumber in the wrong dataset or

    I would say if you were to do somthing like this
    var ds1 = new
    Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("API/make_entry_list_xml.php","viperdb/entry",{sortOnLoad:"pdb_id",s ortOrderOnLoad:"ascending",useCache:false});
    see I added the useCache:false
    This will stop the browser from cacheing your xml, thenjust
    add an onclick to some function like say
    then have update do this
    function update()
    That should cause the browser to update the data set and
    update your elements now the only downside is IE has a bug well
    more like IE being the bug but anyhow you may have to add things to
    your code to get it to work right in IE, I added in some random
    number script in my JS so that it will append on the end of my DS
    each time so IE thinks its a new XML doc. Hope this helps.

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    I have two select boxes, the second one depends on the first one for its values.
    Values corresponding to the selection made in the first select box are available in a text file.
    Can I parse the text file to fill in the values in the second select box through javascript?
    Can any one please help.

    This isn't a javascript forum. Java is not Javascript and Javascript is not Java.
    If you actually meant Java...the answer is "maybe, depending on what you're doing".

  • Product Variation Select Box Issue

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    {tag_attributes} has been changed to {tag_attributes, vertical, true, false} and all out of stock variations have been disabled.
    UPDATE: On CSS style: select, .selectBox - line 504 "style.css" I forced display: inline-block and now you can see the two select boxes upon page load.
    UPDATE: For the incorrect select box that showed all the product variations despite their disabled status -  i was able to force it to display: none !important --- and it solved this issue. I would still like to know why this was happening if anyone has ideas.

    Hi mattkrae34,
    What version of SpryMenubar.js are you using? You can find
    the version on the first line of the file.
    Also, do you have a sample URL we can take a look at?
    --== Kin ==--

  • About Select boxes

    I have two select boxes
    one is State : which contains list of states and the Second is City
    Now basing on the condition of Value in State select box i should retreive the correponding cities of that state from the database and fill the second select box
    can any one help me

    Add an action listener on the state list box. On select handle the event and get the selected value. Fetch your required list and populate the city list box. You may also retain the selected value in the first list box as that will help you highlight the selection while you are refreshing all the data.
    If you get the idea just go and you shall find it all in the link
    Hope this helps

  • Combine two date field into one timestamp field

    Hello all,
    I need help combining two date fields into one timestamp field.
    I have separate Date and Milliseconds fields and want to
    combine to one Timestamp field can some suggest sql???

    This is my data
    01 JAN 1989 12:01:00.001 AM
    this is my insert drag_time is a timestamp field in another schema
    INTO DRAG (drag_time)
    SELECT to_char(drag_time, 'DD MON YYYY HH12:MI:SS')||(drag_second)||to_char(drag_time, ' AM')
    FROM sa.drag;
    This is the error
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required

  • The html select box option is not getting displayed properly in IE11

    The html select box option is not getting displayed properly in IE11
    I have developed a website that has a select box drop down. The select box drop down is getting displayed properly in IE9. But in IE11, if I am selecting any option apart from the first one, the whole select box option is getting moved up in the page.
    In IE11, if option 2 is selected, then the select options is getting moved up. But in IE9, if option 2 is selected, then the select options is getting displayed properly.
    Please let me know the fix so that the select options are displayed in the same manner as in IE9.
    Sorry but I am unable to upload images as this site is throwing some error

    Hi Kevin Shen,
    Thanks for post.
    I tried above code in ie 11(version 11.0.9600.17633).
    But it is not working. If you select option 2, and open select box then it open on the select box.
    It should open below the select box.
    Code for above:-
    Sorry I could not attach screen shot. We have normal select box with three options. If we select option 2, it is showing option list on the select box. It is coming below the select box in ie 10 and other browse like chrome. 
    So what we should do, so that all options will come below the select box?
    Yogesh Toke

  • Passing select boxes as parameter so only using one function

    Hello to all. I"m having trouble with my Javascript. I tried posting this question to some "Javascript" forums and nobody has replied until now I guess they don't know the answer, so I'm hoping that you guys here can answer this kind of question.
    Here was my post
    "Hello. Is there any way that I can pass an actual <select> box as a parameter so I can use only one function in my javascript. Hmm.. here's kind of the situation
    I have two select boxes
    selectbox1 and selectbox2
    and for each select box I have a javascript function
    myfunction1 and myfunction2
    these functions do exactly the same thing
    how can I do it in such a way that it accepts the select box as a parameter and how do I use that parameter when inside the function?"

    You can use the keyword "this" to pass a reference to the <select> box as a parameter to the function.
    In the case of events "this" refers to the object the event is being invoked on - button, selectbox, textfield...
    <script language="javascript">
      function changeCombo(theSelectBox){
        alert('you changed ' +;
        alert("value = " + theSelectBox.value);
    Letter: <select name="s1" onchange="changeCombo(this)">
      <option value="a">a
      <option value="b">b
      <option value="c">c
    Number: <select name="s2" onchange="changeCombo(this)">
      <option value="1">1
      <option value="2">2
      <option value="3">3

  • Right clicking brings up two dialog boxes

    Using Internet Explorer no problem with right clicking on a mailbox entry.
    Using FireFox version 3.63 right clicking my mail item brings up two selection boxes.
    Should only be just one.
    Previous Firefox version like 3.60 was ok.
    See screenshot (or http) for example:
    Thanks, [email protected]
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == with version 3.63

    Today I reinstalled an old FireFox version 3.59 and it corrected the problem.
    Then I set FireFox "Options" to NOT automatically check for updates.
    If you want to see the "double dialogue box problem" with FF version 3.63, I put the screenshot on Photobucket ... this is the link to it:

  • How do I turn selected text in a Pages document into two columns without turning the whole document into two columns?

    How do I turn selected text in a Pages document into two columns without turning the whole document into two columns?

    Menu > Insert > Layout Break (before and after text) > click in text > Inspector > Layout > Layout > columns: 2

  • Putting ResultSet data into select boxes

    I am running a query, and returning the data to a JSP which in turn, places the query data into 3 different select boxes. Each of these three select boxes will contain a different number of values. The query is as follows:
    partQuestionList="SELECT DISTINCT carMake, carModel, partTypeName FROM PARTTYPE, CARSPARTAVAIL";
    Hence, I have three select boxes to display the three types of data. I assume I will need to use a loop of some kind. What is the best way to accomplish this without having code all over the place? Also, what is the best way to make these distinct? Thanks.

    By the is the code I have so far...
         <SELECT name="Model">
              <% for (int x = 0; x<carModel.size(); x++) { %>
              <OPTION><%=carModel.get(x) %></OPTION>
                   <% } %>
    Which will obviously work, but doesnt get rid of the duplicates..

  • How can I turn off Recently Websites when opening new Safari window? After tapping on the two overlapping boxes on the bottom right of Safari, a new blank window appears with Favorites, but now in iOS 8, recently viewed websites are listed.

    How can I turn off Recently Visited Websites when opening new Safari window?
    After tapping on the two overlapping boxes on the bottom right of Safari, a new blank window appears with Favorites, but now in iOS 8, recently viewed websites are listed. How can I turn this function off? I do NOT want my new Safari windows to have history displayed of previous websites I visited. I only want my Favorites (on the top) to be displayed. Please help.
    Thank you for your time, patience, understanding, kindness, and concern.

    Thanks for replying, but that isn't the answer I am looking for.  Also, there is no + sign, UNLESS you do tap the overlapping boxes.
    Let me try to ask my question a little more clearly:
    When I tap the two overlapping boxes on the lower left (the option to Open New Windows), the new Window that appears will show your Bookmarked FAVORITES. But with my new iPhone 6, and the new iOS 8.0.2, when I tap the two boxes to open a New Window, my Bookmark Favorites show (as they always have and should), but below them, there is a dividing line underneath them, and it says Recently Viewed Websites, and has these websites available to tap.
    So my question is, HOW DO I TURN THESE OPTION OFF?
    *UPDATE  (10.13.14): Since I have asked this question, I no longer see these Recently Viewed Websites under my Bookmarked Favorites in my new Window tabs. So I hope that Apple fixed it, or somehow it was a mistake, or somehow I changed an Option on my iPhone 6 that stopped this for reoccurring.
    Thank you for your help bobseufert! I appreciate your concern, kindness, and the time to try to help. I am grateful.
    Have a blessed day.

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    This is frightening... I've been working on a nasty query on a poorly designed data model and checking my work by hitting the Explain Plan button in SQLDeveloper. I was scratching my head over tons of hash joins and such, when all of a sudden I had a

  • -ck kernel problem: fglrx broken

    I just updated my Arch64 system to 0.8 (Voodoo); kernel went from 2.6.18ck to 2.6.19ck, and fglrx(ck) from 8.29 to 8.32. DRI is now broken (before it worked). The real problem is that - I suppose - I can't downgrade fgrlx without downgrading also the